I originally thought that by joining forces, no one would be my opponent in this secret realm, but in the end I encountered a monster like Chen Xuan.

In the end, they could only fall on Lin full of dissatisfaction, and were helpless against Chen Xuan.


In just a few rounds, Chen Xuan completely broke through the Qingyun Sect's attack.

He originally had more than a dozen of the Qingyun Sect's fourth-level mid-level warriors in the divine realm, but now only a few are left.

Chen Xuan took a closer look and found that there were six people left, three of whom were seriously injured, and the other three had probably lost their will to fight.

The few people who were lucky enough to survive looked extremely nervous and stood sluggishly in the illusion array. We don't know whether to run or not.

At the same time, they felt a huge pressure when facing Chen Xuan.

They couldn't even believe that just now, several other people were still alive and well, but they were killed without any movement at all, and they didn't even have the strength to resist.

"This guy is really scary, everyone should retreat quickly."

Wang Luoyan lost his voice, his heart was full of despair, they felt from Chen Xuan's strength that was not in line with his realm.

"Damn, this is bad."

"Everyone, please retreat quickly."

"Why should I provoke such a terrifying monster?"

"Is his cultivation really that strong?"

For a while, many warriors were discussing that they were afraid of Chen Xuan, and they were also afraid that Chen Xuan would attack them again.

Wang Luoyan kept retreating, trying to escape from here.

But all this was seen by Chen Xuan. In the end, he failed and had to escape from here.

"Just die."

Zhang Jianyun directly knocked away the few remaining bodies.


Originally, Chen Xuan's Immortal Dragon Sword Intention directly destroyed the defenses of several people, and also caused them serious injuries. Now, although Zhang Jianyun's cultivation is far inferior to Chen Xuan, his attack also makes them unable to defend themselves at all. .

"It's absolutely impossible, I don't believe it."

Wang Luoyan was completely killed without a chance to escape.

Next, the phantom formation disappeared, and all the warriors in the middle stage of the fourth level of the divine realm lay quietly on the spot.

This can be the strength of all Qingyun Sect's mid-level fourth-level gods. Qingyun Sect is trying its best this time to obtain the legendary secret land of Wang Xian Darao.

But they can only pity them. I'm afraid even he didn't know that they would provoke Chen Xuan. If it were someone else, in this realm, there would really be very few people who would pose a threat to them.

But Chen Xuan is different.

He was once known as the strongest divine realm, the third level.

"These guys are just here to die."

Zhang Jianyun said coldly.

At the same time, Chen Xuan's eyes fell on Fire Bird. He had completely swallowed up the aura around the demon clan's powerful soul, and now his body was covered with a layer of red light. It was obvious that Fire Bird was making a breakthrough. .

However, outside, Chen Xuan directly caused a tremor in Yunzhong City.

As one of the powerful sects in Yunzhong City, Qingyun Sect cannot challenge Longhua Shizong, but its strength is extremely strong among the major sects. As a result, so many people have died now.

On this day, the face of the Qingyun Sect leader suddenly darkened.

All disciples of the Qingyun Sect return to the sect area, and then no warrior from the Qingyun Sect is allowed to leave.

This directly caused a shock in Yunzhong City.

Many warriors are inferring why the Qingyun Sect suddenly changed out of normal. After all, they are bound to win the inheritance that appears nearby this time.

As a result, this action was taken now.

The most important thing is that some powerful sects such as Longhua Shizong are paying close attention to Qingyun Sect.

Although there were fights between them, they also retained some affection for each other.

Several major sects have not completely fallen out with each other, but their relationships are not that good either.

So everyone was just curious, but no one went to help.

In the canyon, the burning aura instantly filled the air.

The eyes of many warriors are on Fire Bird. Chen Xuan's type is very clear. He has absorbed a lot of power now and is still in the most critical period of breakthrough.

The dragon fire bird is a very strange phantom beast.

Among the second level, it is basically very rare, and it still has the blood of ancient monsters.

Regarding the second level, there are actually a lot of ferocious beasts passed down from ancient times, but the Dragon Fire God Bird is not the second level after all.

Therefore, it is still rare to see the second-level Dragon Fire God Bird in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, and you can hardly see one.

After absorbing the powerful soul of the demon clan this time, Firebird's body underwent major changes.


In the eyes of many warriors, the aura near Firebird's body suddenly increased several times.


Waves of terrible sounds kept ringing. The ferocious fiery red aura was released. Behind the fire bird, the phantom of a huge dragon fire bird formed.

Seeing this phantom, Chen Xuan was also quite shocked.

This is the spirit of the phantom beast.

When he first cultivated the demon soul, he had also explored this kind of power, and his own soul could also exert the same power.

However, this phantom of the dragon fire bird is no different from before.

But if Chen Xuan observes very carefully, he will find that the phantom body of the Dragon Fire Bird contains extremely ferocious power.

"This power is so strong." Chen Xuan whispered, looking at the firebird calmly. Chen Xuan could clearly feel that his phantom beast spirit seemed to be much stronger than before. "Did the phantom beast spirit get a breakthrough?" Chen Xuan knew very well how strong the phantom beast spirit of the firebird was. Even some monsters that were much stronger than the firebird could not resist the attack of his phantom beast spirit. In short, this was actually a kind of monster soul. In the second level, the firebird was able to defeat its opponents many times because of the phantom beast spirit, thus escaping danger. In addition, Chen Xuan knew very well how powerful the firebird was before. This kind of monster, called a phantom beast, itself has a very ancient bloodline. The power of the Altman body is also very, very strong. However, in addition to the phantom beast spirit, there is also the Dragon Fire Phantom Art, and many other skills. Among the many monsters, each phantom beast spirit of the firebird is stronger than other monsters. Chen Xuan had to admire this. Suddenly, the phantom of the huge Dragon Fire Bird suddenly floated in the air, and the ferocious and powerful aura instantly enveloped many warriors. This power even made Chen Xuan feel suppressed.

"It's bad."

The Blood Dragon Bird cried out secretly, and several of them attacked together and defended the attack of the phantom of the Dragon Fire Bird with difficulty.

"Firebird, what happened?" Chen Xuan whispered.

He didn't know about the cultivation of monsters. The Firebird's body had changed now, and Chen Xuan knew nothing about it.

At this moment, the Blood Dragon Bird yelled, with a little anxiety on his face. "This is bad, I'm afraid it's because the power he absorbed is too strong and it's difficult to suppress this power."

"I wonder if the Firebird can succeed?"

After hearing the voices of several monsters next to him, Chen Xuan also silently cheered for the Firebird in his heart.

Not long after, the strong breath in the breath disappeared, the phantom of the Dragon Fire Bird disappeared, and the ferocious fiery red breath entered the body of the Fire Bird.

"How is it? Is the power of my phantom beast spirit very powerful?" The face of the Fire Bird was full of a faint smile.

I am afraid that only the flowers and birds know the harvest this time.

Although it has not yet broken through to the fourth middle stage of the God Realm, with the help of this phantom beast spirit, the Fire Bird believes that it can fight against the fourth middle stage of the God Realm.

"Fire Bird, what happened to you just now? Has this power been suppressed by you?"

After hearing this, the Blood Dragon Bird was puzzled.

He thought that the Fire Bird had some accidents and could not control its own power, but he did not expect that the power of the Fire Bird recovered so quickly.

The firebird chuckled: "Just now I almost couldn't bear this kind of power, but you guys underestimated me."

"But come on, I still gained a lot this time."

"You guys, the breath you just burst out almost made us unable to support it."

"But in the end, didn't you still defend him?" The firebird laughed.

After hearing this, the other guys nodded.

"Didn't your other fantasy beast spirits break through?"

Chen Xuan was also curious whether the other fantasy beast spirits had broken through.

After hearing this, the blood dragon bird and others also began to observe the firebird.

He shook his head slightly and then slowly said: "This strong man has been killed for too long, and the power in his soul has disappeared. If I can continue to absorb it, my other fantasy beast spirits will definitely break through."

"Firebird, you are really strong and powerful."

The blood dragon bird praised the firebird, and Zhang Jianyun laughed immediately.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, and then since the firebird had broken through, he could seriously look for the inheritance of Wang Xian Da Rao.

Then, the firebird spoke.

"I got a little information about the inheritance of Wang Xian Da Rao from the power of this powerful demon." After hearing this, Chen Xuan hurriedly said, "Is it true? Where is it?" The firebird nodded, and then said, "The place where Wang Xian Da Rao's inheritance is hidden is very hidden." After the voice fell, the firebird took a step forward and took Chen Xuan to the inside of the canyon quickly. Half an hour later, they came to a strange secret room. "Master Chen Xuan, what did you find?" The firebird asked. Chen Xuan felt helpless. The atmosphere here was very calm, and there was no burning spiritual energy in the atmosphere. At this moment, Chen Xuan and the others also saw that there seemed to be a secret room in front of them, with an altar inside. In this altar, a flame was burning desperately. According to the principle, there must be an inheritance here. At present, this true energy seems to be very ordinary. Chen Xuan's consciousness enveloped the entire sea of ​​fire and did not find any strangeness at all, which made Chen Xuan feel a little different. "I'm sure that the magic weapon inherited by Wang Xianda Rao is here, and it will never appear anywhere else." Firebird said.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan was also a little surprised.

Lord Wang Xian is just a warrior in the fourth level of the Divine Lord Realm. Even if his cultivation is stronger than that of the same realm, the aura in this inheritance cannot be concealed from him. After all, Chen Xuan's true cultivation is probably higher than his.

"Lord Chen Xuan, a piece of information suddenly appeared in my memory just now." Firebird said suddenly.

"What's the matter? Is it recorded in the inheritance you received before?" Chen Xuan asked.

Fire Bird said: "That's right, Wang Xian has a demon pet in the Great Que Nian. This demon pet is actually a second-level empty-blooded demon dragon from the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent."

"The Void-Blooded Demonic Dragon possesses a very terrifying phantom beast spirit, which can enhance its own power and increase its speed."

Fire Bird pointed at the true energy in front of him and said: "Before the empty blood demon dragon was killed, he poured all his power into this sea of ​​fire. There should be his legend in it."

"Oh... So that's it. No wonder I can't feel any strange aura."

After hearing this, Chen Xuan was secretly relieved.

At the same time, Chen Xuan wanted to try if he could find the empty-blood demon dragon with his secret method of time and space.

In an instant, a ferocious divine sword aura was released.

Following Chen Xuan's soft drink, invisible auras appeared in front of her. The terrifying power instantly formed a huge tearing space in the sea of ​​fire.

"Break it for me!"

Chen Xuan shouted softly again, and the secret method of time and space was operating to the extreme. He even vaguely saw the empty-blood demon dragon.

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