"For now, we can only persist. Elder Long Yi will definitely be able to find a way." Elder Song Qiu said solemnly.

Hearing this, Elder Fang Qing's expression was gloomy, and he killed the attacking ray of light with one sword.

"The dragon will definitely kill them all when I get out." Elder Fang Qing said in a cold voice.

At the same time, all the powerful men joined forces and the attack was still very fierce.

Outside, Song Xuewen controlled the magic formation with all his heart.

"Hahaha, after a while, you will completely turn into corpses."

Song Xuewen seemed to have seen how the Immortal Dragon Master Sect was occupied by him.

The warriors of the Blood Lord Immortal Sect are all very strong, and they will have no problem competing with the powerful ones of the Immortal Dragon Lord Sect.

On this day, the warriors from Luo Jian Sect arrived.

Not long after, several powerful men from the Wuji Sword Sect also arrived.

As time went by, almost all the most powerful people from the entire Immortal Dragon Sect gathered here.

The eyes of the entire Immortal Dragon Master Sect and many warriors have gathered here.

Within the Shixian Sect, Dugu Lun and others also joined the battle determinedly.

"For the Immortal Dragon Master Sect."

In an instant, the sound of cracking resounded throughout the entire Immortal Dragon Sect.

However, the Blood Lord Immortal Sect also suffered heavy losses. The most important thing was that almost all of the outer disciples of the Blood Lord Immortal Sect died.

In the blink of an eye, several days passed.

The aura within the magic array became even more suppressed.

Cabinet area.

Chen Xuan and Song Longhua studied the Immortal Dragon Main Formation together.

This array goes beyond the ordinary fourth-level immortal array. Even if a formation expert like Song Longhua wanted to completely master it, he would not be able to master it in a short time.

A few days later, Song Longhua suddenly released a terrifying spiritual energy.

At this time, Chen Xuan also released a terrifying spiritual energy and stopped his enlightenment.

"How is it?" Chen Xuan asked hurriedly.

"It should be able to be deployed." Song Longhua said solemnly.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan was extremely happy.

At this time, Elder Long Yi from the cabinet area appeared.

After he learned about Song Longhua's situation, he gave a Nai Ring to Song Longhua, and then said: "All the spiritual materials for setting up the main formation of the Immortal Dragon are here. We are on our way there now."

After the words fell, Chen Xuan and the others went directly to the Blood Immortal battlefield.

Fortunately, the blood fairy battlefield is far away from the Immortal Dragon Sect, otherwise, it would definitely affect the disciples of the Immortal Dragon Sect.

Even so, the disciples of the Immortal Dragon Master Sect felt extremely depressed.


Three quarters of an hour later, Elder Long Yi, Song Longhua and Chen Xuan from the cabinet area arrived above the Blood Immortal battlefield.

"Oops, Chen Xuan and the others can't hold on any longer."

Elder Long Yi in the cabinet area suddenly said in a deep voice: "Song Longhua, come and set up the magic circle."

The next moment, Elder Long Yi from the cabinet area appeared, and the warriors fighting on the Blood Immortal battlefield instantly became crazy.

"Elder Long Yi is here, the Blood Lord Immortal Sect is dead."

"Kill them all."

Many powerful men in the late fifth level of the divine realm roared. After persisting for a few times, Elder Long Yi from the cabinet area finally appeared.

In an instant, Elder Long Yi arrived in front of the magic array.

"Are you Elder Long Yi from the cabinet area?"

Song Xuewen controlled the formation while looking at Elder Long Yi in the cabinet area.

"The Immortal Dragon Master Sect is a disciple of my Immortal Dragon Master Sect. Your Blood Lord Immortal Sect is too arrogant."

Soon, Elder Neilongyi took action. He held the sword tightly in his hand and suddenly struck out with the sword.

Seeing the purpose of Elder Long Yi in the cabinet area, Song Xuewen sneered and then struck out with his sword.


The two long swords collided together instantly, making a cracking sound.

Elder Long Yi in the cabinet area could not withstand the force and could only take a few steps back.

However, at this time, Song Xuewen's face was extremely excited.

"Are you that strong?"

Song Xuewen's eyes were constantly observing Elder Long Yi in the cabinet area.

In just a short moment, he discovered something unusual.


Song Xuewen laughed ferociously: "Your realm has been lost."

The one who was originally most worried was Elder Long Yi in the cabinet area of ​​the fifth level of the divine realm, but now it seems that there is no need to worry at all.

Elder Longyi in the cabinet area was attacked by inner demons and lost his realm.

As long as they are not at the fifth level of the divine realm, Song Xuewen is not afraid of other warriors.

"The disciples of your Immortal Dragon Master Sect will be completely wiped out."

Song Xuewen laughed ferociously, and at this moment, the powerful men who were fighting desperately in the magic formation looked at each other.

When Elder Fang Qing heard this, he immediately said: "Fight."

After hearing this, several other top experts nodded suddenly, and then launched the most powerful attacks.

For a moment, the magic array was shaking.

"End the battle quickly, don't waste time."

Song Xuewen thought to himself.

Song Xuewen roared, and a crimson sword appeared in his hand, and then he fought with Elder Long Yi in the cabinet area.

Song Xuewen's strength is very strong. Although he is still at the early stage of the fifth level of the divine realm, his overall cultivation level is instantly close to that of a strong person in the late fifth level of the divine realm.

He quickly completely suppressed the elder Long Yi in the cabinet area.

However, after all, the elder Long Yi in the cabinet area was also a powerful person in the late fifth level of the divine realm.

For a time, the battle between Elder Long Yi and Song Xuewen in the cabinet area was tied.

"Damn, what the hell is going on..."

Song Xuewen cursed secretly.

He couldn't defeat a guy who was in the early stage of the fifth level of the divine realm.

In the air at this time, Song Longhua was setting up the main formation of the Immortal Dragon.


The fierce formation aura filled the surroundings.

Immediately afterwards, the extremely strong power of the Immortal Law was released near his body.

Tao law.

Seeing this situation, Song Longhua Spiritual God moved slightly and took out a large amount of spiritual materials from the ring.

The power of Taoism surged and absorbed these spiritual materials instantly.

In just a short while, the spiritual material was absorbed into the power of the law of drying.

Immediately afterwards, the formula for the main formation of the Immortal Dragon appeared in Song Longhua's mind, and he began to condense the core of the formation base.

The crackling sound came from the power of the Immortal Yuan Law.


Song Longhua roared, and suddenly the power of the mysterious Tao Law began to gather quickly.

In just a short while, it condensed into the core of the formation base.

The core of the formation base was filled with the power of the mysterious Immortal Law, and a fierce spiritual energy burst out instantly, which was very terrifying.

"He succeeded?"

Chen Xuan, who was nearby, saw a surprise on his face.

The Immortal Dragon main formation needs to condense twelve different formation cores.

At present, the core of the first array base has finally been successfully condensed.

When Song Longhua saw it, his face was extremely surprised, and then he continued to condense the second formation core.

Song Longhua himself possesses the power of twelve immortal principles, so the first few formation cores do not need the help of other warriors.

Half an hour later, the core of the second formation base was also condensed and completed.

This is the condensed power of the Law of Fire.

When the twelfth formation base was condensed and consumed, Song Longhua's eyes suddenly fell on Chen Xuan.

"Release your Immortal Law." Song Longhua said solemnly.

Upon hearing this, Chen Xuan directly activated the Fire Law.

In an instant, the fierce Suzaku fire surrounded him. Under Chen Xuan's control, the law of fire came in front of Song Longhua.

Only a bang was heard! !

Before the magic formation, Song Xuewen, who was fighting Elder Long Yi in the cabinet area, felt the pressure in the air.

He suddenly raised his eyes and suddenly discovered several formation cores.

"That's weird, what is it? The main formation of the Immortal Dragon?"

Song Xuewen's expression became very gloomy.

"Destroy the core of the formation base for me."

Song Xuewen roared, no warrior knew the power of the Immortal Dragon main formation better than Song Xuewen.

He also didn't expect that the Immortal Dragon Master Sect would have such a strong formation expert.

If the main formation of the Immortal Dragon is really deployed, even a strong person in the late fifth level of the Divine Realm will be extremely worried, let alone Song Xuewen.

In the following time, Song Xuewen went crazy, and his attacks became more and more terrifying. Elder Long Yi in the cabinet area gradually fell at a disadvantage.

Elder Long Yi defended against Song Xuewen's attack.

In the magic formation, due to Song Xuewen's lack of time to control the magic formation, coupled with the desperate attacks of the powerful men, some cracks finally appeared in the magic formation.


There were cracks in the magic array. Seeing this situation, the powerful men were very excited.


A warrior roared and instantly joined forces with several others to launch the final attack.

At this time, all the warriors from the Blood Lord Immortal Sect began to attack several major formation cores.

"Protect the core of the formation base."

Elder Long Yi in the cabinet area also issued an order.

If the core of the formation base is destroyed, the disciples of the Immortal Dragon Master Sect will be in danger.

Since the Blood Lord Immortal Sect acted first, the terrifying attack killed the disciples of the Immortal Dragon Lord Sect instantly before they could react.

The basic core of the Dao Formation was directly attacked by the Blood Lord Immortal Sect.


The core of the formation base hit by the Blood Lord Immortal Sect made a clicking sound, and a crack spread.

"This is impossible."

Song Longhua roared, and he was currently using the flame law released by Chen Xuan to condense the twelfth formation core.

"Come together and kill!"

Several strong men from the Wuji Sword Sect rushed over first and defended against the next attack from the Blood Lord Immortal Sect. Then Fang Yanyun and others also rushed over.

As for Zhao Ci and others, they also came to protect the core of his formation base.

While protecting the core of the formation base, attack the Blood Lord Immortal Sect.

"Attack together."

On the Blood Lord Immortal Sect side, all the Blood Lord Immortal Sect warriors attacked one of the formation cores at the same time.


The cracks on the core of the Dao Formation's foundation became more numerous.

"Defense." Fang Yanyun roared and rushed out instantly with the fourth-level immortal weapon.

On the side, Song Longhua was extremely anxious.

Watching helplessly, the core of the Fire Dao Formation is about to condense, and the core of the Dao Formation is about to shatter. If it is completely shattered and deployed again, it will take too much power.


In the hearts of Chen Xuan and Song Longhua's union, the core of the Fire Dao Formation was finally successfully condensed.

"Chen Xuan, wait for me here." Song Longhua finished and instantly arrived next to the core of the next formation base.

Then, he closed his eyes, chanted the mantra gently, and began to defend the core of the Tao Formation.

After defending for a moment, Song Longhua put down the stone in his heart.

After the core of the defense formation was destroyed, Song Longhua asked Fang Yanyun to defend here together with several strong men from the Wuji Sword Sect.

In an instant, the magic array suddenly shattered.

Twelve strong men whose whole bodies were filled with soul fire appeared in front of many warriors.

"Come together and kill!"

The soul fire near Chen Xuan disappeared, and he instantly began to kill the Blood Lord Immortal Sect.

However, he was blocked by Elder Long Yi in the cabinet area.

"You go and protect the core of the formation base."

After hearing this, Chen Xuan and others looked at each other, and then came to the core of the formation base.

The core of the second formation was defended by Zhao Ci and several people. Although the two had hatred before, it was now the time for the sect's survival.

As for the eleventh formation core, Elder Fang Qing personally defended it.

At this moment, Song Longhua was laying the fifth formation core.

The core of this formation base relies on the power of one of the top few strong men in the cabinet area.

The strong power of the Immortal Law was released, and half an hour later the fifth formation core condensed out.

"I will defend you." Chen Xuan said solemnly.

A terrifying aura enveloped the core of the formation base, and then Chen Xuan flew directly over the inner core of the formation base.

Elder Song Qiu came to defend the fifth formation core.

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