The core of the seventh formation base is defended by Elder Qing.

When the seven formation cores were formed, Song Xuewen's expression finally turned completely gloomy.

"Leave quickly."

The Blood Lord Immortal Sect, which was currently fighting, quickly left here.

Half an hour later, the disciples retreated from the magic array.

The aura near Song Xuewen was powerful. He looked at the cores of the seven formation bases and quickly thought about how to deal with them.

"The disciples of the Immortal Dragon Master Sect have the upper hand. If the battle continues like this, there will be absolutely no way to defend against their Immortal Dragon Master Formation." Song Xuewen thought to himself.

His eyes suddenly fell on Song Longhua.

If Song Longhua could be killed, the disciples of the Immortal Dragon Sect would not be in any danger.

However, Elder Long Yi in the cabinet area seemed to know Song Xuewen's thoughts and stood in front of Song Longhua.

At this time, many powerful men from the Immortal Dragon Master Sect were protecting the surroundings of the formation base.

Under the protection of Elder Longyi in the cabinet area, he is regaining his strength.

At the same time, the disciples of the Immortal Dragon Master Sect and the Blood Lord Immortal Sect briefly stopped fighting.

"Song Xuewen, Chen Xuan, what are we doing?" A warrior asked in a low voice.

"The Immortal Dragon Master Sect is far more powerful than us."

"Yes, we must find a way to destroy the core of the formation base as soon as possible."

The Blood Lord Immortal Sect also seems to be thinking of ways.

In the blink of an eye, Song Xuewen had already thought of a way. He floated in the air and looked at Elder Long Yi in the cabinet area.

"The disciples of the Immortal Dragon Master Sect have no chance to set up the Immortal Dragon Master Formation." Song Xuewen said in a deep voice.

"It's simply too funny. Your Blood Lord Immortal Sect can't defend itself against the attacks of our Immortal Dragon Lord Sect's disciples." Elder Long Yi from the cabinet area sneered.

"Haha, since you are unwilling to surrender, just wait to die."

As soon as Song Xuewen finished speaking, a ferocious and powerful aura was suddenly released from his long sword.

Song Xuewen was summoning an ancient powerful person from the Blood Lord Immortal Sect to appear. Naturally, the disciples of the Immortal Dragon Lord Sect would not care about it.

Many strong men, led by Elder Long Yi in the cabinet area, attacked Song Xuewen.

In an instant, Song Xuewen used his overwhelming strength to fight fiercely with many powerful men from the Immortal Dragon Master Sect.

At this time, a strong man from the Blood Lord Immortal Sect began to continuously attack one of the formation cores.


The terrifying attack killed him instantly.

Fang Yanyun received a strong impact. His own strength was not strong enough, so an elder from the Blood Lord Immortal Sect targeted Fang Yanyun.

In an instant, Fang Yanyun's body was directly knocked away.

Fortunately, there were two fourth-level immortal weapons protecting his body, otherwise, Fang Yanyun would definitely die here.


Without Fang Yanyun's protection, this formation core was violently attacked by an elder from the Blood Lord Immortal Sect.

"Block this damn guy."

Elder Long Yi in the cabinet area roared, and the warriors in front of other formation bases came over one after another.

However, it was already too late.


The sound of cracking was heard, and the core of the formation disappeared instantly, and the fierce power of the Immortal Law filled the surroundings.


Despair emerged in their hearts.

"Protect other formation cores."

Elder Long Yi from the cabinet area yelled.

In an instant, many warriors returned to defend near the core of his formation.

At this time, Song Xuewen also burst out with mysterious power, repelling many warriors.

The originally shattered magic formation, under the control of Song Xuewen, once again filled the surrounding area.

All the Blood Lord Immortal Sects entered the magic formation, while Song Xuewen floated in the sky and looked coldly at the disciples of the Immortal Dragon Lord Sect.

"With the core of the formation foundation shattered, your disciples of the Immortal Dragon Master Sect can still run away?" Song Xuewen said sarcastically.

"Don't be anxious. The most important thing at the moment is to protect Song Longhua and let Song Longhua condense the core of the formation base again." Elder Long Yi from the cabinet area whispered.

When Fang Yanyun was supported, several strong men from the Wuji Sword Sect also tried their best to defend, but they had no chance of winning.

The core of the first formation base suddenly shattered, and the power of Tao spread.

Seeing this situation, all the disciples of the Immortal Dragon Master Sect showed doubts and were full of dissatisfaction.

At this time, Song Longhua slowly stood up from the ground, came to the core of the first broken formation base, and began to condense again.

The disciples of the Immortal Dragon Master Sect were all observing the Blood Lord Immortal Sect coldly.

Time is proceeding slowly, and the core of the Tao Formation is being used again.

The battle began, and all the disciples of the Immortal Dragon Master Sect rushed into the Blood Lord Immortal Sect area.

The battle was very fierce, and soon the disciples of the Immortal Dragon Master Sect were killed.

Most of those killed were warriors around the fourth level of the divine realm.

The disciples of the Immortal Dragon Master Sect, who were originally in despair, fought desperately to defend themselves against the Blood Lord Immortal Sect's attack.

At this time, in Shixian Sect, Li Qiuyu had finished her retreat.

A smile appeared on Li Qiuyu's face. After this period of practice, the Divine Lie Immortal Technique was finally completed.

Although he has not practiced to the extreme, it can almost improve his strength a lot.

"What's going on? There are so few people in Shixian Sect?"

Li Qiuyu was a little confused, but soon he realized that the Blood Lord Immortal Sect had launched an attack.

Li Qiuyu knew very little about the Blood Lord Immortal Sect.

No one thought that this sect that had been the least able to deal with the Immortal Dragon Sect would actually make a comeback after millions of years.

"Oh no."

Li Qiuyu's face darkened instantly and he left quickly.

On the battlefield, after defending the first formation core, many powerful men from the Immortal Dragon Master Sect defended it together.

However, this time Song Xuewen's eyes suddenly fell on Chen Xuan.

Song Xuewen sent a message to an elder of the Blood Lord Immortal Sect, asking him to attack the core of the formation where Chen Xuan was.

In front of the core of the fire formation formation, Chen Xuan stood silently, and the vicinity was filled with strong Suzaku fire.

"Attack Chen Xuan's formation core."

Suddenly, a Blood Lord Immortal Sect roared loudly, and all the Blood Lord Immortal Sect warriors suddenly launched fierce attacks. These attacks gathered in the air, and then directly attacked Chen Xuan.

"Too bad, Chen Xuan."

"Damn it."

Chen Xuan wanted to take action, but had no choice.

Elder Long Yi in the cabinet area wanted to rescue, but was blocked by Song Xuewen.

The eyes of many warriors fell on Chen Xuan.

Feeling the terrifying power coming, Chen Xuan's expression was extremely solemn.

The next moment, the Black Dragon Ring appeared in front of him.

"Lord Chen Xuan."

The phantom beast spirit of the dragon fire bird was displayed instantly.

The spirit of the third phantom beast, Fire Thorn

A terrifying torn space appeared near the Firebird, which quickly defended itself against the menacing attack.

However, Chen Xuan instantly activated the Xuanlong Ring.

The mysterious aura pierced the sky, tore apart the sky, and instantly brought these forces together.

"Come together and kill!"

Chen Xuan roared and began to activate the Xuanlong Ring continuously, and terrifying auras continued to erupt.

"That's weird, what is it?"

Many warriors exclaimed in surprise that Chen Xuan was able to burst out with such ferocious power.

For a moment, even an elder of the Blood Lord Immortal Sect was shocked.

"Master Chen Xuan, you will implicate the true soul." Shangguan said anxiously.

In the current situation, no matter what, Chen Xuan must protect the core of this formation.

There was a feeling of extreme pain in the true soul.

"Chen Xuan, stop." Shangguan shouted anxiously.

But boom!

At this time, Suzaku's soul quickly condensed.

Wave after wave of Suzaku power appeared, instantly gathering the true soul.

Seeing that Chen Xuan could no longer hold on, an elder from the Blood Lord Immortal Sect roared and started to kill Chen Xuan one after another.

In a short moment, they were close to Chen Xuan.

As long as he is attacked by an elder from the Blood Lord Immortal Sect, Chen Xuan will definitely die here.

"Chen Xuan, you can't take such risks." Shangguan said in a hurry.

Everything is for the disciples of the Immortal Dragon Master Sect. Chen Xuan knows that although the Shixian Sect was founded not long ago, now is the time for him to prove himself.

At this moment, the spiritual god moved slightly, and the fire of Suzaku poured into Xuanlong Jiezheng.

"Go to hell!"

Just when Chen Xuan was desperate, an extremely chilling voice came from the air.

As soon as this voice fell, the terrifying sword energy instantly filled the entire air.

In the sword energy, streaks of divine fire appeared. These divine fires, with lightning speed, quickly killed an elder and strong man from the Blood Lord Immortal Sect who was close to Chen Xuan.

Boom! !

Some Blood Lord Immortal Sect warriors who were relatively close to Chen Xuan were caught off guard and their bodies were instantly broken.

This sudden change made all the warriors of the Blood Lord Immortal Sect take a few steps back.

Seeing this situation, Elder Qing's pupils showed surprise.

"The Divine Immortal Technique? Okay...there is actually a lost Divine Immortal Technique!"

In an instant, Li Qiuyu appeared out of thin air.

"None of you can leave here alive."

The divine magic was cast, and powerful power suddenly exploded.

The strength that Li Qiuyu displayed was shocking.

"Okay, now Qiu Yu has become the strongest person in Shixian Sect." Chen Xuan said with a bitter smile.

Seeing Chen Xuan injured, Li Qiuyu was very angry.

In anger, Li Qiuyu cast the divine magic.

Blood Lord Immortal Sect warriors who are below the mid-level fourth level of the Divine Realm have no way to defend themselves against its attacks.

Boom! !

One after another, the warriors of the Blood Lord Immortal Sect were broken by the divine fire.

Seeing Li Qiuyu appear, Chen Xuan immediately put away the Black Dragon Ring.

Fortunately, he did not use all his strength, otherwise, Chen Xuan would also be in danger.

"Chen Xuan, you must recover from your injuries as soon as possible." Shangguan lowered his voice.

Chen Xuan nodded, and then a smile appeared on his face.

Half an hour later, the Blood Lord Immortal Sect retreated to the magic formation.

"who are you?"

The battle between Song Xuewen and Elder Long Yi in the cabinet area suddenly stopped. He looked at Li Qiuyu and whispered.

However, Li Qiuyu just glanced at Song Xuewen and walked to Chen Xuan's side.

"How is it?" Li Qiuyu asked worriedly.

"I don't have any problem." Chen Xuan smiled hard and said,

"To activate beyond one's own strength has already affected the true soul." Li Qiuyu said: "But don't worry, brother Chen Xuan, I will help you with this grudge."

Hearing this, the disciples of the Immortal Dragon Master Sect looked at each other.

"Qiu Yu." Elder Qing said with a smile, "You come to defend the first formation core."

Li Qiuyu glanced at Song Xuewen and came to the core of the drying array.

Fang Yanyun and several powerful men from the Wuji Sword Sect came to the core of the Fire Dao Formation to help Chen Xuan defend together.

The disciples of the Immortal Dragon Master Sect all had extremely gloomy expressions on their faces.

Li Qiuyu defended the basic core of the first formation, while Chen Xuan, Fang Yanyun, and several strong men from the Wuji Sword Sect joined forces to defend the basic core of the fifth formation, and their defense power also increased rapidly.

Currently, Elder Long Yi from the cabinet area is blocking Song Xuewen, and he can't take action.

We can only order an elder from the Blood Lord Immortal Sect to destroy the core of the formation base as much as possible.

Under the protection of many warriors, Song Longhua began to lay out the eleventh formation core.

Half an hour later, the eleventh formation core was laid.

Immediately afterwards, the twelfth formation base core began to be laid.

"We can't let them finish it, otherwise, it will be over."

There was a blush in Song Xuewen's pupils.

He glanced at the elder Long Yi who was blocking him in front of him, and his heart sank, and then the nearby aura instantly filled the air.

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