"Brother Chen Xuan, I just saw the skills you performed. Although your cultivation is indeed quite strong, I think you still have a problem."

After hearing his words, Chen Xuan showed a slightly confused expression.

"anymore question?"

"Although your spiritual sword is quite powerful, at our second level, a weapon of this level is still not good." After Xuanyuan Ke saw Chen Xuan's prairie fire sword, he said with a smile on his face: "Don't blame me for being ugly. This is simply rubbish."

"Even if you give it to me, I won't be able to use it. The most important thing is that no warrior knows how to use it. But then again, why would you use such a crude weapon. Could it be that you entered the second level from the second level? "

Xuanyuan Ke was very curious because he saw that the spiritual sword Chen Xuan used just now was too rubbish on the second level. The most important thing was that there were many seventh-level immortal weapons on the second level. , so he usually sees a lot of them.

Chen Xuan's face was full of black lines, and he didn't expect that the other party's words would be so direct.

The spiritual sword in Chen Xuan's hand was originally made by him himself, although Chen Xuan now has no way to support his own use of the weapon.

So much so that the prairie fire sword in his hand is far inferior to even the lowest level seventh-level immortal weapon. However, in the eyes of the opponent, he uses this simple weapon as a spiritual sword.

In fact, it was only when Chen Xuan came to the second level that he realized that although the so-called second level immortal weapons are very powerful, they are simply not calibrated when they come to such a place where powerful people are born in large numbers.

At the second level, the power of the true energy itself is very profound, so the cultivation of many warriors here is very powerful, even surpassing the world where Chen Xuan originally lived.

The most important thing is that Chen Xuan's prairie fire sword can only be regarded as a fourth-level immortal weapon. It is still far away from the seventh-level immortal weapon. It may not be that easy to upgrade it to a seventh-level immortal weapon.

There are many seventh-level immortal weapons on the second level. If compared with Chen Xuan's spiritual sword, his prairie fire sword would not be able to catch his eye at all.

"Hehehe, I haven't found a suitable spiritual sword yet, and this is the weapon I have been using since I first came to the Black Rock World." Chen Xuan said slowly.

After hearing his words, Xuanyuan Ke nodded, and then said: "Brother Chen Xuan, don't blame me for my harsh words. This canyon is quite dangerous. When you leave the canyon, go to my Immortal Pattern Sect. I know a person, He is also my sworn elder brother. When the time comes, I will find someone to help you, and I will help you upgrade the spirit sword level for free without charging you any fees."

"Since you have said so, I would like to thank Brother Xuanyuan Ke." Chen Xuan said helplessly.

Chen Xuan couldn't help but, he was indeed right.

Indeed, the influence of spiritual swords on warriors is very huge.

And it can affect their strength and strength. If you use a very high-level weapon, even if your cultivation level is not as good as the opponent's, it can explode and the power it produces will be very powerful.

However, Chen Xuan had to lament that although it was not the strongest at the second level, it was definitely not a very weak fourth-level immortal weapon. When he reached the second level, Chen Xuan discovered that the weapons he used were not even as good as garbage.

Chen Xuan also lamented that the second level was worthy of being a place beyond the second level.

Although there is a third level above the level, Chen Xuan also knows that the strength in his heart is still far out of reach.

During the time with Xuanyuan Ke, they did not encounter any terrible monsters, nor did they encounter any danger.

However, when Chen Xuan and others arrived at the core of the canyon, Chen Xuan's expression suddenly changed.

I originally thought that nothing would go wrong along the way, but who would have thought that I would encounter something strange here.

The scene in front of them made Chen Xuan and Xuanyuan Ke's expressions change slightly.

They looked at the many bones in front of them, lying on the ground in various directions, and they all suffered serious injuries.

The most important thing is that their death conditions are almost the same as those killed by the Demon Sect warriors that Chen Xuan encountered before. The scene in front of him can simply be described as horrific.

"What happened to this place before?"

Xuanyuan Ke was a little confused. It was the first time for him to encounter such a thing. Then he walked to these remains and began to observe carefully nearby.

After observation, Xuanyuan Ke found that every skeleton seemed to have absorbed essence, and the injuries on the body seemed to have been caused by a very sharp weapon.

"If my guess is correct, they were all killed by humans and it should not be the work of the demon clan." Xuanyuan Ke said.

Chen Xuan nodded. He also noticed that these people were killed. It was definitely not the work of the demon clan.

After all, most of the people living in this canyon are ferocious beasts with ancient bloodlines.

They will not devour their true souls.

Obviously, these dead warriors no longer have any soul breath in their bodies, and their true souls have disappeared.

"Although I don't know how they died, I guess they were killed by some ferocious beasts with ancient bloodlines? But this is a bit unlikely. If the monsters attacked them, they probably wouldn't kill them. Let their souls be destroyed as well.”

After hearing his words, Chen Xuan secretly deduced that if the warrior killed all these people, the other party's method would indeed exceed Chen Xuan's expectations.

There were blood holes all over their bodies, as if they had been brutally abused before. It had to be that this murderer was too cruel.

Xuanyuan Ke was thinking at this moment, but Chen Xuan saw an unexpected scene at random.

Among the dead warriors here was something that was no different from the book he had obtained before that exuded a dark red aura.

After seeing this thing, Chen Xuan showed doubts.

It was a book, but the outer cover was so tattered that Chen Xuan could hardly see the words written on the outside.

At this moment, he quickly came to the front of the warrior, squatted down, grabbed one of his arms, and dragged the warrior's body aside. Then Chen Xuan took away the book that exuded a dark red aura. stand up.

"The smell of this book is no different from what I got before."

Chen Xuan's face showed surprise. The power contained in this book that exuded a dark red aura was almost the same as the one he got before.

I'm afraid the only difference is the words on the cover.

"Could it be that this is the Ten Thousand-Character Dragon Book? But it shouldn't be possible. Is there really any heritage treasure land recorded in it?" Chen Xuan looked at the red book in his hand and was racking his brains at this time.

"Brother Chen Xuan, why are you reading this book in your hand? What did you find? Did you find something?" Seeing this, Xuanyuan Ke came over and asked curiously about Chen Xuan's discovery. road.

Chen Xuan glanced at Xuanyuan Ke. After this period of getting along, the two of them had established a deep friendship, so Chen Xuan did not hide anything from the other party, but revealed all the information he knew.

"What are you doing? You can't. There is such a thing."

"It seems that you have indeed discovered an amazing piece of information."

"Yes, I was chased by those people before because of this kind of book. There seems to be a very weird power in it that can prevent my soul from penetrating. But I still haven't figured out what is written in this book. ? But after I opened it, there seemed to be many lines carved inside. ”

"Wait a minute, you were chased by those strong men before because of this book that exuded a strange dark red aura? What is so strange about this book?" Xuanyuan Ke asked in surprise.

Chen Xuan also took out the book that exuded a dark red aura that he had obtained before. At this moment, the two books were suddenly suspended in the sky.

The same red light, the same breath.

However, at the next moment, two books exuding a dark red aura came together in front of Chen Xuan and the others. Immediately, Chen Xuan showed a surprised expression.

If it were before, he might not know what the book recorded, but now Chen Xuan has made a shocking discovery.

Because after the two books were fused, a red light suddenly appeared in front of them.

Obviously, a question can be clarified. According to the lines above, the two books seem to contain certain legends.

"If my inference is correct, hahaha, it seems that our luck is really good. These two books exuding a dark red aura should have a high probability of being a place where the secret place of inheritance is hidden. If we If you can find it, you can definitely get the Chuan Chang inside," Xuanyuan Ke said in a deep voice.

After hearing his words, Chen Xuan's pupils also flashed with excitement.

Not only Chen Xuan knows, but many warriors know that there are many inheritances left by top powerhouses in the canyon, and these inheritances basically do not appear easily.

Only by chance will it appear in this valley.

Because most powerful people will leave behind some means when they give up their inheritance.

They also don’t want their inheritance to be obtained at will.

It can be said that the canyon Chen Xuan and the others are in is very magical.

Not only is this canyon very large in area, stretching almost hundreds of thousands of kilometers, but it also seems to be a previously recognized dragon vein.

There are countless inheritances here, and it is said that no warrior has ever been able to truly explore this place.

There are even many warriors who died here without even finishing the canyon.

This mysterious place also attracts many warriors to explore and hunt for treasures on their own.

Until now, no one can fully understand when this canyon was formed? And the monsters here are also extremely weird, there are many very powerful monsters.

Over the years, some warriors have discovered some inherited magic weapons while exploring the canyon, so that they have made breakthroughs in their own strength, thus greatly improving their cultivation level, even exceeding their previous cultivation level several times.

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