"The combination of these two books exuding dark red aura indicates that these should be records about inheritance. Wait a minute, the aura exuding from this book seems familiar to me." Xuanyuan Ke looked at the floating things in front of Chen Xuan. Books are also thinking in my heart.

"But I still think it's a bit strange why this thing should be remembered in two books, and the outer cover is almost rotten."

Chen Xuan also shook his head, saying that he didn't know.

All in all, the Ten Thousand Character Dragon Book in front of them has been confirmed to have inheritance, but they are also guessing that there should be more than just two books exuding a dark red aura, and there may be other books scattered around the world.

As long as all these books are collected and the sealed power is released, the route will be more complete.

Although Chen Xuan and the others don't have the slightest clue about the other books, at the moment the two books exuding a dark red aura are put together. Even for a smart person like Chen Xuan, they can also draw some conclusions from these data. Effective clues about the inherited magic weapon.

Of course, Chen Xuan was not 100% sure that they would be able to get Chuan Chang

But looking carefully at the red lines on it, Xuanyuan Ke's expression suddenly became silent.

Looking at his expression, Chen Xuan was also guessing.

The other party seemed to understand the area where the secret inheritance place was located, but didn't know much about the rest.

"Chen Xuan, do you know what this canyon is called? This is the Qingxueyun Canyon, and we are in the center now. If my inference is correct, this inheritance secret land should be in the Qingxueyun Canyon. If If we can get the inheritance, our cultivation will definitely improve." Xuanyuan Ke said in a deep voice.

Immediately afterwards, Xuanyuan Ke's eyes suddenly fell on Chen Xuan.

"What, what do you mean?" Xuanyuan Ke asked Chen Xuan what he meant.

"I wonder if Brother Xuanyuan Ke is going to take a look with me?" Chen Xuan asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Ke nodded without saying much, and then said helplessly: "Brother Chen Xuan, come with me, Xuanyuan Ke."

Xuanyuan Ke is relatively familiar with the canyon, so it would be great to have him lead the way.

Qingxueyun Canyon is a relatively famous canyon.

When Chen Xuan came to Qingxueyun Canyon. He has never been exposed to other places in the second level. Only when he came here did he know how big the Qingxueyun Canyon was.

Although this is just an area where Qingxueyun Canyon is located, Chen Xuan has clearly discovered that the area now exceeds any mountain range in the adjacent second level.

"The area covered by this place is really large compared to the canyons I encountered before." Chen Xuan sighed.

"Brother Chen Xuan, this is Qingxueyun Canyon. This place is very dangerous. It is rumored that there was a very powerful monster in Qingxueyun Canyon. Alas, but you don't have to worry too much. After all, it was a long, long time ago. It's a rumor. And according to my speculation, this rumor must have been passed down from the last era, and we will definitely not encounter a particularly powerful monster here." Xuanyuan Ke said with a smile.

Chen Xuan nodded. Although what the other party said was probably a rumor, Chen Xuan was more cautious in character, and then he secretly recorded in his mind what Xuanyuan Ke had just told him.

However, at this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a surge of energy.

He felt that this young warrior knew this canyon very well, so Chen Xuan showed an imperceptible smile.

Immortal Soul Gate, Qingxueyun Canyon?

And why does he know so much about this place?

Is there something else I don't know? Or is there any connection? So why has he been here so long?

Is there any precious inheritance in this canyon related to their sect?

For a while, Chen Xuan was also thinking carefully. At the same time, he also fell into deep thought. Zheng

The first book that exuded a dark red aura was, yes, given to him by the mysterious disciple he rescued, and also sent Chen Xuan to the Immortal Soul Sect. Then Chen Xuan got the next two books, which were also obtained by chance. .

From the current point of view, the place where he just obtained these two books exuding a dark red aura should be called Qingxueyun Canyon.

That is the area where Chen Xuan is now.

The most important thing is that according to what Xuanyuan Ke said, the Qingxueyun Canyon where they are now has once appeared the Immortal Soul Demon King.

Qingxueyun Canyon.

Chen Xuan vaguely felt that this matter must not be that simple, and even felt that maybe the rumors of this Immortal Soul Demon King were very likely to be true.

If this news is true, Chen Xuan and the others must prepare in advance.

Just when Chen Xuan was thinking, he suddenly heard a voice ringing in his ear, and he must have discovered Xuanyuan Ke's voice.

"Brother Chen Xuan, what are you doing? I see that you have been distracted on the road. I wonder what you are thinking about?" Xuanyuan Ke asked.

After Chen Xuan heard his voice, he shook his head slightly, and then said: "Hahaha, I didn't think about anything. By the way, Brother Xuanyuan Ke, there is something I want to ask you."

"Brother Chen Xuan, what are you talking about?"

"To tell you the truth, I want to ask you something now, and I hope you can tell me everything."

"You can tell me anything you want. As long as you are there, I will tell you everything I know. But if I don't know, there is nothing I can do, hehehe." Xuanyuan Ke said very boldly.

"What I want to ask is very simple, do you know the Immortal Soul Sect?" Chen Xuan said slowly.

"Immortal Soul Sect? No, why are you asking me this question suddenly? Brother Chen Xuan, are you a disciple of the Immortal Soul Sect? Or do you have any connection with them?"

After Chen Xuan heard what he said, he shook his head slightly, and then he said: "There is a person in the Immortal Soul Sect that I knew before. The reason why I ask you this question is because I plan to go there to look for him to see if I can find him. ”

"Oh...it turns out that, since you say so, the power of the Immortal Soul Sect is indeed very powerful, but the place they are currently at is at the other end of the canyon. Even among our second-middle layer, they are still famous. However, no matter how powerful they are, there is still some gap between their overall strength and our Xianwen Sect. "

"This has to start from ten thousand years ago. This sect was once very powerful. I heard from the sect leader that the Immortal Soul Sect once had many powerful warriors. They were very brilliant at that time. , can even be compared with these peak sects. However, many sects did not make it to the end. Although they were very strong before, they seemed to suddenly decline at the end."

"Because of what?

"I don't know exactly why it gradually declined, but it's just that I heard some rumors. After all, this happened hundreds of thousands of years ago, and I was still that old at the time." Xuanyuan Ke He said slowly.

"It's true or false, but yours is real?"

"Of course it's true. The Immortal Soul Sect is also a very ancient sect. I can tell you this. They have a very long history here. The Immortal Soul Sect already existed in the last era, but why on earth did they do this? I can't understand it clearly. There are many dharma, but there are so many dharma that I don't believe all these rumors." Xuanyuan Ke said.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan began to feel even more shocked.

He did not expect that the other party would give him such breaking news. At this time, Chen Xuan combined his previous experiences and made some of his inferences, including his more certain reasons for the decline of this mysterious sect.

At least now Chen Xuan can be sure that the Immortal Soul Sect existed in the last era, and they were once extremely powerful.

The most important thing is that the rumors about the appearance of the Immortal Soul Demon King in Qingxueyun Canyon also spread from the previous era. There must be some reason for this.

In other words, why this so-called Immortal Soul Demon King suddenly disappeared is probably because it was accompanied by the fall of their sect.

Based on Chen Xuan's subconscious inference, Sanskrit Jue believed that all the information must be connected to each other. So why did Chen Xuan feel that this sect suddenly began to become corrupt or even decline? This is not a coincidence, it definitely has a lot to do with this canyon.

However, when Chen Xuan was thinking carefully, he suddenly heard a voice.

"Wait a minute, brother, a warrior is coming."

Suddenly, Xuanyuan Ke said in a deep voice.

After hearing his words, Chen Xuan frowned immediately.

There were still people showing up at this time, and most likely they were coming for them.

In an instant, Chen Xuan felt a few breaths, and then he heard a few piercing sounds coming from the air.

Not long after, three black shadows flickered not far away, and then Chen Xuan saw several warriors appearing in front of him.

"Hahaha, it seems that today's luck is good. Who did I think would appear here? It turns out to be Xuanyuan Ke from the Immortal Pattern Sect. If you are not practicing hard in the sect, why do you appear here?"

A purple-eyed warrior suddenly walked over and said with a smile.

"Xuanyuan Ke, it's so ridiculous. You haven't even entered the fifth level of the divine realm, but you have such courage and dare to come to the canyon? Are you here to die?"

"Hahaha, it's so funny. It's so funny. This guy is really brave. He's such a ignorant guy. Does he really think he has the strength to get out alive here?"

"I think he thinks he has lived too long, what? He is in a hurry to be reincarnated by the Lord of Hell."

"He must have come to the canyon to die?"

Several warriors looked at them with smiles, and Chen Xuan could clearly hear the sarcasm in their words, obviously mocking the friend Chen Xuan had just met.

"It's so funny. I don't like hearing what you are saying. What is this canyon? Everyone can come. You Blood Lun Sword Sect can come. Although my cultivation is not very strong, but Why can't I come? I can only say that I am very confident in my own cultivation, unlike you who have to wait for your cultivation to improve before you dare to come here." Xuanyuan Ke showed no sign of weakness when he saw these warriors. said in a loud voice.

Chen Xuan glanced at the few people who had just arrived. Although their cultivation levels were not particularly strong, they were all at the early stage of the fifth level of the divine realm.

The strongest one is the purple-eyed warrior. His cultivation has reached the middle stage of the fifth level of the divine realm. This kind of cultivation is already relatively powerful, at least compared to Chen Xuan and the others.

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