Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5237 Official Punishment of Dragon Pattern Sect

"However, it is not that simple if you want to get the inherited treasures inside. After entering the Blood Kong Ruins, you must pay attention to safety. And as far as I know, there are several people inside, and their cultivation is very strong."

"May I ask who you are?"

"Let me tell you about the first person first. His name is Longwen Sect Shangguan Punishment. This guy's cultivation is very powerful and extremely dangerous. Among the new generation of Xuanshan Mountain, he can be regarded as a person who can reach the peak of cultivation. And according to me According to the information, he is the most outstanding warrior of the Dragon Pattern Sect, and is even an important figure in the alliance between the Dragon Pattern Sect and Yu Wenhuang. Not only is his cultivation so powerful, but his identity is so special that the Dragon Pattern Sect will definitely give him some unique skills. , if you meet him, you must be cautious and never be careless. "

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Ziang said in a deep voice: "Shangguan Punishment seems to be a strong man who has entered the five major perfections of the realm of gods."

Shangguan punishment.

After hearing these three words, Chen Xuan had to think secretly in his heart. After all, he didn't know much about this place.

And the stories here about talented people are so simple on the surface.

According to Zhang Ziang's information, Shangguan Punishment is very powerful and is at the top of the five complete realms of the Divine Realm. Moreover, his status seems to be very resonant among the sect.

If Chen Xuan really meets him, he must act with caution.

The most important thing for Chen Xuan now is to enter the late stage of the fifth level of the divine realm so that his cultivation can have a foothold in the secret realm. Otherwise, he will not be able to deal with many dangers.

For Chen Xuanlai, only by entering the late stage of the fifth level of the divine realm can he hope to fight Shangguan Punishment in the Blood Kong Ruins.

"Okay, I got it."

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, and then said softly.

"In addition to Shangguan's punishment, we also need to pay attention to a person. His name is Song Longxun. This guy is the number one talent of Longgui Sect, and he is also extremely powerful. I don't know what level his cultivation has reached, but I am sure It has also reached the five major perfections." Zhang Ziang said: "If you encounter them in the secret realm, don't hesitate at all, and don't think you are lucky. Just run away as soon as you encounter them. The two of them are just two of the stronger ones. There are other new generations who are very strong.

"Anyway, you are in the secret realm, so don't be careless."

Chen Xuan also knew that he was doing it for his own good, so he nodded hurriedly.

"But what I mentioned above are all warriors of the new generation. You also need to pay attention to a group of people inside. They are all strong men of the older generation. You must pay more attention to these strong men of the older generation. The most important thing is me. Listen, this time some invincible powerful men in the realm of gods entered," Wang Jiu said in a deep voice.

"How many invincible powerful men at the fifth level of the realm of gods?" Chen Xuan curled his lips, not expecting that they would also come here.

In fact, Chen Xuan had already predicted that the magic weapons in the secret realm would be very rich this time, and there would definitely be many strong people who wanted to go in and get their own inheritance items there.

"Chen Xuan, what I must remind you now is that these people in the Xuan Mountains are the strongest among those who are known to the outside world as being at the seventh level of the divine realm. Their cultivation has almost reached the sixth level of the divine realm. According to my understanding of them, in order to pursue the ultimate in power, they have allowed themselves to be bound to the five great perfections of the divine realm for many years. There has been no way to break through. This time the Bloody Void Ruins is coming to them. This time The ruins will definitely allow them to get a lot of magic weapons." Wang Jiu continued: "They are very powerful, and these old guys will definitely go there."

Chen Xuan secretly wrote down the names of these powerful men.

He is no longer a white man. The threat level of these people is much greater than that of Shangguan Punishment and Song Longxun. After all, they are the strong men of the older generation and have been working in this realm for a long time. Although the new generation is more Talent, you can achieve higher achievements in the future.

But at least for now, Chen Xuan still has no way to pose a threat to them.

Next, Zhang Ziang and Wang Jiu briefly explained other powerful people who had achieved the five major perfections in the realm of gods. Now Chen Xuan also knew more about them.

Finally, they flew through the air together and headed to the foot of Fairy Bird Peak.

Immortal Bird Peak is far away from Xian Qing Sect, and it took quite a while to travel in the air.

According to the Immortal Bird Peak, even a true seventh-level expert in the realm of gods would not be able to enter the Immortal Bird Peak without Yu Wenhuang’s permission.

Chen Xuan was still full of curiosity about this place.

On the one hand, after hearing about Yu Wenqiu's life experience, Chen Xuan's previous curiosity was suddenly answered.

Yu Wenqiu has demon clan blood, and his father is the occupier of this mountain.

And his cultivation is extremely powerful.

Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu have known each other for a long time. Chen Xuan had always been curious about his life experience before, but when the doubts were solved, he was still a little surprised.

A second-level person would actually live in the Eastern Region.

This situation is exactly the same as that of Chen Xuan. He was also in trouble because of Tao.

Was transported directly to this world.

At this moment, Chen Xuan looked at the mountain peak in front of him. The Fairy Bird Peak was very strange, and there was a shocking aura surrounding it.

Moreover, there are many fairy birds on the mountain top, flying in the air, with a terrifying breath of fire blooming from their bodies.

Under the Fairy Bird Peak, there is a space gate.

According to the information obtained by Chen Xuan, this space gate is the entrance to the Blood Sky Ruins.

At this time, many powerful people who have reached the fifth level of perfection in the Godly Realm stood in front of the space gate.

Even if these powerful people who have reached the fifth level of perfection in the Godly Realm stood there motionless, the aura they exuded had already made many people cold.

And those warriors who were watching from a distance had just entered the fifth level of the Godly Realm, so they were not confident in their strength and did not dare to enter.

"What a pity. There must be many treasures in this ruins. If I practice for another ten years, I will definitely enter the Blood Sky Ruins."

"That's right, Sect Master. With my current cultivation, I will definitely die in it even if I go in. With our current cultivation, it's better not to go in."

"Yes, with our current cultivation, going in is simply sending death. It's better to watch from outside. Anyway, the secret realm will be opened next time. We can practice outside with peace of mind during this period of time. With standing on the second layer, we can also enter the ruins when the time comes."

These powerful people who have reached the fifth level of perfection in the realm of Gods naturally heard their conversation. They simply disdained these warriors who dared not enter the Blood Sky Ruins.


Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking air in the distance, and then a warrior flying in the air appeared.

"What's going on? The Blood Sky Ruins are open, and there are still warriors going in?"

Many powerful people who have reached the fifth level of perfection in the realm of Gods turned their heads and looked at the warrior who came over.

At this moment, Chen Xuan and his men also walked out.

"It seems to be Wang Jiu from Xianqing Sect. I didn't expect him to come here."

"The aura of this guy next to Wang Jiu seems to be very unusual. Who is he? I feel that this person has a strong aura and seems to be a seventh-level God Realm expert."

"No way, he is actually a seventh-level God Realm expert. This is too strong."

In the second level of Wanxian Continent.

There are also differences in cultivation.

Here, the sixth level of God Realm is already considered very powerful, not to mention those seventh-level experts.

"Who is this guy? Why have I never seen him before? He actually let two seventh-level God Realm experts escort him personally? Is this guy's identity very unusual? Is he going to enter the Blood Sky Ruins?"

Many fifth-level God Realm experts had question marks in their minds. At this time, they looked at Chen Xuan with some incredible expressions.

It seems that they can't believe that there are actually two seventh-level God Realm experts backing Chen Xuan.

"Xianniao Peak, I didn't expect it to be here."

Chen Xuan's eyes suddenly fell on Xianniao Peak.

Yuwen Qiu was on the Fairy Bird Peak, and his current strength was too weak. If he met Yuwen Qiu's father, the other party would definitely look down on him.

"Yuwen Qiu, don't you want to enter the ruins?" "A question mark appeared in Chen Xuan's mind.

But he didn't think too much. Anyway, the most important thing now was to enter the Blood Sky Ruins.

When he entered the ruins, he would definitely be cautious.

"Chen Xuan, you must not be arrogant when you get inside. If you meet someone stronger than you, retreat if you can." Zhang Ziang kept saying.

He seemed to be very worried about Chen Xuan's safety.

"Don't worry, Senior Zhang Ziang, I won't be so arrogant." Chen Xuan smiled.

After saying goodbye to Wang Jiu and Zhang Ziang, Chen Xuan disappeared at the gate of space.

The situation in front of him caused a shock.

"My goodness, what is this guy? He dared to enter the Blood Sky Ruins at the fifth level of the Godly Realm? Is he crazy? "

"He is simply courting his own death. Even a powerful person who has reached the fifth level of the Divine Lord realm would not dare to enter this ruins casually. Wouldn't it be a suicide for him, a person who is at the fifth level of the Divine Lord realm and is still in the late stage, to go in?"

"Do you think that you can survive safely in the Blood Sky Ruins by following a powerful person at the seventh level of the Divine Lord realm? This guy is too simple-minded. "

These people think that Chen Xuan is a stupid guy, but they don't know that in Chen Xuan's eyes, they are just a bunch of trash. It's not impossible that Chen Xuan doesn't know the danger inside.

But he came prepared for everything.

Although Chen Xuan's cultivation is only at the fifth level now, if he uses all his magic weapons, cultivation and formations, even a warrior who has just entered the sixth level may not be his opponent.

At this time, it seems that they heard the discussions of some warriors next to them. Zhang Ziang and Wang Jiu glared at many warriors, and suddenly the powerful people at the fifth level of the Divine Lord realm in front of the space gate did not dare to say anything more, so they could only shut their mouths now.

Life Afraid of angering the seventh-level God Realm powerhouse.

They dared not anger the seventh-level God Realm powerhouse. Fortunately, Zhang Ziang and Wang Jiu came here to escort Chen Xuan, so they did not have to fight with these fifth-level God Realm powerhouses.

If they took action, no one present would survive.

After confirming that Chen Xuan entered the Blood Sky Ruins, the two of them returned to the Xianqing Sect.

At the top of the Fairy Bird Peak, in the Fairy Bird Hall.

After returning to the Fairy Bird Peak, Yuwen Qiu had been paying attention to the movement of the empty jade.

In the past eleven months, the empty jade that Chen Xuan had given him before had been shaking slowly, which meant that Chen Xuan had been practicing in the Xianqing Sect.

But just a few days ago, Yu Wenqiu suddenly found that Kongyu was shaking even more violently, which made him feel very confused.

Normally it doesn't vibrate at all.

As a result, there was suddenly such a huge movement, which forced Yu Wenqiu to take a closer look.

What exactly went wrong?

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