Yu Wenqiu was very nervous because he knew that Chen Xuan should be on his way to Fairy Bird Peak.

Just now, Kongyu calmed down.

Yu Wenqiu's face was full of complicated expressions.

"According to this situation, Chen Xuan has entered the Xuekong Ruins. I wonder if he can come out safely." Yu Wenqiu said to himself.

What he was thinking about now was that he hoped Chen Xuan didn't die inside. After all, he had heard of the dangers in the ruins.

Originally, Yu Wenqiu wanted to go inside, but his cultivation level was not good enough, so he was finally rejected by Yu Wenhuang.

However, at this moment, a man wearing a golden robe suddenly walked in.

Finally, he walked towards Yu Wenqiu.

"Yu Wenqiu, what are you thinking about when you have been here for so long?" Yu Wenhuang asked.

Yu Wenhuang still attached great importance to Yu Wenqiu. Although they had not seen each other for a long time, when she saw Yu Wenqiu, she recognized her daughter at first sight.

Although many years have passed, the space turbulence that year did indeed cause them a lot of losses.

"Father." Yu Wenqiu whispered: "I am also thinking about the dangers in the ruins this time."

"Hehehe, Yu Wenqiu, we father and daughter have not seen each other for many years. The most important thing for you now is to improve your cultivation as soon as possible. After all, you have just arrived at the second level, and there is no need to think about it. The Blood Sky Ruins are open. The time is six and a half years. If they survive these six and a half years and come out of the Blood Kong Ruins, they will be qualified to enter the Immortal Bird Peak." Yu Wenhuang said with a smile.

Yu Wenqiu shook his head slightly, with a complicated look on his face. Although he had learned so much, Yu Wenqiu was still worried about Chen Xuan's safety.

Yu Wenqiu also told his father the name Chen Xuan, but he was a little dismissive of Chen Xuan.

"I already knew Chen Xuan when I was in the Eastern Region. I didn't expect him to come to the upper level this time. I don't know if he will be in danger this time." Yu Wenqiu said.

But for Yu Wenhuang, the second level of warriors were like ants, and it was impossible for them to enter his sect.

And he felt that Chen Xuan was too close to his daughter.

It made him feel a little unhappy.

No matter where you are, your cultivation is a barrier to words.

However, he didn't know that Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu were just in a purely friendship relationship.

As expected, after hearing Yu Wenqiu's words, Yu Wenhuang frowned slightly and said: "Yu Wenqiu, you are also my Yuwenhuang outer sect's daughter, and you have also reached the late stage of the fifth level of the divine realm. It won't take long to reach the divine realm." A strong man at the peak of the fifth level of the realm, ah, this guy has just arrived at the second level. Even if his talent is good, he still has to get out of that ruins before he can go to school."

Yu Wenhuan: "It is very difficult for a second-level warrior to enter the second level. I am afraid that your friend will never have the chance to enter the ranks of the top second-level warriors in this life. After all, there are only those here. Even if he is in other places, Talent, but in this second level, I’m afraid it doesn’t count.”

After hearing these words, Yu Wenqiu also looked hesitant.

After knowing his identity, Yu Wenqiu was not too surprised, because even he knew that his life experience was definitely not simple.

After all, being able to use the power of a monster only means that he has the blood of a monster.

And this bloodline is the legendary Phoenix.

As for his father, he is also half Phoenix.

Seeing that Yu Wenqiu's expression was a little worse than before, he also felt that his words were a bit excessive.

So Yu Wenhuang continued to persuade: "And even if he can one day enter the ranks of the second-level powerhouses, it may still be difficult for him to completely break through this shackles."

"Sir, I am not happy to hear what you are saying. Every talent comes step by step. Moreover, Chen Xuan and I have a very simple relationship. He has saved me many times before. A few of us have known each other a long time ago. I know, if it weren't for him, my daughter would have died long ago." Yu Wenqiu asked immediately.

"You actually..."

Yu Wenhuang's expression softened and he said: "It is too difficult for a monk on the second level to break through in cultivation, even if your relationship is very unusual."

"Your talent is very strong. If you continue to practice with me, you will definitely be able to break through to the top level in the future. Don't delay your own cultivation time because of this person. Originally, I wanted you to go to the ruins You are practicing inside, but because your current strength is not strong enough, you will definitely be in danger if you go in. "Yu Wenhuan.

"My friend has grown from a warrior as weak as an ant to what he is now. His talent is indeed extraordinary. If you let him join us, he can bring you surprises in the future." Yu Wenqiu said. : "And he is not as unbearable as you, the sect master. He has already entered the second level a few years ago. Now his cultivation level must be still improving. If he enters the ruins, I believe he can definitely be inside." Get the message

"What's going on? Entering the second level? Are you like this? Have you already broken through?" Yu Wenhuang asked.

Yu Wenqiu nodded directly.

"Haha, that's right. Some time ago, I left Fairy Bird Peak just because I got the news of his appearance. In fact, even I didn't expect that his cultivation would break through so quickly."

"What do you mean? Where is he?" Yu Wenhuang asked with a frown.

"He is in the Xian Qing Sect, but now he should have entered the Blood Sky Ruins." Yu Wenqiu said.

"A warrior at the fifth level of the divine realm dares to enter the Blood Sky Ruins?" Yu Wenhuang said coldly.

Yu Wenhuang continued: "Yu Wenqiu, I let you practice here, not for anything else, but to stabilize your cultivation on the second level, so that no one will bully you when you go out. As for this Son, he can’t get out of the Blood Void Ruins, so don’t think too much about other things.”

He also knew that Chen Xuan's appearance this time would most likely disrupt his original plan.

He wanted to marry Yu Wenqiu to people from other sects, thereby increasing the power of their sects again.

But Chen Xuan is an unstable factor.

Doesn't he know what the relationship between Yu Wenqiu and Chen Xuan is?

Moreover, Yu Wenqiu and his father didn't get along for long after all. Although blood is thicker than water, Yu Wenqiu, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun spent much longer together, and they had already established a deep friendship with each other.

One day, if Yu Wenqiu leaves here, he will definitely feel uncomfortable.

Knowing that Yu Wenqiu's friend in the second level entered the Blood Sky Ruins, Yu Wenhuang's attitude towards Chen Xuan suddenly changed.

It's not easy for father and daughter to meet each other, and the daughter is so talented.

See how it is possible to let your daughter follow Chen Xuan.

"However, what if he could survive and walk out of the Bloody Sky Ruins? Do you understand his talent? And father, you are so stubborn. No wonder my mother left you. This was something that happened before. Yours are all Is it true?" Yu Wenqiu asked seriously.

"It's just nonsense, don't talk to me about your mother anymore."

"Furthermore, do you think that a warrior at the fifth level of the divine realm can come out of the Bloody Sky Ruins? Let me tell you, even these strong men at the fifth level of the divine realm, and even those who have reached the fifth level of the divine realm, If you don't, you will be killed in the Xuekong ruins. You don't know how dangerous it is inside. Even if this guy is very brave, it only shows that he is a young man." Yu Wenhuang said solemnly.

"Why aren't you willing to give him a chance? Father, our relationship is very pure, just friends. Moreover, I can learn a lot by being with him." Yu Wenqiu said: "If the sect master has seen him, then he will definitely be able to Seeing his talent, if you let Chen Xuan enter our sect, you will definitely receive unexpected surprises. "

Yu Wenhuang sighed, and then said: "Ah, okay, okay, now that you are like this, I can't do anything else. You are not wrong. If it wasn't because I was too stubborn, your mother would have He won’t leave me, so I’ll give him a chance now. If he can come out of the Blood Kong Ruins alive, I will consider letting him join our sect, and I can also give you a chance.”

"What do you mean?" Yu Wenqiu asked hurriedly.

"He didn't come out of the Blood Kong Ruins. He is just qualified to walk into the Immortal Bird Peak and pass my trial. If he fails, he will not be qualified to join us." After the words fell, he did not wait for Yuwen. Autumn words, Yu Wenhuang left soon.

Watching him leave, Yu Wenqiu let go of the stone in his heart.

"Chen Xuan, you can definitely come out of it alive."

Yu Wenqiu said to himself.

However, at the same time, Zheng Zheng

Yu Wenhuang stared coldly

"Senior brother, why are you forcing Yu Wenqiu?"

"You don't understand. Because Yu Wenqiu was attacked by a powerful enemy, he was swept into other worlds by space turbulence, and his mother also died because of me. Now I have high hopes for Yu Wenqiu. I haven't seen him for many years. Originally, I wanted to keep Yu Wenqiu here to practice, grow into a master in the future, and then find a young hero from the sect to marry. This would be good for both our sect and Yu Wenqiu. After all, this is the second level. ." Yu Wenhuang asked.


"There is nothing wrong with this guy named Chen Xuan. Firstly, his cultivation is too weak. Secondly, I don't know anything about him at all, and their friendship is not worth mentioning at all. How did I get betrayed in the first place?" Yes, it’s not like you don’t know.”

After hearing his words, the warrior looked at Yu Wenhuang, thinking in his heart, and then walked in front of Yu Wenhuang.

"Brother, we have developed very well over the years? And you and Yu Wenqiu haven't seen each other for many years. You don't know what he is thinking. Moreover, I think the talent of this program should be very unusual, otherwise If so, it is definitely impossible for him to enter the second level of our Ten Thousand Immortals Continent from the distant Eastern Region." The elder asked.

"It's so funny. So what if he has a good talent? He has never become popular now. Besides, Yu Wenqiu and I haven't seen each other for so long. I want to keep it. It will always be here. If there is one, this boy will take Yu Wenqiu away. What should I do if Qiu is taken away?" Yu Wenhuang said expressionlessly.

"But wouldn't it be better if they could enter the third level?" the elder said.

"The third level? Do you know how dangerous it is there?"

At this point, he finally sighed.

At the same time, in the ruins, there is a boundless and mysterious space, where the power of Tao Zhenyuan bursts out at any time, and waves of terrifying power always surround the sky. If you are not careful, you will be shattered to pieces.

At this moment, the place where Chen Xuan was was a forest.

Throughout the Xuekong ruins, the power of Dao Zhenyuan is erupting everywhere. As for Chen Xuanlai, he has only found one safe place so far, and it is only in the forest that there is no such terrifying power of Dao Zhenyuan.

According to ordinary logic, the power of Dao Zhenyuan should be absorbed. However, the power here is a bit weird, and ordinary people cannot absorb it at all.

"Is this the Xuekong ruins?" Chen Xuan looked around and felt quite emotional.

He had no choice but to look at the power of the strong men at the seventh level of the divine realm. They were able to reach the seventh level. The relics made by these strong men were very powerful.

And there are formations nearby.

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