Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5240 The power of heavenly essence

Only those who control the power of Tao Zhenyuan can be considered as powerful in the five major perfections of the divine realm, but Chen Xuan still has no way to completely control it.

Half an hour later, the power of Dao Zhenyuan formed a red aura and gathered near Chen Xuan, protecting his body.

"Haha, this power has protected your body, you are safe now." The power of Dao Zhenyuan nearby Xuanyuan Bi formed a defense, and with Chen Xuan, he rushed into the terrifying power of Dao Zhenyuan in the air.

As soon as he entered the power of the terrifying Dao True Yuan, Chen Xuan felt as if his body was being suppressed.

"How is it? The power of Dao Zhenyuan is very cruel. Fortunately you bumped into me. Otherwise, you would have had to spend your time in this forest." Xuanyuan Bi said.

Chen Xuan looked at the terrifying power of Tao Zhenyuan around him.

He was surprised to find that from the beginning, his body was suppressed by the power of the terrifying Tao true essence, and now the power of the terrifying Tao true essence has actually entered his body.


Suzaku's soul condensed, absorbing the power of the terrifying Dao True Yuan outside.

"No way, actually..."

After seeing this situation, Chen Xuan hurriedly said: "Brother Xuanyuan Bi, can the power of this true energy be absorbed?"

Xuanyuan Bi seemed to have heard a good joke: "Are you seeking death by absorbing the power of the terrifying Tao true essence? Even I don't dare to absorb the power of this terrifying Tao true essence."

Xuanyuan Bi said: "You are really serious about asking such a stupid rubbish question. Haven't I already experienced this kind of power with you? This is not formed between the earth and the earth. This is the seventh level." It’s not that easy for you to absorb the power of a powerful person in this realm.”

After hearing his words, Chen Xuan slowly shook his head.

Chen Xuan found that Xuanyuan Pi was extremely confident, and the other party seemed to think that she was right. However, she did not know that everything was done illogically.

But Chen Xuan didn't care at that time.

At this moment, while he was flying in the air, he was absorbing the power of the terrifying Tao True Yuan, while paying attention to the movements of Suzaku's soul.

Chen Xuan could clearly feel that the speed at which Suzaku Soul absorbed the power of the terrifying Dao True Yuan became even faster.

At this time, with the passage of time, the crimson aura of the power of Dao Zhenyuan near Chen Xuan also gradually disappeared under the power of the terrifying Dao Zhenyuan.

After about four sticks of incense, Xuanyuan Bi turned to look at Chen Xuan and whispered: "You are not a powerful person who has reached the five major levels of the divine realm, so you have no way to provide the power of Tao Zhenyuan, etc."

After the words fell, Xuanyuan Bi injected the power of Tao Zhenyuan in his body into the body of Chen Xuan.

Of course, Chen Xuan also possesses the power of Dao Zhenyuan, but his cultivation level is still a bit low after all, so he cannot completely control your power.

"Brother Xuanyuan Pi, I know you are here to help me, but there is no need. I can rely on myself now."

However, before Chen Xuan could finish his words, he was scolded by Xuanyuan Bi.

"My son, what do you know? You don't understand the horror of this terrifying power of Dao Zhenyuan. If you don't inject the power of Dao Zhenyuan into you, you will soon be completely crushed by this force. The two of us Although we haven't met for a long time, I still have a good impression of you, so I don't want you to die here." Xuanyuan Bi said very angry.

"Brother Xuanyuan Pi."

Chen Xuan was still a little moved.

But then he said,

"Are there no warriors who have the power to use body refining to defend themselves against the terrifying Dao True Yuan?" Chen Xuan asked in a deep voice.

"It's so funny, body refining for defense? What do you think the power of this terrifying Dao True Yuan is? Is this the power of an ordinary seventh-level peak powerhouse in the realm of gods?" Xuanyuan Bi said with disdain: "The realm of gods The terrifying Dao Zhenyuan power formed by the aura of the seventh-level warriors actually wants to use their bodies to defend themselves. Unless there are warriors seeking death, they will not do this at all. "

But as soon as Xuanyuan Bi finished speaking, Chen Xuan looked at his body and said, "Brother Xuanyuan Bi, did you find anything wrong?"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Bi's eyes fell on him.

At this time, the crimson aura of the power of Dao Zhenyuan on Chen Xuan had disappeared long ago.

A layer of cyan aura wrapped around his body.

A frightening force surrounded him.

However, Xuanyuan Bi was extremely surprised that the power of the terrifying Dao True Yuan around him could not touch Chen Xuan's body.

"No way, what happened?"

Xuanyuan Bi rubbed his eyes vigorously and said: "Damn it, you can use body refining to defend against the power of the terrifying Dao True Yuan? This is simply impossible. I am very aware of the terror of this power. Yes, why can you do it?”

For example, Xuanyuan Pi showed a puzzled expression, which felt incredible.

He had never heard of a warrior who could use body refining to defend against the power of the terrifying Dao True Yuan.

And this guy is still a person at the fifth level of the divine realm.

Think about it carefully, Xuanyuan Pi thinks.

This is simply impossible.

Because there was really nothing to explain why Chen Xuan could do it when others couldn't. All of this exceeded his imagination.

"Are you a seventh-level peak expert in the realm of gods?" Xuanyuan Bi asked.

Chen Xuan slowly shook his head, looked at the shocked Xuanyuan Bi, and then laughed slowly.

Obviously, the other party must have misunderstood him, and also thought that he was a strong man at the seventh level.

The first reason why it is able to defend against the power of the terrifying Dao True Yuan is because of the Suzaku Divine Soul, which naturally does not require much.

Chen Xuan knew very well the power of the Suzaku Soul. Not only could it increase the power of the Soul, but it could also enhance his physical defense.

The second nature is because of fire defense. If it weren't for fire defense, Chen Xuan probably wouldn't be able to defend against this kind of power.

At the second level, his fire defense had reached its peak.

But when he arrived at the second level, Chen Xuan discovered that there was room for improvement in fire defense.

Moreover, Chen Xuan could clearly feel that as his cultivation level improved, his fire defense was gradually increasing.

However, it stands to reason that his fire defense cannot defend against the power of the terrifying Dao True Yuan. This was also Chen Xuan's inner acquiescence before.

But it turns out that his fire defense has its extremely terrifying aspects.

Chen Xuan couldn't figure it out in a short time, but he felt that it should be related to the increased power of Suzaku Soul.

Activating the fire defense, Chen Xuan felt that he could easily defend against the power of the terrifying Dao True Yuan.

Xuanyuan Bi nearby looked at Chen Xuan with a puzzled expression.

He felt that things were beyond his imagination.

"Brother Xuanyuan Pi, what happened? Are you okay?" Chen Xuan asked.

After Xuanyuan Pi heard Chen Xuan's words, it took a long time to wake up from the shock.

It was obviously because of him, but he was still asking himself what happened.

Is this pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger? He kept sighing and thought that Chen Xuan must have someone helping him behind his back.

"It is indeed very strong. It's really amazing. Brother Chen Xuan, I have never seen anyone as powerful as you before." Xuanyuan Bi praised Chen Xuan: "You are the first person I have ever seen who uses body refining to defend." I had never dared to imagine a warrior with the power of the terrifying Tao True Yuan. The seventh level, the Tao of the strong, and the power of the True Yuan. If you can resist the power of the True Yuan when you are close to it, it only means that you are a refiner. So talented.”

Xuanyuan Pi didn't know that Chen Xuan could absorb the power of the terrifying Dao True Yuan. If he knew this, Chen Xuan could already imagine his expression.

I wonder how shocked he will be after learning that Chen Xuan can absorb this kind of power of Tao Zhenyuan?

However, Chen Xuan didn't think much, because he knew that he was really the one, and the other party probably didn't believe it either.

After all, the power of Tao Zhenyuan here is not formed naturally.

"Brother Xuanyuan Pi, let's go." Chen Xuan said slowly.

"You asked me to give you the power of Tao Zhenyuan, weren't you lying to me?"

"No, I just discovered it. Don't you still believe me?" Chen Xuan said hurriedly.

"It's so funny. No, you must have lied to me on purpose. I don't believe it."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan was a little helpless.

"Brother Xuanyuan, let's not do this for now. Let's hurry on as quickly as possible. There must be many dangers along the way. We can't waste time here. Otherwise, how about I give you some compensation later?" Chen Xuan said slowly.

"Really? What compensation do you want to give me?"

After Xuanyuan Pi heard this, he showed a puzzled expression and immediately laughed.

"I can tell you, if it's ordinary compensation, I don't want it."

Seeing Xuanyuan Bi's expression, Chen Xuan smiled awkwardly, and then hurriedly dodged.

Xuanyuan Bi did not continue to speak, and quickly flew into the air with Chen Xuan.

The power of the terrifying Dao True Essence still permeates their vicinity, but Chen Xuan is much more relaxed now.


Just as they were flying in the air, the power of the terrifying Tao Zhenyuan enveloped the entire Blood Sky ruins, and Chen Xuan also felt that this power suddenly strengthened.

So the two of them stopped temporarily.

"What happened? Why does the power feel stronger than before?"

"Yes, I also feel that my strength has become stronger than before."

Chen Xuan and the others immediately started communicating.

"Forget it, let's not do so much first. This kind of power is not directed at us. Let's move forward quickly and leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible."

Then the two of them continued to fly in the air. During the process of traveling, the Suzaku Soul was absorbing the power of the terrifying Tao True Essence.

At the same time, a large number of powerful men with five major perfections in the realm of gods entered the Xuekong ruins that had been silent for many years.

These powerful men who have reached the five major levels of the divine realm have landed in every area of ​​the Blood Sky Ruins that exudes a terrifying aura, looking for their inherited treasures.

At this moment, in a place where the power of terrifying Dao Zhenyuan gathers, Shangguan punishes Zheng

The power of the terrifying Dao Zhenyuan exploded, and many warriors showed shocked expressions.

"There must be many magic weapons in the Xuekong ruins. I will definitely let many warriors know how powerful my Shangguan Punishment is." Shangguan Punishment said in a deep voice: "Yu Wenqiu, hehehe, I will definitely marry you this time. When the time comes, Fairy Bird The peak is mine too. From now on, the entire Dragon Pattern Sect and even the Xuan Mountain Range will be punished by my superior." After his words fell, the power of the terrifying Tao True Yuan spread throughout the void ruins.

Before this, Yu Wenqiu's father had reached a contract with the Shangguan family.

However, Yu Wenqiu didn't know much about this.

Many inheritances are hidden in the Blood Sky Ruins. The founder of this ruins certainly does not want these warriors to get the inheritance so easily, so it is still very dangerous for most warriors to come here.

Many people are willing to pay any price to gain inheritance.

At this moment, after discussing with Xuanyuan Bi, Chen Xuan decided to explore while moving forward.

After all, it had not been long since the two of them entered the Bloody Sky Ruins, and if they wanted to survive in the Bloody Sky Ruins, they had to thoroughly understand everything inside the Bloody Sky Ruins.

Xuanyuan Bi knows this better than Chen Xuan.

A week passed in the blink of an eye. During this period, the Suzaku Soul absorbed a lot of terrifying power.

At the beginning, the power of the terrifying Dao Zhenyuan was completely absorbed by him.

But gradually, the Suzaku soul began to be unable to absorb it.

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