When the power absorbed by the Suzaku Divine Soul was completely sufficient, Chen Xuan was also thinking in his heart. Since the power of this terrifying Dao True Yuan was so powerful, if it exploded against the enemy, wouldn't it be able to kill the opponent?

It is basically impossible to contain the power of the terrifying Dao True Yuan.

But Chen Xuan has the Suzaku soul, which is naturally different.

At this moment, he began to use the Suzaku Soul to store the power of the terrifying Tao True Essence.

Sure enough, this power was instantly stored in his Dantian. Upon discovering this scene, Chen Xuan was extremely happy and continued to store the power of these Tao True Yuans.

In the next few days, Chen Xuan and the others were on their way.

At this moment, Xuanyuan Pi suddenly stopped.

"What happened? Is there any danger in meeting? Huh?" Chen Xuan asked.

After Xuanyuan Bi heard Chen Xuan's words, he frowned slightly, looked into the distance with his deep eyes, and whispered: "Brother Chen Xuan, it's true that I got a very important piece of information before entering the Blood Kong Ruins."


"According to the information I have received, the founder of the Blood Kong Ruins has many ferocious beasts with ancient bloodlines following him. According to the Blood Kong Ruins, there is a pressure mountain with many ferocious beasts with ancient bloodlines inside. If we enter There will inevitably be some danger here," Xuanyuan Bi said.

"The ruins have existed for such a long time. Even if there are these ancient ferocious beasts, they are probably all dead. We don't need to worry too much." Chen Xuan nodded lightly.

"Brother Chen Xuan, what do you know? The reason why ferocious beasts with ancient bloodlines are called ferocious beasts with ancient bloodlines is because the blood flowing in their bodies is very precious. This is ancient bloodline. If we can enter the pressure "Sacred Mountain, if we find a ferocious beast with ancient bloodline and obtain the inner elixir, the two of us will definitely be able to break through," Xuanyuan Pidao said.

The inner elixir of ferocious beasts with ancient bloodlines contains all the power of ferocious beasts with ancient bloodlines. If their inner elixirs can be obtained, breakthroughs in cultivation will not be a problem.

Moreover, Chen Xuan and the others also knew that even if the ferocious beasts with ancient bloodlines died, the inner elixirs of these monster beasts would remain intact.

And if a warrior uses the evil beast inner elixir with ancient bloodline, his strength will definitely be able to break through.

As soon as Chen Xuang spoke, the fire bird said: "Lord Chen Xuan, the blood of ferocious beasts with ancient bloodline is very precious. It must contain the nutrients for me to improve my cultivation. Pay attention to their inner elixirs, they are still useful to you. It’s very important that I come, and if I can get it, it would be the best.”

After hearing this, Chen Xuan nodded slightly, and then said: "In that case, Brother Xuanyuan Bi knows where Yashen Mountain is? Is it right in front?"

Xuanyuan Bi nodded, not saying much, and then looked forward, his meaning was very obvious, it must be not far away.

"If my inference is correct, after going around the mountain range, we should be able to find the Yashen Mountain. This mountain should be at the very back of the mountain range where we are, but I don't know if there will be any danger in the middle. I know." Xuanyuan Bi said.

After hearing his words, Chen Xuan suddenly had an idea.

Then, he looked at Xuanyuan Bi and smiled.

"Brother Xuanyuan Pi, why did you tell me this? Wouldn't it be better for you to possess these inner elixirs by yourself? Why do you need to find someone to share them with?" Chen Xuan asked.

Seeing Chen Xuan's expression, Xuanyuan Bi deduced what Chen Xuan was thinking.

But he didn't pay attention at the time. Although the two of them got along well, fratricide often happened in this ruins.

Not to mention that they have only known each other for a few months.

"Brother Chen Xuan, do you think I am willing to share the inner elixirs of these monsters with you? If it weren't for the fact that you are so strong in body training and can share some of the pressure with me, I would not be willing to take you there." Xuanyuan Bi nodded and said.

Chen Xuan looked a little confused, and Xuanyuan Bi's intention was very obvious. He must have wanted him to open up some hatred, so that he could get the order more easily.

However, it was precisely because Xuanyuan Bi showed these things that Chen Xuan began to trust Xuanyuan Bi not to deceive him.

"Thank you Brother Xuanyuan Bi, but don't blame me if you lied to me." Chen Xuan said helplessly.

Xuanyuan Bi had been observing Chen Xuan a long time ago. He also found that Chen Xuan was always wary of him, but he felt that this was normal.

"Okay, okay, brother Chen, we have known each other for such a long time. If I wanted to harm you, wouldn't I have done it long ago? And your cultivation level is not strong, right?"

Chen Xuan roared.

He was right. Chen Xuan's cultivation was indeed inferior to his on the surface. Even though he actually took action, this was not accurate.

But the other party knew that he was stronger than him, yet he didn't attack him yet, which was already very clear.

In fact, when he discovered that Chen Xuan's body refining could defend against the power of the terrifying Dao True Yuan, he had already made the decision to bring Chen Xuan here to find the magic weapon.

"Let's go quickly. I'm afraid many people have discovered this place. We can't waste time. Brother Chen Xuan, get ready to set off." Xuanyuan Bi whispered, his face becoming serious.

He was inferring that it was not just him who knew the news, there must be many other people who knew it.

These beasts with the bloodline of ancient ferocious beasts are all very precious monsters. If you can get their inner elixir to practice, whether it is refined into elixir or what you do, it will definitely be very precious.


Chen Xuan and Xuanyuan Bi immediately stood up and rushed towards the plain ahead.

In just a short while, the two of them walked around the plain.

Then the power of the terrifying Dao Zhenyuan became more powerful than before, and even burst out with a surging force, making Chen Xuan and the others look surprised.

However, because the Suzaku Soul can no longer store any more power of the terrifying Dao True Yuan, Chen Xuan is now in some trouble.

He has stored a large amount of Dao Zhenyuan power along the way. Even if Chen Xuan is facing a master at the sixth level, he still believes that he can escape from the opponent's hands.

"So much power."

The power of the terrifying Dao True Yuan stored in the Suzaku soul is very powerful. If it were released directly, even a strong man at the fifth level of the divine realm would be killed by Chen Xuan directly.

Even if he meets a powerful person who has achieved the five major perfections of the divine realm, Chen Xuan doesn't need to worry about anything.

At this time, in the air where the two of them were, the power of the terrifying Tao True Essence exploded everywhere.

There were huge mountains in front of them. On both sides of the mountains, there was a huge plain that they could not see the end of.

The terrain here is very weird, the plain is sandwiched between two mountains, and it is very long and narrow.

In the sky, light flickered.

Chen Xuan can clearly feel that this area is very dangerous. If warriors who are too weak in physical training enter, they will definitely be shattered into pieces and there will be no way to withstand this terrible pressure.

"Is the Yashen Mountain here?" Chen Xuan asked.

Xuanyuan Bi's face was also a little heavy, and he nodded carefully, and then said: "According to the news, if my guess is correct, Yashen Mountain should be nearby. Hurry up and enter Yashen Mountain as soon as possible. It is too dangerous for me to be here. I'm afraid there will be Many people are already coming here, we must not waste time. "

Although Xuanyuan Bi is a strong man at the fifth level of the divine realm, his physical training and defense are not as good as Chen Xuan.

Coupled with the explosion of the power of the terrifying Dao Zhenyuan, he was suppressed by the surrounding forces at this time, and his body could only move with difficulty.

However, Chen Xuan was much more relaxed compared to his difficulties.

Fire defense can almost help Chen Xuan ignore the power of the terrifying Dao True Yuan. Coupled with the help of the Suzaku soul, Chen Xuan soon entered the area where the flames broke out, looking for the so-called passage here.

Half an hour later, Chen Xuan discovered a strange place, so he quickly waved his hand.

"Brother Xuanyuan Pi, come here quickly."

Chen Xuandao, Xuanyuan Pi hurried over after hearing this, and then showed a puzzled expression.

He seemed surprised that Chen Xuan discovered the passage so quickly

Not far in front of Chen Xuan, the power of the terrifying Dao Zhenyuan gradually connected together to form a channel.

"This is the passage." Chen Xuan asked.

Xuanyuan Pi suddenly laughed: "Haha, that's right, this is the passage."

"Go in, don't waste any time." Chen Xuan said slowly.

After finishing, the two of them immediately took steps to prepare to go inside.

But at this moment, Xuanyuan Bi's expression changed slightly, and he said in a low voice: "Wait a moment, a warrior is coming."

Sure enough, as soon as Xuanyuan Bi finished speaking, two warriors, through the power of the terrifying Tao True Yuan, appeared opposite Xuanyuan Bi. Then the two of them showed cruel expressions, and their faces were full of ferocious colors.

"Two of you, I'm really surprised that you two actually came here."

"Hahaha, you're right. It's dangerous here. You two should leave quickly. It would be bad if you die here." One of the warriors said with a smile.

"He's right. Even those who are at the fifth level of the Divine Realm dare to come to this place. It would be a shame if you two died inside." Another warrior said.

Seeing this situation, Xuanyuan Bi's face became very gloomy.

To be able to make Xuanyuan Bi so dignified, one can imagine that their cultivation must be very strong.

"If I guess correctly, you should be Wang Qingyun and Song Yu from Yunxian Huajian Sect?" Xuanyuan Bi said in a deep voice.

After hearing this, there was a hint of joking on the faces of the two of them, as if they thought that Chen Xuan and the others in front of them were their defeated generals. Then the two of them took a step forward and said, "It seems that you don't know anything. Since You know us, what are you two doing here? Why don't you get out quickly? If you make us unhappy, we will both be killed in a minute."

Chen Xuan of Yunxian Huajian Sect also heard Zhang Ziang speak.

In the Xuan Mountains, they are a strong sect. Although they are not as strong as sects like Longwen Sect and Immortal Bird Peak, they are still much stronger than the Immortal Qing Sect.

It has to be said that Wang Qingyun and Song Yu are the two top experts of Yunxian Huajian Sect. Among the younger generation, there are very few people who are their opponents.

But what Chen Xuan didn't know was that Wang Qingyun and Song Yu, in fact, in the Yunxian Huajian Sect, there were some top experts who were stronger than the two of them, but these people were not particularly famous.

In fact, the reason is also very simple, because they are the successors of the sect. Wang Qingyun and Song Yu are very outstanding in Fu, so they have received the attention of Yunxian Huajian Sect.

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