Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5270 The Black Light of the Demon Gate

However, at the next moment, the air trembled again, and a black light from the Demon Gate appeared in front of many warriors.

When Song Qing saw this scene, her face darkened instantly.

He didn't expect that someone would suddenly appear.

"Where did this kid come from?"

At this time, Chen Xuan's body was floating in the air, the prairie fire sword shook instantly, and the sword body instantly hit the demonic energy of the demon gate, and immediately killed Song Qing.

When he saw Chen Xuan's attack, his face was very dark, as if he had expected it, and Chen Xuan seemed to have figured out his identity.

At this moment, Song Qing let out a low cry and wanted to defend against Chen Xuan's attack, but at this moment he was suddenly surrounded by a strange force, and then the demonic energy disappeared from his body.

Shangguan Punishment nearby was shocked by the sudden change.

"What the hell is he? Why does this happen?"

When he saw Chen Xuan at the beginning, he was still wondering why this guy suddenly took action. After all, he was obviously at a disadvantage in this battle.

And Chen Xuan actually chose to help him.

After all, he has already become enemies with Chen Xuan.

But when he saw a strange aura from the Demon Sect, he immediately understood why Chen Xuan helped him.

Obviously, this ancient demon sect's aura can only explain one problem.

"A warrior from the Demonic Blood Dragon Sect?"

Shangguan observed Song Qing ferociously, seemingly not expecting that he was actually involved with the Demon Sect.

"Haha, it seems that you know a lot." Song Qing completely revealed her sinister side.

He had already thought about it before, and wanted to kill all these warriors to prevent the news from being exposed to the outside world.

If someone knew about it, they would be in danger by then.

"Everyone unite?"

Chen Xuan looked at Shangguan Punishment and asked aloud.

The warriors of the Demonic Blood Dragon Sect are too strong, and their methods are terrifying.

It is impossible to kill Song Qing by relying on Chen Xuan alone. Only by joining forces with Shangguan Punishment or launching an attack with others can it be possible to defeat it.

After all, the people of the Demon Sect practice extremely weird techniques. When facing them, the famous and decent warriors will briefly unite, regardless of their past grudges.

"No problem, let's unite together and kill the warriors of the Demon Blood Dragon Sect."

Obviously, Shangguan Punishment also knew who was the most threatening person to him now, so he immediately nodded in agreement.

This is not without twists and turns.

Originally, they had joined forces to deal with Chen Xuan, but now they had completely reversed their stance.

"You are simply asking for your own death, and you actually want to unite to deal with us, hahaha."

Song Qing did not continue to hide. The strange aura of the Demon Sect was released nearby, and she immediately performed a powerful technique.

"Come together and kill this demon!"

Shangguan took one step forward and rushed in front of Song Qing, instantly fighting with Song Qing.

It's no longer time for him to hide his secrets. He and Chen Xuan are indeed in a competitive relationship.

But what the Demon Sect wants is his life.

And it would make his death very painful.

Seeing him launch an attack, Chen Xuan deployed a fifth-level immortal-level formation, completely suppressing Song Qing.

Then he took the prairie fire sword and helped Shangguan Punish to deal with Song Qing.

This battle is nothing short of amazing and thrilling.


The flames released from the Suzaku Soul can resolve the strange aura of the Demon Sect on Song Qing.

This aura would be very strange, if it weren't for Chen Xuan's flames.

I'm afraid they won't be able to sustain it for that long.

Moreover, Song Qing seemed to be afraid of the flame released from Chen Xuan's body.

After all, Chen Xuan's soul has been completely improved now, and his Suzaku Fire has naturally been sublimated.

At this moment, Chen Xuan's pupils had a flash of red light, and the prairie fire sword struck down decisively, directly hitting Song Qing's body.

Boom! !

For the first time, Song Qing was knocked away by the two of them. His body reached far away, and then landed heavily on Lin.

"Damn it, what the hell is going on...these two guys seem to be very powerful."

Song Qing observed Chen Xuan and Shangguan Punishment ferociously.

The most important thing is that he knows nothing about Chen Xuan now.

And he believed that the reason why he was forced to retreat was because of Chen Xuan, so he was full of hatred for Chen Xuan.

However, faced with the siege of two people, it was difficult for him to win for a while.

After all, although Chen Xuan and the others are all at the fifth level, they are all top talents in this realm.

Even a sixth-level expert would not dare to get any benefits from their hands.

His pupils radiated spiritual light, and he was seriously thinking about how to deal with Chen Xuan.

"You guys go to hell."

Song Qing suddenly looked at the two of them, and then his long sword shook, and the magic gate's strange aura was released.

A red light burst out, piercing the sky and killing Song Qing.

Boom! !

Although there was a large amount of strange aura from the Demon Sect near Song Qing, she was still penetrated by this terrifying red light.

"Qianjin Banner? I didn't expect a magic weapon of this level to have such a big backer behind it."

At this moment, Song Qing showed a puzzled expression and said in horror.

He didn't expect that the Dragon Pattern Sect would give the Thousand Gold Flag to Shangguan as punishment.

"This is troublesome. If there is such a magic weapon, it may not be that simple if I want to kill them now.

Qianjin Banner can completely dissolve the Demonic Blood Dragon Sect's aura, which will also make his offense very weak.

"If I were in my heyday, it would be easy to kill you, but my current strength has not been fully restored. Otherwise, you two would not be able to suppress me."

There was a blush in Song Qing's pupils.

At this moment, the power in his body increased again, and the red light in his pupils became stronger than before.

Chen Xuan also felt something unusual. He just wanted to resolve the battle quickly because Chen Xuan also guessed that the Demon Sect warrior was in his body.

I'm afraid I want to completely occupy his power, if he returns to his full strength.

By then, I'm afraid no one in this secret realm can stop him.

"Sacred Fire Sword Intent."

Because of the punishment from the superior, Chen Xuan did not want to use the Immortal Sword Technique. After all, what happened just now left many warriors holding back resentment in their hearts.

So Chen Xuan can only use Divine Fire Sword Intent now, because after all, if people want to know that Chen Xuan is the one who just stole the inheritance, they will definitely launch a siege on him.

A beam of fairy fire burst out instantly, and Chen Xuan let out a roar.

Chen Xuan's long sword carried the Suzaku Fire and rushed towards Song Qing in an instant.

Soon, the battle entered a fierce stage.

The skills of the warriors of the Demonic Blood Dragon Sect are so terrifying. The most important thing is that the strange aura of the Demonic Sect is very strange and extremely flammable. There are several warriors nearby who want to come up to help, but after being touched by this aura , was directly burned into a pile of bones.

If Chen Xuan hadn't used the Suzaku soul to fight against them, the two of them might have been killed by this Demon Sect warrior long ago.

The reason why they are not defeated now is obviously because of the help of magic weapons.

Otherwise, their probability of winning is very low.

At this moment,

They looked at the scene happening in front of them with expressions of surprise.

What happened in front of them made them feel very shocked.

"I really didn't expect that Song Qing was actually a warrior from the Demon Blood Dragon Sect. No wonder his cultivation level would increase so much in an instant." Zhao Wan said, clenching his palms.

Huo Qiyun, who was nearby, nodded slightly and sighed slowly.

"This guy actually colluded with the Demon Sect. It's really irritating."

However, among them, there are also many people who have a good relationship with him, and now they all show shocked expressions, obviously unable to accept this fact.

The struggle between the second level and the Demonic Blood Dragon Sect has been going on for many years.

This largest demon sect on the second level has caused the destruction of many famous sects.

There are also many families that have been destroyed by the Demon Sect. Even the warriors of the Qingxian Sect hate the Demon Blood Dragon Sect extremely.

Magic gate? You must know that they don't care about anything when they practice.

And their methods are very cruel.

Countless people died from their abuse.

However, except for those strong men who have reached the five major levels of the Divine Realm, the other disciples who are weaker in strength do not know the so-called Demon Blood Dragon Sect at all. They just watched the battle curiously.

After all, the battle in the air was too intense.

The fluctuations of spiritual energy emitted frightened many warriors.

At this time, many warriors also regarded Chen Xuan as a new generation of talents who were at the same level as Shangguan Punishment, because they discovered that the cultivation level he had now exploded was actually on par with Shangguan Punishment.

Zhao Wan was secretly glad that he did not completely fall out with this terrifying guy in front of Gulong Town, otherwise, they would definitely be hated by Chen Xuan.

"This guy's cultivation has improved so quickly. It's really terrifying. Fortunately, I got to know Brother Chen first, hehehe." Xuanyuan Bi couldn't help but sigh.

They were not too nervous about what was happening now. After all, the situation had temporarily stabilized.

If they unite together, the Demon Sect warriors should be suppressed.

"It seems that the ranking of the new generation of Xuanshan Mountain is going to change." Huo Qiyun said.

Zhao Wan looked at the battle in the air and said softly: "Brother Chen Xuan's strength is roughly equivalent to Shangguan Penalty. If Shangguan Penalty didn't use the materials and treasures of Longwen Sect, it would be impossible to defeat Brother Chen Xuan. The two of them In terms of talent, there should be a big difference.”

However, Zhao Wan also understood when he said this.

In the end, the Dragon Pattern Sect will definitely take care of this matter. If Chen Xuan wants to improve his cultivation, he must rely entirely on himself.

But he didn't know that Chen Xuan also used a lot of materials and treasures to improve his cultivation.

It's just that he went to find it himself instead of letting these large sects cultivate him.

At this moment, there was a shocking sound in the air.

Several warriors used their skills and immediately joined the battle.

Seeing these people gathered around, Song Qing's eyes contained the strange aura of the Demon Sect, and the power emanating from her whole body was very powerful.

Chen Xuan even felt an eerie feeling on his body. This inexplicable aura made him feel uncomfortable all over.

He looked at Chen Xuan and Shangguan Puny across from him, and the strange aura emanating from the sword dissipated in the blink of an eye.

"Shangguan Punishment, are you sure you will join forces with him to deal with me?" Song Qing said.

"Song Qing, as a powerful person who has achieved the five major perfections of the second-level god realm, and you are also a leader of a well-known and decent sect, you have joined forces with the Demon Blood Dragon Sect. I, Shangguan Punishment, will definitely kill you." Shangguan Punishment sneered. road.

After hearing his words, Chen Xuan, who was nearby, looked at Song Qing quietly.

He felt that the other person's expression was strange. Half of his face was very ferocious, but the other half was very calm.

It is obvious that half of his consciousness and body have been occupied by the magic door. It can be two people existing in one body. When Zheng

"Although you two are very strong in cultivation, you can't kill me at all." Song Qing said calmly.

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