Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5271 Zhang Yun of the Demon Blood Dragon Sect

In the battle just now, although he did not suppress Chen Xuan and the others, and was still slightly at a disadvantage, he had not yet fully exerted his full strength.

At least if there was a fight, he believed he could escape.

"The only thing that surprised me was that this guy actually had an aura about him that made me feel scared. What is the origin of this guy really makes me curious."

Thinking of the group of flames that instantly broke through the strange aura of the Demon Gate he released during the battle just now, Song Qing's heart began to continuously release murderous intent.

He felt that Chen Xuan posed a greater threat to him.

In the current situation, no matter what, Chen Xuan will definitely be killed today. Otherwise, if Chen Xuan is allowed to grow up in the future, it will definitely pose a threat to him.

Zhang Yun of the Demon Blood Dragon Sect has a very important position in the Demon Blood Dragon Sect. As long as he can leave the Xue Kong Ruins, he can safely return to the Demon Blood Dragon Sect, recover for a while, and then let his power reach its peak.

But he also knew that it would be difficult for him to win against two people at the same time.

After thinking for a moment, Song Qing came up with an idea. Since attacking by force was not possible, she had to resort to outsmarting him.

There was a strange smile on his face and he said: "Shangguan Punishment, I'm afraid his cultivation and talents are higher than yours. Now you two join forces to kill me. I'm afraid you will be punished by this in the future." Zi suppressed it.”

Song Qing paused slightly and observed Shangguan Punishment's expression. He was also curious about Shangguan Punishment's mood.

"This time, entering Fairy Bird Peak is one of the reasons. I think you should know why the ruins were opened. If you can get Yu Wenqiu, then the gate of Fairy Bird Peak will always be open to you."

Sure enough, when he heard about Yu Wenqiu and his own future, Shangguan Punishment's face flashed with panic.

He knew that Chen Xuan's cultivation was indeed very strong.

When he met Chen Xuan before, he didn't feel such a big threat, but now Chen Xuan can be on an equal footing with him.

However, Shangguan Xing soon calmed down, and he also knew who was the most threatening person to him now.

"It's so funny. Looking at the entire Xuan Mountain Range, there is no warrior among the new generation who can challenge me in a decisive battle with Shangguan Punishment. Although this guy is pretty good, he definitely can't be my opponent. You don't need to be from the Demon Blood Dragon Sect. Warrior, please help." Shangguan said disdainfully.

In fact, although Shangguan Punishment lamented the rapid improvement of Chen Xuan's cultivation, in his heart he did not take Chen Xuan seriously at all.

This is his pride as a talent.

After all, Chen Xuan is an unknown person who comes from nowhere.

How could it possibly shake his self-esteem?

The only thing that made him feel very heavy was Song Qing in front of him. He had always been below him before, but now with the help of the magic gate, he actually surpassed him.

He also felt very uncomfortable inside.

"I'm afraid, things are not as simple as you think. This guy is actually a fifth-level fairy-level formation mage who can set up powerful and fierce formations. He also has Wang Xingyun's legend. If he breaks through to the realm of gods, There is a high chance that the five majors will defeat you." Song Qing continued: "Even if the Dragon Pattern Sect wants to help, you won't have a chance to win."

"This is absolutely impossible. What nonsense are you talking about if you stay here?" Shangguan Xing said immediately.

But then, he glanced at Chen Xuan, wondering if he was also thinking in his heart.

Chen Xuan could see that there was a complicated expression in his pupils, and he obviously wanted to take this opportunity to kill it.

Although he talks hard, everyone has witnessed the talent of the program.

"There are so many warriors from the Demon Blood Dragon Sect that we can't finish them all." Chen Xuan let out a disdainful smile and said, "I just completely killed one of your temporary strongholds before, but I didn't expect that you still escaped."

When Song Qing heard this, she glanced at Chen Xuan, then turned to look at Shangguan Punishment, and then a faint smile appeared on her face.

"Don't listen to this Zihu, I'm just borrowing the power of the Demon Sect, and now that it has been exposed, I will definitely not stay in the famous and decent sect in the future. I will leave here as soon as possible after I go out. When the time comes, I will The throne of One is still yours," he continued.

Then at this time, many warriors around were rushing here. Naturally, they did not want Shangguan Penalty to agree to Song Qing.

After all, this is a battle between good and evil now, not a personal grudge.

"Shangguan Punishment, don't listen to the warriors of the Demon Blood Dragon Sect, otherwise, there will be many dangers."

"Yes, in front of the warriors of the Demonic Blood Dragon Sect, you should unite together to face the challenge."

"That's right. The people from the Demon Sect are obviously trying to seduce you. You must not agree to him."

Huo Qiyun and Zhao Wan roared at the same time.

"Hahaha, ignore them."

"Shangguan Punishment, don't you want to be the strongest person in the Xuan Mountain Range, or even the strongest person in the entire second level? Since I am now a member of the Demon Sect, you will not be the one to take the throne in the future."

Shangguanxu's expression was extremely ferocious. After a long time, Shangguanxu suddenly turned around and said in a cold voice: "When you leave the Xuekong ruins, our Dragon Pattern Sect will definitely attack you, but before that, I will not attack you. Okay, I’ll leave this to you.”

After the words fell, Shangguan Xun's body flashed quickly and left here.

As soon as these words came out, all the sect disciples, including Chen Xuan, looked at this move with surprised expressions.

"Shangguan Punishment left just like that. Did he want to kill Chen Xuan?"

"The Shangguan punished this trash for doing this. What on earth did he want to do?"

"Damn it, what the hell is going on... If Brother Shangguan leaves, Chen Xuan cannot be his opponent."

"If we work together, we can't defeat this demon sect."

Many warriors were very angry, but there was nothing they could do to help Chen Xuan.

After all, in the melee just now, countless well-known and upright warriors had been killed and injured, and many of them had been seriously injured.

After seeing him leave, Song Qing showed a strange smile in the air.

Looking in the direction of Chen Xuan, he laughed cruelly: "You are really ridiculous. Just now you had to unite to deal with me, but now you are the only one left."

"My son, you are the only one left, and you still want to deal with me now. You are thinking too simply." Song Qing's words were full of sarcasm.

Chen Xuan shook his head slightly, but it was nothing.

Chen Xuan really didn't expect his withdrawal.

In fact, Chen Xuan didn't have any good impressions of Shangguan Punishment from the beginning. As a result, Shangguan Punishment has now taken the initiative to withdraw, which is very obvious.

It was like using someone else's hand to kill himself, so that Chen Xuan now hated Shangguan's punishment even more.

"Shangguan punishment, just wait for me." Chen Xuan said softly.

He also knew that the biggest enemy had not been solved yet, so Chen Xuan adjusted his mood slightly and raised his eyes to look at Song Qing.

Even if Chen Xuan wanted to escape, he could still leave peacefully. After all, he had initially mastered the rules.

And this kind of power allows Chen Xuan to easily escape among warriors in the same realm, and even many more advanced warriors than him.

"You guys get out of here quickly, we are no longer opponents."

Chen Xuan whispered to Zhao Wan and Huo Qiyun.

After hearing Chen Xuan's words, their faces were very hesitant.

Obviously, the two of them didn't want to leave here, but felt that they might have a chance of winning if they joined forces together.

But Chen Xuan knew how strong the other party was, so after Chen Xuan's persuasion, the two of them left with many sect disciples.

After Song Qing saw these warriors leaving, a faint smile appeared on his face. He did not stop them. Anyway, it was still some time before the secret realm was opened. If Chen Xuan was killed, the others would not pose much of a threat to him.

After all, Chen Xuan is one of the two strongest people in the ruins.

He also knew Chen Xuan's threat.

"You damn son can die at my hands, you can be proud of it." Song Qing said with disdain.

"It seems that if I'm not wrong, you should be Zhang Yun of the Demon Blood Dragon Sect. I should be right." Chen Xuan asked.

Song Qing nodded slightly, and then a smile appeared on her face.

"Okay, I didn't expect you to be able to see my name." Song Qing didn't hide anything.


Chen Xuan deployed a fifth-level immortal level formation.

"You want to use the fifth-level immortal formation to deal with me, Zhang Yun? You are thinking too simply."

Zhang Yun of the Demonic Blood Dragon Sect is very strong, but his fifth-level immortal-level formation cannot penetrate his eyes at all.

Chen Xuan's body flashed, and the Immortal Sword Technique was cast, and his body was absorbed into Kong Zheng.

"What? What do you mean?"

Song Qing, who was originally smiling, suddenly showed a confused expression. He found that he couldn't sense Chen Xuan.

"No way, actually..."

At this time, Song Qing finally thought of something.

"Wang Xingyun's inherited magic weapon was secretly taken away by you?" Song Qinghan asked.

In the air, Chen Xuan's ninth-level immortal-level magical weapon suddenly swung towards Song Qing.

He slashed out a line of sword energy to defend himself against the attack of the ninth-level immortal magic weapon, then retreated and disappeared into the air.

"The rules of space can be used so powerfully. Your talent is really good." Song Qinghan said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Song Qing swung her long sword.

Suddenly, with him as the center, a terrifying aura instantly filled the area, turning the area into a dense area.

"Body-protecting spiritual energy."

Song Qing shouted.

If the protective aura is used, the surrounding area will immediately turn into a sea of ​​fire.

In a sea of ​​fire, he is the absolute strongest, able to control a

The strange aura of the demon gate in the sea of ​​fire is extremely incineration. Even a strong person who has reached the five major levels of the divine realm will definitely die here if caught in it.

Song Qing did not believe that Chen Xuan could defend himself against the attack of the protective aura.

But Chen Xuan, who disappeared in the air, let out a disdainful smile.

Chen Xuan said to himself: "Unless this protective spiritual energy can burn me, it will not pose any threat to me at all."

With the magic of time and the rules of space, Chen Xuan is no longer afraid of the protective aura.

"Damn you bastard, I want to see how you can defend yourself against my attack."

Song Qing roared and controlled the protective aura.

Facing Song Qing's body-protecting aura, Chen Xuan knew his own strength and it would be very difficult to completely resist it, so he did not confront it head-on, but dodged.

The rules of space operate, and the power of time magic becomes more powerful.

Disappeared in the air, as long as Chen Xuan didn't appear, Song Qing had no way of finding his traces.

In this case, Chen Xuan could attack Song Qing, but there was nothing he could do about it.

"This protective aura is very powerful, but it's a pity that it bumped into me."

Chen Xuan said secretly in the air.

If it were an ordinary strong person who had reached the five major levels of the divine realm, facing Song Qing's body-protecting aura, he would definitely die here.

But he was not afraid.

The spiritual energy in the body-protecting spiritual energy had no way of eroding him, and it couldn't even get close to his body.

Song Qing smiled sinisterly, and then the terrifying and strange aura of the Demon Sect instantly filled his surroundings.

He wanted to use the protective spiritual energy to completely kill Chen Xuan.

In the air, a long sword suddenly waved.

Carrying such terrifying power, he killed Song Qing.

Boom! Song Qing quickly controlled the body-protecting spiritual energy to resist, and was able to resist the attack of the prairie prairie sword with difficulty.

"Damn, what the hell is going on..."

Song Qing's expression turned completely gloomy.

There was a blush in his pupils, and a terrifying killing intent emanated from his body.

"I don't believe you damn kid can always defend against my attacks." Song Qing yelled angrily.

After fighting for such a long time, he now has no patience at all.

I originally thought that Chen Xuan was the only one left, and it would be very simple for him to win.

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