But who would have thought that Chen Xuan would be so difficult to deal with.

Just when he was about to launch a fierce attack.

However, this time the firebird appeared.

Although Song Qing is strong, the strange aura of the Demon Sect is afraid of the Suzaku Soul.

The appearance of the Fire Bird also improved Chen Xuan's overall strength, so now when they faced this powerful man from the Demon Sect, Chen Xuan also cheered up.

"Lord Chen Xuan, I will try to use the power of the phantom beast spirit, the Ten Thousand Birds Divine Fire, to defend him," Firebird said.

"no problem."

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, without saying much, and then continued to use the Immortal Sword Technique to attack him with the Divine Fire Sword Intent.

Every time the prairie fire sword is swung, it will cause vibrations of the protective spiritual energy.

As time passed, bursts of red light filled Song Qing's body-protecting aura once again.


The power within the protective aura increased several times with lightning speed.

"The body-protecting spiritual energy rises."

Song Qing roared angrily.

Chen Xuan saw Song Qing's thoughts, and then he sneered and continued to attack.


At this moment, the Firebird jumped out.

His body was filled with terrifying power, and the spirit of the dragon, fire, and bird was extremely terrifying.

When Firebird was performing the secret technique, he was also performing the Ten Thousand Breaks Secret Technique.

These two powers can double the power of the Firebird. Even Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh.

If he were hit by this kind of power, it would probably be a disaster.

His eyes can clearly see the patterns of body-protecting aura, which makes it much easier to absorb them.

"Master Chen Xuan, as long as I absorb it successfully after a while, if you hold on for a while longer, as long as I absorb this power, you can attack him." Firebird said with a smile.

After Chen Xuan received the news, he immediately stepped up his attacks on Song Qing to interfere with his control of the protective aura.

His protective aura is very complex, and his anti-interference ability is also very powerful.

They have been fighting for a long time, but Chen Xuan has not benefited at all. So now he must think of another way, which is to let the Firebird break his defense.

"Damn it!! I will definitely kill you."

Finally, after half an hour of confrontation, Song Qing became completely angry. He discovered that Chen Xuan could actually block him for such a long time.

He frantically activated his body-protecting spiritual energy, trying to kill Chen Xuan directly.

However, Chen Xuan's power is not that simple.

"Do you think you can escape by hiding in the air? You damn son, since you don't show up, I will completely destroy this place. Hahaha, I will see where you can run to when the time comes."

Song Qinghan said in a cold voice.

After he finished, he waved the long sword in his hand again. In an instant, a sword light waved, and the strange aura of the magic door in the protective aura burst out with a terrifying light.

Seeing this terrifying power, Chen Xuan in the air was also very frightened.

It had to be that if he were hit by this force, Chen Xuan would be dead.

"Break it for me."

However, at this moment, Firebird let out a low shout, and its power instantly unfolded.


The surging power within the body-protecting aura instantly tore apart.

"What? What do you mean? Why on earth is this? Why can this damn monster absorb my power?"

When Song Qing felt this scene, her face darkened instantly.

He was puzzled by the fact that his body-protecting aura contained extremely powerful demon-burning spiritual power.

However, now it was actually swallowed by the power of the fire bird.

He didn't know that the person in front of him was the Dragon Fire God Bird. After all, this one had the bloodline of an ancient divine beast.

Although it is very difficult to deal with it, it is completely sufficient.

"How can this be!"

Song Qing lost her voice and said, after all, this body-protecting spiritual energy is his greatest reliance.

If the protective aura was broken, it would be difficult for him to defend against Chen Xuan's attack.

As of now, the aura within the protective aura is torn apart.

Chen Xuan also saw that his protective aura was gradually collapsing, so he also seized the opportunity.

"Come together and kill!" Chen Xuan shouted loudly.

Song Qing flashed a hint of chill, and then used all her strength to activate the protective aura, trying to kill Chen Xuan.

However, he still took a look at Firebird's strength.

The body-protecting spiritual energy absorbed by the firebird formed a fierce collision.

Moreover, Fire Bird's Ten Thousand Breaking Secret Technique can clearly see the patterns of body-protecting spiritual energy.

In this case, he can destroy the protective aura without any worries.

"Damn, what the hell is going on..."

Just as he was about to succeed, who would have thought that the body-protecting aura would undergo such a change.

Song Qing's long sword suddenly struck out, immediately forcing the Firebird's body out.

Firebird sneered, then smiled at him.

"I will definitely kill you today." Song Qing roared inwardly. He did not expect that he would suffer such a big loss today.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple if you want to kill me." Firebird spread his hands and said.

In an instant, the defensive circle he had just formed completely collapsed, and the torn spiritual energy spread all over Song Qing's body. This force immediately caused many warriors around him to retreat. They found that this force suddenly became stronger, and even caused They feel overwhelmed.

Moreover, this force formed a powerful backlash, and many warriors were almost involved.

Song Qing let out a roar and an angry roar.

"Master Chen Xuan, let's act quickly, and don't let this guy react."

Firebird said hurriedly.

Chen Xuan had been ready to launch an attack at any time before. After receiving the order from Firebird, the Vermillion Bird's soul quickly condensed, and the flame was completely absorbed into the Lioyuan Sword.

The fairy-level ninth-level magic weapon was fully activated, and the terrifying power was everywhere.

With a bang! !

Song Qing had no time to dodge, and was directly hit by Chen Xuan's sword.


The flame quickly passed through the fairy-level ninth-level magic weapon and entered Song Qing's body.

"This is absolutely impossible, I don't believe it."

The flame can restrain the strange breath of the Demon Sect, and the power in Song Qing's body is being madly suppressed by Chen Xuan's power.

At this time, Song Qing found that Chen Xuan was not as simple as he looked on the surface, and now he finally felt fear.

He wanted to escape from this place.

He found that if he really continued to fight with Chen Xuan, there was a great possibility that he would be killed in the end, and he naturally could not bear it.

After all, he had gone through so much trouble and spent so much energy just to completely revive.

If he died here, everything would be over, but although he wanted to escape, he was powerless.

In a short while, the strange breath of the demon gate in his body was completely swallowed by the flames.

After seeing his power being swallowed by this mysterious flame, his expression became even more horrified.

At this moment, Song Qing's expression was extremely nervous, with beads of sweat on his forehead. He could clearly feel that his life was fading.

At the same time, his scarlet eyes were staring at Chen Xuan, as if he wanted to eat him.

"Damn it, who are you? Why is this damn son so powerful?"

His voice suddenly came out.

But at this time, the power of the flames showed no signs of weakening, and it was getting stronger and stronger.

Finally, his body could no longer support this power and was directly suppressed on Lin. However, at this moment, a tiny soul burst out from his body in an instant, trying to escape from the cluster.

"Die for me."

Chen Xuan laughed wildly, and the Lioyuan Sword accurately chopped the soul.

In an instant, the soul of Zhang Yun, a warrior of the Demon Blood Dragon Sect, disappeared.

Although he killed Song Qing, Chen Xuan was also thinking in his heart.

Although his strength has increased a lot, this kind of battle can be said to be a hard fight.

At this moment, the fire bird walked to Chen Xuan with a smile on his face.

He now feels that if he joins forces with the adults, no one below the sixth level of the God Realm can be his opponent.

You can basically be invincible in this realm.

There are very few people who can bring danger to them.

Chen Xuan said slowly and lightly: "If I were to enter the fifth level of the Godly Realm, I'm afraid it would have ended long ago. Now my cultivation is only at the Perfection Realm. It will take some time to reach the Great Perfection."

"Master Chen Xuan, with your talent, it's only a matter of time before you enter the sixth level of the Godly Realm. You may be able to enter the sixth level of the Godly Realm after leaving the Blood Sky Ruins. What's the Great Perfection, hehe." Firebird said.

After hearing what Firebird said, Chen Xuan thought for a moment and felt that it made some sense.

So he didn't continue to be self-indulgent.

"There is still a long time before the secret realm opens. I can use this time to improve my cultivation and reach the sixth level as soon as possible. Only in this way can I ensure safety when I leave." Chen Xuan said.

After absorbing Wang Xingyun's inheritance, he still has no time to watch it. After all, Chen Xuan has an important thing to do now.

"Master Chen Xuan, how are you going to deal with Shangguan Fa?" Firebird asked.

Chen Xuan shook his head slowly.

"He has already run away. We won't deal with Shangguan Fa for the time being, but wait for this guy."

"Yeah, he is really hateful. He dared to stand us up. If I get the chance, I must kill him."

"Hehe, after we get out, I will definitely fight with Shangguan Fa, but now we have things to do. It's not time to deal with him." Chen Xuan said slowly.

Shangguan Fa is different from Song Qing. Although he doesn't have Song Qing's body protection aura, his cultivation is also extremely strong.

So it must not be that easy for Chen Xuan to kill him.

The most important thing is that he must have a magic weapon given to him by the elders of the sect, so Chen Xuan must be cautious when killing him. If he is not careful, he may be killed.

The main reason for killing Song Qing is the Vermillion Bird Spirit. After all, the fire in Chen Xuan's body seems to be able to restrain him, but dealing with Shangguan Fa may not be that easy.

If Chen Xuan launches a fierce attack, the final result will definitely not be that good.

In this case, it will affect the plan after entering the Fairy Bird Peak.

"Master Chen Xuan, after you break through, I will definitely teach him a lesson." Firebird said.

Soon, Chen Xuan and Firebird left here.

From now on, there will be no more disciples of Yunxianhua Sword Sect in the Blood Sky Ruins.

The group of disciples who left the sect before did not expect that Song Qing would be killed by Chen Xuan.

After all, they thought that Chen Xuan could not possibly be his opponent. However, if they knew, they would probably be extremely surprised.

Second level, a region.

This is one of the territories of the Demon Blood Dragon Sect.

The reason for this is that they have more than one territory, and this is just one of their bases.

As the saying goes, a cunning rabbit has three burrows. These demon sect warriors understand this principle very well, so they divide their hiding places into several gathering points, so that they can leave here as soon as possible when the warriors of the famous and upright sects surround them.

At this moment, a warrior of the Demon Blood Dragon Sect suddenly appeared from a dark corner.

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