Xuying remained silent, thought for a moment, and then said: "All of you, please come with me."

"Sect Master, is this the end of it?" asked the elder of the Dragon Pattern Sect.

"Haha, I will never let go of Shangguan's punishment, but we can't just investigate him now. Haven't you noticed that these strong men are protecting her?" Xuying said.

Many warriors from the Dragon Pattern Sect heard the voice transmission from their sect master's soul, and in the end they had no choice but to leave Fairy Bird Peak.

Although they want revenge very much, just like Chen Xuan, they now have no evidence and are just completely subjective, so now they can only leave here.

In the main hall, silence fell.

The eyes of many warriors suddenly fell on Luo Qing.

Even Yu Wenhuang looked at him in shock. He didn't understand what benefits Chen Xuan had given Luo Qing and why he was suddenly asked to help Chen Xuan.

After all, Yu Wenhuang also knew his character very well.

However, these seem to have little to do with him.

"You announce the result. This matter should have been over a long time ago. Is there any need to wait so long?" Luo Qing shook his head slightly and continued.

"If you say so, I will choose a result."

After hearing this, he glanced at Chen Xuan with a smile and walked in front of Wang Zedong.

Chen Xuan was also waiting patiently for Yu Wenhuang to announce the results.

In the eyes of many warriors, Yu Wenhuang walked out.

His eyes were all over Chen Xuan, and then he whispered: "This time, except Chen Xuan, no warrior has completed the task. However, Chen Xuan's cultivation is too weak. He can indeed get my reward, but this second condition, I’m afraid he’s still not up to par.”

"But his talent is still quite strong. Chen Xuan, after you get my inheritance, you can leave."

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the reason why Yu Wenhuang is acting like this is not at all because Chen Xuan is too weak and does not want to provoke the Dragon Pattern Sect.

After all, although his cultivation is strong, it makes the leader of the Dragon Pattern Sect even more powerful.

If he wasn't completely sure, he would certainly not be willing to provoke such a strong person.

"It's so funny." There was indeed anger in Chen Xuan's heart.

This Yu Wenhuang, let it be forgotten.

As a result, he went through all kinds of hardships and finally passed all the tests. As a result, he can only get rewards at most.

There is no way to get his biography

As for Chen Xuan's other plan, naturally there was no way to complete it.

This is to bring Yu Wenqiu out.

But there was nothing he could do, after all, this was the strength gap.

His is not unreasonable.

Although Chen Xuan has not entered the sixth level, his overall cultivation level is not much different.

As a result, the other party actually used this to reject him.

Zhang Ziang and Wang Jiu also saw the anger in Chen Xuan's eyes.

But they knew they must not take action now. If Chen Xuan couldn't help it, it would be very bad.

"Ah, may I ask what you mean?" Chen Xuan said softly, holding the sword tightly in his hands.

He walked towards Yu Wenhuang slowly. Zhang Ziang wanted to stop him, but it was already too late.

"Chen Xuan, don't act rashly."

Many warriors shouted.

"I dare to ask Yu Wenhuang, you made me put in so much effort for yourself, and even many people died, but you wrote a bad check?" Chen Xuandao.

In an instant, there were discussions in the main hall.

Many sect disciples looked at Chen Xuan with puzzled expressions.

This guy actually has the guts to question Yu Wenhuang like this in public?

Even if Yu Wenhuang kills him, I'm afraid it won't do anything.

"Son, you can't control me." Yu Wenhuang said coldly, and then disappeared into the main hall.

Hearing Yuwen Huang's words, Chen Xuan suddenly laughed. He chose to participate in Yuwen Huang's trial just to take Yu Wenqiu away. Although there was no way to take him away, at least this time.

Marriage is impossible.

As for his inheritance and the rewards given to him, he doesn't care about them at all.

"Chen Xuan, don't worry, it's not safe here. I will advise my senior brother. It is indeed his fault this time. This old guy has a bad temper. He has always been like this." Zhang Huo said.

"Chen Xuan, come with me."

Luo Qing sent a message to Chen Xuan, and then walked to a residence.

Chen Xuan suppressed the anger in his heart and asked Zhang Ziang and Wang Jiu to return first.

But at this time, an area with a plain environment.

Luo Qing was waiting for Chen Xuan with a faint smile. This was his resting place.

"Senior, actually I have something to talk to you about." Chen Xuandao.

He also knew that Chen Xuan had just sent him a message, and he probably really wanted to tell him something.

"You are considered half of my disciples, why are you so polite to me?" Luo Qing said with a smile.

Chen Xuan shook his head slightly, and then said: "Senior, actually this matter is not that simple."

Chen Xuan's words made Luo Qing feel quite helpless.

"So what do you want to do? Do you want me to help you? I have already helped you just now," Luo Qing asked.

After hearing his words, Chen Xuandao said: "Well, to tell you the truth, senior, I also know the specific reasons for the failure in this exam. Yu Wenqiu is my friend. When she was in the second level, she was met by her father. I arrived, so I was caught on the second floor.”

Chen Xuan fell into deep thought. Zheng

"I also know that it should be a very happy thing for them to meet each other, but Yuwen Qiu told me that he seems to be under house arrest now. His father seems to be too strict. I thought I could bring him out quietly this time, but I found that Yuwen Huang was afraid of the Dragon Pattern Sect and refused me to join them. In this situation, no matter what, I must complete my goal." Chen Xuan said in a deep voice.

"His inheritance is not very important to me, and I have already got the magic weapon they rewarded."

After listening to Chen Xuan's words, Luo Qing was quite moved, as if he didn't expect that there was a hidden story in the middle.

In fact, everyone knew that the reason why Yuwen Huang held this assessment.

There is also an important purpose, which is to find a successor for himself, and also for Yuwen Qiu's marriage.

"Unexpectedly, Yuwen Qiu is also from the second level. The power in this girl is really strong."

Although Chen Xuan did not directly become his apprentice, Luo Qing already regarded Chen Xuan as his disciple in his heart. After all, Chen Xuan had received his inheritance.

And how could he refuse a talent like Chen Xuan?

"Although I can protect you, there are many strong men in the sixth level of the Godly Realm on the Fairy Bird Peak. It is impossible for you to take your friends away. This is very dangerous. And since you have received their rewards and inheritance, it will not be a loss for you if Yuwen Huang does not accept you." Luo Qing said.

"That's true, so I don't want you to be implicated by these people like me." Chen Xuan said softly.

After the anger just now, although Chen Xuan was still a little unhappy, his mood has now completely returned to calm.

What will happen next is very dangerous, and you will die if you don't do it.

The conflict between Yuwen Qiu and his daughter.

Chen Xuan doesn't know much.

However, he has only one creed in his life, and he must do it if he promises not to let things go.

Even if he can't do it now, he must work hard for it.

Since Yuwen Qiu doesn't want to stay with her father, Chen Xuan must help her fight for freedom.

Although Chen Xuan also knows that there are many dangers in this, he has no choice.

Luo Qing pondered for a moment and whispered: "Chen Xuan, I can help you hold them back for a while. As for whether it can succeed, I can't guarantee it. But after this incident, I am afraid I will also offend them." Chen Xuan was extremely happy when he heard it. Chen Xuan had to be very helpless at the beginning. After going through so many hardships, he finally got some magic weapons given to him by Yuwen Huang, as well as Chuan Chang. He got nothing else. The most important thing was that he couldn't fulfill the conditions promised to Yuwen Qiu. However, Chen Xuan knew that with Luo Qing's help, his chances of winning were much greater. At least he had a chance to ensure that he would not die here. "Thank you very much, senior. If you help me this time, I have a great chance to secretly bring it out." Chen Xuan nodded slightly. Fairy Bird Peak. "This is bad. I'm going to find Chen Xuan." Rejected by Yuwen Huang, Yuwen Qiu was afraid that Chen Xuan would have a conflict with Yuwen Huang because of his own affairs, which was very bad. He knew how powerful his father was. And he also believed that when Chen Xuan faced him, he was very sure that he was not his opponent. But just as he was about to leave, a warrior suddenly came over. In the air, a warrior wearing a long ochre-grey robe slowly landed on Lin.

Yuwen Qiu was stopped by Zhang Huo.

"Yuwen Qiu, your friend is still safe for the time being, you don't need to worry for now." Zhang Huo said.

"But you also know my father's temper. If Chen Xuan contradicts him, I don't know what my father will do."

Yuwen Qiu said softly.

"Yuwen Qiu, you don't need to worry about this matter for the time being. Your father has always been this stubborn, but this time the situation is a bit complicated, you don't know what happened yet." After hearing his words, Zhang Huo said.

"What happened?"

Yuwen Qiu was indeed very curious.

He had been staying here all the time and knew nothing about what was happening outside.

At this time in the main hall.

Luo Qing found Yuwen Huang.

"Luo Qing, let's make it short, just sit down." Yuwen Huang said, as if his tone was a little impatient.

"Invisible Sword Qi, since you refused this Chen Xuan to join your sect, doesn't that mean I already have a chance?" Luo Qing laughed.

After hearing this, Yuwen Huang was a little shocked.

Unexpectedly, the other party came to find me for this matter.

"Luo Qing, don't tell me about this for the time being. I have to consider a lot of situations in the past few days. The danger has not been lifted yet, so I don't want to think too much." Yuwen Huan.

After hearing his words, Luo Qing nodded slightly.

"Luo Qing, I am very curious. You and this Chen Xuan seem to have known each other before. What is the relationship between you two?" Yuwen Huang asked.

"This, hahaha, this is a long story." He then began to speak doubtfully.

However, this is one of Chen Xuan's plans.

Luo Qing held Yuwen Huang, while Chen Xuan used the sword fairy method, quickly displayed his body skills, and then found Yuwen Qiu here.

Quickly take Yuwen Qiu away.

At that time, Chen Xuan can leave here directly.

But at this time, Yu Wenqiu was with Zhang Huo.

"Who is it?"

Zhang Huo suddenly shouted and looked nearby.

Chen Xuan didn't expect that Zhang Huo could discover him? Chen Xuan was indeed very surprised.

You have to know when he is using his skills now. Those who can discover him are definitely the strongest among the strong.

While he was thinking, Zhang Huo spoke: "Chen Xuan?"

When Yu Wenqiu saw this scene, he hurried to Chen Xuan.

"Senior, have you discovered me?" Chen Xuan asked.

Zhang Huo said: "Chen Xuan, take Yu Wenqiu away quickly. If old Yuwen reacts, he will definitely send people to chase him. You must be careful on the way."

Chen Xuan was quite moved. He thought Zhang Huo would stop him, but now the meaning of his words was very obvious.

"Hurry up and leave, and Yu Wenqiu, don't blame your father. He has always had this character. In fact, he has always wanted to make up for the wrong he did to your mother, so he did this to you." Zhang Huo said hurriedly. .

"Okay, I don't have much else to say. Please hurry up when you leave."

After the words fell, Chen Xuan didn't want to delay any more, so he and Yu Wenqiu disappeared into the air.

Seeing Chen Xuan's body disappearing in the air instantly, Zhang Huo put down the stone in his heart.

He could clearly feel that Chen Xuan was very powerful. Even his senior brother would not be able to discover Chen Xuan in a short time.

"I hope you can leave here successfully, old man Yuwen. Although he loves Yuwenqiu very much, it was self-defeating in the end. In comparison, this girl should be more eager for freedom." Zhang Huo sighed.

At this time, Luo Qing and Yu Wenhuang chatted for a while and left in a hurry.

Because he had heard Chen Xuan's voice.

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