After saying goodbye, Yu Wenhuang walked out of the hall, but suddenly there was an ominous feeling in his heart.

"Yu Wenqiu."

Yuwenhuang's consciousness spread out instantly, and then they began to look for Yuwenqiu.

But he was very surprised when he found that Yu Wenqiu was not on the Fairy Bird Peak.

"What? What do you mean? What happened?"

Then he discovered that Chen Xuan was gone too.

"Damn it."

Yu Wenhuang was full of evil spirit, and this Chen Xuan actually had the guts to disappear under his nose.

This is very clear.

Yu Wenqiu also discussed the procedure with his father at the beginning, so he had actually noticed Chen Xuan for a long time.

The reason why he obstructed Chen Xuan in every possible way. , just afraid that his daughter will leave him again.

He has been alone for too long.

Boom! !

Yu Wenhuang used his movement skills and arrived at Luo Qing's residence in an instant.

"Luo Qing, what exactly do you want to do? Did you have a premeditated plan just now?"

Yu Wenhuang was very angry inside.

"What's wrong? What's going on? Did we just go over to talk to you? Why do you seem to be mobilizing an army now?" Luo Qing said with a smile.

"I'm asking you now, where has Chen Xuan gone? You'd better answer me honestly." Yu Wenhuang asked in a cold voice.

Luo Qing shook his head slightly and said slowly: "Where did this guy go? I don't know why you would ask me such a question. Although he and I know each other, we don't have a very good relationship."

"Damn it, you actually..."

Although Yu Wenhuang was angry, he also knew what was most important now and what time was not important.

So he's not losing his mind now.

He must have known that Luo Qing was deliberately stalling for time just now, and he could not fall out with Luo Qing casually, and the relationship would continue to become more serious.

"Okay, I'll be honest with you this time." After that, he left here directly.

Boom! !

Yu Wenhuang came to Chen Xuan's residence.

With his spiritual consciousness permeating the air, he began to search nearby, but in the end he found no trace.

"Haha, that's so funny."

Yu Wenhuang sneered, and then flew towards the Fairy Bird Peak.

Chen Xuan took Yu Wenqiu with him and had already left the Fairy Bird Peak area long ago.

"Chen Xuan, where are we going?" Yu Wenqiu asked.

Although the relationship with his father has become more serious, Yu Wenqiu thinks it is worth it.

Although he is very safe at his father's place.

But now he is free.

"If you disappear, Yu Wenhuang will definitely be angry and cannot return to Xian Qing Sect for the time being. Otherwise, if your father finds out, we will be in danger." Chen Xuandao.

If he provokes Yu Wenhuang and a strong man of this level, Chen Xuan knows very well that there will definitely be many people tracking him, so that he will not be able to survive in the Xuan Mountain Range.

Moreover, there is the Dragon Pattern Sect waiting for him to be arrested with a fierce look on his face. If they come to track Chen Xuan, it can be said that Chen Xuan is not enough to deal with them.

When he just came down from the Immortal Bird Peak, Chen Xuan discovered the powerful man at the sixth level of the Dragon Pattern Gate God Realm hidden in the dark.

However, Chen Xuan used the Lei Shi movement technique to be very fast, and he could hide at any time, and even the strong men at the sixth level of the divine realm could not find him.

Chen Xuan took Yu Wenqiu away, and Yu Wenhuang was very angry. The entire Fairy Bird Peak was looking for Chen Xuan's specific location.

This time, Chen Xuan completely angered Yu Wenhuang.

Xuanshan Mountain, Dragon Pattern Gate.

"What a piece of trash."

The master of the Dragon Pattern Sect exuded a terrifying aura and was very angry.

"You several powerful men of the sixth level of the divine realm are hiding under the Fairy Bird Peak, and you actually let a warrior who has reached the fifth level of the divine realm escape from under your noses?" the master of the Dragon Pattern Sect said loudly.

Several elders originally did not believe that Chen Xuan had escaped, but from the news they received from Fairy Bird Peak, they knew that Yu Wenhuang was looking for Chen Xuan.

When the owners of the Dragon Pattern Sect were angry, they didn't dare to do anything, because they knew that if they answered the call, the fate waiting for them would be very cruel.

After all, Shangguan's punishment is very important to Longwenmen. Now that he is dead, the loss is very big.

There are very few talents of his level, so it would be great to find one.

The result is now dead.

"Sect Master, don't worry, we will definitely kill Chen Xuan." An elder whispered.

There was a blush in the eyes of the master of the Dragon Pattern Sect, and murderous intent began to be released nearby.

"Shangguan Punishment will not die for no reason. I will let his corpse be broken into thousands of pieces." The leader of the Dragon Pattern Sect said coldly: "From now on, our Dragon Pattern Sect must look for Chen Xuan."

"No problem, Master."

Several elders nodded slightly and left quickly.

With the help of the Dragon Pattern Sect, warriors searching for Chen Xuan spread all over the Xuan Mountains.

As long as Chen Xuan is still in the Xuan Mountains, he will not escape the suppression of their aura.

At this moment, Yu Wenhuang was on the Fairy Bird Peak, and she was also very angry.

At this time, Luo Qing left with Wang Zedong.

When Zhang Huo saw the angry senior brother, he sighed slowly and returned to the Hong family, not continuing to care about this matter.

The Huang family and the Blood Sect are all hearing about Chen Xuan.

All the sects in the Xuan Mountain Range have learned about Chen Xuan, and it has aroused discussion among everyone.

"Chen Xuan, who is at the fifth level of the divine realm and dares to provoke a strong man at the sixth level of the divine realm, is simply tired of living."

"There's nothing wrong with that. It's just like seeking death."

At this time, there were many ancient monsters in a hidden canyon.

However, most of them are ancient monsters that have reached the five major levels of perfection in the realm of gods.

It wouldn't take long for Chen Xuan to deal with these monster beasts and kill them all, but Chen Xuan was not prepared to do that now because he was worried that he would attract the siege of these monster beasts.

And he doesn't need the inner elixir of the monster to practice now. Anyway, Chen Xuan now has a better magic weapon.

The inner elixir of the monster is not irreplaceable.

At this moment, in a cave, the place is shrouded by a large formation of immortal stones.

"Chen Xuan, it's really my fault this time. If it weren't for me, I wouldn't be a drag on you."

"Yu Wenqiu, don't be like that. We have known each other for such a long time. Although your father is not a good person." Chen Xuan suddenly asked.

But then he realized that he had gone too far.

Yu Wenqiu raised his head and said: "Chen Xuan, you are not wrong. My father is indeed nothing. According to what Elder Zhang said, my mother died because of him. He was too controlling, and I was under his control." It can only be a foil, there is no way to live freely outside, hahaha."

Thinking that his free days had finally arrived, a smile appeared on Yu Wenqiu's face.

When he was at his father's place, Yu Wenqiu hadn't smiled for a long time.

"Yu Wenqiu, the Fairy Bird Peak and the Dragon Pattern Sect are all looking for me. Before my strength improves, I cannot confront these two sects head-on. Now we have to hide for a while. As for Li Qiuyu and Dugu Lun, they The two of them should be improving their cultivation currently, and I'm afraid it won't be long before they reach the second level," Chen Xuan said slowly.

"Chen Xuan, okay, I already understand. If the two of them don't know beforehand, I believe they can definitely enter the second level. Let's avoid their pursuit as soon as possible."

Yuwen Qiu said.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan nodded lightly.

Anyway, they should not be discovered hiding here now. In the following time, Chen Xuan entered a state of cultivation.

His cultivation level is too weak and there is no way to compete with the strong men at the sixth level of the divine realm, so he can only practice hard, which proves that he can fight when faced with direct coercion.

The fifth level of thunder attribute law is about to be successfully understood. Chen Xuan vaguely feels that if he can fully understand the thunder attribute law, his strength will be greatly improved.

It seemed that at this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly heard the sound of the firebird.

"Master, you finally found Yu Wenqiu. This is really great."

Firebird and Shadow Demon appeared in the secret place and said with a smile.

After seeing the firebird, Yu Wenqiu also showed a hint of surprise on his face.

"How long has it been since then? You, a stupid bird, have already grown so majestic." Yu Wenqiu sighed with emotion.

However, Chen Xuan was practicing at this time and had no awareness of what was going on outside.

"I, Firebird, your cultivation has improved very quickly."

"Of course." Firebird said with a proud look on his face.

Seeing Chen Xuan practicing so hard, Yu Wenqiu also started to practice.

Then he said to Firebird: "Okay, okay, don't you see your master is practicing hard? I can't just stare here. Now I have to practice, so you can help us cover here." "

After only a week of enlightenment, Chen Xuan successfully cultivated the fifth-level thunder attribute law.

When he realized the fifth-level law, the power of the lightning-attributed fairy law surrounded him and illuminated the entire secret land.

"It's so powerful."

Chen Xuan felt very shocked.

Second Layer A long time ago, there was still no warrior who could fully cultivate the law of thunder attribute.


Chen Xuan discovered that the power of the Immortal Yuan Law was slowly integrating.

The immortal thunder fire in front of the shadow demon was immediately sucked into Chen Xuan's body.

The shadow demon was about to stop him, but at this moment, the power of the sixth layer of thunder law near Chen Xuan quickly merged together.


When the power of all the Immortal Laws was completely integrated, a strange aura emerged from Chen Xuan.

Continuous power is released from the power of the Immortal Law.

Chen Xuan concluded that this should be the power of the sixth level of Thunder Law.

"How is this possible? Could it be..."

Chen Xuan had a bold guess.

The law of thunder attribute is actually part of the law of Tao.

And after realizing the sixth level of thunder attribute law, the power of thunder attribute was directly released in his soul.

While Chen Xuan was thinking, the power of thunder quickly condensed into a spiritual energy.

The appearance of this spiritual energy further confirmed Chen Xuan's conclusion.

"It's weird, what is it? The power of rules."

Seeing this aura, Chen Xuan's face was filled with joy.

Unexpectedly, he tried so hard to understand the rules of Shinto, but he was lucky and realized the rules of airing.

"The law of Tao will definitely help my law of time and space."

At the same time, Chen Xuan closed his eyes and wanted to directly understand the laws of Tao.

At this time, he asked the shadow demon to gradually burst out the immortal thunder fire, which was directly sucked into Chen Xuan's body.

Up to now, Chen Xuan's body has been able to defend against half of the Immortal Thunder Fire.

This terrifying thunder and fire, which even a strong man at the sixth level of the divine realm dared not face, actually defended Chen Xuan.

If anyone knew about it, I'm afraid they would be extremely shocked.


As for what Chen Xuan needs to do now is to initially understand the laws of Tao, as long as he can provide continuous power.

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