Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5293 He is a disciple of Xianqing Sect

Time is passing, and Chen Xuan has been comprehending the laws of Tao.

At this time, something happened in Xianqing Sect.

Immortal Qing Sect.

"Yu Wenhuang, what do you mean?" Zhang Ziang asked in a cold voice.

His deep gaze looked at Yu Wenhuang.

"Chen Xuan is a disciple of your Xian Qing Sect. He took away my daughter Yu Wenqiu. Haha, he really deserves to die. If your Xian Qing Sect knows very well, let him come out as soon as possible. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude. "Yu Wenhuang's words were full of threats.

"Chen Xuan is not in the Xian Qing Sect, and we don't know where he has gone. Anyway, I have told you the truth, believe it or not." Wang Jiudao.

Yu Wenhuang's face was cold, and his whole body exuded a terrifying aura.

"Then I advise you to hand this kid over to me as soon as possible. There are some things I don't want to say a second time." His nerves became darker.

And there was a hint of murderous intent in his tone.

"Yu Wenhuang, do you think we hid Chen Xuan? I have told you the truth before, Chen Xuan is indeed not here with us, and now we are also curious about where he went." Zhang Ziang asked.

"Okay, okay, I'm not here to listen to your nonsense. Hand over Chen Xuan, otherwise, don't blame me for constantly killing each of your warriors. All of you will die by then."

Yu Wenhuang was completely angry, and now he felt extremely unhappy inside.

Because now he concluded that Xian Qingzong should know where Chen Xuan was hiding.

If Chen Xuan is found, his daughter Yu Wenqiu can be found.

Even if they don't know where Chen Xuan is hiding now, they should definitely know Chen Xuan's plan.

So much so that under the current situation, no matter what, he would force Xian Qing Sect to reveal Chen Xuan's traces. ,

Only in this way can he find his daughter.

But now he is still very angry.

Chen Xuan was simply slapping him in the face.

"Yu Wenhuang, don't push yourself so hard. Although our Immortal Qing Sect is not as good as your Fairy Bird Peak, we can't be manipulated by others. If you dare to force yourself, believe it or not, we will let you retreat for a while. Layer of skin." Zhang Ziang looked at Yu Wenhuang.

It has to be said that the master of the Xianqing Sect has not shown up for a long time. It is said that he is practicing in a mysterious place.

If he succeeds in cultivation, he will achieve a breakthrough in magical power by then. Unfortunately, he has not yet finished his retreat, so many warriors don’t know where he has gone.

The current Xian Qing Sect is basically managed by Wang Jiu and Zhang Ziang. Although the two of them are very powerful, they may not be able to match Yu Wenhuang.

However, now Yu Wenhuang actually threatens the Xian Qing Sect, and if they don't call Chen Xuan out, he will continue to kill the warriors one by one.

The aura around Zhang Ziang was still shaking wildly, and he was ready to fight this strong man to the death. Even if he died, he would not let him look down on him.

However, they also know that their chances of winning are not very high.

"Even if you die, I still have to make you shed your skin, hahaha." Zhang Ziang said in a cold voice.

At this time, within the Xianqing Sect, powerful men at the sixth level of the divine realm appeared in the main hall one after another, surrounding Yu Wenhuang. These people were holding weapons and their faces were full of hatred.

Seeing this scene, Yu Wenhuang laughed mockingly.

"You warriors, although your cultivation has almost reached the sixth level, the gap between people and talents is too big. Even if you add up, you can't stop me. If you don't want the Xian Qing Sect to be destroyed, then come out to Chen Xuan The specific location, I won’t embarrass you when the time comes.” Yu Wenhuan.

"You're dreaming. We really don't know where Chen Xuan is, and even if we knew it, we wouldn't tell you." The strong men at the sixth level of the divine realm roared one after another.

In fact, they really didn't know Chen Xuan's specific location, but Yu Wenhuang didn't believe that they didn't know.

He thought Chen Xuan must have said hello to them before. That's why he is so aggressive now.

"Haha, since you are seeking death, don't blame me."

Yu Wenhuang said with murderous intent: "Over the years, it seems that the strong men at the sixth level of the divine realm in the Xuan Mountain Range no longer have the slightest fear of me. However, today I am going to let you know, my true What does a strong man look like?”

As soon as Yu Wenhuang finished speaking, a ferocious aura emitted from the vicinity.

There are also strong and weak people in the late sixth level of the divine realm.

For example, Yu Wenhuang and Luo Qing, these powerful men in the late sixth level of the divine realm, are almost at the top.

It's just that the elders of the Xianqing Sect have no way to defend themselves.

Yu Wenhuang slashed out with a sword energy, which directly knocked Zhang Ziang's body away and landed on Lin's face.

Boom! !

A trace of blood appeared at the corner of Zhang Ziang's mouth, and his expression was extremely nervous.

"Zhang Ziang."

Wang Jiu said loudly with a blush in his pupils.

"Go quickly."

Zhang Ziang said these words helplessly, and then quickly recovered from his injuries.

"Get out of Chen Xuan's position. Otherwise, there is no need for the Xian Qing Sect to exist." Yuwen Huangwan's terrifying aura enveloped the entire Xian Qing Sect.

"Hehehe, you have really simple thoughts. You actually want to destroy our Xianqing Sect, and you have to pay the price."

Suddenly, a heavy sound came from the air.

Hearing this voice, Zhang Ziang, Wang Jiu and others showed surprise on their faces.

"It's actually the sect leader."

Under Yu Wenhuang's gaze, a warrior appeared from the sky.

His body came over quickly and was soon in front of Zhang Ziang, and there were layers of invisible aura surrounding him, resisting the opponent's offensive.

In the current situation, everyone knows that if a fight breaks out, both sides will definitely suffer losses.

"You two have worked really hard. I didn't expect that so many things would happen during my time in seclusion. Now you can recover from your injuries and leave all the rest to me."

After finishing, the warrior in gray clothes turned his head and then looked at Yu Wenhuang, and there was anger on his face.

It's still useful. Strong men from other sects are coming. As the leader of the sect, how can he watch his own people being bullied by them.

"It's great that the sect leader is back."

Wang Jiu and others were very excited.

"I just heard that you wanted to destroy our Immortal Qing Sect?" the gray-clothed warrior asked.

"I didn't expect that you, Master Xianqing, would also enter the late stage of the sixth level of the divine realm. It really surprised me. When I saw you before, your cultivation was not so strong." Yu Wenhuan.

"Better luck." The warrior in gray clothes said.

"Chen Xuan, a disciple of the Immortal Qing Sect, took my daughter away. I just asked for Chen Xuan's specific location. I had no other intention. As long as you, the Xian Qing Sect, come out, where is Chen Xuan hiding now, I will leave immediately, and I I will form an alliance with you in the future." Yu Wenhuan.

"Hehehe, you injured my man, and now you want to ask about Chen Xuan's whereabouts. I think you'd better leave." The gray-clothed warrior said slowly.

Seeing this scene, Yu Wenhuang was very angry: "Hahaha, very good, very good. It seems that you don't want to do it anymore. How about the two of us have a fight."

"If you want to deal with me, just do it directly. Why do you need to find so many excuses?"

"Hahaha, what are you talking about? I really want to learn a lesson from Master Xianqing's high blink."

In an instant, Xian Qing Sect was shocked.

On this day, a shocking battle spread throughout the Xuan Mountains.

Yu Wenhuang fought with the Xianqing Sect Master, and it could be said that he was shocked and weeping.

Many people heard the sound of the earth shaking.

The other warriors don't know the outcome of the final battle between the two of them, and they don't have the ability to know.

A battle breaks out between strong men of this level, and an area can be destroyed easily.

If anyone is watching the battle nearby, they will probably die in the fight between the two, so almost no one will choose to watch when such strong men are fighting. After all, they also know their own cultivation.

However, many warriors are inferring that Master Xianqing should be at a disadvantage. After all, his previous cultivation level was not considered very strong among these sects.

After this battle, Yu Wenhuang left the Xian Qing Sect.

Xian Qingzong didn't say anything, as if these things had never happened before.

However, many people are also confused in their hearts, who of the two will win.

Inside the Immortal Stone Formation.

Chen Xuan is trying to control the Tao Law. There is red Tao Immortal power surrounding him, which is Tao spiritual energy.

Completely comprehending the laws of thunder, Chen Xuan directly condensed the spiritual energy of the rules.

In this case, it will be much easier to understand.

In the following time, with the cooperation of Immortal Thunder Fire, Chen Xuan had a deeper understanding of this power of thunder.

The so-called thunder is actually a very important step in understanding the laws of Tao. The laws of Tao are extremely strange. He, Chen Xuan, just wanted to break through the Tao, so he worked hard for so long.

It was only now that Chen Xuan truly felt the shock.

His spiritual spirit moved slightly, and the spiritual energy was released instantly. After this breath burst out, Chen Xuan could clearly feel that a field seemed to be formed around him.

In this realm, he is God and can freely create all things in the world. This is the peculiarity of Tao law.

"It's really amazing. This kind of power is really powerful. However, I still have no way to access it now. When I really break through the law of Tao, I'm afraid it will take a long time." Chen Xuan sighed.

Boom! !

Just then the Firebird came back.

"How is it?" Chen Xuan asked.

Firebird looked a little embarrassed,

There seems to be something unspeakable.

Before, Chen Xuan asked him to go there specifically to inquire about information and see what was going on outside.

Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan hurriedly asked: "What happened?"

"Chen Xuan, Yu Wenhuang went to Xian Qing Sect, and there seemed to be a battle."

"What, I didn't expect that he actually passed. How are senior Zhang Ziang and the others?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Zhang Ziang's cultivation was abolished by Yu Wenhuang."

"Is he okay?"

Chen Jie's face was very anxious.

After all, this incident happened because of him, and Chen Xuan didn't want anyone to get hurt because of him.

"But according to the news I heard, the leader of the Xianqing Sect came back at this time. Immediately afterwards, he started a surprising battle with Yu Wenhuang. I didn't find out anything about the final result. All in all, the battle was very fierce. The Xianqing Sect Many disciples have been seriously injured, but no one died, and Yu Wenhuang is gone. Now no one can figure out who among the two has won." Firebird said.

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