Warriors in the middle stage of the seventh level of the divine realm can safely escape from pursuit. What does it mean to be just an ordinary strong man in the late sixth level of the divine realm?

For Chen Xuanlai, warriors of this level no longer pose any threat to him.

However, at this moment, Chen Xuan's sudden attack completely shocked Wang Xianwen.

At this time, Wang Xianwen realized that it was the two people in front of him who saved him.

He had already made up his mind to die, but now he survived.

He looked at Yu Wenqiu with a grateful face and said: "You two, thank you for saving me. If it weren't for you two, I would have died this time."

"You don't have to be so polite." Yu Wenqiu felt the power of the Fire Bird in Wang Xianwen's body, and a smile appeared on his face.

This shows that the place they were looking for before was not wrong, it must be here.

But at this time, he suddenly felt a force in his body, and he actually started to feel sympathy for him.

"What? What do you mean?"

Wang Xianwen's expression also changed drastically in an instant.

The reason is also very simple, because the power of the Fire Bird hidden in his body actually produced the slightest change.

"What happened?"

Wang Xianwen suddenly fell into a daze. The power of the Burning Fire Fairy Bird was actually the power of the Burning Fire Fairy Bird. This was only possessed by the demon clan, but he felt a similar power from Yu Wenqiu.

And only when the spirit of the Fire Immortal Bird is strong enough to a certain extent, the power of the Fire Immortal Bird will be generated in the body. This is not something that ordinary demons can possess.

Wang Xianwen's talent in the Fire Immortal Bird is indeed very good, but because the Fire Immortal Bird is no longer as powerful as before, they are now very cautious about using the power of the Fire Immortal Bird, and must beware of being Other demon clans found out, otherwise they would be besieged.

Under normal circumstances, such a powerful force would not be used casually.

But now the power of the Fire Immortal Bird rushed out of the body uncontrollably, and his expression became very surprised.

This has never happened before.

"What on earth is going on? It shouldn't be possible. Could it be that he is also a member of our tribe."

After most demon warriors have reached their level, they usually appear in human form.

At this moment, Wang Xianwen looked at Yu Wenqiu in shock. He thought that the woman in front of him was probably the strongest among them.

In the past, many strong people in their group left and went to other places.

However, they don't know where these strong men have gone.

However, thinking that the other party came back this time, it is very likely that he came specifically to help them. Then, he hurriedly said: "Didn't you know that you are the senior of my Fire Immortal Bird? You have a power very similar to ours in your body. Sir, you are finally back."

His expression was very excited. Now the Fire Immortal Bird has been suppressed by many monsters in this area.

Yu Wenqiu shook his head slightly, and then said: "I am not from the demon clan."

After hearing what Yu Wenqiu said, his expression looked a little disappointed.

"But you don't need to ask so many questions. I myself have some connection with the Fire Bird. I feel that you guys must have been in danger recently. What happened to me about the Fire Bird? After all, I also have a part of you flowing through me. Bloodline, why is he chasing you? What happened?"

After awakening from the Immortal Fire Secret Technique, a lot of information appeared in the soul, which also made Yu Wenqiu realize that his mission had come.

Most of his memories were about the Fire Bird, but after all, it had gone through hundreds of thousands of years, and no one knew what happened in the meantime.

Many powerful people left at the beginning, but they have only begun to return today.

At the same time, Chen Xuan and Huo Niao were standing nearby, and they were also very curious about what was happening here.

Wang Xianwen looked at Yu Wenqiu with some coldness. The Fire Immortal Bird was now in a completely dangerous situation. He was not willing to believe a word of other warriors, so he would believe them casually.

This was also his usual caution.

Because of his cautiousness, he had saved him many times. At the same time, he was also deducing in his heart that it was possible that this guy was sent by the Blood Giant Tiger to deliberately approach him, with the purpose of catching them all?

But this is just a guess. He also saw Chen Xuan's attack just now. His cultivation was very powerful.

And he was able to show such powerful power without even using his own body.

In his eyes, he did not regard Chen Xuan as a human being, but took it for granted that Chen Xuan should be a member of the demon clan.

This is normal, after all, those who come here are basically demons.

At the same time, Wang Xianwen retreated slightly, making his expression very cautious.

Seeing this scene, Yu Wenqiu instantly understood the inner thoughts of the other party, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

The spiritual sword in his hand flipped, and the power of the Fire Bird appeared instantly.

"It seems that you doubt my identity. You should be familiar with this power. Can you remove your doubts about me now?" Yu Wenqiu said.

Seeing the power of the Burning Fire Fairy Bird, Wang Xianwen looked a little embarrassed and said helplessly: "Senior, you should know that our Burning Fire Fairy Bird lives in the Ten Thousand Fires Mountain Range." Wang Xianwen said: "In the very early World Era, we The Fire Immortal Bird is actually the strongest demon clan among the ancient blood demon clan, but this happened a long time ago. "

After hearing his words, Chen Xuan paused slightly. He didn't understand what was going on in the demon clan.

Seemingly sensing the confusion of Chen Xuan and others, Wang Xianwen paused slightly and continued: "It's a long story. After the end of a certain world era, our Liaohuo Fairy Bird experienced large-scale damage to the rules of drying, because We suffered so many attacks that when we were recovering, we were suddenly attacked by the giant blood tiger."

"We are not the only demon clan in this mountain range, there are many other demon clans. All in all, after a battle, the scale of the battle was very grand, affecting the entire Ten Thousand Fires Mountain Range. There were even many demon clans. Everyone died in this battle."

"I don't know much about what happened at the beginning. I heard this from the elders of our tribe. Anyway, this battle affected all the ancient blood demon tribes. In the end, although we, the Burning Fire Fairy Bird, won, But it was actually a tragic victory. From then on, our Fire Immortal Bird was not as powerful as before, and even now, hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and we still have not fully recovered."

"At the second level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, the concentration of the original soul of our Liaohuo Immortal Bird is completely incomparable with that before. Among the demon clan, although our tribe is very noble, the original soul has been thinned to a certain extent. , not even a top powerhouse is in danger of the Yingxiao Fire Immortal Bird, which has become stronger than before. In the Ten Thousand Fire Mountains, in addition to the Blood Giant Tiger, there are also Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan who have seized the opportunity and taken advantage of it. Becoming more powerful, they are also very powerful now and are always looking for opportunities to rule us," Wang Xianwen said.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan nodded slightly.

He knew that there were also very fierce battles among the demon clan.

No wonder Yu Wenqiu said what he said before.

In this way, Chen Xuan and the others may have to help them regain their previous status while they are hiding here.

Moreover, Yu Wenqiu had already anticipated the current situation of the Fire Immortal Bird. Regarding what happened here, Yu Wenqiu seemed to be responding to the call of his own bloodline.

I am afraid that his ancestor also left here for some reason and eventually went to other places.

But since the blood of the demon race flows in their bodies, no matter how thin this blood is, they can still be regarded as one of Yu Wenqiu's ancestors.

Humans born from the human race and the demon race have more powerful power.

However, Chen Xuan also secretly remembered the situation on the Ten Thousand Fires Mountain Range.

Although the Fire Immortal Bird has been in decline for hundreds of thousands of years, at least its heritage is still very rich.

"The Blood Giant Tigers are a very demonic group. As they become more powerful, the ancient monster beasts on the Ten Thousand Fire Mountains have no way to fight against them. Their target has fallen on our Burning Fire Fairy Bird. Even The Blood Giant Tiger also threatened to kill us, the Burning Fire Immortal Bird, and dominate the Ten Thousand Fires Mountains. When the time comes, we will all be enslaved by them," Wang Xianwen continued.

"Haha, it's so funny. These guys are really arrogant."

Yu Wenqiu had a cold expression on his face and exuded a fierce aura.

This giant blood tiger actually wants to destroy the Fire Immortal Bird.

"The Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan is the second level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent that has become more powerful. Although they have existed for the shortest time, even the Blood Giant Tiger dare not look at them. According to the sliding door, a great top-level powerhouse emerged , Flood Demon Wolf." When Wang Xianwen reached Flood Demon Wolf, his body trembled slightly.

"Hong Molang?" Chen Xuan asked aloud.

"The Flood Demon Wolf is actually a monster beast that has reached the six major levels of the peak of the Divine Realm. It is very ferocious. The reason why the Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan can become more powerful is because their ancestor is also a Flood Demon Wolf." Wang Xianwen said softly Nodding, he continued.

"A demon beast that has achieved the six major perfections of the divine realm?"

After hearing this, Fire Bird nodded, obviously very calm about the demonic beast that had reached the six major levels of the Divine Realm.

Looking at the second level, there are not many monsters that have broken through the six major perfections of the divine realm. Dragon Fire God Bird is one of them. However, Chen Xuan was not too surprised. After all, the bloodline possessed by Fire Bird belongs to a very powerful one. kind.

For most demon clans, their bloodline is very important to improve their strength.

If the bloodline is very ordinary, the improvement of cultivation level will be very slow in the future.

Then Chen Xuan continued to listen to his story.

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