"At the beginning, the attitude of the Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan was very clear, which was neutrality. But recently, they began to blatantly join forces to deal with me, the Fire Immortal Bird." Wang Xianwen said with some anger: "Many monks in the clan have been secretly Kill them. Because the power of the Fire Immortal Bird has dropped significantly, we no longer have the power to compete with them. Now is our most dangerous moment."

"If there is no way to get through it, we will probably be destroyed here."

When he got here, Wang Xianwen sighed, and he felt very disappointed now.

I have lived here for tens of thousands of years, but now because of the attacks from the other two demon groups, I can no longer survive here.

"As you said, the biggest threat to the Fire Immortal Bird so far comes from the Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan and the Blood Giant Tiger?" Yu Wenqiu asked.

Wang Xianwen heard some rumors when he was young. Many strong people in the tribe left here and prepared to go to a wider place. Although he also regarded Yu Wenqiu as the predecessor of the Fire Immortal Bird, he came back this time to save them.

So much so that his current attitude is very respectful.

Hearing Yu Wenqiu's inquiry, Wang Xianwen nodded hurriedly and said: "The Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan and the Blood Giant Tiger are forcing the Fire Immortal Bird and want to kill us all. There are top strong men at the sixth level of the Divine Realm in these two tribes. They are extremely powerful. Among our demon clan, we will also create some sects. Currently, only the sects established by the two major demon clans are the most powerful. As for other sects, there is no need to worry at all. "

"How many powerful seventh-level gods are there among these two major clans?" Chen Xuan asked, curling his lips.

"There are very few strong people in our monster tribe. So far, there are only nine strong people at the seventh level of the divine realm in the Ten Thousand Fires Mountains. I have one from the Fire Immortal Bird, one from the Dragon Immortal Wolf Tribe, one from the Blood Giant Tiger Tribe, and a few more There are a few strong casual cultivators, and there are also several strong cultivators among them, but they are here just to practice and basically don't care about our affairs." Wang Xianwen said.

"Since Ruci said that at the peak level of experts, you, the Flame Fire Birds, are lagging behind, so the current situation is that you have no way to deal with them?" Chen Xuan continued to ask.

Wang Xianwen nodded helplessly and said: "That's right. If I, the Burning Fire Immortal Bird, produce another seventh-level powerhouse of the Divine Realm, at least the Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan and the Blood Giant Tiger won't have to worry about it at all. But our Supreme Leader The ancestor is contacting the top expert at the sixth level of the divine realm."

"How are you doing with the Fire Immortal Bird now?" Chen Xuan asked.

Since Chen Xuanlai has come to this place, he needs to understand things clearly. Anyway, he has nowhere to go now.

But another reason is that Yu Wenqiu has a close relationship with the Fire Bird. After all, their blood is flowing in Yu Wenqiu's body. If he can help, Chen Xuan will not just stare at him.

"There are only a few invincible and powerful people at the seventh level of the divine realm. As for the perfect and powerful people at the seventh level of the divine realm, the two demon clans combined are almost the same as our Liaohuo Fairy Bird. As for the strong ones at the early stage of the seventh level of the divine realm, our Liaohuo Fairy Bird There are obvious advantages." Wang Xianwen said.

After all, it is an ancient demon clan, and the foundation is still there.

"Because the power of those who are around the middle level of the seventh level of the divine realm is really terrifying, several major clans are also worried about destroying the Ten Thousand Fires Mountain Range. Therefore, those who are around the middle level of the seventh level of the divine realm cannot take action at will. , you can take action at will." Wang Xianwen said.

After hearing this, Yu Wenqiu's eyes suddenly fell on Chen Xuan.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan chuckled, then spread his hands: "What should I do?"

Chen Xuan already understood Yu Wenqiu's thoughts. Since it was his blood that attracted him here, if it was necessary to take action, Chen Xuan would never stand by to watch.

Maybe there is a legend that Yu Wenqiu needs here.

If Yu Wenqiu's cultivation level can be improved, it will definitely be good for them.

"Take us to the Fire Immortal Bird." Yu Wenqiu said.


When Wang Xianwen saw this scene, he was extremely happy and hurriedly took Yu Wenqiu and others to the area where the Fire Immortal Bird was burning.

The Ten Thousand Fires Mountain Range is very large, and several groups of monster beasts occupy most of the area. Although the Fire Fairy Birds are considered a very ancient group at the second level, after such a long time, they have already changed from what they used to be. A week later, Wang Xianwen took Yu Wenqiu and others to the area of ​​the Fire Immortal Bird.

"Who are you?"

Wang Xianwen waited for Rao to approach and asked the guarding disciple to shout angrily.

After seeing him, Wang Xianwen said: "Senior, it's me who's here."

When the guarding disciple saw Wang Xianwen, he restrained his breath and said with a smile: "Wang Xianwen, ah, what is going on? You have been out for so long, why did you come back? Did you encounter any danger?"

Another guard disciple was just about to say something when he suddenly saw Chen Xuan and Yu Wenqiu, and then his expression suddenly changed.

"Wang Xianwen, who are they? Don't you know the rules in our clan? Bring other warriors back at will, this is courting death." The guard disciple said coldly.

The current Fire Immortal Bird would be in danger if spies from the other two monster beast groups sneak in.

"Senior, he is the senior of my Liaohuo Fairy Bird who has been training outside. As for this person, he is his friend. I believe in my judgment that the two of them are absolutely impossible to be spies." Wang Xianwen said softly.

However, after hearing his words, the warrior responsible for guarding the door still showed a vigilant expression, since he would not believe it casually.

However, Chen Xuan waved his hand helplessly.

Among them, Yu Wenqiu is here, and Chen Xuan is not worried about doing it himself.

Firebird and Shadow Demon had hidden themselves long ago. Now they can hide in Chen Xuan's space ring at any time, and they can also save a lot of necessary trouble.

After Yu Wenqiu heard his words, a trace of the power of the Fire Bird emitted.

When the two guard disciples saw this scene, they first showed some surprise on their faces, and then said hurriedly and helplessly: "It turns out to be adults. I didn't expect that the previous rumors were true. Please come in."

Fire fairy bird, central main hall Zheng

The current clan leader is a seventh-level perfectionist in the realm of gods. Although his cultivation is very strong, the current situation is very critical. Even if his strength is not weak, the enemy is also very powerful.

Looking at the map at this moment, there was solemnity in his pupils. Their living space had been squeezed a lot, and now they had no way out.

"Elders, what do you think about the sixth-level competition between several major monster groups and the divine realm in more than a month? This competition is very important to us." asked the leader of the Liaohuo Fairy Bird.

If there hadn't been a strong man in the clan who was around the seventh level of the divine realm, they wouldn't have known how to deal with these people.

"This is definitely a conspiracy between the Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan and the Blood Giant Tiger to weaken the power of our Fire Immortal Bird."

"Haha, that's right. Their purpose in holding this competition is very obvious. We absolutely cannot agree to it now."

"That's right. We absolutely cannot agree to it now. It would be very dangerous if we did."

"At present, our situation is very dangerous. Well, the current situation cannot help us not agree."

For a moment, everyone in the main hall of the center showed nervous expressions on their faces, and the atmosphere was now very solemn.

They even feel like they are almost done.

Many elders are also discussing, but they have different views on this game, so that many people hold different opinions.

"I think it's better for us to participate. Maybe we can take this opportunity to attack them both."

"You think too simply. Their purpose is very obvious, and I think this game will definitely not be fair. What will happen when they use some conspiracy to kill our disciples?"

Regarding the opinions of these elders, the patriarch's expression was also very helpless.

They are all for the Fire Fairy Bird, and most of the demon clan cannot do anything about betraying their own clan.

Unlike humans, the demon clan is very sympathetic to blood.

And they will also form a sect because of similar bloodlines.

Two quarters of an hour later, the patriarch said: "There are so many things now and there is still no way to come to a conclusion, otherwise we should wait a few days."

Many elders felt helpless after hearing this. The situation now has become very urgent.

But since the clan leader is planning to leave tomorrow, they can only get up and prepare to leave.

But at this moment Wang Xianwen came in.

"Clan leader, wait a moment."

"Wang Xianwen, what's the matter with you? What are you doing now?" When the leader of the Liaohuo Fairy Bird saw Wang Xianwen, he also had doubts on his face.

Logically speaking, his status should not appear here.

But after several elders saw him, soft smiles appeared on their faces.

"What happened."

"Who are these people behind you?"

"Clan leader, please listen to me first. On the way back, I was attacked by the giant blood tigers. I was almost killed by them. Fortunately, the seniors of our Liaohuo Fairy Bird came to save me, otherwise , I am in danger now." Wang Xianwen said.

"What are you doing? No way, the giant blood tiger has the guts to attack you?" Many elders were extremely angry.

Although the conflict between them was already very deep, a direct sneak attack was obviously beyond their imagination.

Although Wang Xianwen is weak in strength, his talents are very strong, and his soul concentration is also very strong. He can still do this. Now he is the hope of the Fire Immortal Bird.

If he can grow into a strong person in the future, maybe he can lead his tribe to a wider area.

However, they were very angry inside at this moment.

"This damn bloody giant tiger actually dares to attack our people. What on earth do they want to do?"

"The thing is, I'm afraid they are also preparing for the upcoming game. Maybe they just want to kill our people and then win the game."

Although these elders were very angry, only the clan leader noticed the words "senior of the Fire Immortal Bird Clan".

As the leader of the clan, he has also heard a lot about the powerful people in his clan.

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