"Liu Yun, we can't do it casually. Didn't you see that even the bloody giant tiger has given up?" Luo Bei said slowly.

After hearing this, Liu Yun and Hong walked up to their seats with cold faces.

Chen Xuan was slightly excited when he successfully obtained the divine blond hair.

"Damn you bastard, didn't you realize that you are still a sword soul major?" Senior Yuwen asked with a smile.

Chen Xuan said with a smile on his face: "Yes...Senior, but I am still curious about why you came to the auction?"

"The last precious magic weapon is my goal." Senior Yuwen said with a smile.

"Precious magic weapon?"

Chen Xuan's face was extremely shocked, and he continued: "Several major demon clans, as well as many powerful people around the seventh level of the divine realm, are probably all here for the last precious magic weapon. How many major demon clans are you sure you can win? "

The fairy meteorites of several major monster clans can only be compared to Tongshang Villa in the Ten Thousand Fires Mountain Range.

"Don't worry, I will definitely get this thing." Senior Yuwen did not continue.

When Chen Xuan heard this, his eyes returned to the auction stage again.

According to Chen Xuan's speculation, the price of this last precious magic weapon should reach the level of one million immortal meteorites.

After obtaining the ninth-level Immortal Soul-like Immortal Essence Secret Technique, Chen Xuan watched quietly.

The eyes of many warriors fell on Elder Wang Luo.

Because, the last finale is almost here.

Elder Wang Luo, who was in charge of the auction, also looked a little excited.

"What is the last precious magic weapon?" Many warriors are inferring what the precious magic weapon is.

Chen Xuan also had doubts in his pupils, and he turned to look at Senior Yuwen.

"Senior, do you know what this last magic weapon is?" Chen Xuan asked softly.

Senior Yuwen said: "A bunch of stupid trash, how can they possibly obtain the last precious magic weapon?"

Senior Yuwen's body faintly exudes a hint of dark red aura.

Suzaku's soul suddenly trembled, and Chen Xuan's expression changed. He looked deeply at Senior Yuwen, as if he had discovered something.

"An invincible strongman at the seventh level of the divine realm?" Chen Xuan thought to himself.

Only those who are at the seventh level of the divine realm will not be afraid of several demon clans.

While Chen Xuan was thinking, the last precious magic weapon in the auction was taken out.

"What is the last precious magic weapon?"

There was doubt in Chen Xuan's pupils.

The seven-level perfect masters of the divine realm from several major demon tribes also slowly stood up.

“In this gold-level auction, the last precious magic weapon is a spirit stone.

At this moment, the spirit stone was quietly on the table where the magic weapon was placed.

Chen Xuan was a little confused. He thought it was some important inherited magic weapon? But it's just a spiritual stone.

"Son, this is not an ordinary spirit stone." Senior Yuwen said solemnly: "This is the Immortal Demon Spirit Stone. It contains a space that can completely release an Immortal Demon Ice Dragon Palace."

Fairy Demon Ice Dragon Palace?

Chen Xuan showed a puzzled expression and looked at the spiritual stone on the table where the magic weapon was placed.

This spirit stone turned out to be a fairy spirit stone? Tongshang Villa even brought out the Immortal Demon Spirit Stone.

After surviving on the second level for so many years, Chen Xuan naturally understands the Immortal Demon Ice Dragon Palace.

The Immortal Demon Ice Dragon Palace contains the basic body refining method, which is simply the most precious inherited magic weapon for warriors.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the appearance of the Immortal Demon Ice Dragon Palace triggered a war between many powerful men on the second level.

Some invincible experts at the seventh level of the divine realm participated in the battle, but in the end they were captured by a perfect and powerful person at the seventh level of the divine realm.

After he got the Immortal Demon Ice Dragon Palace, he arrived at the Immortal Demon Ice Dragon Palace, and then disappeared, leaving even the seventh-level invincible experts in the realm of gods completely helpless.

Hundreds of thousands of years later, this strong man defeated all the seven-level invincible strong men in the divine realm who had faced him.

The Immortal Demon Ice Dragon Palace itself operates under the laws of Tao, and contains the laws of Tao inside. Even those who are invincible at the seventh level of the divine realm still have a lot of spiritual pressure.

The elders of several sects in Bloodlink Immortal Palace suddenly stood up.

"It's actually a fairy spirit stone?" They seemed to be in disbelief that it was a fairy spirit stone.

"I don't believe that Tongshang Villa is willing to give out the Immortal Demon Spirit Stone."

Many warriors are thinking that the Immortal Demon Spiritual Stone is so precious. There are also strong men around the seventh level of the Divine Realm in Tongshang Villa. Instead of using it themselves, they take it out?

Elder Wang Luo smiled faintly and said softly: "You all probably know the preciousness of the Immortal Demon Ice Dragon Palace better than I do. This Immortal Demon Spiritual Stone is fine. Otherwise, how could Tongshang Villa have come up with it."

After hearing this, all the warriors in the golden venue were talking.

"This Immortal Demon Spiritual Stone was actually obtained by the strong men of our Tongshang Villa inadvertently. The Immortal Demonic Spiritual Stone was seriously injured inside, and there was almost no way to release the Immortal Demonic Ice Dragon Palace. However, some powerful people's skills are terrifying. In this way, the serious injuries inside the spirit stone may be solved," Elder Wang Luo said with a smile.

"Although the Immortal Demon Spiritual Stone is broken, it is still very precious. Okay, let's get started." Elder Wang Luo said.

In the high-level seats, Song Wen sneered: "A bunch of rubbish, even the damaged space spirit stones, can almost benefit a powerful person at the seventh level of the divine realm."

"One million immortal meteorites." Song Wen said.

"One million and two million fairy meteorites."

Many warriors did not participate in the bidding, and only a few major monster clans participated in the counting of cards.

"We, the Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan, have ideas about this damaged spirit stone. Two million immortal meteorites." Song Wen said with a smile on his face.

"My blood giant tiger produced two hundred and twenty immortal meteorites." Wang Qun said.

The Fire Fairy Bird was naturally unwilling to give up and raised the price accordingly.

For a time, several demon clans entered a stalemate.

Chen Xuan felt helpless when he saw this scene.

The price of the fairy spirit stone has still increased several times. At this point, according to Chen Xuan's inference, the price of this fairy spirit stone will eventually exceed 20 million fairy meteorites.

"Senior, why are you quiet?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Don't be in a hurry, haha."

After hearing this, Chen Xuan nodded slightly.

However, Chen Xuan felt more and more that Senior Yuwen was a little scary. At the same time, he was also curious, how many demon clans could this guy compete with?

In the blink of an eye, the price has increased several times, reaching the price of 7 million fairy meteorites.

At this time, the Fire Immortal Bird Clan in the high-level area suddenly gave up the competition.

"It's so funny that I gave up on Seven Million Immortal Meteorite." Song Wen's sarcastic voice came from the advanced area.

"Seven million immortal meteorites are just the beginning for us." Song Wen also sneered again.

In the golden venue, many warriors were chatting loudly, and they couldn't figure out why the Fire Immortal Bird gave up.

"Clan leader, why did you give up? There are only seven million immortal meteorites." Yu Wenqing couldn't understand.

"He is also the clan leader, and we, the Fire Immortal Bird, are also from an ancient clan. How could we be looked down upon by the other two demon clans?" Yu Wenyun said.

"Haha, in the end, the Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan and the Blood Giant Tiger won't get it, so give it to them." The leader of the Liaohuo Immortal Bird Clan said slightly.

Yu Wenyun and Yu Wenqing were surprised, but the leader of the Liaohuo Immortal Bird Clan did not continue to speak.

"Wang Qun, how about giving me the Immortal Demon Spirit Stone?" Song Wen said with a smile on his face.

"But the Immortal Demon Spiritual Stone is very important. I'm sorry, I can't give it to you this time." The two powerful seventh-level gods said loudly.

"Six million fairy meteorites."

"Eleven million fairy meteorites."

"Twenty million fairy meteorites."

Sure enough, the price increased to 20 million immortal meteorites.

But it seems that Twenty Million Immortal Meteorite is not over yet.

Chen Xuan's face showed surprise. It was indeed a precious magic weapon, and it directly reached 20 million immortal meteorites.

You must know that some of the precious magic weapons previously only cost tens of thousands, and 20 million fairy meteorites are really terrifying...

At this moment, the two demon clans were fighting fiercely. Chen Xuan turned around and saw that Senior Yuwen was still very calm.

"Senior Yuwen, the price has reached 20 million, are you sure you don't want to increase the price?" Chen Xuan lowered his voice.

"Really, don't worry, it will be time in a minute." After hearing this, Senior Yuwen nodded lightly, nothing more, and then continued to close his eyes.

At present, the price has increased several times, reaching 20 million fairy meteorites. It seems that the fairy meteorites are still continuing to increase.

"Twenty-two million."

"Twenty-six million."

At this time, even Chen Xuan was very helpless.

Unexpectedly, the price would increase several times like this. A space spirit stone also made Elder Wang Luo on the auction stage full of excitement.

At this moment, prices are still rising, and many warriors are completely sluggish.

The elders of several sects in Bloodlink Immortal Palace watched all this and were thinking in their hearts.

"It's so funny. These two demon clans are really beasts and can't compare with us humans. They are so stupid that they paid such a high price for a damaged spiritual stone." Liu Yun and Hong sneered. .

"Yes, can they crack this spirit stone?" Luo Bei was full of disdain.

As for Huang Liang and the others, they just waited for it to end quickly, and then kept a close eye on Chen Xuan to prevent him from escaping, and then implemented a terrifying plan against him.

Time passed slowly. At this time when the price of the magic weapon was rising, Wang Qun and Song Wen also wanted to make each other give up the fight for the magic weapon.

But when the price increased several times to 50 million immortal meteorites, the two powerful seventh-level gods felt helpless in their hearts.

At this time, Senior Yuwen next to Chen Xuan suddenly released a terrifying spiritual energy. He stood up slowly and then said: "I will produce 90 million immortal meteorites."

The two powerful seventh-level gods who were thinking about it suddenly became extremely shocked when they heard the sound of Ninety Million Immortal Meteorite, and then their expressions turned completely gloomy.

At this time, there are warriors who dare to release 90 million immortal meteorites, which is simply asking for death.

There were also discussions in the golden venue.

Many warriors showed puzzled expressions and looked at Senior Yuwen in disbelief.

"Ninety million?"

"who are you?"

At this time when many warriors exclaimed in surprise, Song Wen spoke.

"What does it have to do with you?" Senior Yuwen said calmly.

"Do you know that you will provoke our two demon clans at the same time?" Song Wen's voice was full of threats.

The Wang Qun in the high-level area also kept talking: "I, the Blood Giant Tiger, want to get the Immortal Demon Spiritual Stone very urgently. If you fight for it, you will completely fall out with me, the Blood Giant Tiger."

Senior Yuwen laughed and said: "It's really funny. Haha, as long as you can afford the price at Tongshang Villa's gold-level auction, the magic weapon belongs to whoever you are. Can you two demon clans still force me to give away the fairy demon spirit stone?" For you?"

At this time, Senior Yuwen looked at Elder Wang Luo.

Elder Wang Luo showed some doubts and said hurriedly: "Yes, if anyone disobeys, he will be in trouble with us."

Elder Wang Luo actually represents Tongshang Villa, and he will not be afraid of the two powerful seventh-level gods.

"Mysterious warrior, are you sure you will completely fall out with our two demon clans?" Song Wen and Wang Qun wanted to suppress Senior Yuwen.

"The two demon clans are very powerful??" Senior Yuwen said.

After a moment of silence, Song Wen spoke again: "Looking at the Ten Thousand Fires Mountain Range, no one dares to offend our demon clan. If you provoke us like this, you will die."

"Haha, that's right." Wang Qun said with a cold face.

Senior Yuwen didn't even look at the two powerful seventh-level gods and said: "Can you announce the result? Don't waste time..."

After hearing this, Elder Wang Luo nodded.

"Ninety-one million immortal meteorites." Song Wen raised the price.

"Ninety-five million."

As soon as the Song Dynasty was completed, Senior Yuwen raised the price to 95 million. Such a direct increase shocked many warriors.

Chen Xuan was also thinking in his heart about the identity of Senior Yuwen.

"My dear, is he crazy? Can he get 95 million immortal meteorites?"

The voices of all the warriors were full of doubts, and then their shock echoed through the golden venue.

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