Elder Wang Luo on the auction stage was very excited.

"Ninety-five million." Wang Qun counted the cards almost with his palms in his hands.

"Ninety-six million."

But Senior Yuwen raised the price again.

Chen Xuan, who was nearby, had a face full of shock.

"This is ridiculous. I don't believe he has 96 million. Tongshang Villa will search this guy to see if he has 96 million." Wang Qun's angry voice came out.

Wang Qun believed that this guy must have deliberately raised the price. Otherwise, it would have been impossible to raise the price so casually.

"Haha, that's right. I asked Tongshang Villa to verify this guy." Song Wen also spoke.

The two powerful seventh-level gods firmly believe that Senior Yuwen is preventing them from purchasing magic weapons.

"No way, actually..."

For a moment, Elder Wang Luo was in a dilemma.

"It's so funny. If you can't do it, it means other warriors can't do it." Senior Yuwen laughed sarcastically.

"It's just 90 million immortal meteorites. Will our Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan care about 90 million immortal meteorites?" Song Wen was a little angry.

"If Tongshang Villa doesn't check this guy, I, Wang Qun, will do it myself." Wang Qun said in a cold voice.

Senior Yuwen directly raised the price to 90 million immortal meteorites, which made Wang Qun and Song Wen very angry.

Although they were able to produce 90 million immortal meteorites, the two concluded that Senior Yuwen did not have that many.

Seeing this scene, Wang Qun laughed and said, "What? Are you unable to get the 90 million immortal meteorites?"

"Haha, that's right. I, Song Wen, will not let you go until you bring out the ninety million immortal meteorites." Song Wen said in a cold voice.

The eyes of many warriors were all focused on Senior Yuwen.

They are all curious, this guy actually has the courage to face two demon clans head-on?

Chen Xuan, who was beside Senior Yuwen, vaguely seemed to infer that the surname Yuwen should be very unusual.

"According to my speculation, the Fire Immortal Bird has not given up the idea of ​​buying magic weapons at all. And it seems that Senior Yuwen doesn't have to worry about the two demon clans not being able to defeat each other." Chen Xuan thought to himself: "It seems that Senior Yuwen is 100% sure He has deep talents, and his power should be very extraordinary. In the Ten Thousand Fires Mountain Range, the only people who dare to provoke the two demon clans are Tongshang Villa, except for the powerful Liaohuo Fairy Bird. But I think he should be with These two forces have nothing to do with each other. Could it be that he is a casual cultivator?"

"Obviously, this senior Yuwen is definitely not from these two sects. I don't know who he is."

At the same time, Chen Xuan took a breath of air because he suddenly thought of a strong man, and it happened that this surname also matched him very well.

Yu Wenhong is one of the seventh-level invincible masters in the realm of gods in the Ten Thousand Fires Mountains. His cultivation level naturally does not need to be much.

Almost no warriors have seen him, and many people don't even know whether he is a human or a demon.

However, this does not affect his strength.

Even the strong men who were attacked by these monsters would probably respect him a bit when they saw him. After all, it was basically not easy for a strong man to reach the seventh level of invincibility.

Without a few brushes, I'm afraid other strong men won't give him face.

Moreover, Chen Xuan also thought about something. The gold-level auction in the past had attracted the seventh-level invincible powerhouse of the divine realm. His auction this time might really attract powerhouses of this level.

Is the senior Yuwen in front of me really Yu Wenhong?

Thinking that the two of them had almost the same last name, and the mysterious feeling he gave Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan became more and more convinced of this idea.

At this moment, Chen Xuan, the more he thought about it, the more surprised he felt on his face. During the process of purchasing magic weapons, Senior Yuwen didn't seem to show any expression to all the precious magic weapons. It was obvious that he disdained these low-level magic weapons. However, Only the last magic weapon can make him tempted.

Only the Immortal Demon Spirit Stone can make him change at all.

And for this magic weapon, he even did not hesitate to fall out with the two demon clans. All of this can only prove one question, maybe he is really the strong man who passed down the level.

You must know that there are almost no people who can reach the realm of gods in the second level and the seventh level invincible. Anyone who can enter this level symbolizes his identity and status.

"Yu Wenhong, if it is really him, this would be so surprising."

Chen Xuan's heart was filled with shock. He suppressed his inner surprise and looked at Senior Yuwen.

However, at this time, the two powerful seventh-level gods were using words to ridicule Senior Yuwen. Although the two of them did not know who the person in front of them was, they stopped them from purchasing the magic weapon. Now they have also launched a verbal offensive.

Elder Wang Luo also nodded helplessly to Senior Yuwen. At least he respected him and had to take it out, and followed him. Said: "My lord, what exactly do you want to do?"

Before Elder Wang Luo could finish his words, Senior Yuwen stopped him. With a cold look on his face, his eyes fell on the two high-level seats, and then a playful smile appeared on his face.

"The fairy demon spirit stone is not particularly useful to you, but it is of great significance to me. I will decide on this thing. If you have the courage, come and compete with me." Senior Yuwen said with a cold face, and many people present The warrior could hear the anger in his words.

However, they were still talking about this mysterious warrior.

"Mysterious warrior, you are simply asking for your own death. Do you know who we are?" Wang Qun said in a deep voice.

"Hahaha, doesn't Tongshang Villa care about this matter? If so, I, Song Wen, will take care of it myself." When Song Wen put pressure on Elder Wang Luo, he was also very surprised that someone dared not to put them in In eyes.

You must know that the two demon clans here are basically the strongest existences. Even the owner of the villa will not take them seriously.

However, after hearing the words of the elders of these two ethnic groups, he felt helpless.

"Haha, the Blood Giant Tiger and the Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan are really two very powerful seventh-level gods. How dare you not take me seriously."

Senior Yuwen's gloomy face suddenly showed a strange smile.

Seeing this, Chen Xuan also frowned.

The aura on the opponent's body is really too powerful.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly released a ferocious aura nearby. The crimson robe on his body exuded a terrifying aura, and this power suddenly surprised all the warriors.

A powerful aura instantly spread across the entire golden venue. Some strong men at the sixth level of the divine realm who were close to Senior Yuwen retreated one after another. They could not even resist this power.

Those who can reach the seventh level of invincibility in the realm of gods are basically the strong ones among the veterans.

Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan could finally be sure that the senior Yuwen in front of him had an extraordinary origin.

And to be able to show such a terrifying aura, it is basically certain that he is a seventh-level invincible strong man.

He seemed to be unable to believe what was happening in front of him. At this moment, the program looked at Senior Yuwen, but he did not expect that the warrior in front of him turned out to be Yu Wenhong, who was rumored to be very famous.

I'm afraid many people are familiar with this name. In an instant, when the powerful aura suddenly filled his surroundings, all the warriors in the golden venue fell into a state of panic.

In this state, they even felt that their bodies were unable to move, and even speaking became very difficult.

"How is this going?"

Just when the two powerful seventh-level gods wanted to scold them for not taking action, suddenly the two of them clearly felt the shocking breath of terror burst out instantly, and then their expressions suddenly changed.

"He actually has such a powerful aura? Could it be that he is Yu Wenhong? This should be impossible."

Song Wen's current expression was extremely shocked, and the weaker warriors beside him almost screamed.

"To have such a powerful power, who is he?"

The warrior who spoke, his pupils were full of shock, his body was trembling, and his body was directly suppressed by the breath.

However, even Wang Qun in the high-level area can hardly resist this force. At this moment, his forehead is covered with beads of sweat.

"Yu Wenhong, how could it be Yu Wenhong? What is going on? Why does he appear here?"

In an instant, Senior Yuwen restrained his aura, and the entire golden venue suddenly returned to calm.

Everyone showed an even more shocked expression, and this aura could only explain one thing.

A strong man at the seventh level of invincibility came over.

Many warriors looked at Senior Yuwen with surprised expressions, and now their attitudes have completely changed.

However, after feeling the change in everyone's expressions, he sneered, then showed a smile, turned around, and asked jokingly to everyone: "I wonder if Tongshang Villa will still check whether I have any So many fairy meteorites? If you want, you can come over, anyway, I have nothing to do with you now. "

Elder Wang Luo looked extremely nervous. The terrifying aura just now had already shocked the top management of Tongshang Villa. This aura made them all feel panic. If they really provoked the anger of a strong person with the fourth level of invincibility, their fate would be the same. It won't be good.

Although they did not show up for the time being, they also sent a message to Elder Wang Luo, asking him to be careful about this senior.

"It turns out to be Senior Yu Wenhong. I didn't expect it to be you. I was really embarrassed just now." Elder Wang Luo tried his best to stabilize his body and said slightly.

Under the suppression of this aura, even he would find it difficult to resist.

If there hadn't been a table next to him pressing against his body, he might have collapsed just now.

In the two high-class seats, Song Wen and Wang Qun rushed out of the high-class seats almost at the same time because they felt the shock.

At the same time, their bodies were shaking. This was a shock from the bottom of their hearts, because provoking such a strong man also filled their hearts with fear.

"Senior Yu Wenhong, please spare my life." Song Wen hurriedly apologized. He knew that if he didn't apologize now, even if the other party killed him now, no one would be able to get anything out of it.

"It's also Senior Yu Wenhong. We didn't know it was you. I'm really sorry for provoking you just now." Wang Qun said awkwardly.

"It's so funny. The two of them were scolding and threatening me before, and even wanted to take action, but now they are actually apologizing to me." Senior Yuwen had a sarcastic smile on his face.

The situation in the golden venue made Chen Xuan look at all this with an expression of surprise, and then he quickly shook his head.

"No wonder he has such a powerful aura. When I first met him, I thought he was extraordinary."

Chen Xuan finally understood. No wonder he felt that Senior Yuwen was a bit unusual. It turned out to be Yu Wenhong, and he was probably the only one who could possess such a powerful power.

At the same time, he was also sighing that this top-level expert in the realm of gods was among the many ordinary warriors. Chen Xuan probably did not expect that the person sitting next to him was actually a powerful person in this realm.

Although he told Chen Xuan at the beginning that he was a seventh-level perfect warrior, Chen Xuan has been doubtful since then.

At this ordinary moment, the two powerful seventh-level gods were very arrogant. This time, the two of them finally realized that they had encountered a difficult situation.

But what is Yu Wenhong’s identity?

He is invincible at the seventh level of the divine realm!

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