Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5360: Divine Realm Seventh Level Invincible

This kind of strong man usually never sees the end of his dragon. There was no time to argue with the two of them. So naturally he didn't take them both seriously.

"Can the auction continue now? I don't have enough time. I will leave after getting this thing," Yu Wenhong didn't even look at the two powerful seventh-level gods, and then looked at Elder Wang Luo.

On the auction stage, Elder Wang Luo showed some doubts, and then said: "Of course, the auction can continue to the school, Senior Yuwen. The previous things have offended me a lot. I hope you won't take it to heart."

After hearing his words, Senior Yuwen shook his head slightly.

The reason why he showed his strength just now was out of necessity, otherwise he didn't want to expose himself.

In the golden venue, many warriors were shocked by the appearance of Yu Wenhong.

The entire golden venue fell into silence, and no one dared to speak anymore.

Yu Wenhong looked at the two powerful seventh-level gods, waiting for their cards. Now the two of them are no longer as arrogant as before.

"We, the Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan, give up this competition." Song Wen said directly.

"We, the Giant Tiger Clan, are also giving up this competition." Wang Qun also knows that he has no way to resist the attack of a strong man of this level, so he still gives up for now.

He is Yu Wenhong, and even the clan leader is unwilling to provoke him. I am afraid that only the old monsters in the clan can talk to him on an equal footing, and these elders may not even be considered as shit in his eyes.

If Yu Wenhong was angered, he could kill them in an instant, and they would have no place to deal with him.

"Okay, okay, this matter is over for the time being. You can continue to auction things. You don't need to care about my identity. I just had no choice but to show my strength." Yu Wenhong said with a smile.

The bodies of the two powerful seventh-level gods were trembling, and now they no longer dared to compete.

Being able to be very honest in front of Senior Yuwen, seeing this scene made Chen Xuan feel a little funny.

This is the benefit of strength.

As the two powerful seventh-level gods gave up, the Immortal Demon Spirit Stone was obtained by Yu Wenhong.

When Elder Wang Luo announced the results, this gold-level auction, although it had gone through a lot, was finally over.

Many people have received the inherited magic weapons they need

Yu Wenhong turned to look at Chen Xuan, who was stunned, and let out a laugh.

"It turns out that the senior is Yu Wenhong, sorry, sorry." Chen Xuan said hurriedly.

"Go on and follow me to get the magic weapon." Yu Wenhong said with a smile on his face.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan followed Yu Wenhong and left.

In the golden venue, the eyes of many warriors were full of surprise.

"This is terrible. Do Yu Wenhong and this boy know each other? What is the relationship between the two of them?" Liu Yun and Hong Yin said with cold faces.

"I didn't expect it. I really didn't expect it. Now our plan must be postponed. Don't act casually first. Wait until Yu Wenhong leaves. If we do it now, we will probably be killed." Luo Bei road.

Huang Liang nodded, and then agreed with the idea.

"Things are getting more and more interesting. I didn't expect Chen Xuan to be related to him, but I think it was a coincidence." At the same time, they were communicating loudly.

The gold-level auction ended, and many warriors began to walk out quickly. Since the auction was over now, there was no use for them to stay here.

In the advanced area, Yu Wenyun and Yu Wenqing looked puzzled and watched Yu Wenhong leave. At the same time, they were also a little surprised.

"Clan leader, did you already know that he was Yu Wenhong before? That's why you finally withdrew from the competition." Yu Wenqing asked.

Yu Wenyun also stood aside and looked at the clan leader. His heart was also full of doubts. Originally, they got the news this time that it was the last magic weapon and it was very precious, so they came here to buy it. But who would have thought that this time A stronger person actually came.

He said slowly: "Senior Yuwenhong sent me a message. He asked me to withdraw, and this magic weapon belongs to him. Hahaha, Senior Yuwen is still the same as before."

Yu Wenyun and Yu Wenqing nodded, and then they also learned the whole story.

"I see. No wonder the team leader didn't continue to participate in the competition."

The Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan and the Blood Giant Tiger left early after experiencing this incident. They are now also worried that Yu Wenhong will take action against them when he sees them.

At this time, they were also very embarrassed, because they knew that they had provoked such a strong man. The famous Yu Wenhong was actually scolded by two of them, a seventh-level divine master. After thinking about it, they felt that if they suddenly became unhappy and attacked him, , I’m afraid the two of them don’t even know how they died.

Chen Xuan still feels that what is happening in front of him is indeed very dreamy. Yu Wenhong, what kind of strong man he is, how could Chen Xuan not know.

Moreover, he also talked a lot with Yu Wenhong. For this senior Yuwen, Chen Xuan also respected him from the bottom of his heart.

He doesn't have the airs of a strong man, and his behavior is very simple.

If he hadn't, Chen Xuan would never have thought in his dreams that he was actually a strong man at the seventh level of the divine realm.

Half an hour later, the two came to the backstage.

The seventh-level perfect master of the divine realm of Tongshang Villa has been waiting patiently for a long time.

After seeing Yuwen Hong, he hurried forward and said with a smile on his face: "Senior, I am really sorry for what happened before. I hope you don't blame me. I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter."

Yuwen Hong waved his hand to indicate that it was okay and then said: "Ah, what happened before is not important. I came here this time just to buy the magic weapon fairy demon spirit stone. I am also very satisfied with this magic weapon in your villa. Hehe, but come back, you have to be careful in recent days."

Although Yuwen Hong is a casual cultivator and the immortal secret method he practices is very powerful, his popularity is still good, and many people are willing to give him face.

If it were other top-level masters of the seventh level of the God Realm, if a master of the seventh level of the God Realm dared to do this, he would have been killed by him long ago.

But Yuwen Hong was unwilling to kill two masters of the seventh level of the God Realm. After all, these two people did not pose any substantial threat to him, just because they did not know his identity.

So he wanted to compete with him.

Moreover, there are also invincible masters of the seventh level of the God Realm behind these two God Realm Seven Perfection. If he really kills these two people, the situation will be a fight to the death.

Normally, he lives in seclusion alone, so he naturally doesn't want to cause so many troubles.

"Senior, this is your fairy demon spirit stone."

"Very good, in that case I will accept it."

After the voice fell, Yuwen Hong put the fairy demon spirit stone into the ring, and then he paid the money.

Seeing this scene, the God Realm Seventh Level of Tongshang Villa did not say anything more.

"Oh, by the way, I met this brother at the auction, and we two got along very well. Where are his things? Can you take them out together?" Yuwen Hong asked.

Elder Wang Luo hurriedly put the ninth-level fairy soul-type fairy essence secret method and the fairy demon palace's demon essence stone in Chen Xuan's hand.

Chen Xuan nodded lightly, and then handed over the fairy meteorite.

Then, Chen Xuan and Yuwen Hong left.

The powerful man of the seventh level of the Divine Master Realm in Tongshang Villa observed Chen Xuan fiercely, and then said: "Investigate this boy carefully. His origin should be very unusual. He can actually attract the attention of Senior Yuwen. If we can make friends with this boy, it may bring us a lot of benefits."

Leaving Tongshang Villa, Yuwen Hong and Chen Xuan walked on the road.

"You got the sword method. I'm afraid you should also know what kind of character those strong men of the Blood Giant Tiger are. They probably won't let it go. You should be careful that they will send people to plot against you." Yuwen Hong said.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, and then said: "Thank you for the reminder, senior. I also know what kind of character they are. I will definitely be careful later."

"Okay, next, I won't waste time here any more. I just got the magic weapon, and now I need time to crack it. Where are you going?" Yuwen Hong asked.

"I am the guard of the Fire Fairy Bird, so I naturally have to return to the Fire Fairy Bird area." Chen Xuan said.

"Hahaha, what's going on? It seems that this world is really full of coincidences. I just happen to be going to Liaohuo Fairy Bird, so I can take you there." Yuwen Hong laughed, and then he suddenly disappeared with Chen Xuan.


A moment later, the elders of several major sects of Xuelian Fairy Palace appeared here.

"This is bad. This guy is gone. What happened? His aura was clearly still here before."

"If I'm not mistaken, he should have been taken away by Yuwen Hong. With a strong man of this level next to him, it is basically impossible for us to take action."

"I don't believe that he will always follow Yuwen Hong. If he leaves, can we take action against him?" Huang Liang said coldly.

"Yes, this guy will definitely be alone. As long as we seize the opportunity, we can kill him."

"We can't waste any more time. We have been out for such a long time, but we haven't killed this guy yet."

"That's right. We haven't completed the task yet. Shangguan Longting is probably impatient now."

"Where are we going now?" Luo Bei and Liu Yunhehong asked.

"Go to the area of ​​​​Liaohuo Fairy Bird. Now we can be sure that Chen Xuan is there. It would be best if we can find an opportunity to kill him there, and then we will leave quickly."

In the area of ​​​​Liaohuo Fairy Bird, Yuwen Hong came here without any movement.

The ancestor of Liaohuo Fairy Bird came to greet him in person, and then the two invincible masters of the seventh level of the realm of the God of Venerable went to discuss.

Chen Xuan returned to his area and suddenly found that Yuwen Qiu was practicing.

"Master Chen Xuan, you are finally back. Where have you been during this period? You have been out for so long. Do you know what happened here?" Seeing Chen Xuan, the fire bird said with a smile.

"What? What do you mean?" Chen Xuan was about to speak when he suddenly found that Yuwen Qiu's aura changed, and then his expression revealed a terrifying smile. Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan had already made it clear that Yuwen Qiu's cultivation had broken through. "Yuwen Qiu's talent is indeed too strong. It hasn't been long since he entered the seventh level of the realm of the Godly Lord. I didn't expect that the speed of his breakthrough was even faster than mine." Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh. Now that Yuwen Qiu's cultivation has been improved, Chen Xuan is also very excited.

If you practice the Immortal Fire Secret Technique to the extreme, you will have no problem becoming a top powerhouse at the seventh level of the Divine Realm.

Since the awakening of the Immortal Fire Secret Technique, Yu Wenqiu has reached the early stage of the seventh level of the divine realm, and has already reached the threshold of the middle seventh level of the divine realm. It is only a matter of time before he enters the middle seventh level of the divine realm.

"This competition for the sixth level of the divine realm should not be a big problem. After all, Yu Wenqiu has now reached the seventh level of the divine realm." Chen Xuan said with a smile on his face.

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