Although Yu Wenyun is very strong on the Demon Immortal List, in Wang Yunlang's eyes, he is no different from other warriors at the sixth level of the Divine Realm. That is to say, he is slightly stronger, but he cannot bring any threat to him at all.

"It's so funny. If you look at me, you might be in trouble by then."

Yuwen Yun said with murderous intent on his face, and then the strong power of the Fire Bird was released nearby, showing a flaming attack.

"It's just asking for death."

When Wang Yunlang saw this scene, he sneered, held the sword tightly in his hand, and suddenly struck out with the sword.

In an instant, a terrible force burst out from his body, and then the two collided with a cracking sound. Yu Wenyun's body was directly knocked back a few steps, while Wang Yunlang was also knocked back. He didn't suffer any damage. While the opponent was rushing behind him, his body stood firmly on the competition stage.

"Your strength doesn't interest me at all. It's really wasting my time. I advise you to surrender as soon as possible."

Wang Yunlang shook his head slightly, with a malicious smile on his face.

At this time, a fierce murderous intent burst out from his eyes, and he thought this was an excellent opportunity to kill the opponent.

The next moment, Wang Yunlang closed his eyes, and suddenly the terrifying secret technique of the soul spread throughout the competition arena.

Chen Xuan looked surprised when he saw this scene, and then shouted: "Yu Wenyun, he is about to use his own skills, you must be careful."

But it was already too late. Wang Yunlang's mysterious soul attack had already been concentrated.

In the meantime, the ferocious soul secret technique in the air condensed into a spiritual energy. Under Wang Yunlang's control, the spiritual energy suddenly shot towards Yu Wenyun.

Chen Xuan watched Wang Yunlang closely, and he felt the ferocity of Wang Yunlang's magical attack. Even he did not dare to confront this spiritual energy head-on.

Boom! !

The spiritual energy carried extremely terrifying power, directly breaking through Yuwen Yun's defense, and then landed decisively on Yu Wenyun's body.

His body couldn't bear this terrible force at all. Under the suppression of this force, he flew out instantly, and finally blood emerged from the corners of his mouth.

At this time, Wang Yunlang continued to launch the soul secret method attack, hoping to seize this opportunity to kill Yu Wenyun. However, at this moment, a breath suddenly appeared.

"I am not your opponent." Yuwen Yun said.

As soon as he finished speaking, his body landed heavily on the main hall, and he immediately admitted defeat.

Before this, he originally thought that he could get a pre-season ranking in the competition, but he didn't expect that he would lose so quickly.

In the viewing area, the leader of the Fire Immortal Bird Clan had a gloomy face and was very worried about Yu Wenyun.

It's not that he doesn't know the other party's purpose this time, it's just to kill off all the younger members of their clan and make them uncompetitive.

"Wang Yunlang hid his strength. I didn't expect his cultivation to be so strong. I don't know what level he has reached now." The leader of the Fire Immortal Bird Clan murmured to himself.

In the main hall, many warriors let out a sound of shock.

After such a long time, Wang Yunlang didn't seem to show his great strength, and he usually behaved very low-key. Many warriors thought that Wang Yunlang was no match for Shao Bing, but now that he took action, everyone could see that, What level has his cultivation reached?

This time, Wang Yunlang showed great strength.

Yu Wenyun, who was ranked among the top 12 in the Demon Immortal List, was unable to defend himself for even one round in his hands.

This is not inferior to Shao Bing at all, so this also makes many people have doubts about what level his cultivation has reached.

In the Dragon Immortal Wolf Clan area, Shao Bing had complicated thoughts. He had always thought that his talent was very powerful, and almost no one of his generation was his opponent. However, now his ally has exerted such a powerful force that his There was a little more threat in my heart.

On the competition stage, Wang Yunlang's expression was gloomy. He slowly retracted the secret technique of the soul and cursed: "It's really damned. What's going on?"

He originally wanted to kill Yu Wenyun with one blow and then avoid future troubles.

However, Yu Wenyun's defense was stronger than he thought, and he was able to resist his attack with difficulty, which caused some mistakes in his plan.

At the moment when he attacked for the second time, Yu Wenyun already knew what he was thinking, so he exited the competition stage directly.

The seventh-level masters of all the major gods were in the viewing area. He did not dare to attack Yu Wenyun who had already withdrawn from the competition stage. If he launched an attack, he would probably know the outcome.

And they don't have an advantage in the current situation.

"In the second game, Wang Yunlang won." Mr. Tang said loudly.

But Wang Longyun and Song Wen were not happy. They were somewhat resentful about this game.

The reason is also very simple, because Yu Wenyun was not killed, which made their plan completely wrong, because the other party was only seriously injured, and relying on the materials and earth treasures in the sect, I am afraid it will not take long to fully recover. .

"I didn't kill it. It was a mistake this time." Wang Longyun said with a cold face.

At this time, Song Wen also whispered to Shao Bing, asking him to use his strongest attack from the beginning, and then kill the opponent directly.

What a coincidence, this match is between Chen Xuan and Shao Bing, which is destined to fail his plan. Chen Xuan suppressed his cultivation before, but now his true strength may have surpassed many people.

"Damn bastard, I've been unhappy with you for a long time, and if I guessed correctly, you should have killed those people in our dreams before. Let me defeat you today. ." Shao Bing sneered.

"I hope you won't be in a hurry to surrender. If you do, it will be meaningless." Chen Xuan sneered.

"Hahaha, what are you daydreaming about? You are still trying to persuade me not to surrender. What you think is very simple."

A roar sounded, and then an extremely strong aura was released near Shao Bing, and then his true body was revealed directly.

A huge demon wolf appeared directly in front of Chen Xuan.

"Is this the Flood Demon Wolf? I didn't expect it to be able to exude such a terrifying aura. It really deserves to be the number one talent. It seems that the demon clan is much more powerful than I thought."

Chen Xuan thought to himself.

"Damn bastard, I will definitely kill you to let you know how powerful I am."

Shao Bing jumped up immediately, his body leaving streaks of red light on the competition stage.

"Didn't you think he was very fast?"

When Chen Xuan saw this scene, he nodded slightly. Chen Xuan had already initially mastered the opponent's power.

Shao Bing had a crazy look on his face, as if he thought Chen Xuan could not be his opponent. The most important thing was that he believed in his heart that Chen Xuan could not keep up with him. He was very confident about his speed. But he didn't know that it was Chen Xuan who he bumped into.

Chen Xuan has initially understood the rules of Tao, and it is also the top of the rules of Tao. Space and time, as well as time, are two forces that combine with each other.

No matter how fast he was, it was still not enough in Chen Xuan's eyes.

Chen Xuan's spiritual spirit moved slightly, and his body was constantly changing as he used the Immortal Sword Technique.

For a moment on the competition stage, Hong Molang was unable to catch up with Chen Xuan, and naturally his attack could not fall on Chen Xuan.

"My dear, Chen Xuan is faster than the Flood Demon Wolf? How on earth did he do it?"

"Am I reading that right? Is this an advantage? Is this guy that powerful?"

"The Hong Demon Wolf can't even catch up with this kid. What kind of skills has he practiced? Could it be that the speed of his body skills has surpassed that of all the monsters?"

"I don't know, how fast would it be if he used all his cultivation skills?"

In the main hall, many warriors exclaimed. They were all curious about Chen Xuan, and their hearts were filled with shock.

At present, Shao Bing has no way to catch up with a warrior at the sixth level of the Sub-God Realm.

This made Shao Bing extremely unhappy, but he had no choice. Instead of increasing his speed, the time and space movement technique used by Chen Xuan used the power of space to teleport his body.

This kind of power has surpassed all warriors in the same realm. Only those who have mastered this kind of power like Chen Xuan can truly capture his body.

"I don't believe how long you can maintain it. This guy must be using some very special technique, and it will definitely consume a lot of his power."

Shao Bing's roar came from the red light. He felt that it was absolutely impossible for Chen Xuan to maintain this state for too long. As long as he continued to consume, he would definitely have a chance to kill Chen Xuan with one strike, and then completely kill Chen Xuan. Get rid of it.

Empty time Zheng

Firebird and the others stood silently, staring coldly at the people who relied purely on their own bodies to increase their speed, but on their understanding of the secrets of time and space.

Those who can use this power are basically the leaders of their generation.

"As expected of the secret method of time and space, this speed is really too powerful. If I were to fight with this guy in the same realm, I might not be able to capture his figure." Yu Wenhong sighed.

The more he watched Chen Xuan's battle, the more he admired the Immortal Dragon Master. As a strong man in this area, he certainly knew how powerful the Immortal Dragon Master who founded the sect was, and he himself also understood the path of time and space. .

"Yes, this guy is just a warrior at the sixth level of the divine realm, and his mastery of the secrets of time and space is not deep enough. If the immortal dragon master comes over, I am afraid that there will be few people in the entire second level to deal with it, but I I am really curious that Chen Xuan can actually comprehend such a powerful power. It seems that his own understanding is very high, otherwise he would not be able to do it at all," the ancestor of the Liaohuo Immortal Bird Clan said with a smile.

Although Hong Molang is very powerful, he has no way to capture Chen Xuan's figure, so currently he has no advantage in front of Chen Xuan.

"It's so funny. In a head-on confrontation, he is still no match for Shao Bing. If he catches up to him, he can definitely be killed with one hit. The next step will be a war of attrition. He will never be able to maintain this state forever. "Yes." Dragon Immortal Wolf Ancestor sneered.

They all thought the same thing, that is, maintaining Chen Xuan in this state was very draining of energy. Unfortunately, they all thought too much. Chen Xuan, who has mastered the secret method of time and space, relies on space to teleport his body, which actually does not consume a lot of power.

On the fighting stage.

In the blink of an eye, a stick of incense passed. Chen Xuan continued to dodge and let the opponent attack desperately, while Shao Bing was desperately chasing Chen Xuan, hoping to kill with one blow.

"Damn bastard, you don't look good enough in front of me."

"Haha, really? You are very confident in your own strength." Chen Xuan sneered.

"Of course I am very confident in myself. Otherwise, how would you know how to escape? Dare to fight me head-on? I'm afraid you can't even sustain me for one round."

Shao Bing was very angry.

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