However, he had no choice. Now he really had nothing to do with Chen Xuan, and he himself had a bad temper, so he didn't want to waste any more time.

So now he is deliberately irritating Chen Xuan, asking the other party to fight him head-on, and then looking for an opportunity to kill Chen Xuan. He believes that only in this way will he have a greater chance of killing Chen Xuan directly.

After hearing his words, Chen Xuan's body appeared on the competition stage.

Looking at Shao Bing, who had an extremely gloomy face, he said with a smile on his face: "It's really funny, haha, let me face you head-on? Do you think I will be fooled by you? Or are you really confident that you can deal with me? ?”

After hearing this, Shao Bing was extremely angry, but he had nothing to do. If Chen Xuan had not been fooled by him, he would really have nothing to do with Chen Xuan now.

"There are very many restrictions on the competition stage. Otherwise, how could you possibly deal with me?" Shao Bing said: "Don't be a warrior at the sixth level of the sub-god realm like you, even a sixth-level god from the Liaohuo Immortal Bird Clan. Warriors will die in front of me." Shao Bing looked down upon other warriors.

His talent itself is really very talented, coupled with the super strong soul concentration, he has been appreciated by his ancestors. He believes that in the future, he can become an invincible strongman at the seventh level of the divine realm. He even fantasizes about being able to become the divine realm. The seventh-level invincible strong man, when the time comes, everyone will act in his honor.

His talents have already been reflected, and he entered the Demon Immortal Ranking more than a thousand years ago, and then defeated several strong men of the same realm in a row.

This also made his name spread almost throughout the entire demon clan. Many people knew that he was powerful in cultivation and his power exceeded almost all the demon clan in the same realm.

Moreover, he also occupies the first place in the list of the new generation of demon clan, and is unparalleled among the warriors at the sixth level of the divine realm.

It can be said that no warrior at the sixth level of the divine realm is his opponent, not even the human race.

Even Wang Yunlang, who is also a demon clan, can't do it. He wants to prove his strength in front of many warriors. If others can't deal with it, Chen Xuan can do it.

And he will kill him instantly.

However, who would have thought that Chen Xuan had been in a stalemate with him for such a long time, and he had not benefited from Chen Xuan's hand.

And in the past, at this moment of the battle, the enemy was quickly killed by him. After such a long time, Shao Bing always relied on his skills to win. However, now Chen Xuan, a warrior at the sixth level of the divine realm, made him unable to do anything. deal with.

This has greatly affected his self-esteem.

And as a demon clan, he believed that his speed and strength were far superior to humans like Chen Xuan.

But now he failed to surpass Chen Xuan in speed, and naturally he could not use the power he was proud of.

This made Shao Bing very angry. He was not convinced and even refused to admit that the other party's body training was stronger.

Compared with the human race and the demon race, there is basically a big gap in physical strength. If a demon warrior shows his true form, his speed and strength will be greatly improved.

For human warriors, they will specialize in body training techniques. And the demon clan is naturally the same.

They can also practice, and regard this as a very crucial way to win.

"It's so funny. Haha, you can't capture my body at all. You can only blame yourself for this. What's wrong? Did I break the rules?" Chen Xuan said with a faint smile.

Hearing the voices of many warriors talking in the main hall, Shao Bing's expression became even more gloomy. He felt that he was very embarrassed now.

He had already put aside his bold words before participating in the competition, and he was 100% sure to get first place in this competition.

If Chen Xuan were to have a draw, he would think it was embarrassing.

He observed Chen Xuan ferociously, his spirit moved slightly, and he suddenly transformed into a human form. Since there was no way to kill with one strike, he could only rely on his skills to win.

At this moment, a long sword appeared in front of him, and a cruel look appeared on his face.

"Damn you bastard, what's the use of talking? I'm afraid you can only talk to me here. I will let you know today that I, Shao Bing, can still kill you, and you have no resistance at all. If you use that power, you will be killed by me." As soon as Shao Bing finished speaking, the aura nearby vibrated, and the long sword in his hand burst out with mysterious power.

But after feeling this breath, Chen Xuan also frowned slightly.

In an instant, sword shadows appeared in the sky.


Shao Bing slammed his body on the ground, holding a long sword, and killed Chen Xuan. He thought he could suppress Chen Xuan's speed with his skills.

Even if he could use the power of space, so what? With his absolute power, Chen Xuan would only end up being killed by him.

"Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent."

Facing Shao Bing's attack, Chen Xuan also knew that the opponent's cultivation level was indeed very strong, so now he had to be more cautious and directly used the Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent.

Qingyun Immortal Sword Intention was suddenly released, and it collided with Shao Bing's sword instantly.

A powerful force broke out between the two sides.


Under the terrifying explosion of this power, the murderous sword light that Chen Xuan had just unleashed was shattered by Shao Bing's sword in just one stick of incense.

"Now you should know how powerful I am, hehehe, you can't even sustain one of my turns. I'm curious what other tricks you have now?"

Floating in mid-air, Shao Bing felt very confident. At this time, he looked at Chen Xuan and sneered.

At this time, the long sword in his hand struck Chen Xuan's body.

The prairie fire sword continued to be waved, and Chen Xuan also used the Suzaku sword technique.

The Suzaku sword technique burst out and hit Shao Bing's sword.

"It's such a powerful attack."

In the main hall, many warriors exclaimed.

I thought that Chen Xuan was going to lose, but he was still able to burst out with such a powerful force, which made everyone wonder what level Chen Xuan's cultivation level had entered.

Why can you always bring such big surprises to others?

"A sword light is already very powerful. Now that the fiery red sword light is fully unleashed, I wonder if Shao Bing can defend himself?"

In the Fire Immortal Bird area, Yu Wenyun and Yu Wenqing also had puzzled expressions, looking at Chen Xuan in disbelief.

"I really didn't expect that he actually hid his strength?"

The two of them couldn't imagine that Chen Xuan's current strength completely surpassed that of Shao Bing. At least on the surface, although the latter's cultivation was very strong and his dominance was very obvious, Chen Xuan's current burst of power , has actually begun to gradually surpass it.

Before, they still looked down on Chen Xuan in their hearts. However, after so many things happened in the meantime, they also believed in their hearts that Chen Xuan's cultivation level must be more than that, and even more powerful than the power he is bursting out now.

"Oops, this guy must be hiding his cultivation. He needs to be careful."

In the viewing area, Song Wen and Wang Longyun secretly screamed, feeling this power. They also clearly knew in their hearts that Chen Xuan must have been able to hide his cultivation before.

In an instant, five rays of sword light collided with the long sword, and terrifying power was released instantly, knocking Shao Bing away who was caught off guard.


Shao Bing tried hard to stabilize his body, but he still took a few steps back and could only barely hold on.

However, this has completely changed from his previous calmness, and he has always been aloof, with contempt for Chen Xuan in his eyes, but now he finally looks at Chen Xuan, and there is even a hint of timidity in his heart.

"If I'm not wrong, you hide your strength?"

Shao Bing looked in the direction of Chen Xuan and said with a cold face.

After hearing his words, Chen Xuan found it funny. It was obvious that he was hiding his strength.

"Didn't you want to defeat me in one round before? Why are you not arrogant anymore? Come on, I want to see how you want to defeat me in one round." Chen Xuan said slowly.

"It's so funny. So what if you hide your strength? Or do you really think that you can defeat me 100% with this kind of cultivation? Don't I have a trump card?"

Shao Bing put away his sword and turned into his true form again, and his pupils also emitted red light.

Suddenly, a terrifying tearing space appeared near Shao Bing.

The immortal energy of the earth poured into the tearing space, and in just a short while, the tearing space became very shocking.

And in the very center of the torn space, his body exuded the aura of immortality.

"It's so powerful."

In the main hall, many warriors exclaimed.

"I didn't expect Shao Bing to have such a powerful attack."

The Flood Demon Wolf burst out with power that tore apart the space, and a terrifying aura spread directly throughout the entire competition arena.

At this time, the competition platform was shaking.

Chen Xuan held the prairie fire sword and looked at the Flood Demon Wolf. Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent was used again and Suzaku Sword Technique was used in full.

At this time, he used the Suzaku sword technique again.


A lot of Suzaku sword energy instantly condensed in mid-air. Zheng

Dozens of Vermillion Bird Sword Qi, controlled by Chen Xuan, shot directly into the terrifying tearing space.

Chen Xuan felt the horror of tearing the space, so before the tearing space erupted, he instantly used the Suzaku sword technique.

Dozens of Suzaku sword energy, under his control, poured into the tearing space one after another.


There was a shattering sound in the torn space, followed by an angry roar.

"Damn it!! I will definitely kill you."

The tearing space was broken by Chen Xuan, causing Shao Bing to suffer space backlash.

At this moment, Shao Bing's pupils had a blush and he rushed towards Chen Xuan instantly.

"Shao Bing, you are no longer an opponent. There is no need to continue fighting."

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