"Sir, there are no warriors. I feel wrong, or are there some other monsters here?" Wang Yi asked.

The leader suddenly shook his head slightly and said calmly: "This is definitely not the case. I clearly felt that the formation around us was broken, and someone must have come over, because I could clearly detect an aura."

As soon as Darao finished speaking, an even more terrifying formation instantly filled the air near them, trapping them directly in the middle of nowhere.

After sensing this formation, their faces showed surprise.

"No way, actually..."

When they saw this scene, their faces instantly darkened.

"That's weird, what is it? Immortal-level seventh-level formation? Damn it, does someone already know about our existence?"

Wang Huan was a spiritual formation master. He could clearly feel a force suddenly radiating around him, and then he was sure that it was a formation.

Moreover, he directly saw the Immortal Level 7 formation. This level of formation filled his heart with fear.

The leader suddenly struck the air with a sword, and then a terrifying aura emitted.

"What are you doing here? I didn't expect people from the Demon Sect to sneak in."

At this moment, Chen Xuan walked out of the air with a playful smile on his face, which also made these demon sect warriors show panic expressions.

"The warriors of the Demon Blood Dragon Sect are becoming more and more courageous. They actually have the courage to quietly sneak into the Dragon Immortal Palace. They simply don't know whether to live or die. Since you can come here, you must be prepared to be killed. "Chen Xuan let out a disdainful smile.

"Who are you? Are you a disciple of Dragon Immortal Palace?"

When the adults saw this scene, their pupils were extremely shocked, and a cold voice came out.

He was very confused that Chen Xuan could find him. They had been hiding here for a long time just to rescue the elder, but now they were discovered.

"Ah, I can probably be regarded as half, but since you know that I am a disciple of Longxian Palace, why don't you surrender honestly? You should be very clear about what consequences I will bring to you if I spread the news. Right?" Chen Xuan continued.

Although at first, their expressions were a little surprised, but now that they found out that there was only one warrior, Chen Xuan, the adults sneered and said: "Only you, you still want to stop us? I think your son is really thinking too much." It’s so simple. I really thought you could deal with so many of us by yourself.”

At the moment when the adults spoke, he sent a message to them, and then asked these people to speed up and summon the elders, although he also felt that if these people united, they would definitely be able to deal with Chen Xuan.

But they must not make any mistakes in their mission this time.

"You have no chance, but you still want to summon this elder. Am I going to watch you summon it? You are really serious."

Holding the prairie fire sword tightly, Chen Xuan directly displayed the Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent.

Chen Xuan will not be merciful when dealing with these demon sects. Although the leader of the demon sect is a strong man in the early stage of the seventh level of the divine realm, his cultivation is not as good as Liu Yun and Hong, so Chen Xuan will naturally not put him in In eyes.

Chen Xuan faced him, and it took only a few short rounds to completely gain the upper hand, and the techniques he used were of no use to Chen Xuan.

"Your strength doesn't interest me at all. Alas, I don't need to use all my strength to deal with you."

A sword destroyed his soul, and then a burst of flames filled Chen Xuan's body, burning his body. It didn't take long for him to be completely burned by the flames.

After seeing what happened here, several people roared with extremely ferocious expressions.

It was originally a good plan, but now it was ruined by Chen Xuan.

However, at this moment, spiritual energy was released from the body of the slain warrior and was completely absorbed by the altar.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

On the altar, there were traces of continuous tearing, and a terrifying and dark energy suddenly emitted.

"Oops, what's going on? Did this guy sacrifice his power before he died?"

Chen Xuan screamed inwardly, and swung four sword techniques in a row, directly killing the remaining few people. He could not let these people completely unblock the elders in the altar.

If the other party lifts the seal, it will be really difficult for Chen Xuan to deal with him.

At this time, the altar exploded and a sound came out, so Chen Xuan took two steps back.

"Hehehehe, no one can stop me at all. Anyone who stands in front of me will die. I have been sealed for tens of thousands of years. Now I can finally see the light of day again."

After this voice came out, a black shadow suddenly covered the sun and swept the entire sky.

"Just die."

Qing Yunxian's sword intention was used, and the prairie fire sword carried a terrifying aura and struck the altar that was about to be broken. Chen Xuan knew that he could never be resurrected.

If such a strong person appears, even if Chen Xuan can win, it will definitely be a tragic victory.

Chen Xuan also seized the opportunity and killed the elder before he fully appeared.

Immediately afterwards, a horrified sound came from the altar.

"Damn it, you actually... what kind of swordsmanship is this? Have you actually practiced it?"

Only a bang was heard!

With another sword, Chen Xuan directly chopped the altar into pieces. A nearly broken true soul floated in the air, and then the dark atmosphere in the air gradually dissipated.

His energy seemed not as strong as before.

It was obvious that when he was about to break the seal, the sword energy that Chen Xuan had just waved had a lot of impact on him.

"I'm actually an elder of the Demon Blood Dragon Sect. Who are you?" Chen Xuan could see his face clearly, and there was Zheng mixed with this black aura.

"Elder of the Demon Blood Dragon Sect, hehehe, I have to. If you return to your heyday, you will indeed be very powerful, but are you my opponent now?" A smile appeared on Chen Xuan's face,

"I am almost free of burdens at the seventh level of the divine realm. If you spare me, I will take you back to the Demon Blood Dragon Sect immediately. No matter who you are, as long as you join us, I can give you anything you want. You, do you want to gain powerful power? Hahaha, as long as you help me, then I can improve your cultivation, and I can also give you many skills." Elder Shenhun started to talk to Chen Xuanyou.

Chen Xuan gave a disdainful smile and said: "Since you are so powerful, how could you be sealed here for so long? I think you are just an embroidered pillow."

"It's so funny. How could you possibly know what happened before? If it weren't for the fact that I was plotted, how could I have been injured by these old guys from your second level, and even be sealed here." The elder's remnant soul was very angry.

He believed that he was defeated in the first place because he was attacked by surprise.

However, no matter how powerful the Demon Sect is, it will be very difficult to deal with the alliance of this powerful sect.

It can only be that their ambitions were so great that all the prominent families in the second level united to deal with them.

According to that battle, many decent people from famous families died, but the Demon Sect almost collapsed.

So now after hearing his words, Chen Xuan's expression revealed a joking smile.

The immortal energy was released from his body and gradually moved towards the remnant soul of the elder. Now Chen Xuan was sure of victory. If he had just allowed him to completely break the seal and regain his strength, it would be really difficult for Chen Xuan to deal with him.

But Chen Xuan killed other Demon Alliance warriors, and their power was not absorbed by the elder.

That's why Chen Xuan could deal with him easily.

"Damn bastard, do you know who I am? If you kill me, the Demon Blood Dragon Sect will not let you go, and will definitely kill you with their own hands. Their mission is to save me, and now I have eliminated it. Seal, I'm afraid they already know my existence," Elder Remnant said in a cold voice.

After hearing what he said, Chen Xuan had a faint smile on his face.

The other party actually dared to threaten him.

Seeing Chen Xuan's disdainful face, the elder's remnant soul was extremely shocked, and then said: "Damn bastard, I don't think it will be good for you if you kill me. Otherwise, how about we make a deal? I think it's not good for you if you kill me. It’s good for you,”

"What, I'm very curious, why don't you elaborate on what the deal is?" Chen Xuan asked with a smile on his face as he looked at Zhenyuan Soul.

"If I'm not wrong, you have the power of the soul. This power is not your own, but imposed on you by others. It will always be with you. I can help you kill this power of the soul. , but you must spare my dog’s life,” the elder said.

"real or fake."

In fact, Chen Xuan really found it very difficult to deal with this kind of power, so that after hearing it now, Chen Xuan became a little interested: "Can you help me kill the power of the soul?"

"It's so funny. If my inference is correct, you should have provoked Shangguan Longting. This kind of power is indeed quite strong. This guy named Shangguan was a talent before. At the time, his cultivation was not good enough, and he also You were defeated by me once. If you don't kill the power of the soul, Shangguan Longting will definitely hunt you down." Elder Canhun sneered.

After hearing his words, Chen Xuan was a little surprised.

He did not expect that this elder of the Demon Sect would actually look down on Shangguan Longting.

You must know that the current Shangguan Longting is a top powerhouse.

Otherwise, Chen Xuan wouldn't be so embarrassed.

"It's okay, but I also have conditions. Now your life is in my hands, but you have to help me kill the power of the soul first. If you can't help me get rid of this power, then you will There is no reason to blame me." Chen Xuan muttered to himself.

Chen Xuan wants to give it a try. Can you see if Ran Di can help him?

Indeed, just like the elder's remnant soul, the power of the soul is always in his body. If the enemy wants to kill him, he can indeed find him at any time.

It would be best if this power could be completely dispelled, but if there was no way to dispel it, Chen Xuan would remain the same as before.

He believed that he was in this area, and no matter how courageous Shangguan was, he would still have to think carefully, and he would definitely not be able to come over and kill him at will.

"No problem." The elder soul said, "Let me exorcise the power of the soul for you, but you must promise me. If I help to cancel the chat, you must let me go."

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, then closed his eyes, gathered his soul and secret skills, and wondered whether he would sneak attack on him.

Chen Xuan is really not very scared. Anyway, there is a formation he has set up here, and Chen Xuan also believes that the power of his soul can completely defend against the power of this demon sect elder.

If he wanted to kill him, Chen Xuan could react in time.

"Hehehe, this guy's body actually allowed me to help him. He dared to plot against me just now. I will kill him later." Elder Remnant Soul secretly laughed sarcastically.

Immediately afterwards, powerful spiritual energy was released from his true soul, which instantly completely suppressed Chen Xuan's true soul.

"Damn you bastard, you just hurt me so miserably. I'm curious how much you regret it."

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