Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5387 Return to the Demonic Blood Dragon Sect

The elder's remnant soul suddenly laughed. As long as he returns to the Demon Blood Dragon Sect, he will definitely defeat all the second-level young talents again.

"You actually really want to plot against me."

Chen Xuan let out a disdainful smile, and Suzaku's soul suddenly filled the air, and flames instantly filled his surroundings.

Under the power of this flame, at this time, the golden elixir of the immortal soul master also passed through the soul and passed into the Zheng of the Divine Soul.

Although he wanted to control Chen Xuan, the Suzaku Fire immediately defeated his defense completely.

"Impossible, impossible, how did you find out? What on earth is going on?"

The elder's remnant soul lost his voice.

Although Chen Xuan was a little moved, he would not completely believe in this Demon Sect warrior.

Therefore, Chen Xuan had already taken precautions before, but the other party could not imagine that he had already gathered the true soul of this kid. He originally thought that he could control Chen Xuan's power, and then destroy his soul to occupy Chen Xuan. Xuan's body.

It can only be that his thinking was too simple, especially since he clearly felt that Chen Xuan's power actually contained the terrifying golden elixir of the powerful Immortal Soul.

This power has been completely integrated with Chen Xuan's body and can be emitted involuntarily.

"How can this be!"

The elder's remnant soul said with horror on his face, trying all his strength to counter Chen Xuan's power. However, he was already seriously injured and had been sealed for so many years.

In addition, he was hit by Chen Xuan when he came out just now, so now he has been seriously injured, and the elder's remnant soul has been torn apart in a matter of seconds.

"Damn bastard, spare my life. I can tell you a secret that no one else knows. Believe me, this secret will definitely bring you benefits and improve your cultivation." The remnant soul of the elder went crazy. Yelled.

He knew that now was not the time to show off, Chen Xuan really had the ability to kill him.

And he believed that he had no chance to resist in front of Chen Xuan.

But Chen Xuan did not stop attacking, and his ferocious aura directly absorbed the elder's remnant soul instantly.

"Give me a chance, I beg you, give me a chance."

At this time, Elder Remnant also knew that if he hesitated any longer, he might really be killed by Chen Xuan, so he directly revealed all the secrets he knew.

"There is a place near here that is very good for you. Alas, you can go there to find..."

However, Chen Xuan had already had the intention to kill him, and before the elder could finish his words, he was completely reduced to a ball of ashes.

"It's really surprising to me..."

After being able to kill him, Chen Xuan put down the stone in his heart and his eyes fell on Zheng Zheng, the main hall in front of the mountain.

At this time, he did feel a breath in the hall.

According to what the elder said, there seemed to be some mechanism here, so he walked directly forward.

Chen Xuan was also very excited, and after a moment he quietly slipped into the main hall.

Is there any secret here?

Could it be a magic weapon left by some strong man? When Chen Xuan arrived here, he quietly slipped into the secret cave of Zheng

No matter what was inside, he had to try his luck anyway, maybe he would find the magic weapon he needed.

And generally, no one has entered this kind of place for hundreds of thousands of years, so the possibility of a magic weapon being there is relatively high.

Soon, Chen Xuan landed lightly on Lin's face.

He looked around. It was a narrow, dense area, and the place was very narrow. The passage could only allow two people to pass through at the same time.

After walking for about half an hour, Chen Xuan's consciousness instantly spread out to inspect the secret cave.

However, at this moment, Chen Xuan looked a little surprised.

"There is a trace of mysterious fire and a trace of extremely terrifying spiritual energy in the secret cave. What is going on?"

Chen Xuan was thinking in his soul.

The power of this flame is extremely strange.

Fire secret cave?

The meteorite in the secret cave contains a hint of mysterious fire.

Although the fire of the mysterious demon is very strong, strong people around the seventh level of the divine realm do not dare to defend casually. However, the combination of the mysterious fire and other spiritual energy in the secret cave will not only not destroy the warrior's true soul, but also enhance the warrior's power.

If you can practice here, you can also improve Chen Xuan's cultivation.

"It's a pity that this Fire Secret Cave should not exist for a particularly long time."

Chen Xuan nodded slightly and said, if he wants to temper his true soul, he must absorb the power from the meteorites in the Fire Secret Cave. If he can absorb half of this power, it may also be able to increase the power of his soul.

"We're already here anyway, so why not practice here for a while."

Chen Xuan thought for a moment, and then sat cross-legged next to the Fire Secret Cave. The secret method of the soul was emitted, trying to absorb the energy from the meteorites in the Fire Secret Cave.

This kind of meteorite should have fallen from the universe within hundreds of thousands of years, and then happened to fall here.


After the aura emanating from the meteorite entered the soul, Chen Xuan could clearly feel that the true soul seemed to be much stronger.

Of course, it was definitely impossible for him to achieve a breakthrough in cultivation. Xuan was also surprised by the effect of the meteorite in the Fire Secret Cave, and then he began to crazily absorb the energy in the meteorite.

In just half an hour, Chen Xuan had sucked away the information contained in half of the meteorites in the Fire Secret Cave. The power emitted by the secret method of his nearby soul was very strong, and it seemed that he was about to break through at any time, but Chen Xuan knew that there was still time. Much worse.

It's definitely not that simple to improve your cultivation.

"Continue, you must absorb it quickly."

Chen Xuan is not in a hurry. Now his cultivation is considered very strong at the same level. Unless he is a strong man with the seventh level of perfection, he will be difficult to deal with. Other than that, other people will not bring much to him. threaten.

Of course, Chen Xuan has no idea now that he has a long way to go before he can compete with a strong man of this level who is invincible at the seventh level.

A week later, the fire secret cave in front of Chen Xuan was filled with layers of light red aura.

However, at this time, Chen Xuan's true soul also underwent earth-shaking changes, and his power was significantly enhanced.

In the soul, a crackling sound came over.

The terrifying soul secret technique instantly filled the body of the powerful soul shadow.

After feeling this change, Chen Xuan was very happy.

"The peak of the third level of Immortal Level? I didn't expect that it would improve so much."

Chen Xuan slowly breathed a sigh of relief and thought to himself.

He originally thought that he had no way to improve. After absorbing the meteorites in the Fire Secret Cave, his true soul reached the peak of the third level of the Immortal Order. This made Chen Xuan feel very surprised.

At this time, the body refining level has also increased significantly. In short, its overall strength has improved again.

"Currently, I can deal with ordinary warriors at the seventh level of the Divine Realm by just relying on body training, but it should still be difficult for the power of the divine soul to break through again."


But at this time, Chen Xuan's face was extremely excited.

"Has Suzaku swordsmanship reached the fifth level?"

During this period of time, Shenhun Cannian has been studying the Suzaku Sword Technique, and directly broke through the final bottleneck, comprehending the twentieth level of the Suzaku Sword Technique.

The twentieth level of the Suzaku Sword Technique can instantly condense dozens of Suzaku Sword Qi. The attack is so powerful that even a warrior in the middle of the seventh level of the Divine Realm would not dare to defend head-on.

Chen Xuan stood up slowly, obviously very excited.

"I didn't expect that I would gain so much during this period of time. I originally thought that I would not be able to break through during this period of time, but now my overall strength has improved." Chen Xuan said slowly.

After destroying the Demon Blood Dragon Sect's plan and successfully improving his strength, Chen Xuan gained a lot this time.

For a person of his level, it is difficult to improve his cultivation level, but Chen Xuan improved his strength in such a short time.

When Chen Xuan appeared in Qingfeng Canyon again, a long time had passed, so Chen Xuan returned to Jianyun Sect in a hurry. He was worried that these people would forget him.

Fortunately, after he returned, others didn't find anything. In the next few days, Chen Xuan has been patiently waiting for Kong Yu to recover, while also stabilizing his cultivation.

In the blink of an eye, a week later, the teleportation array here had been completely restored, so he did not waste time. The next morning, Chen Xuan went to the sect area.

Kong Yu's spiritual light flashed, and Chen Xuan left the Jianyun Sect directly. However, just as he arrived, he suddenly heard a voice coming out.

He raised his eyes and took a look, and suddenly found that there were many warriors at the sixth level of the divine realm in front of him. What did these warriors seem to be waiting for?

However, after Chen Xuan came out, he found that there were many people in front of him.

"This sect area is actually the core area of ​​Dragon Immortal Palace. This area is under the direct jurisdiction of the sect, so there must be more powerful people." Chen Xuan murmured to himself.

But at the moment when Chen Xuan was waiting quietly, a voice suddenly came over. After hearing the voice, Chen Xuan looked very surprised.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan suddenly disappeared without a trace. Chen Xuan noticed that his body was still suppressed, and he was unable to move at all.

His heart was filled with shock, but in just a short while, he appeared in a courtyard, and there was a hall next to it, but it was not very majestic, but rather very graceful.

"It's strange, what kind of place is this?" Chen Xuan asked in confusion.

"Hehehe, it seems you came quite quickly."

In the main hall, a mysterious warrior looked at Chen Xuan.

Seeing the mysterious warrior in front of him, Chen Xuan's eyes were full of surprise. The aura on his body was very strong.

Although he concealed his power, there was still a faintly powerful aura emanating from it. Chen Xuan knew very clearly that if the other party wanted to attack him, he would probably be able to kill him in one round. .

Therefore, Chen Xuan did not show any resistance.

Although I don’t know who the other party is, it seems like he won’t do anything to me.

"Oh well."

Seeing this scene, the mysterious warrior nodded slightly, seeming to be very pleased with Chen Xuan's actions.

Knowing that you are no match, the most resistance is in vain.

"Senior, I don't know what you want to do? Why did you bring me here?"

Chen Xuan asked aloud, even a powerful person at the seventh level of the divine realm would not be able to bring him directly to this place without any movement.

Maybe the other party has reached the seventh level of perfection.

Looking at the Dragon Immortal Palace, those who can do this are definitely the invincible strong men at the seventh level of the divine realm, but there are certainly not many strong men at this level, and there are probably only a handful of people who can reach this level at the second level.

"If I guess correctly, you entered the second level from the second level?" the mysterious warrior asked.

Chen Xuan nodded lightly, and then asked: "Senior, if I guess correctly, are you the Immortal Dragon Venerable?"

"Haha, I didn't expect that hundreds of thousands of years later, there would still be warriors who would remember me, Venerable Immortal Dragon. That's right, I also entered here from the second level." The mysterious warrior chuckled. He didn't have any idea about Chen Xuan's guess. Direct identification.

However, judging from the other party's reply, the guess was correct.

Chen Xuan was filled with excitement. Unexpectedly, he had just arrived in the sect area when he was discovered by the Immortal Dragon Master and brought here.

This also shows that the other party must have noticed him long ago.

"Senior, I have already heard your name when I was at the second level, and I also accepted your inheritance. I have been able to reach this point, and the Tao rules I have understood are the most profound rules of time and space. You really helped me a lot," Chen Xuandao.

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