After Zhang Lang heard what he said, he shook his head and said, "Even so, I'm afraid you seem to have forgotten a warrior."

"Zhang Lang, are you the same person before?"

After hearing this, the expressions of the warriors nearby changed, and the man in dark red robe said in a low voice.

"Haha, that's right. Among our inner disciples, you actually know that his cultivation is very powerful. If I were to compare with him, I'm afraid he is the real number one, at least in the same realm. I have seen many people stronger than him, except those monsters in the cabinet area, but I haven't heard from him for a long time. He has been in seclusion for several years. With his talent, his strength will definitely increase rapidly by then. I'm afraid even I won't be able to defend against his attack." Zhang Lang raised his pupils, his deep eyes, and then looked in the direction ahead.

But except for this person, basically no one can bring him a crisis, and no one will make him pay attention.

"Isn't it just that Lu Yun has practiced the secret method of time and space? His physical skills have always been at the top. But when it comes to attacking, I think he is not as good as Zhang Lang, and there should be a certain gap." said the man in dark red robes.

There are really many disciples in the Dragon Immortal Palace, but there are probably not many warriors who can truly control the laws of time and space, even in the entire sect.

After all, if you want to become a warrior who controls the laws of time and space, the first thing you need is your own understanding and understanding of the rules of Tao.

If it is even close, there is no way to understand it, so every disciple who joins the Dragon Immortal Palace naturally wants to control the laws of time and space, but few warriors can successfully master this law of time and space.

If you want to understand the rules of Tao, I'm afraid there is no way. You can only rely on your own understanding.

However, most people may not be able to truly understand it if they have only practiced for a long time.

Among the inner disciples, only Lu Yun has become a warrior who controls the laws of time and space. Even Zhang Lang is not qualified to practice, so his cultivation is weaker than his opponent.

But this time the assessment is about overall strength.

Therefore, he still has some opportunities, and the reason why he is so low-key is that in fact, he is also very curious about what results he will achieve this time?

"In more than a month, the competition will begin. Maybe Zhang Lang will succeed? I don't know if he can get the first place this time, but did you listen? It seems that our Lord has accepted a new disciple."

"I heard it too. It is said that his cultivation is very good. I wonder if he will participate this time."

"Based on the previous situation, I think he will come to participate,"

Many warriors came to the cabinet disciples accepted by Master Xianlong, and they were also very curious about Chen Xuan's identity.

Because they have never heard the name Chen Xuan before.

"But I am really curious about this Chen Xuan, who is this guy, and why he is favored by the Immortal Dragon Master? Why did he accept him as a disciple? I don't know what he is better than us." The man in dark red robe asked.

The warriors next to him shook their heads slightly, obviously not knowing much about Chen Xuan.

Zhang Lan: "We should be able to see him during the inner disciple assessment in more than a month. Then I will see what he is like. Is he qualified to become a disciple in the cabinet area?"

He was being talked about, but of course he didn't know. In the courtyard, Chen Xuan sat cross-legged on the ground, looking at the Xian Kong Secret Technique in his hand. He had obtained a stronger technique. Naturally, he couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to practice it quickly.

Venerable Immortal Dragon has seven cabinet disciples, and each disciple's cultivation is very powerful.

"The Immortal Sky Secret Technique is really powerful. If you can continue to practice it, as long as you can enter the fourth level, you should be able to explode with very powerful power."

After watching for a moment, Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh, his eyes full of shock.

If you compare him directly with the Immortal Sword of Time method, there is no way to compare it with the Immortal Technique of Shi Sword Immortal Technique. And this Immortal Sky Secret Technique is actually the Immortal Essence Secret Technique of the Perfect Realm. Ordinary people want to practice this kind of technique. I don’t even have any skills or connections.

It was only because Chen Xuan was lucky that he was able to obtain this technique.

There are a total of nine levels of the Immortal Sky Secret Technique. Chen Xuan can feel the breath of the Space-Time Secret Technique from the Immortal Sky Secret Technique, and this breath is extremely strong. The power that can be unleashed by practicing to the ninth level is simply unimaginable to him.

"Wang Xian only took six and a half years to practice the secret method of the Immortal Sky to the fifth level. According to normal circumstances, he is already the fastest." Chen Xuan thought of the words of the Immortal Dragon Venerable, and felt in his heart Are you thinking that you can beat Wang Xian's results?

It took six years to practice to the fifth level. I am afraid that this technique is not that simple to practice.

After all, those who can become disciples in this area are all top talents. I'm afraid it took him six years, which is a record.

At the same time, Chen Xuan began to practice.

He couldn't waste his time now.

For warriors who control the laws of time and space, the Immortal Sky Secret Technique is relatively simple to practice at the beginning, but every technique is the same and becomes more difficult the further you practice it.

Chen Xuan has a deep understanding of the secrets of time and space, and his talent is very strong, so when he practices, he is naturally faster.

In particular, Chen Xuan has now mastered the rules of time and space to a very proficient level. He believes that as long as he concentrates on practicing, he may be able to reach the fifth level in less than six years.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan started to practice completely by stimulating the breath of Shenjian Dao in his body.

Immortal Dragon Venerable, as long as this skill is cultivated to the extreme, even the seventh level invincible powerhouse of the divine realm will not be able to detect him, and it will be difficult to even attack him.

Now Chen Xuan is looking forward to it very much.

To be precise, he should be a type of body technique, but because it is combined with the power of the laws of time and space, it also makes him more elusive.

And because of the method of time and space, the Immortal Dragon Master has become a recognized seventh-level invincible expert in the divine realm at the second level, and he is also the best among them.

Few can defeat him,

In Chen Xuan's courtyard, time and Taoist power shrouded him.

More than a month has passed in the blink of an eye, and the second assessment of this year's inner disciples is about to begin.

Chen Xuan has been waiting for a long time, and he is also looking forward to this assessment.

Now his overall strength has increased a lot. He has just arrived at the sect not long ago, and he also wants to take advantage of this opportunity to show his strength.

Because he knew that if he became a disciple in the cabinet area, many people would be dissatisfied.

However, Chen Xuan is not worried about any threats from this group of disciples.

He had already inquired, and among these inner disciples, the one with the strongest cultivation level was not much different from his.

In the same realm, Chen Xuan is not afraid of anyone at all.

At this time, Venerable Xianlong came to Chen Xuan's courtyard. However, before he could wait for him to approach Chen Xuan's courtyard, he clearly felt an aura, and finally a look of doubt appeared on his face.

"What? What do you mean? This guy actually cultivated at such a fast speed."

Seeing this, Master Xianlong moved slightly, and his body instantly appeared in Chen Xuan's courtyard.

When he saw the aura of Divine Sword Dao circulating near Chen Xuan, the corners of his mouth curled back.

"He is really a talent. I originally thought it would take him another year to practice, but I didn't expect that he would use it so fast."

Lord Xianlong couldn't help but laugh. In just over a month, Chen Xuan had practiced the secret method of Xiankong to the second level. You must know that even those talents before wanted to succeed in such a short period of time. , not so fast.

"I don't know if you can surpass your senior brother. They are all monsters in the same realm, but I think with his cultivation speed and talent, it shouldn't be difficult to break through their results." Venerable Immortal Dragon murmured. He muttered to himself.

After Venerable Xianlong made sure that Chen Xuan was fine, he turned around and left. Originally, he wanted to talk to Chen Xuan for a while, but since Chen Xuan was practicing, he naturally wouldn't disturb him.

But not long after the Immortal Dragon Master left, Chen Xuan stopped practicing, and finally a terrifying spiritual energy slowly emerged near him.

Chen Xuan really didn't notice when the Immortal Dragon Master came over just now, because he was completely immersed in it when he was practicing.

Naturally, he had no idea what was going on around him.

“It feels like it’s definitely improved a lot.”

Chen Xuan thought to himself. He found that the aura of the Divine Sword Dao had filled his entire body, and his soul power had also increased.

"The Immortal Sky Secret Technique is worthy of being the Immortal Level 10 Immortal Essence Secret Technique. It is really too powerful. If I can practice to the fifth level, maybe I will be able to fight against those powerful people who have reached the Perfect Realm." ”

Then Chen Xuan wanted to try the power of the Xiankong secret method.

He was curious about how powerful this power was.

The spirit moved slightly, and in an instant Chen Xuan's body suddenly disappeared without a trace, and then layers of rippling energy filled his surroundings.

He could clearly feel that the strong breath of divine swordsmanship in his breath could be controlled by him, which also showed that Chen Xuan's understanding of swordsmanship had become stronger.

This is because Chen Xuan has begun to combine the rules of time and space with his own constitution.

"It is impossible for a warrior in the middle seventh level of the divine realm to defeat me." Chen Xuan said confidently.

The aura of the Immortal Sky Secret Technique can be completely restrained.

Even a warrior who is in the middle stage of the seventh level of the Divine Realm can't see him using Taoist Immortal Power. This is the power of the Immortal Sky Secret Technique.

With his current cultivation level, there is no need for inner disciples at all. Even facing the elders of the outer palace is very simple.

However, he also knew the rules of the Dragon Immortal Palace. Although he was an inner disciple of the Immortal Dragon Master, he could not directly challenge the elders of the outer palace.

"After you advance to the inner disciple competition, you can directly challenge the elders of the outer palace." Chen Xuan murmured to himself.

When the second morning came, the entire Dragon Immortal Palace was already buzzing with rumors about the assessment of the inner disciples.

The inner sect disciples represent the most outstanding top experts of the new generation of Dragon Immortal Palace. The monsters in the cabinet area will naturally not participate in this kind of competition, but the disciples in the inner sect area still attach great importance to this assessment.

Every disciple who joins the Dragon Immortal Palace dreams of becoming an inner disciple.

The reason is also very simple, because only by becoming an inner disciple can you have the opportunity to become a warrior who controls the laws of time and space.

Many disciples have been impatient for a long time. They believe in themselves and also believe that they can get a better ranking in this competition.

Dragon Immortal Palace, Immortal Cloud Peak.

Many disciples arrived at the competition stage early.

"I wonder if any warrior will be able to become an inner disciple this time."

"Every time an inner disciple takes an assessment, a strong person will appear. I wonder who it will be this time?"

"I look at the current inner disciples, and they are very strong. It is very difficult to defeat them. I am afraid that many strong people will be born this time."

"Yes, the inner disciple assessment has nothing to do with us. We don't know when we will be able to become inner disciples. Then we will also take part in this assessment. We must know that the winner will be able to become the elder of the outer palace. I I think it’s still a good deal.”

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