Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5391 Disciple of Lord Immortal Dragon

Many disciples are discussing here.

"I heard that the disciples of Venerable Immortal Dragon must also take part in the inner disciple assessment."

"I haven't met the disciple of Lord Immortal Dragon yet. I don't know if this guy is very strong."

"The disciple of Venerable Immortal Dragon should be a talented person."

"Wait a minute, look, are the inner disciples here? It seems they are quite anxious too."

The eyes of many warriors in the main hall fell on the inner disciples. These people were all here to participate in this competition.

They represent the strongest new generation of Dragon Immortal Palace. Looking at the entire second level, they are indeed considered to be the pinnacle talents.

They triggered a discussion in the main hall. After all, these inner disciples were relatively powerful in their own cultivation.

After all the inner disciples arrived, more than thirty outer palace elders also came to the viewing area. These people were responsible for the fairness of this assessment.

At this time, an old man in gray clothes walked to the top. Elder Wang Yun motioned to the many warriors to be quiet, and finally there was a smile on his face.

The main hall where everyone was talking fell into silence for an instant, and everyone stopped talking.

They knew that the assessment was about to begin and now was not the time for them to discuss it.

"Fellow monks, listen to me. We conduct the inner disciple assessment every hundred years, and I'm afraid I don't need any more rules this time." Elder Wang Yun said: "Any disciple is qualified to challenge the inner disciples. You Everyone has a chance. As long as you believe in your own cultivation and can defeat these powerful disciples, you will enter the ranks of inner disciples. In the next competition, you can also take the elder assessment, but this is a story for another day. What you need to do most now is to conduct the assessment before you."

In the main hall, the disciples were talking, and they were all wondering how strong the inner disciples were this time.

At this moment, the inner disciples were standing in the viewing area, their faces full of confidence, waiting for a warrior to challenge them. In fact, they were relatively confident in themselves.

After all, there are really not many people who can defeat them in this realm.

After a while, a disciple finally walked into the competition stage.

After walking up, he also started looking among the disciples in the viewing area.

If you want to challenge an inner disciple, your cultivation is naturally the most important, but it also depends on who you challenge.

After all, the cultivation of these warriors in the inner sect area is also strong and weak. Some people are very unfavorable in the same realm, but there are also some warriors who are slightly weaker.

"I challenge Director Song." The disciple said solemnly.

Among the inner disciples, a man in dark red robes came to the competition stage.

"Are you sure you want to fight me? Do you know what level my cultivation has reached?" the man in dark red robe said somewhat unhappy.

This disciple wants to see how strong he is, and his intention is obviously obvious. This means that in the minds of many disciples, Director Song is probably not that strong, so he is the first to challenge himself.

Although he felt a little unhappy inside, he didn't say anything.

"Haha, that's right, I want to challenge you, and I really want to see how strong your disciples in the inner sect are, if you can't win."

The disciple nodded slightly, with a sense of confidence on his face.

When Director Song saw this scene, he did not continue to speak and immediately took out his long sword.

It's useless no matter how much, as long as he wins the game, he won't lose anything.

Dong Song's cultivation is at the early stage of the seventh level of the divine realm, and his attacks are super strong. Although he is not very powerful at the same level, he is definitely not weak.

As soon as he used his technique, he completely suppressed the challenging disciple, and the scene in front of him was beyond many people's expectations.

"You dare to challenge me based on your cultivation. Your strength simply makes me uninterested. You should go back and practice for a few more years."

After a few rounds, Song Dong slammed his body on the ground, knocking the disciple out of the martial arts arena.

His face was full of disdain.

The first warrior to challenge the inner disciple was no match for him at all.

All the disciples in the main hall looked at each other, and they were also very confused, why was this challenging disciple so vulnerable?

So after seeing this scene, their faces were full of complicated expressions.

The strength of the inner disciples is really terrifying. There is no way for them to defeat them. Even if their cultivation continues to improve, it may be difficult to defeat them.

This is the address of the inner gate area, which is not so easy to deal with.

Next, soon there were disciples challenging the inner disciples.

However, these people are also very smart. The objects they want to challenge are basically weaker ones. If they are strong in cultivation, they do not dare to challenge them.

After more than half an hour, among all the disciples who challenged, almost no one could win.

After all, this was the strength gap. After a while, no warrior came forward to challenge at all, because they knew that even the strongest ones could not win, and they would not be able to defeat these powerful disciples.

However, it is also clear that in this assessment of the inner disciples, there may not be any talent.

There are still no changes in the inner disciples, these people still occupy the mainstream position.

The elder in charge of the examination of the inner palace sighed slowly. He originally thought that many talented disciples would appear this time, but the result was far beyond his expectation.

"I originally thought that the disciples this time would have some talents, but I didn't expect that they were all very weak."

Some of the outer palace elders beside him nodded slightly.

"Elder Wang Yun, can this competition be over? I don't think anyone will challenge us intentionally anymore." asked an elder from the outer palace.

Elder Wang Yun shook his head slightly, and his eyes suddenly fell outside the main hall. According to the instructions given to him by the sect master, another person should appear.

Chen Xuan, a disciple of Venerable Immortal Dragon, is going to take part in this inner disciple assessment. I don’t know what kind of results he will get.

Although Chen Xuan is a disciple of the cabinet, he only knows that he is more important.

Can you prove that you really have this kind of strength?

You still need to work hard on your own.

"What on earth is this guy doing? Why hasn't he come after so long? Isn't he definitely going to participate?"

Elder Wang Yun was thinking secretly, and many warriors in the main hall glanced at each other, not knowing that Elder Wang Yun had been observing here.

According to common sense, the competition should be over. None of the disciples who challenged have won, which means that their cultivation is completely unqualified to enter the next area.


But at this moment when Elder Wang Yun was thinking.

Suddenly, a warrior appeared in the air. At this moment, Chen Xuan hurriedly came to the competition stage, nodded slightly to Elder Wang Yun in the viewing area, and said sheepishly: "I'm so sorry, Elder Wang Yun, I just practiced I was so fascinated that I just came here now.”

When Elder Wang Yun saw this scene, he smiled lightly. He still had a good impression of Chen Xuan.

No matter what, Chen Xuan was named by the sect leader to enter the cabinet area. This also shows that his talent is extremely terrifying. He will definitely grow into a top powerhouse in the future, and he will also have a great say in the sect.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan turned around, his eyes fell on the inner disciple, and then said: "In that case, I challenge Director Song."

After hearing Chen Xuan's words, all the warriors in the main hall were talking.

Many disciples looked at Chen Xuan on the competition stage in surprise. They thought Chen Xuan was too real.

"He is the disciple of Venerable Immortal Dragon? I thought he should be very strong,"

"You are right. He is actually a warrior in the middle stage of the seventh level of the divine realm. No wonder the Immortal Dragon Master accepts him as a cabinet disciple. I think if he breaks out his true strength, he may become stronger."

“I really don’t know who will win this time?”

Many disciples were very curious, but Song Dong, who was challenged, had a gloomy face. He had been challenged by these disciples many times before, which also made him feel a little unhappy.

Obviously, he is definitely not the strongest among the many disciples, and he belongs to the middle and lower reaches.

"Damn you bastard, are you Chen Xuan, the cabinet disciple of Lord Xianlong?"

Although he knew that the other party was a strong person in the early stage of the seventh level of the divine realm, but Song Dong wanted to fight, he thought that there was no difference between Chen Xuan and other disciples.

Although Chen Xuan's aura is relatively strong, he still has his own confidence.

After all, almost all those who can enter such a large sect are not mediocre, they are considered talented anywhere.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly: "You are not wrong yet, the person I want to challenge now is you."

After hearing Chen Xuan's words, Director Song's expression became even more gloomy: "I'm really curious about whether you are very strong. If you are not my opponent, why not let me enter the cabinet area?"

Chen Xuan didn't take his method seriously either.

At this time, Director Song launched a violent attack, and he took the initiative.

It was obvious that he was not sure whether he could defeat Chen Xuan, so he chose to strike first. Chen Xuan's body instantly escaped in the air, and then directly avoided his attack.

Many disciples showed panic expressions. It was unimaginable before that Song Dong's attack did not hit Chen Xuan.

"Damn it, what's going on?"

He cursed secretly, and then launched a more fierce attack, hoping to defeat Chen Xuan as soon as possible.

This game is of great significance to him. If he can defeat Chen Xuan, he may really be able to spread his reputation.

In the viewing area, among the inner disciples, Lu Yun showed some surprise on his face. Originally he was very calm, but after feeling Chen Xuan's aura.

He finally discovered something was wrong.

"The secret of time and space?"

Lu Yun is the first warrior among the inner disciples to control the laws of time and space. Most warriors are unable to fully comprehend the laws. After all, this requires extremely deep comprehension abilities.

He directly saw that Chen Xuan's technique must be the law of time and space.

"His element is really strong."

Lu Yun sighed.

Zhang Lang nearby had a complicated expression on his face.

At this time, the battle on the competition stage was completely over as many warriors exclaimed.

"Damn it."

There was a blush in Dong Song's pupils, thinking that he could use this competition to make himself famous, but the gap was really too big.

Chen Xuan's cultivation far surpassed him.

"Director Song, you can't win. You have already lost this game." Elder Wang Yun said loudly.

Director Song was very unconvinced, but he also knew that now he couldn't even touch Chen Xuan's body.

There is no point in fighting anymore.

This time, some warriors among the inner disciples will challenge the position of the outer palace elders. However, those warriors who challenged before are not even opponents for the inner disciples, so they will naturally not challenge.

But Chen Xuan was different. Chen Xuan didn't use much effort to defeat his opponent just now, and he didn't even use his real killing move.

"Elder Wang Yun, I want to challenge the elder of the outer palace, but I don't know if it is possible." Chen Xuandao.

Elder Wang Yun nodded and said: "Of course, you have the right to challenge any outer palace elder. If you are sure you want to challenge, you can name him directly."

"If not, I will choose this elder."

Chen Xuan's eyes fell on an elder. Although this elder was not particularly strong in cultivation, Chen Xuan did not deliberately choose a weak one.

In his eyes, it actually doesn't matter.

The elder of the outer palace landed on the competition stage and looked at Chen Xuan with a cold face. He thought Chen Xuan was a little arrogant.

"Although you are an inner disciple of Venerable Immortal Dragon, this competition is about my glory. I will not restrain my cultivation, so you must be careful. If I accidentally hurt you, Don’t regret it.”

After the words fell, the sword in the elder's hand pierced the sky directly, and a fierce aura suddenly burst out.

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