Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5392 The outer palace elders were defeated

"Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent."

Chen Xuan did not waste any time and instantly displayed the Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent. He knew that he was facing a group of elders now and he could not take the burden lightly.

Although the elder he chose was pretty good, he had only reached the early stage of the seventh level.

When Chen Xuan dealt with him, he didn't use much strength. In just one round, Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent directly resolved the battle.

In an instant, the body of the outer palace elder was hit hard in the main palace.

"Chen Xuan has become an outer palace disciple, I am so happy and congratulated." Elder Wang Yun said with a smile.

After defeating the elders of the outer palace, the inner disciples who had looked at Chen Xuan before finally realized how talented the person in front of them was.

With such a terrifying cultivation level, it is no wonder that he is taken seriously by the sect leader.

"Elder Wang Yun, I also want to challenge the elder of the outer palace."

Lu Yun is also a warrior who controls the laws of time and space. He is very powerful. He has been practicing for a long time and has reached the middle stage of the seventh level of the divine realm.

It can be considered a very powerful talent.

Someone had predicted before that he would definitely choose to challenge an elder in this test, thereby improving his status in the sect.

Chen Xuan watched the next game for a while. He finally became the elder of the outer palace, and his cultivation was also very good, so Chen Xuan had to pay attention to it.

Since Chen Xuan and Lu Yun became the elders of the outer palace at the same time, the two assessments have now ended. As for whether he can become an elder of the inner palace, Chen Xuan doesn't care much.

He came here to practice, and the level of power was not particularly important to him.

Of course, there is also a reason, because the elders in the inner sect area are stronger than others, and there are even some who have reached the perfect state.

It's definitely not that simple for him to challenge these people.

After Master Xianlong learned the news, he admired Chen Xuan even more. He thought that his original vision was indeed right.

Just after the game ended, he called Chen Xuan to his living area.

"Haha, that's right. This boy's talent is indeed first-class. After practicing for several months, he can actually reach such a strong level. Alas, maybe he can really break through the obstacles in the future and completely reach the eighth level." Immortal Dragon The Venerable looked at Chen Xuan.

"Sir, after coming to Longxian Palace for so long, why don't you see a few senior brothers practicing here?" Chen Xuan asked.

"They are practicing outside." Venerable Xianlong said: "When you become the top of the thirty-six outer palace elders, you will be qualified to practice. However, your current cultivation level is still not good enough. I will definitely not let you go out. Don’t worry, after all, you have made a lot of enemies now.”

After hearing his words, Chen Xuan also nodded silently.

He was indeed right. He had no way to go out and practice now. Once his enemies came to him, they would probably kill him in minutes.

After passing the examination of the inner disciples, Chen Xuan's name has already spread throughout the world.

No warrior dares to look at Chen Xuan. His strength is probably among the top among all the disciples of Longxian Palace.

However, Zhang Lang, one of the inner disciples, always wanted to challenge Chen Xuan. He believed that Chen Xuan was able to win because of luck.

Moreover, he believed that if he defeated Chen Xuan, he would be able to prove his strength.

In fact, he just imagined Chen Xuan as a soft persimmon.

At this time, in front of Chen Xuan's courtyard, Zhang Lang exuded a fierce aura, and at the same time, he felt a little unhappy in his heart.

After all, his sect has been around for 10,000 years, but Chen Xuan had just arrived here, and within a short time, he had already become a disciple in that area.

He was very unconvinced.

"Chen Xuan, I, Zhang Lang, want to learn from you. I'm curious about why you won in the first place?"

"You want to fight me?" Chen Xuan looked at Zhang Lang and asked.

"Haha, that's right. I think it's just a coincidence that your strength allowed you to win in the first place. Moreover, you joined our sect not long ago and cannot hold the position of the outer palace elder. Unless you defeat me, I will admit that your cultivation is better than mine. ." Zhang Lan.

"You absolutely can't beat me. I advise you not to waste your time here. If you have this skill, you should practice more. Alas, I don't like to bully the weak." Chen Xuan shook his head slightly.

"Damn it, are you scared? If you think it would be embarrassing to lose to me, I will give you a face, hahaha." Zhang Lang began to ridicule Chen Xuan.

After hearing his words, Chen Xuan shrugged and said with a smile on his face: "There are indeed many powerful warriors in the Dragon Immortal Palace, but your cultivation is nothing in my eyes."

Indeed, the twenty inner palace elders in the Dragon Immortal Palace were more advanced than him. Facing these powerful men, Chen Xuan was definitely no match.

There are also two second palace sects, and they are invincible strong men at the seventh level of the divine realm. Their cultivation is very powerful. However, other than this, Chen Xuan still has no warriors to fear, at least among the younger generation in this sect. There are almost no disciples who are stronger than him.

"It's so funny. You don't dare to fight me? I think you are just showing off here. Your talents should be good, but your cultivation is definitely not that strong," Zhang Lang suddenly laughed. .

Since the other party insisted on saying this, Chen Xuan was a little helpless: "I still don't want to fight you. Do you know how precious my time is? I got a new skill and I still need time to understand it."

"Go to hell!"

Zhang Lang suddenly said loudly.

Seeing Zhang Lang rushing towards him, Chen Xuan shook his head slightly. In an instant, terrifying power was slashed out of his body, killing Zhang Lang in an instant.

Since the other party insists on what he said, Chen Xuan will naturally not show mercy. He just takes this opportunity to teach him a lesson and let him know the gap between him and himself.

In this way, there won't be so many people coming to trouble him.


When Zhang Lang saw this scene, he screamed secretly and tried his best to defend himself against the terrifying sword energy that filled Chen Xuan's body.

But at this moment, Chen Xuan struck Zhang Ran with his sword and knocked him out of the courtyard.

"I lost so miserably..." His expression was extremely gloomy. This time he came to challenge Chen Xuan. He originally thought he had a chance to win, but he did expect that he would lose so quickly.

In the following time, Chen Xuan's courtyard was completely undisturbed by warriors.

Chen Xuan's goal was indeed achieved. Among the disciples who were beaten away by him, the strength was pretty good. Even he was defeated by Chen Xuan in an instant. The remaining disciples did not dare to provoke Chen Xuan at all.

So in the following time, Chen Xuan has been studying the secret method of Xiankong.

A few years later, Chen Xuan practiced the Immortal Sky Secret Technique to the fifth level, temporarily reaching the bottleneck, and then went to challenge the first elder of the outer palace.

Immortal Dragon Peak is located in the eastern part of the second level. Every warrior who has reached the middle stage of the seventh level of the divine realm must come to the Immortal Ascension Hall, because only those who have reached the middle stage of the seventh level of the divine realm are known as immortals.

"Xian Sheng Palace?"

After entering Xianlong Peak, Chen Xuan directly saw the Xiansheng Palace.

He entered the Immortal Palace, and the elder in charge hurriedly came over to ask.

"The middle stage of the seventh level of the divine realm?" the elder asked.

When Chen Xuan heard this, he nodded slightly.

"Haha, very good, show me your strength"

The responsible elder

Chen Xuanlingshen moved slightly, and the aura of the seventh-level middle stage of the divine realm was emitted.

The elder in charge nodded, and then became very excited.

As a relatively neutral region, they are absolutely loyal to famous and decent families.

But now that a strong man was born, they were naturally very happy.

Double layer.

Shangguan Yun is repairing school in his hiding place

"Shangguan Yun, help me kill someone?" "As long as you ask a price, you can kill anyone..."

"Okay, cool. This person's name is Chen Xuan. He is currently in the Immortal Palace."

Immortal Sheng Palace?

Shangguan Yun smiled, and then an extremely violent aura was instantly released from his body. He then stood up, activated the Kongyu Teleportation Array, and headed for the Immortal Ascension Hall.

Inside the Immortal Dragon Peak.

Shangguan Yun walked on the road with an extremely gloomy expression. This was the territory of the Immortal Sheng Palace. Even if he was very powerful, he could not blatantly kill Chen Xuan.

His only option is to assassinate him, or challenge Chen Xuan legitimately, and then pretend to have missed him during the battle to kill him.

Because he knows very well that when warriors come here to register information, their names will basically be on the ranking list, and at this time someone can challenge them.

Sure enough, before Chen Xuan had waited much here, a man named Shangguan Yun challenged him.

Regarding this guy's challenge, Chen Xuan didn't think much and directly agreed.

After three, on the competition stage.

"Haha, are you Chen Xuan?"

Shangguan Yun gave a low drink.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan smiled and said: "Yes, that's right, I am. You want to challenge me?"

Shangguan Yun did not tell his real name, and as a killer, basically no one knew his true face.

Facing Chen Xuan, he used the Sword-Destroying Technique instantly.


The raging spiritual energy all around exploded, forming a terrifying torn space above the competition stage.

Powerful spiritual pressure was released from the tearing space and spread directly throughout the entire competition arena.

"Damn bastard, how do you defend against my sword-killing art?" Shangguan Yun said in a deep voice.

Seeing this situation, the senior officials of Xiansheng Palace were secretly paying attention to Shangguan Yun and this battle.

"It's actually Shangguan Yun? How did he come here?"

"I don't know...are you sure it's Shangguan Yun?"

Throughout the Immortal Dragon Peak, the Sword-Destroying Technique was getting stronger and stronger, and Shangguan Yun's body exuded a frightening aura.

At this moment, Shangguan Yun's eyes were closed tightly, and the power in the tearing space increased rapidly.

In the air, amidst the sword intent, gusts of wind began to rise.

Waves of fierce flames hit the tearing space. The combination of fire attribute aura and immortal aura makes the Sword Destruction Art even more terrifying.

"What? What do you mean?"

Chen Xuan was slightly surprised when he saw this scene.

He felt that the Sword-Destroying Technique performed by Shangguan Yun was extremely powerful.

The Sword Destruction Art brought a burst of depression to Chen Xuan, and he quickly deployed a seventh-level immortal-level formation.

The Immortal Rank 7 formation enveloped the competition stage, and in an instant, it began to dissipate the flames in Shangguan Yun's sword intention.

It directly caused the aura in Shangguan Yun's Sword-Destroying Technique to weaken a lot.

The next moment, Shangguan Yun shouted loudly, and the space in the air was torn apart to kill Chen Xuan.

The Suzaku sword technique was used, and the strong soul secret technique instantly filled the surroundings of him.

The three Suzaku Sword Qi condensed instantly. Chen Xuan turned his long sword, and a lot of Suzaku Sword Qi struck at the tearing space in the air.


The Suzaku sword energy was instantly absorbed by the torn space.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan continued to activate the secret technique of the soul to condense the Suzaku sword energy.

"The nineteenth level of Suzaku Swordsmanship."

"The twentieth level of Suzaku Sword Technique."

The 19th and 20th levels of the Suzaku Sword Technique were continuously displayed. After dozens of Suzaku Sword Qi were condensed, they once again attacked Shangguan Yun's tearing space.

This time, Shangguan Yun's tearing space was finally weakened.

Shangguan Yun laughed ferociously, and the tearing space condensed in the long sword continued to hit Chen Xuan.

At the moment when dozens of Vermillion Bird Sword Qi all hit the tearing space, Shangguan Yun's expression finally turned gloomy.

"Crush it for me."

Shangguan Yun held the sword tightly in his hand and kept swinging it.

A series of powerful blows hit a lot of Suzaku Sword Qi.

In an instant, the Sword Destruction Art was still unable to withstand the power brought by the Suzaku Sword Technique.

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