"Chen Xuan, I finally escaped? To think that you are not dead." Shangguan Yun roared angrily.

During the battle at the Immortal Palace, he used his strongest trick and thought he could kill him, but who could have expected that Chen Xuan was not dead and was actually recovering now. This kind of thing also made him feel very Shocking.

"It's so funny. What's the origin of this kid? Even the fire of the mysterious demon couldn't kill you, but since I have the ability to escape, it's not that easy for you to kill me." Shangguan Yun was crazy. He did defeat Chen Xuan at that time and was caught, but in the past ten years, he has been trying to find a way to escape.

He finally escaped just a few years ago.

He challenged Chen Xuan with a purpose in the beginning, hoping to find an opportunity to kill Chen Xuan in the competition.

"It is indeed rare to kill an inner disciple of the Immortal Dragon Master. Hahaha, if I had known that he was a disciple of the Immortal Dragon Lord, I would not have killed him or accepted this task. But Now that the sect is going to be revived, I must kill this guy. As long as I am careful, I can definitely escape the pursuit safely." Shangguan Yun suddenly stood up slowly.

For him, reviving his sect is the most important thing.

However, at this moment, the Ten Thousand Fire Mountains, the area of ​​the Liaohuo Immortal Bird Clan, and the residence of Yu Wenqiu.

Chen Xuan's soul was filled with lingering thoughts, and he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Chen Xuan? What happened?" After seeing the phantom of Chen Xuan's soul and suddenly waking up, he already knew what happened.

Seeing this scene, Yu Wenqiu showed some doubts.

"Chen Xuan, have you recovered?" Yu Wenqiu asked in surprise,

"Okay, I will wait patiently here for your good news."

In an instant, Firebird and the others also broke through one after another, and a terrifying aura instantly broke out in Yu Wenqiu's residence.

It also shocked many powerful people of the Liaohuo Immortal Bird Clan who were around the seventh level of the mid-level god realm, and the news of their breakthrough immediately shocked many people.

"With such a powerful aura, a warrior has broken through to the early stage of the seventh level of the divine realm?"

"I didn't expect to have such a powerful power. The aura came from Yu Wenqiu's residence. Who made the breakthrough?" Many senior officials in the entire Liaohuo Fairy Bird were very confused.

As for the place where the aura came from, they have decided that this must be Yu Wenqiu's residence.

It is very difficult for a warrior at the sixth level of the divine realm to break through to the early stage of the seventh level of the divine realm. Moreover, the moment of breakthrough will trigger a surge of earthly essence, and they can feel this power very clearly.

However, for those who are in the mid-seventh level of the divine realm, their control over Taoist power has reached a very powerful level.

So they can feel this power very clearly, and now that several people have suddenly broken through, they have to feel shocked.

"What is going on? Who is breaking through? Why do so many people break through in just a short moment?"

The top leaders of the Fire Immortal Bird Clan began to discuss continuously.

Soon, they deduced that it was Chen Xuan's demon pet that was making the breakthrough, otherwise it would be impossible to explain at all.

In the sky above Yu Wenqiu's residence, a ferocious aura was gathering crazily, and the noise caused by the monster's breakthrough was equally unsettling.

However, at this time inside the sect, Chen Xuan's remaining thoughts revealed a smile.

In an instant, a breath burst out in the secret room, followed by a fiery red light flashing.

The fiery red aura was released near the fire bird, and the aura of the dragon fire bird was fully revealed. Now, his strength has increased a lot.

After entering the early stage of the seventh level of the divine realm, Huo Niao's body underwent earth-shaking changes. Chen Xuan also saw Huo Niao's breakthrough.

Although this place is just a remnant of his soul, he is still very clear about what happened here.

"Lord Chen Xuan, what happened before??"

Firebird came to Chen Xuan's side. When he saw Chen Xuan being supported, he was very angry, and then immediately went into seclusion to practice. He originally wanted to avenge Chen Xuan, but now he has not waited for him to take revenge. Chen Xuan has already recovered.

"That's right. I encountered some trouble before and I was seriously injured. But then again, have you made a breakthrough now?" Chen Xuan asked.

The fire bird nodded heavily, and then the fierce aura in his pupils burst out: "Master Chen Xuan, after I broke through to the early stage of the seventh level of the divine realm, who did it to you before? Now that I have passed the cultivation level, plus them A few can definitely deal with your enemies."

"Hehehe, I finally broke through."

At the moment when Firebird was speaking, a voice full of fierceness came from the secret room.

After feeling this aura, Chen Xuan was absolutely certain that it was the Shadow Demon, even though he had entered the late sixth level of the Divine Realm earlier than Firebird and the others.

But if the demon shadow of the Immortal Demon Palace breaks through, it is very powerful and can burst out with very powerful energy.

What surprised Chen Xuan was that they broke through so quickly.

And what surprised Chen Xuan was that the aura of the demon bear demon had completely changed. It seemed that they had been practicing in seclusion during this period.

Chen Xuan was also very happy about this.

As for Zhang Jianyun, his cultivation level has also made a breakthrough. People from the demon clan need to understand more if they want to improve their cultivation level.

The length of practice determines their cultivation level.

However, if you have extraordinary blood, your cultivation will naturally improve faster.

"That's great!" Chen Xuan said with a smile on his face. If they can improve their cultivation, they are naturally the best.

Firebird and the others were already eager to avenge Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan smiled. Now his strength has also improved. If it were someone in the same realm or one level higher than him, it would be impossible. Beat him.

Chen Xuan was directly injured only because the other party used the inheritance treasure to sneak attack him.

"Master Chen Xuan, with our current cultivation level, we can definitely seek revenge on those guys."

"That's right. These guys forced us into a desperate situation before. This time we must kill them."

Chen Xuan smiled at them and signaled not to be anxious. It was useless to be anxious now.

Anyway, he has plenty of time now.

Chen Xuan said slowly: "I heard that there is an inextricable relationship between Shangguan Yun and Shangguan Longting. This guy seems to be very unusual. If I am not wrong, the reason why he came to challenge me is Because of Shangguan Longting, but I’m not sure now.”

"Master Chen Xuan, if Shangguan Longting really comes to deal with you secretly, how will you defend yourself? This guy is still very powerful. Although we have made breakthroughs in cultivation, we are definitely no match for him." Firebird asked.

"After all, I am an inner disciple of Lord Immortal Dragon. Shangguan Longting will not attack me blatantly, at least for now, so we still have enough time to improve our cultivation." Chen Xuan said slowly. road.

Fire Bird and the others have broken through to the early stage of the seventh level of the Divine Realm, which actually shocked the Fire Bird. When they took Fire Bird in, they also had a good understanding of Fire Bird's talents.

However, they never expected that they would break through so quickly. The most outstanding disciples, Yu Wenyun and Yu Wenqing, have been stuck in the late stage of the sixth level of the Divine Realm and have no way to break through. They feel a little helpless.

A week later, while Chen Xuan was resting his soul, a servant hurriedly ran in with a serious look on his face.

"What happened?" Yu Wenqiu asked.

"Master Yu Wenqiu, the Blood Giant Tiger Clan has come here to see you." The servant said with a helpless look on his face, "According to the information I have received, Wang Yunlang is here this time to challenge Lord Yu Wenqiu, I don’t know why he came to challenge you.”

"Wang Yunlang? Is this guy looking for death? We haven't gone to trouble him yet, but he actually dares to kill him himself?" Firebird asked.

"Hmph, it's not wrong. I also think this guy is really looking for death. But the sect leader asked me to call Master Yu Wenqiu over so that I can meet with this guy." The servant continued.

Then Huo Niao looked at Yu Wenqiu and said: "Yu Wenqiu, I don't know how much Wang Yunlang's cultivation level has improved. Now you will have a breakthrough in cultivation level. You can definitely defeat him, but I don't think you need to take action at all. This kind of confusion You'd better leave your head to me,"

After hearing his words, Yu Wenqiu nodded slightly.

In the main hall, Wang Qun looked at the leader of the Liaohuo Immortal Bird Clan and whispered: "Clan Leader of the Liaohuo Immortal Bird Clan, the last competition at the sixth level of the Divine Realm did not determine the final winner at all, and it was also delayed. We have a lot of time. This time Wang Yunlang has broken through to the early stage of the seventh level of the divine realm. I specially brought Wang Yunlang here. I heard that some of you seem to have improved. I wonder how their strength is now. We can also compare. Compare."

"Wang Qun, Wang Yunlang is already a warrior in the middle stage of the seventh level of the divine realm. His cultivation is much stronger than our disciples here."

"It's so funny, hahaha, Chen Xuan is the guard of your Fire Immortal Bird Clan, and he was the one who seriously injured me. I, Wang Yunlang, will never forget this grudge. Tell me where is this guy? I I don’t need to trouble you." Wang Yunlang said with a cold face.

"Why are you so arrogant here? Are you seeking death?"

Immediately afterwards, Yu Wenqiu and Fire Bird came to the main hall.

"It turns out it's you two. Hahaha, it seems that Chen Xuan is not here anymore, right?" Wang Yunlang said in a cold voice.

He is very confident about Chen Xuan.

"Damn trash, you really think you are a powerful character. If I kill you in this flash of lightning, it won't take much effort at all." Firebird said: "If you can defeat me, then If you are qualified to challenge me, if you can't defeat me, hehehe, don't blame me for looking down on you."

Wang Qun frowned slightly, obviously feeling a little unhappy. He didn't expect Firebird to be so arrogant.

"Chief Liaohuo, if he dares to utter such arrogant words, he is simply seeking death. Let Wang Yunlang teach him a lesson," Wang Qun said.

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