The chief of the nearby Fire Fairy Bird tribe glanced at Yuwen Qiu and nodded slightly.

"That's fine, but you must stop at the right time." The chief of the Fire Fairy Bird tribe said.

"What a piece of trash, let me show you how I can kill you."

As soon as Wang Yunlang finished speaking, the terrifying aura of the seventh mid-level of the Godly Realm instantly filled his surroundings.

The Firebird also released his aura of the seventh mid-level of the Godly Realm, and in an instant they were fighting against Wang Yunlang here.

"You stupid trash, I can kill you now without adults." The Firebird said with disdain.

After hearing his words, Wang Yunlang became even more angry, and instantly took out his long sword and then used his unique skills.

Although he was seriously injured before, he had recovered. If he was looked down upon by a monster now, how could he have the face to live in the future.

And his inner dissatisfaction had reached the extreme, and in an instant, Wang Yunlang fought with the Firebird.

"Your strength doesn't interest me at all."

The Firebird shook his head slightly. After the Dragon Fire Divine Bird reached the early seventh level of the Godly Realm, the spirit of the phantom beast was strengthened many times, so it was very easy to deal with him. How much strength did he consume?

"Dragon Fire Phantom Art."

The Firebird shouted in a low voice, and the nearby fiery red spiritual energy surged, and a sharp dragon fire force was condensed in an instant.

Although the dragon fire force seemed plain on the surface, it penetrated Wang Yunlang's attack and directly broke his body, which also made the people around him appear surprised.

Bang! !

A crisp sound rang out, and Wang Yunlang's body stood quietly in the main hall, with deep eyes, observing the Firebird intently. He didn't expect that this inconspicuous demon pet would be so terrifying.

And his cultivation level has reached the seventh level of the Godly Realm, which he dared not imagine.

"Your strength is too weak. I really don't know why you have the face to challenge us." The Firebird said slowly.

It has to be said that the Firebird is still very arrogant.

At this time when he restrained his breath, Wang Yunlang's body suddenly weakened a little bit.

What happened here also made many people around them amazed again.

I didn't expect Chen Xuan's demon pet to be so powerful. "Indeed, I haven't seen such a terrifying talent. It can break through the cultivation level in such a short time, and it can also defeat Wang Yunlang." "Wang Yunlang." Wang Qun saw this scene and shouted hurriedly, and was very anxious about his situation.

It's not easy to recover from the injury, but now we are going to be seriously injured again.

The leader of the nearby Liaohuo Fairy Bird Clan seemed to be very shocked. The attack method just displayed by the fire bird made him feel so terrifying. He originally thought that the fire bird should not be so powerful, and at most it could tie with him.

As a result, it can be gradually suppressed now.

"What is the attack method? If I guess correctly, this should be the power of blood. "The chief of the Fire Bird tribe thought to himself.

He was a demon tribe, so he knew very well what the origin of the technique that the Fire Bird had just used was.

At this moment, Wang Qun left the Fire Bird tribe with endless anger. He knew that he could no longer gain any advantage.

Originally, he took Wang Yunlang with him to seize this opportunity to defeat the Fire Bird and let them know how powerful he was.

But Yuwen Qiu didn't use any technique at all, and Chen Xuan's demon pet beat Wang Yunlang seriously, and beat him so badly.

Wang Qun's face was very gloomy, but he couldn't accept this fact in his heart.

Wang Yunlang In fact, he is the strongest of the new generation of their Blood Giant Tigers. He has already entered the early seventh level of the Godly Realm, and his cultivation has continued to break through during this period. It can be said that it is a blessing in disguise. After being injured, not only did his cultivation not suffer any damage, but it was also improved.

Although he wanted to be angry, the patriarch of the Blazing Fire Fairy Bird Clan was also here, so he couldn't do anything. If he really fought, he would not be able to gain any advantage at all.

In the Dragon Fairy Palace, Chen Xuan was also paying attention to Shangguan Yun. For this person who made him suffer, Chen Xuan was still a little angry.

If it weren't for his sneak attack, he wouldn't have been injured so badly.

"If you go to find him now, he will definitely hide. "In the courtyard, Chen Xuan muttered to himself.

Chen Xuan knew very well that he was an inner disciple of the Immortal Dragon Venerable, and there should be many warriors looking for Shangguan Yun.

After all, Chen Xuan had already released the news. Although Shangguan Yun was sealed at the beginning, he still escaped with his own strength. Now no one knows where he ran to.

The huge second layer, if a warrior in the middle stage of the seventh level of the God Realm completely disappeared, it would be impossible to find him.

Unless there are other ways, but Chen Xuan is not in a hurry. During this period, Chen Xuan has been practicing the Immortal Void Secret Method.

Three months later, Chen Xuan practiced the Immortal Void Secret Method to the peak of the fifth level. He knew that only by making himself stronger, he could have greater confidence when encountering enemies.


A strong breath of the Divine Sword Dao permeated around him, shocking the Immortal Dragon Venerable.

The fluctuations emitted by this power were very terrifying. Because the Immortal Dragon Master was not far away, he appeared immediately. After seeing Chen Xuan, his face was full of joy. Now he is more and more interested in Chen Xuan. Liked it.

"You are worthy of being my cabinet disciple, Venerable Immortal Dragon. I have never seen such a terrifying talent as you." Venerable Immortal Dragon praised Chen Xuan extremely.

"See the Sect Master." Chen Xuan respected Master Xianlong very much.

"You have been practicing the secret method of the Immortal Sky for only a few years, and you have actually reached the fifth level. You have to be very powerful indeed. You have not practiced for several years, but I know that." Immortal Dragon Lord The reporter smiled and said: "With your current cultivation level, you can safely escape from the pursuit of a seventh-level God Lord."

Seeing the Immortal Dragon Venerable, Chen Xuan was very moved in his heart.

"You have practiced hard these days. As for Shangguan Yun, it won't take long to find him. And don't worry, I will definitely give you a solution to this matter." After the words of the Immortal Dragon Master fell, he continued Turned around and left here.

He also knew that Chen Xuan wanted revenge. More than a month later, Chen Xuan got the news about Shangguan Yun, and this news came from the Jianyun Sect.

"Okay, I already know where Shangguan Yun is hiding."

Chen Xuan came to the Jianyun Sect.

Soon, Chen Xuan contacted the monk and found him immediately.

"Do you know the specific location of Shangguan Yun?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Haha, that's right. I do know the specific location of Shangguan Yun, but I am not without conditions." The warrior said.

"What conditions do you have? Well, as long as I can help you complete it, I will never shirk it." Chen Xuan said softly.

This news is okay, but it is not that important to Chen Xuan. Even without him, he can definitely find it with the power of his master. It is just a matter of time.

But since he spent energy to find it for himself, it also saved a lot of effort.

So Chen Xuan was still prepared to agree to his conditions.

"My condition is very simple. Help me destroy a sect." The warrior said solemnly.

After hearing his words, Chen Xuan frowned slightly.

A sect may be strong or weak. If this guy allows himself to destroy a powerful sect, wouldn't it be worth the loss?

And Chen Xue doesn't think he has such a strong power.

"You can rest assured. The overall strength of this sect is not too strong. There is a strong person in the early stage of the seventh level of the peak divine realm in the sect. But this guy has some relationship with Lu Beisheng. If the sect is to be destroyed, Lu Beisheng should We won't sit still and wait for death, so we still have to be careful before we learn," the warrior said.

"Although I want to know the specific location of Shangguan Yun, you asked me to destroy a sect at will. Do you know that a sect can exist for so many years? The background behind them is not that simple. Your conditions are Isn't it a bit too much?" Chen Xuandao was obviously unhappy.

Although the overall strength of the opponent's sect is not strong, Chen Xuan still maintains his rationality. What if the opponent deceives him?

"Chen Xuan, you are also a disciple of Lord Xianlong after all. According to the information I have received, Shangguan Yun was defeated by you. It seems that it won't take much effort for you to destroy this sect. This matter is very important to you. It's relatively simple, as long as you can help me and take you to find Shangguan Yun's specific location." The warrior was slightly stunned, but then still said: "Shangguan Yun will not appear casually, and he is very fast. , I only know his specific traces now. If he leaves, it will be difficult to find him in the future. "

"And the sect I asked you to destroy is related to the Demon Blood Dragon Sect."

After hearing this, Chen Xuan looked surprised, and then looked at this guy with a very dark expression.

"What is the origin of the sect you asked me to destroy? Why is he related to the Demon Sect?" Chen Xuan asked.

When he heard about the Demon Gate, he was still a little confused.

"He is the Green Blood Palace..."

"How do you know that the Green Blood Palace is related to the Demon Blood Dragon Sect?" Chen Xuan asked.

If the Green Blood Palace is really related to the Demon Blood Dragon Sect, it will be very simple for him to launch an attack.

"I fought against the warriors of the Demon Blood Dragon Sect more than ten years ago. They have the aura of the warriors of the Demon Blood Dragon Sect." The warrior said.

Chen Xuan pondered for a moment, and then said: "Since Shangguan Yun already knows that you have seen him, how can you find him? You arrived just now, and you now know his specific traces, but what if he leaves?"

"Hehehe, Chen Xuan, you don't need to worry. I, Luo Qingmen, have a secret method. Even if he goes anywhere, I can find it." The warrior said confidently.

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