He really hadn't heard much about this sect, Chen Xuan, but now that he had reached this point, Chen Xuan had already made a decision.

"I can promise you, because this matter is not particularly difficult for me, and they are related to the Demon Sect, but you have to make sure that I can find Shangguan Yun. However, after I kill Shangguan Yun, if they are really related to the Demon Sect, If the Blood Dragon Sect unites, I will take action to destroy them. But if your claim is not true, I will never let it go."

Chen Xuan is able to fight against the seventh level powerhouse of the God Lord.

He also knew how strong he was. According to what this warrior said, he was going to destroy this sect now. The strongest warrior was only at the intermediate level. It was relatively easy for Chen Xuan to deal with her.

But is the only person in front of him now lying to himself?

Or is he deliberately letting himself help and avenge him.

"No problem, I will never lie to you."

The warrior nodded carefully and then said: "If you don't believe it, I will take you to Shangguan Yun now."

After the words fell, the warrior took Chen Xuan and quickly left the Jianyun Sect.

A few days later, Chen Xuan came to the area where Po Xuanmen was broken.

"Shangguanyun is in the Poxuanmen area?" Chen Xuan was a little surprised.

"Haha, that's right, it's a place in the Po Xuanmen area. If I hadn't accidentally discovered him, I really don't know where he would be hiding." The Luo Qingmen warrior nodded.

In this way, under his guidance, he arrived at a secret cave in a short time.

"The last time I found Shangguan Yun, it was here." The warrior from Luo Qingmen said.

Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness spread out instantly, and he found that because there was no aura here, even a warrior could have no breath.

The warrior of Luo Qingmen closed his eyes and waved his sword, and a strange aura emitted from the vicinity.

After a moment, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face.

"It's so funny. Shangguan Yun is still around here. I originally thought he had gone far away, but now it seems that he should still be practicing here."

What Chen Xuan didn't know was that there was a hidden secret place around the canyon.

In the secret place, Shangguan Yun sat cross-legged on the ground.

However, his face was full of a sinister smile. This time, he also learned that Chen Xuan was chasing him, and he felt somewhat nervous. When he attacked Chen Xuan, it was also because he used a hidden magic weapon. Only by secretly attacking Chen Xuan can he win.

Now Chen Xuanyuan breaks through again. If they fight, they are really no match.

"The damn Demon Blood Dragon Sect didn't show up for a long time. I don't know what they want to do." Shangguan Yun said with a cold face: "After I get that inherited magic weapon, I won't need Chen Xuan at all. I don’t have to worry about not being able to beat the seventh-level gods, hahaha, as long as that time comes, I can definitely kill them when facing a strong person of the same level.”

Thinking of this, Shangguan Yun felt extremely happy. He had already imagined the time when he would kill Chen Xuan.

"Chen Xuan, please cherish it. Although you are a cabinet disciple, Master Xianlong cannot always be by your side. As long as he is not by your side, I can directly take action and kill you." Shangguan Yun murmured to himself.

He has already made peace with the Demon Blood Dragon Sect, and this time his purpose is very pure, just to kill Chen Xuan.

As long as you kill Chen Xuan, he will go to the territory of the Demonic Blood Dragon Sect, and he has also reached an agreement with the Demonic Sect. Even the three invincible powerhouses at the seventh level of the divine realm at the top of the second level will all The place where he is currently hiding can't be found.

Because there is a seal outside.

Ordinary people can't feel the atmosphere here at all.

However, at the moment when Shangguan Yun was thinking, a breath came from the air, and finally he saw a figure that suddenly appeared: "Shangguan Yun, I didn't expect you to be here."

The sound penetrated Shangguan Yun's body, and he felt a sense of shock in an instant.

Shangguan Yun stood up quickly and hurriedly out of the secret place.

However, when he came outside the secret place, his face suddenly became extremely shocked, and then his face turned completely cold.

"I didn't expect it to be you. How did you find this place??"

When Shangguan Yun saw Chen Xuan, there was a blush in his pupils, and he was very angry. He had severely injured Chen Xuan, and was besieged by many strong men, and finally sealed him away for several years.

If it hadn't been for the agreement he reached with the people from the Demon Sect, it would have been impossible to escape in the end.

"What? You didn't expect that I could be resurrected, did you? You actually attacked me with something. It seems that you don't know that I have made a breakthrough recently?" Chen Xuan said with a smile on his face.

Shangguan Yun's eyes suddenly fell on the warrior of Luo Qingmen, and then he understood why Chen Xuan found this place?

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Chen Xuan to find him easily.

"Damn it, even if you find it, what can I do?"

Shangguan Yun suddenly struck out with his sword, and suddenly the power of the Immortal Soul condensed into a terrifying force in the air towards the warriors of Luo Qingmen. Howl and attack away.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan laughed wildly and directly defended Shangguan Yun's attack. Now he was nothing to Chen Xuan.

Then, the warriors of Luoqing Sect quickly followed behind Chen Xuan. He also knew that he could not participate in this battle.

Since Chen Xuan was confident, he would not participate in this battle.

Chen Xuan looked at Shangguan Yun, and a trace of coldness flashed in his pupils. No matter whether it was a blessing in disguise for him to break through his cultivation, he was really hurt.

If Chen Xuan had not recovered, he would have died long ago.

"Damn you, even the Xuanmo Fire couldn't kill you. I really didn't expect it." In fact, Shangguan Yun seemed to be very afraid of Chen Xuan in his heart.

You know, if he hadn't used his strongest trick at the most critical moment, he would have died in Chen Xuan's hands long before, and he was not Chen Xuan's opponent before, let alone now.

At present, the Demon Blood Dragon Sect has not come yet. If he relies on him, it is impossible to defeat this guy.

"Kill!" Shangguan Yun shouted, and instantly displayed the ferocious sword-destroying technique, and suddenly attacked Chen Xuan. "Your strength does not interest me." In the past few years, Chen Xuan's realm is still the early stage of the seventh level of the God Realm, but his cultivation is instantly close to the seventh level of the God Realm. Facing Shangguan Yun's attack, Chen Xuan can easily defend. Chen Xuan took out the Liaoyuan Sword and instantly displayed the Qingyun Immortal Sword Intention, and Shangguan Yun was instantly suppressed. The warriors of Luoqingmen who were observing nearby seemed to be very shocked. "As expected of the disciple of the Immortal Dragon Venerable, he is really powerful." With Chen Xuan's current cultivation, even among the warriors in the middle stage of the seventh level of the God Realm, he is at the top level. And his attack is close to the seventh level of the God Realm. "Damn it! I will definitely kill you." Shangguan Yun, who was completely suppressed by Chen Xuan, fell into madness in an instant, but in front of Chen Xuan's absolute strength, he had no impression at all. Bang! ! The Liaoyuan Sword decisively hit Shangguan Yun's body, and his breath was weakening little by little.

"Damn it, you actually..."

Shangguan Yun raised his long sword, but found that the Liaoyuan Sword was burning the power in his body.

Chen Xuan smiled, gently took out the Liaoyuan Sword, and Shangguan Yun's remains fell on Lin.

Chen Xuan took a look at Shangguan Yun's remains, and then turned around and prepared to leave.

But at this moment he suddenly felt a spiritual energy of the Demon Sect.

"Demon Blood Dragon Sect?"

Just as Chen Xuan was thinking, a voice came from the air.

"Shangguan Yun..."

The warriors of the Demon Blood Dragon Sect obviously didn't expect Shangguan Yun to be discovered, but Shangguan Yun had been killed by Chen Xuan long before.

Then, several warriors of the Demon Blood Dragon Sect in the seventh mid-level of the God Realm appeared.

"What? What do you mean?"

Their eyes suddenly fell on Shangguan Yun, and their faces suddenly darkened.

"Who are you?"

Several elders of the Demon Blood Dragon Sect asked coldly.

"Shangguan Yun actually joined forces with the warriors of the Demon Blood Dragon Sect. I really didn't expect it." Chen Xuan said coldly.

"He is the inner disciple of the Immortal Dragon Venerable."

A warrior among the elders recognized Chen Xuan, and his face was full of sinister smiles.

"The inner disciple of the Immortal Dragon Venerable? Hehe, that's really good."

"What can the inner disciple of the Immortal Dragon Venerable do? Just kill him."

Shangguan Yun had agreed to surrender to their Demon Blood Dragon Sect. He was killed by Chen Xuan, so the elders naturally wanted to take revenge.

And the warrior in front of him was actually the inner disciple of the Immortal Dragon Venerable.

This Immortal Dragon Venerable killed many elders of the Demon Blood Dragon Sect. They wanted to seize this excellent opportunity to take revenge.


One of the warriors in the seventh mid-level of the Godly Venerable realm shouted, and several elders attacked at the same time.

The terrifying aura instantly filled the vicinity, and several elders fought with Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan mobilized all his strength and suddenly hit a warrior in the seventh level of the Divine Realm with a sword, knocking him flying.

"He is very powerful, be careful."

Another warrior in the seventh level of the Divine Realm looked at the warrior in the seventh level of the Divine Realm and whispered, "Hurry up!"

This time they were here to discuss joining the Demon Blood Dragon Sect with Shangguan Yun, and the second was to send Shangguan Yun the inheritance magic weapon so that he could deal with Chen Xuan, the disciple of the Immortal Dragon Master.

The warrior in the seventh level of the Divine Realm saw this scene and knew very well that Chen Xuan was very powerful. His spirit moved slightly, and an arc of sword energy appeared in his long sword.

This arc of sword energy was surrounded by a complex aura of true essence.

At the moment when the warrior in the seventh level of the Divine Realm gathered the aura into the arc of sword energy, a trace of invisible aura suddenly appeared on the arc of sword energy.

Then, he immediately slashed out a terrifying light, covering Chen Xuan here.


When the elders saw this scene, they immediately laughed.

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