Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5399 The Green Blood Palace and the Demonic Blood Dragon Sect unite

Inside Luo Qing Sect, except for the two warriors who are in the middle stage of the seventh level of the Divine Realm, there will definitely be no one else present.

Moreover, the aura on Chen Xuan's body was very strange.

"Who is this guy?"

"I don't know, he probably isn't one of us."

Then both of them were staring at Chen Xuan. However, at this moment, the red-eyed warrior suddenly stood up, looking in the direction of Chen Xuan, and a cold voice came: "Son, why do you appear here? Who are you? ?”

"Hehehehe." Chen Xuan laughed and said: "You Green Blood Palace and the Demon Blood Dragon Sect are really bold in joining forces. Do you know that joining forces with the Demon Sect? What consequences will it bring to you? "

After hearing Chen Xuan's words, Luo Kuang's expression changed instantly.

"Who are you? I advise you not to beat around the bush here," Luo Kuang asked coldly.

"It's so funny. No matter what your origin is, you will definitely be killed by me today."

As soon as the red-eyed warrior finished speaking, he launched a violent attack on Chen Xuan.

The Demon Blood Dragon Sect is the enemy of the entire second layer. To unite with the Demon Blood Dragon Sect is to fall out with the second layer.

All their plans are being carried out quietly now. If word gets out, their entire sect will be destroyed by then.

So now they are very attentive.

But Chen Xuan heard it, so now he is very nervous.

Boom! !

The ferocious attack struck Chen Xuan instantly.

Chen Xuan let out a disdainful smile, swung his sword casually, and knocked back the red-eyed warrior a few steps.

His cultivation has already improved, let alone the two people in front of him.

"Your strength doesn't interest me at all. Compared to Shangguan Yun, you are too weak. There is no need for me to use all my strength."

"You're just asking for death."

The red-eyed warrior's pupils glowed with a blush, he shouted low, and once again launched a powerful attack.

At this time, Luo Kuang also stepped hard on the ground with the soles of his feet.

Chen Xuan took out the prairie fire sword and instantly displayed the Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent.

Boom! !

The terrifying sword killed the red-eyed warrior.

Luo Kuang retreated quickly, his pupils filled with horror.

"Chen Xuan, disciple of Venerable Immortal Dragon?"

Luo Kuang lost his voice.

Venerable Immortal Dragon accepted a cabinet disciple. Their Demonic Blood Dragon Sect personally investigated Chen Xuan, but now they are just making guesses.

But based on Chen Xuan's expression, he knew that the person in front of him was indeed Chen Xuan.

"Hehehe, it doesn't matter if you know who I am, you will still die after all."

Chen Xuan chuckled, and Qingyun Immortal Sword Intention was displayed again.

"Damn it, you actually know our existence, so what if you kill us? The strong men of the Demonic Blood Dragon Sect will not let you go and will definitely kill you with their own hands."

Luo Kuang wanted to send a message back, but it was already too late. Chen Xuan's speed was too fast. He killed the two elders with two consecutive sword energy. Then Chen Xuan floated in the air, his voice contained an immortal sound. Yuan Zhili then said: "The Green Blood Palace unites with the Demon Blood Dragon Sect. Alas, you are all ordinary disciples. I believe you don't mean to join forces with the Demon Sect. Leave here as soon as possible, otherwise you must die."

The warriors at the sixth level of the Divine Realm who were inside Luo Qing Sect were surprised when they heard the news.

"No way? When did we join forces with the Demon Sect? What happened?"

Some of these disciples are truly unaware, but some are aware of the inside story.

However, after hearing this voice, in just a short moment, there was no warrior left in Luo Qingmen. They knew that they had been discovered, and they would not escape death if they did not run away.

"What exactly is the Demon Blood Dragon Sect going to do? Why do they want to occupy this place? Does he have any plans?"

Chen Xuan murmured to himself.

Then his body flashed quickly and disappeared into Luo Qingmen.

There is a city in an area near Luoqingmen called Gun City.

Wang Zi, with many warriors at the sixth level of the Divine Realm, is attacking Gun City.

"Song Qiang, surrender."

Wang Zi floated in the air and whispered: "It is impossible for your Gun City to defend against the attack of our Qingxue Palace. If we continue to defend, I am afraid you also know what Luo Qingmen will look like."

"Wang Zi, why did your Green Blood Palace do this? As a sect, you are also a well-known and decent sect. Why are you suddenly going to war??" Inside Gun City, Song Qiang was a little angry.

As the city lord of a city, he is not a major sect, but a city lord who comes from this city and was elected.

As the largest family in the city, he has been protecting the city for a long time.

But now, a powerful sect suddenly came to kill him.

"The reason is also very simple, because our Green Blood Palace wants to dominate the Blood Jade Mountain area, and naturally you can't escape, hahaha." Wang Zi smiled.

The Blood Jade Mountain area is very large, with many sects and cities. If they want to dominate, they must conquer all these places.

"City Lord, this man is really hateful, we must not surrender."

"They are also the city lords. They must have some secret plan. Moreover, these guys are really hateful. We decent sects have always lived in harmony. However, they actually destroyed two major sects. We must not compromise."

In an instant, many warriors inside Gun City roared angrily, and their hearts were filled with anger.

Seeing this scene, Wang Zi spread his hands and said: "Qiang, the guard in this city has a good relationship with you, right?" Among the warriors in the middle seventh level of the divine realm, the strongest one is Song Qiang.

Wang Zi led many warriors from the Green Blood Palace to trap the Gun City. Although there were some strong men in the city, there was no way to fight against them.

Wang Zi was also patiently waiting for Song Qiang's words. He hoped that the other party would be more understanding. At any rate, he did not want the warriors at the sixth level of the divine realm of the Green Blood Palace to lose a lot.

At this moment, many warriors at the sixth level of the Divine Realm in Gun City were very angry. They hated why their cultivation was no longer stronger.

Otherwise, you can protect the city and thwart the enemy's plot.

Seeing this scene, Wang Zi's expression gradually darkened. He could see that the city lord seemed unwilling to compromise so easily.

To a sect, what is the lord of a city?

It's just that his cultivation is a little stronger, but it can't be compared with the foundation of a sect.

"Since you are not willing to surrender, from now on, Gun City will disappear from the second level, hahaha, but I shouldn't be so cruel. After all, this is indeed a good place, and the people in this city, I also We won’t kill them all, so you can die with confidence,” Wang Zihan said.

As soon as he finished speaking, many powerful men in the Green Blood Palace burst out with powerful auras, preparing to launch an attack.

"Wang Zi, so your name is this."

Suddenly, an explosion sounded in the air.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan's figure appeared and looked at Wang Zi.

Originally, Chen Xuan rushed over immediately after knowing the news. Fortunately, he rushed here in time.

The atmosphere in Gun City was very solemn, letting them know how powerful the enemy they faced was. When they saw the warriors who suddenly appeared, they also showed some doubts.

They didn't know who this Ran Di was in front of them.

However, it seems that he is here to help them.

"Who are you? Why have I never seen you? If you are here to die, I advise you to get out of here." Wang Zi's cold voice came.

"The Green Blood Palace has united with the Demon Blood Dragon Sect, and you, Wang Zi, dare to lead many warriors to attack Gun City. Hahaha, I'm really curious. Did the Demon Blood Dragon Sect ask you to come here?" Chen Xuan asked immediately.

Now, Chen Xuan, you have somewhat guessed why the other party came to attack the nearby sects and the remaining people in the city.

Upon hearing the name of the Demon Blood Dragon Sect, the expressions of many warriors in Gun City also became very gloomy.

Immediately afterwards, Song Qiang said: "Wang Zi, the warriors who have taken refuge in the Demon Sect have joined forces with the Demon Blood Dragon Sect. I haven't thought that you are such a person. No wonder you suddenly launched an attack. It turns out that you are willing to give these Demon Sect's weak Gun user."

Wang Zi's face changed, and he yelled angrily: "How could I take refuge in the Demon Sect? Don't talk nonsense here."

His pupils were filled with complex expressions.

The betrayal of the second level by the United Demonic Blood Dragon Sect is intolerable to any noble and upright warrior.

Although the people of the Demon Sect have not caused trouble for thousands of years, they are very clear about the Demon Sect.

These people are ruthless and will do anything, and they are contrary to their cultivation concepts. Therefore, any decent person from a famous family will hate the Demon Sect from the bottom of their heart.

"The Demon Blood Dragon Sect is the enemy of the second level. How can I unite with the Demon Blood Dragon Sect? It is absolutely impossible for our Green Blood Palace to unite with the Demon Sect, and I am definitely not controlled by the Demon Sect."

Wang Zi looked at the many warriors and whispered.

At this time, his deep eyes were observing Chen Xuan closely.

Wang Zi secretly thought in his heart that if word spread about the alliance with the Demon Blood Dragon Sect, it would not only be difficult for him to control it, but other powerful people might come over.

Once this happens, things will become irreversible.

This guy is obviously looking for trouble in the Green Blood Palace. No matter who he is, he will definitely die here.

"Damn you bastard, I will definitely kill you today."

Wang Zi shouted low, and terrifying power erupted nearby, attacking Chen Xuan. He wanted to kill Chen Xuan quickly, and then kill all the warriors here. Only such news would not Will leak.

Although Wang Zi's strength was stronger than that of the red-eyed warrior, there was still a big gap between him and Shangguan Yun, and it looked very ridiculous in Chen Xuan's eyes.

"Brother, Wang Zi is very strong. You should leave as soon as possible. You are not able to participate in a battle of this level."

Song Qiang said slightly.

He didn't know where he could tell that Chen Xuan's cultivation was weaker than his.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan also had a smile on his face. He didn't care about Wang Zi's attack at all and turned to look at Song Qiang.

"Song Qiang, do you think I can't defeat them?" Chen Xuan asked.

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