Song Qiangzhong nodded, and then said: "Brother, I advise you not to be brave. If what you just said is true, their power must be more than what they seem."

"Allying with the Demonic Blood Dragon Sect is equivalent to betraying all the noble sects, so I have to take action this time."

Chen Xuan smiled.

"Forget it, brother, if you want to fight with us, be careful."

Song Qiang lowered his voice.

In an instant, Wang Zi used all his strength to strike Chen Xuan hard with his sword.

However, in Chen Xuan's eyes, it seemed very childish.

"Hahaha, this guy is so confident. I think you haven't been killed after being hit by my sword? I'll let you know the consequences of messing with me."

Wang Zi saw that Chen Xuan did not dodge, and smiled softly in his heart. He thought that he could kill Chen Xuan with one sword. At the same time, he increased the power on the long sword, and there were waves of frost around him. He just wanted to Chen Xuan's actions must be blocked.

But contrary to Wang Zi's expectation, Chen Xuan's body swayed slightly and he directly avoided his attack.

"Your strength is too weak to interest me. You should go back and practice for a few years."

Boom! !

The prairie fire sword flashed with cold light, and Wang Zi's body was cut directly to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan slashed Wang Zi's body with his sword, completely burning the true soul.

This made the group of warriors at the sixth level of the Divine Realm who were preparing to take action in the Qingxue Palace all show shocked expressions.

What is going on? Why is this guy who appears halfway so powerful? ?

At first, when they heard the news about the alliance between their sect leader and the Demon Sect, they were still a little confused, so they didn't take action. However, after all, their sect leader was a warrior at the seventh level of the divine realm. Why was Chen Xuanzhan killed so easily? Already?

Many warriors felt shocked in their hearts.

They were puzzled.

The bodies of many warriors at the sixth level of the divine realm in the Green Blood Palace began to tremble involuntarily.

At the same time, they were also very glad that they had not taken action just now, otherwise, they would very likely have appeared in the dead space.

However, many warriors in Gun City, including Song Qiang, looked at Chen Xuan with surprised expressions.

"A seventh-level perfect master in the divine realm? How strong is he? I actually can't see through his cultivation at all."

Song Qiang asked secretly in his heart.

They originally thought that Chen Xuan's strength was not very strong, and he could clearly sense the aura of the seventh-level mid-level divine realm on his opponent. At first, they thought that Chen Xuan's participation in this battle could help them. But they decided it was more important to get the word back.

In the end, he didn't expect that Chen Xuan would kill him instantly.

In other words, the opponent is really just a warrior in the middle stage of the seventh level of the divine realm. But the strength he has shown is no less than that of a powerful seventh-level God Lord. What kind of concept is this?

Many warriors are talented if they can fight across one realm, but Chen Xuan can actually cross two realms, and he does it very easily. This was something that was unimaginable before, but Chen Xuan actually truly done.

After a brief shock, many warriors inside Gun City were extremely excited.

No one can know how excited they are right now.

They originally thought that they would die this time, but in the end, a person came out halfway and not only helped them kill the enemy, but also won a complete victory.

"Wang Zi casually united with the Demon Blood Dragon Sect. He really deserves to die. And those of you who don't know should leave as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will die here just like Wang Zi."

The sound floated in Gun City, and no one stayed here.

Many warriors at the sixth level of the Divine Realm in the Green Blood Palace showed scared expressions. After hearing Chen Xuan's words, they also knew that if I held on, I would also end up dead.

"Okay, thank you senior, we will leave now, we will never wait here,"

You know, it is probably very simple to kill such strong men.

However, Chen Xuan did not take action against them

The warriors at the sixth level of the Divine Realm of the Green Blood Palace left this place in just a short while. For them to come, the sect wanted to dominate the nearby hegemony, and they also agreed from the bottom of their hearts.

However, many warriors still find it unacceptable to unite the Demon Sect.

However, there are still some people who are not prepared to resist.

"Damn you bastard, if you dare to kill Master Wang Zi, you will definitely not live long."

"Haha, that's right. We want to avenge Master Wang Zi, and we must kill you today."

I don't know if these warriors at the sixth level of the divine realm are crazy or stupid, or if they are controlled by the demon sect.

Using their cultivation level to deal with Chen Xuan was like throwing an egg against a stone. Immortal energy was surging nearby, and these warriors wanted to attack Chen Xuan.

However, in Chen Xuan's eyes, their movements seemed to be in slow motion.

Boom! !

Facing such people, Chen Xuan would naturally not be merciful. He knew that these people must be closely related to the Demon Sect.

With his sword raised and lowered, Chen Xuan killed several people very easily.

So now in the Qingxue Palace, those people who knew what they had seen before have already left, and those who resisted were easily killed by Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan turned around and then looked at Song Qiang: "Song Qiang, the Green Blood Palace has been completely destroyed now. They united with the Demon Sect and should be punished. However, I hope you will go to the Green Blood Palace now to make sure that no warriors have escaped. Then catch them all, these people must be related to the Demon Sect, you must not show mercy. "

"No problem, no problem, don't worry, leave this matter to me."

Song Qiang fell into a daze for a moment. Oh, it took him a while before he woke up and said hurriedly.

After the words fell, Chen Xuan's body suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Dragon Immortal Palace, Chen Xuan’s courtyard.

The warrior who fell into the Qing Sect has been waiting in doubt. Although Chen Xuan's overall strength is very clear, he knows very well that there is no burden in the early stage of the seventh level of the divine realm.

"It's been so long and there's no news. Could it be that Brother Chen Xuan is in danger?"

The warrior who had fallen into the Qingmen showed a puzzled expression in the courtyard of the residential area.

He was already seriously injured, so Chen Xuan didn't let her go with him.

However, while he was waiting, Chen Xuan's body suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"Chen Xuan, you are finally back."

When the warriors who fell into the Qingmen saw Chen Xuan, their expressions revealed a sense of surprise. They hurried over and asked, "Did you bring good news? The Qingxue Palace has been destroyed?"

Chen Xuan looked at him and smiled and said, "Oh, you are right. The Green Blood Palace united with the Demon Blood Dragon Sect. This incident surprised me. I destroyed the Green Blood Palace and it was for you." Revenge."

After hearing this, the warrior from Luo Qingmen showed a surprised expression.

Now the great revenge was avenged, but he didn't witness it, which made him feel a little disappointed.

At this moment, Chen Xuan spoke up: "As a disciple of the Luo Qing Sect, you should also revive the sect. Now the demon sect there has been eliminated by me."

"Okay, thank you Chen Xuan for your help. Luo Qing Sect has given me a lot of memories. I have lived here since then. Although it was destroyed by the people from the Demon Sect, I believe that I can revitalize it." The warrior who fell into the Qingmen said in a deep voice, and then he did not stay here, but left directly.

The moment he left, Chen Xuan also sighed.

This warrior is determined to leave, but since he wants to revive his sect, Chen Xuan naturally won't do anything more.

Then when he was halfway there, Chen Xuan suddenly took out a pill from the space ring.

"These elixirs can help you revive the sect, so take them all."

Hearing Chen Xuan's words, he immediately stopped and finally looked at the elixir in Chen Xuan's hand.

It doesn't matter if you don't look, a shocked expression suddenly appeared on his face.

"It's such a precious magic weapon, Mr. Chen Xuan, I absolutely cannot want this kind of thing."

He knew very well that what Chen Xuan was holding was an immortal-level elixir. For a large sect, this kind of elixir is very precious.

Not to mention that Chen Xuan had several jade bottles in his hands, containing at least hundreds of pills.

"You don't have to be polite to me. It's a long and arduous road to revive the sect. These can make it easier for you, and I also feel very sympathetic to what you have encountered. Just take these. ." Chen Xuandao.

The warrior's face showed excitement, but after thinking about Chen Xuan's words, he felt that they made sense, so he accepted them excitedly.

"Your great kindness will be unforgettable..."

Judging from the current situation, no warrior can threaten Chen Xuan. Now he has finally reached the stage of a warrior in the middle stage of the seventh level of the divine realm.

Chen Xuan smiled slightly and gave the elixir to him.

"You should keep these things carefully and go back. I have already dealt with your sect's affairs with Song Qiang. If you have anything, you can go to him and he should be able to help you." Chen Xuan said slowly.

Qingjian Villa.

Master Xianlong and Master Wang Xun walked into the main hall to talk.

Wang Xun Zhenrang: "Just now, your cabinet disciples went to the Blood Jade Mountain area and killed a warrior from the Demon Blood Dragon Sect. As a result, an elder from the Demon Blood Dragon Sect was injured by a warrior from our Qingjian Villa."

"Really or not, he has gone to the Blood Jade Mountain area?"

After hearing this, Venerable Immortal Dragon was also a little surprised.

During this time, the two invincible experts at the seventh level of the divine realm were also thinking about how to deal with the Demon Blood Dragon Sect. However, they did not expect that Chen Xuan actually defeated the Demon Blood Dragon Sect.

"What else do you know? How is Chen Xuan now?" Master Xianlong asked.

"One of the warriors in the middle stage of the seventh-level divine realm of the Demon Blood Dragon Sect was killed, and a strong seventh-level divine master was killed. And it seems that many people have died. It is still safe now."

Wang Xunzhen said.

"And we also discovered a temporary stronghold of the Demon Blood Dragon Sect in the Blood Jade Mountain area. This temporary stronghold should be the temporary stronghold of several young people in the second layer of the Demon Blood Dragon Sect. If we find them, we can directly Take action and kill them all." Wang Xunzhenrang.

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