"The seven major perfection levels of the divine realm?"

Chen Xuan's face showed surprise. The earth fire demon who had reached the seventh level of the divine realm was already very difficult to deal with, but there were actually those who had reached the seventh level of the divine realm.

"To be precise, they all belong to the same kind of monster. This earth fire monster is called the giant sand fire monster. It is rare to encounter them under normal circumstances. After all, they belong to the level of monster kings." Wang Lin said: "But As far as I know, the attack of the giant sand fire demon is very fierce."

"Is there such a powerful monster?" Chen Xuan showed a curious expression.

I don’t know if it’s because they were unlucky, or because they just happened to get here before.

A faint voice came from mid-air.

Suddenly, Wang Lin stopped continuing and his face gradually became serious. They felt an extremely powerful aura coming from the front.

"What happened? Did you discover something?" Chen Xuan felt something unusual and said hurriedly.

"Wait a minute, if I'm not wrong, there seems to be a powerful earth fire demon approaching us, and its power is extremely terrifying. If I'm not wrong, it may really be me who just arrived." Wang Lin Zai Wan I have been in the Fire Spirit World for a long time, so I am quite familiar with this aura.

"Get out of this desert quickly, it's very dangerous here."

Wang Lin said hurriedly, while trying to rush out of the desert.

But when he saw in the desert in the distance, the torn space that suddenly appeared was spinning desperately, and in this space, a huge monster suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Oops, it's the giant sand fire demon. I didn't expect my luck to be so bad."

Wang Lin ran away directly. He knew that facing a powerful monster of this level, their resistance would probably be very futile.

In the torn space, the giant sand fire demon discovered Chen Xuan and Wang Lin. His body was surrounded by layers of flames.

However, what surprised Chen Xuan and the others was that the giant sand fire demon was very fast. In just a short time, it came in front of Chen Xuan.

"You go directly."

Chen Xuan took out the prairie fire sword and swung it out without thinking, striking the giant sand fire demon.

His power was already very powerful. A clear sound sounded, but the giant sand fire demon seemed not to be harmed. Instead, it was completely angered by Chen Xuan's attack. The body of the earth fire spirit contained terrifying power. It shrouded directly towards Chen Xuan.

This also made Chen Xuan sigh with emotion, "It's so powerful."

At this time, he raised his eyes and looked at the giant sand fire demon in a nearby area.

At this moment, the burning spiritual energy near the giant sand fire demon was so intense that Huo Yan felt his whole body trembling.

Yes, facing the giant sand fire monster, any action is basically in vain. This is a monster in the Dzogchen realm.

It is simply not comparable to ordinary realms.

"Hey, what are you doing waiting there? You can't deal with a monster of this level."

Wang Lina sent a message to Chen Xuan in a slow voice.

In an instant, the body of the giant sand fire demon and the fire spirit suddenly shrouded Chen Xuan, and the flames on his body also crackled and burned the surrounding air.

If he used the Suzaku Fire, he would probably be extinguished instantly, but he still wanted to try it, so without any time to think, Chen Xuan directly used the Immortal Sky Secret Technique.

In an instant, Chen Xuan appeared behind the giant sand fire demon.

"Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent."

Chen Xuan suddenly wielded the Suzaku Sword Technique, and the sword energy immediately launched a fierce attack on him. Then, Chen Xuan did not think too much, but chose to escape quickly.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

The Dao sword was directly destroyed by the giant sand fire demon, and then a roar came from his body.

It seems that Chen Xuan's choice is right. If he chooses to continue fighting with him, he will definitely be beaten to death by then.

Fortunately, Chen Xuan's recovery was relatively timely.

"Oh no."

Wang Lin, who was about to rush out of the desert, suddenly found a golden aura in front of him, and he was blocked by the golden aura.

He set up the Divine Sword Intention Formation, and a lot of terrifying power suddenly burst out, and then he struck at the golden spiritual energy.

How did he find the golden aura that surprised him? It seemed to have very strong defensive power. Even if he used the long sword in his hand, he was completely unable to cause any damage.

"Damn it, what's going on?"

Wang Lin cursed loudly. He didn't expect that he would reach this point.

But before he could launch an attack, a lot of golden aura had directly suppressed his body. This power directly suppressed him to Lin, making him unable to even move.

Chen Xuan saw that Wang Lin was completely suppressed, and then hurriedly used the Immortal Sky Secret Technique and came to the front of Wang Lin.

Now he also knows that the most important thing is to help Wang Lin release the suppression. If there is no way to leave, I am afraid he will die here.

"Be cautious, Chen Xuan. If I can't do it, just leave. We can't both die here."

Shock appeared on Wang Lin's face.

I can't think of that much now. I originally wanted to persuade Chen Xuan to leave, but it was already too late.

The giant sand fire demon's skills are so terrifying.

He thought that Chen Xuan was only a warrior in the middle stage of the seventh level of the divine realm, how could he defend himself against the attacks of monsters of this level.

Sure enough, at this moment, Chen Xuan's body was directly absorbed by the terrifying energy released from the body of the giant sand fire demon and earth fire spirit.

"Damn it, why didn't you leave earlier?"

Wang Lin's face was full of helplessness. He still had a good impression of Chen Xuan. Although he wanted to attack Chen Xuan at first, at that moment, he did not abandon him. Instead, he wanted to come and rescue him.

This moved him somewhat, but he also knew very well that with a monster of this level being so powerful, even a seventh-level invincible expert in the realm of gods would have almost no chance of escaping if he was attacked.

Chen Xuan noticed that his body was constantly shaking.

Suddenly, he felt that his body was suppressed and could not even move. The power of the flame seemed to be able to completely seal all the auras around him.

Chen Xuan couldn't even use the power in his body.

"Damn it, what's going on?"

Chen Xuan held the long sword tightly in his hand, activated the fire defense, and instantly displayed the Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent, and even used the Suzaku Sword Technique. This was the space of the giant sand fire demon. Chen Xuan felt that he had entered this space. After the space, his true soul was frightened.

"This is absolutely impossible, I will definitely leave from here."

Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and said.


Suddenly, the Suzaku soul quickly condensed in Chen Xuan's body.


The area around Chen Xuan was completely suppressed by a layer of spiritual light.

The giant sand fire demon who was about to absorb him felt the aura of spiritual light, and then seemed to be unable to believe what was happening in front of him. He was even more frightened, because it was very simple. The giant sand fire demon knew the aura of the Qingxian ancestor.


From the mouth of this terrifying monster, Chen Xuan heard intermittent sounds.

"Do you know Ancestor Qingxian?" Chen Xuan asked.

As expected, the giant sand fire demon heard Chen Xuan's words, and after a while, the giant sand fire demon said again: "He saved me back then."

Seeing the opportunity to get close, Chen Xuan would not let it go.

"Senior Giant Sand Fire Demon, he is my master." Chen Xuan said hurriedly.

The giant sand fire demon remained silent, seeming to be thinking about something, although he had been doubting whether Chen Xuan's words were true.

After some time passed, he asked: "Is he still alive now?"

Chen Xuan slowly shook his head and directly expressed that he was not sure.

The giant sand fire demon glanced at Chen Xuan and was almost sure that the human in front of him was not lying to him, so he said: "There are several giant sand fire demons in the entire desert, and they and I often interact with each other. There was a battle, and it was because we were injured during the battle that I was saved by your master."

"Hahaha, I haven't spoken for a long time. Human beings, this time we can meet, it can be regarded as a fate between the two of us. If you were touched by them, I'm afraid you would have died long ago. "The giant sand fire demon said.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan felt extremely happy.

Unexpectedly, Ancestor Qingxian once visited the Ten Thousand Fires Spirit Realm.

"Okay, thank you, Senior Giant Sand Fire Demon." Chen Xuan said helplessly.

The giant sand fire demon said: "I think your cultivation is only at the early stage of the seventh level of the divine realm. However, your strength is equivalent to the seventh level of the divine realm. In the same realm as you humans, you should be considered very strong. However, even so, There are dangers everywhere in the Wanhuo Spirit World. If you meet those strong men from the human race or the demon race, it may be difficult to resist them. Since your master has saved me before, and you have indeed practiced his skills, if you If you are in danger, I will definitely help you, but I have no way to leave the desert. If you are outside the desert, I will have no way to help you. "

After thinking about it for a while, even if there is no way to leave the desert, the giant sand fire demon at the seventh level of perfection in the realm of gods is also a very powerful existence. With his help, Chen Xuan can at least ensure temporary safety in this area. Anyway, if you go to the desert and let the giant sand fire demon deal with it, even if the enemy is the strongest, it is absolutely impossible to reach the invincible state.

After all, most of those who come here to practice are at the perfect state.

At the same time, Chen Xuan smiled softly in his heart, his face full of excitement.

Over the desert, Wang Lin was suppressed by the golden aura, but something unexpected happened to him. The auras around him disappeared into the desert.

"No way, actually..."

Wang Lin couldn't believe it. He originally thought that he was definitely doomed this time, but he never thought that a miracle would happen.

At this moment, Chen Xuan also appeared in front of him.

Wang Lin observed Chen Xuan with a shocked expression on his face.

He originally thought that Chen Xuan must have died, but now Chen Xuan actually appeared again,

Wang Lin didn't understand how Chen Xuan escaped from the giant sand fire monster. After all, in his understanding, it was almost impossible to survive if caught by such a terrifying monster.

"You didn't kill the giant sand fire demon. What kind of monster is your son?"

Wang Lin looked at Chen Xuan with a puzzled expression.

Chen Xuan showed some doubts, and then said: "How can I, who is in the early stage of the seventh level of the divine realm, kill a giant sand fire demon who is at the seventh perfect level of the divine realm? We must know the true power of such monsters. It is close to the sevenfold freedom from burdens.”

"But I find it difficult to explain. Weren't you caught just now? Why did you appear here safe and sound? What did you do? I feel like there are question marks all over you now." Wang Lin asked.

"Hahaha, you should also know that I practice the secret method of time and space, so it is not particularly difficult to escape from his hands." Chen Xuan said in a low voice.

"It's really strong."

Although Wang Lin was dubious, he had guessed in his mind that Chen Xuan understood the rules of air control and could control the rules of air and space, and there was also a special secret method for him to use this power.

It shouldn't be particularly difficult to escape from that place.

"Get out of here quickly. If the giant sand fire monster returns, we will definitely not survive long. You just saw how powerful this monster is." Chen Xuan whispered.

Wang Lin also quickly nodded. He also knew very well in his heart that the giant sand fire demon was too powerful. If he encountered it again, there would be no way to escape. Soon, the two came to the mortal fire area.

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