
The whole place suddenly became extremely depressed.

In Chen Xuan's body, the Suzaku soul was rapidly condensing.

"What a terrifying spiritual pressure."

Although this is a mortal fire area, Chen Xuan feels a lot of pressure.


Suddenly, the Suzaku soul in his body floated in mid-air, emitting a strong invisible aura around Zheng.

Immediately afterwards, a roar full of fierce aura resounded throughout the mortal fire area.

The next moment, in the Ordinary Fire area, there were trembling sounds from the Sealing Palace.

"What is it?"

Chen Xuan showed a puzzled expression and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

At this time, an phantom suddenly appeared in every sealed palace, and their bodies were filled with terrifying flames.

Strange, what? Earth Fire Yuanling.

"It's really unexpected..." Chen Xuan's forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

Wang Lin nodded. In fact, Chen Xuan was right. This mortal fire area posed no threat to them.

For people of their level, the dangers encountered in this area are generally not particularly great.

However, it was just bad luck that they encountered the rumored giant sand fire demon in the desert.

If it weren't for their luck, it would have been impossible to escape safely from the giant sand fire demon.

Monsters of this level are so powerful that it is impossible for them to defend against them.

The two of them were walking in the boundless area of ​​mortal fire.

Every time he walked through a seal palace, Chen Xuan could clearly feel that there seemed to be a certain aura emanating from it, and it seemed to be attracting him.

This also made Chen Xuan have to express doubts.

After all, the seals here are all powerful men from the previous world era, but now Chen Xuan can feel their fear.

"Is it possible that they are afraid of me? What is going on?" Chen Xuan murmured to himself.

Boom! !

At the moment when the two were walking, a phantom appeared out of thin air in a sealed palace in the distance.

After seeing this phantom, Chen Xuan frowned slightly.

"This is the Earth Fire Yuanling. I'm afraid he is here to attack us." Wang Lin said.

At this time, Wang Lin was about to take action against the Earth Fire Yuanling, but Chen Xuan felt that it was not that simple.

According to Wang Lin, these phantoms all have a certain degree of rationality.

And they also inherited part of their memories.

Chen Xuan walked in front of Wang Lin and said helplessly to the Earth Fire Yuanling: "Senior, we just want to leave this place. Is there something wrong with you?"

"Hey, are you crazy? The Earth Fire Yuanling just relies on its own instinct to attack others. These people have been sealed for millions of years, and they only have anger in their hearts. It's totally inappropriate for you to talk to them like this. It’s useless.” Wang Lin said.

But what Wang Lin didn't expect was that the Earth Fire Yuanling suddenly emitted waves of faint blue flames, and then the power suddenly dissipated.

"What exactly is going on??"

Wang Lin really couldn't understand why he disappeared in front of Chen Xuan? Escaping from the giant sand fire demon had already made him feel very shocked, but now he was able to let the earth fire Yuanling take the initiative to leave.

This is simply impossible.

At least he had never heard of anything like this happening before.

"Damn you bastard, I'm really doubting your identity now. Who are you? Why don't they attack you? If your sister-in-law has this kind of skill, maybe all the magic weapons inside belong to us." Wang Lin Suddenly he laughed.

In this case, there is no need to take action, and they can indeed save a lot of time.

"What you said before was not wrong. They were all strong before they died. Although they were sealed here, they still have some memories left." Chen Xuan said softly.

In fact, he knew best that the reason why the Earth Fire Yuanling took the initiative to leave was the power in his body. I am afraid this is inseparable from the inheritance of Qingxian.

But what exactly is the reason? Chen Xuan actually didn't know very well.

Wang Lin nodded, then suddenly his face became serious, and he sighed and said: "But you also have to be cautious. Alas, we may encounter more powerful guys ahead of us, so we must be cautious in case you have nothing to do. Persuade them to leave, and then we will be the ones attacked."

"The strong people around the middle stage of the seventh level of the divine realm are indeed very powerful. As long as there are no accidents, the strong people around the middle stage of the seventh level of the divine realm will not be killed. However, they have been sealed here for millions of years. It is no wonder that there is a feeling in their hearts. Resentment, but what happened before that caused these powerful men to be sealed here?" Chen Xuan said with a smile.

Wang Lin shook his head slightly, as if he didn't know the specific truth of this matter.

"Maybe it was a battle before, so these people were sealed here."

Although Wang Lin's words were full of doubts, they obviously would not know what happened before.

However, Chen Xuan didn't think too much. These powerful men were dead anyway, but they must have left a legacy here.

If you can get their inheritance, it will naturally be a benefit for Chen Xuanlai.

There is no one in the huge mortal fire area, and there are almost no people here.

The reason is also very simple, because generally those who enter the Ten Thousand Fires Spirit Realm are basically the seventh-level perfect masters of the Divine Realm. For those who are strong and perfect at the seventh level of the divine realm, they will not delay looking for the legends of this group of weak warriors who are at a lower level than them.

Because their inheritance is almost useless.

Anyone who can enter here will not be particularly weak in cultivation.

In the past period of time, Chen Xuan and Wang Lin walked into the mortal fire area and entered the Linhuo area. Only in this area could Chen Xuan really cheer up.

As soon as he entered the Earth Fire area, he could clearly feel the terrifying divine sword aura permeating the air, and he also clearly felt that there were many flame auras burning crazily.

At this moment, many seal halls are standing on the ground. These are the places where the powerful men were sealed before. These halls are filled with layers of terrifying fire, just like hell, which is intimidating to ordinary people. It is not possible at all. There will be thoughts of walking in.

But as long as you want to get the inheritance, you must go through it.

"Is this the Earth Fire area? I didn't expect it to be more depressing than I thought."

After entering the Earth Fire area, Chen Xuan also felt a sense of depression. This kind of power has been suppressing his mind.

Just when he was shocked, a terrifying power flashed in the air and attacked him instantly, which made Chen Xuan feel very shocked.

"Be careful, don't take his life with this kind of thing."

Wang Lin reminded loudly, and at the same time deployed the Divine Sword Intention Formation to block Chen Xuan in front of him, to defend against this terrifying power.


What surprised Chen Xuan was that the terrifying power contained a fierce sword intention. It was obvious that this man must be a strong man, and he must be very good at using a sword before he died.

And it looks like the degree is pretty good.

"Earth Fire Yuanling?"

This was the first time that Chen Xuan saw the Earth Fire Yuanling at the seventh level of the Divine Realm. He was slightly dazed for a moment, and then he took out the prairie fire sword and swung out a fierce sword energy.

The terrifying power was cut through in an instant.

"End the battle quickly, these guys are very powerful, don't waste time."

Wang Lin said in a deep voice.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, knowing that they were difficult to deal with and did not dare to neglect them, so Chen Xuan immediately used his special blink.

If there was just one Earth Fire Yuanling, the two of them could barely deal with it.

At this time, the two of them joined forces and directly suppressed the Earth Fire Yuanling in the middle, and finally launched a fierce attack on him.

Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent.

As Chen Xuan displayed the Qingyun Immortal Sword Intention, the Earth Fire Yuanling was still unable to defend against its attack, and was directly blown away by Chen Xuan's continuous attacks.

"Get out of here quickly. It would be terrible if these guys unite."

Wang Lin's face was a little gloomy, and he took Chen Xuan and left here quickly. He was also very worried and gathered all the monsters around him. Once this happened, they would be surrounded.

After only a period of time passed, many Earth Fire Yuanlings gathered here.

As long as there is a fight here, they will get wind of it, and then gather together to launch a fierce attack on the living humans.

Having been sealed for millions of years, they only have anger in their hearts, and they will kill them at all costs.

At the same time, they themselves do not create combat.

Boom! !

Half an hour later, Chen Xuan and Wang Lin came to a huge rock. At least it was safe here for the time being.

There is no seal palace near the boulder, so there should be no danger.

"What happened? Why was it suddenly attacked?" Chen Xuan was a little confused. Although the Earth Fire Yuanling was very strong.

But if the two of them join forces, they can easily kill the Earth Fire Yuanling. However, they just discovered that the Divine Sword Intent released by Suzaku Soul can suppress the Earth Fire Yuanling's attack, but it did not completely kill it. To destroy.

"Do you know what is the most dangerous thing in the Earth Fire Area? You are really bold." Wang Lin looked at Chen Xuan and asked.

"Let me tell you, in the Earth Fire area, those who have been sealed are all seventh-level powerhouses who have been around for hundreds of thousands of years. They are very powerful. Although they died, they were gathered by an Earth Fire Yuanling. There is a high chance that in the coming time, you will face many attacks from Earth Fire Yuanling. If they unite, it will be basically impossible for warriors of the same realm to defend against them. Even if you have formations, it will be difficult to defend against their attacks. If you had fought with them just now, you would probably have been surrounded," Wang Lin said.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan fell into a daze for a moment. He had never heard of such a thing.

If he got entangled with these scary guys and was surrounded, Chen Xuan would still be sure to leave, but Wang Lin was not sure.

That's why he was so anxious to take Chen Xuan away.

"However, there is no absolute danger in the earth fire area. For example, there will be no danger near us now." Wang Lin continued: "According to records, there are a total of three huge rocks in the earth fire area. The Divine Sword in the Wanhuo Spirit World There is no way to wrap this huge stone with my breath, so that we will not be attacked by the Earth Fire Yuanling here. I don’t know the reason, but this is the rule here. I will stay here longer and go to the back. Go, you must obey my command."

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