Chen Xuan nodded slightly, and then expressed his agreement.

He was right. He knew too little about this place. If he insisted on going his own way, it would be difficult to deal with the danger.

"When I was outside, I often heard from many warriors that the Ten Thousand Fire Spirit Realm was more dangerous. However, I want to tell you that the real danger here is not just these terrible monsters. You should know that when we are looking for the inherited magic weapon, the most dangerous ones are not those monsters, but the people of the major famous and upright sects of our kind." Wang Lin said.

"The so-called famous and upright sects are actually full of thieves and prostitutes. Hehe, what good people are there? I naturally believe it, but I will always be vigilant against you. Although your son performed well, I will also attack you at the beginning. We are both the same." Wang Lin said directly.

After hearing his words, Chen Xuan smiled lightly. This man has a more straightforward temper. Although he said so, Chen Xuan knew that there was a reason for this. He was just a casual cultivator, but he could survive here, which also showed that he was usually cautious. And judging from his appearance, he had always been a lone ranger.

I won't act with others.

"Okay, I know what you're thinking. Forget about the other words. I'll follow you now. I'll definitely do what I promised you before. You did save me just now." Chen Xuan said.

"Brother Chen Xuan, we haven't been together for a long time. It's normal for me to be wary of you. What I mean is that the two of us have been together for a short time. Although it's what you and I should do to be wary of each other, we should be together in our current state. Don't hold grudges. Alas, I did attack you at the beginning, but that's my personality. If you catch my eye, I can make friends with you. Okay, okay, let's rest here for a while, and then go find Wang Huoyun. The most important thing now is to kill this guy." Wang Lin said.

Chen Xuan nodded lightly, and then just about to sit cross-legged on the ground.

Suddenly, he saw a lot of earth fire spirits chasing a stream of spiritual energy in the empty space.

"There are warriors." Chen Xuan said in a gloomy voice.

Wang Lin raised his eyes and looked at it. In his deep pupils, he showed an extremely excited smile.

"Haha, that's great, he's here, I didn't expect our luck is so good." Wang Lin said fiercely.

Chen Xuan listened and carefully observed this seventh-level God.

It was obvious that he was Wang Huoyun, the seventh-level God of the Blood Link Immortal Palace.

Chen Xuan didn't expect that he would find him so easily. He thought he would look for him inside for a while, but he found him so quickly.

"It seems that he is being chased by the Earth Fire Yuanling." Chen Xuan said slowly.

Wang Huoyun, who was being chased by the Earth Fire Yuanling, had a helpless look on his face. Although he was very fast, the two Earth Fire Yuanlings behind him were very powerful. It is estimated that they have been sealed for these years, and even after death, they have great resentment in their hearts.

He has been running away for a long time, but the two Yuanlings behind him are chasing him relentlessly, which also makes him feel very helpless.

He thought he could escape, but he was chased here.

"This is bad. These two guys are chasing me relentlessly. How can I escape?"

If he can't find a safe place, the power in his body will be exhausted, and he will definitely be killed.

"I hope I can hold on. These two guys are so hateful. If the elders nearby know about it, they will definitely come here." Wang Huoyun muttered to himself.

Behind him was a fire elemental spirit, and suddenly a breath flew over Wang Huoyun's body.

In an instant, Wang Huoyun's body was almost knocked away.

However, Wang Huoyun was a seventh-level perfect strongman in the Godly Realm of the Blood Link Fairy Palace after all, and his strength was extraordinary among the warriors of the same realm.

So after being hit by this force, he instantly jumped nearby, and then immediately performed the Blood Link Fairy Palace's Divine Sword Intention Technique, and the long sword in his hand slashed the fire elemental spirit.

After the fire elemental spirit was hit, its body instantly retreated a few steps, and Wang Huoyun also very keenly seized some opportunities to escape.

He left instantly towards the distance, and his speed increased very quickly.

Wang Huoyun was surprised when he saw the huge rock in the distance.

He knew that there were three huge rocks with magical powers in this area. Warriors could rest freely on such rocks, and those Yuanling would not attack them.

As long as he reached that place, everything would be safe.

At that time, he only needed to wait for the elders of his sect to come to school.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that my luck was quite good. I must go there quickly. Only in this way can I shake off their attacks."

Wang Huoyun laughed loudly.

In a blink of an eye, he came nearby, but at this time, he saw Wang Lin, as the saying goes, enemies meet on a narrow road.

They looked at each other and suddenly showed a very cruel expression.

"Wang Lin, you dare to enter the ground fire area? You are really bold."

Wang Huoyun was about to enter the range of the huge rock, but he suddenly met his enemy.

Wang Lin swung out a sword directly, and Wang Huoyun was caught off guard and his body kept retreating a few steps.

He didn't expect that he would attack him just after coming over.

"Damn it, Wang Lin, are you looking for death?" Wang Huoyun roared angrily in mid-air.

He watched helplessly as the Earth Fire Yuanling was about to catch up. If he was surrounded, he would be seriously injured even if he was not killed.

"Wang Huoyun, when you first attacked me, did you ever expect that there would be consequences like this? Hahaha, you can only ask for all this. If you didn't attack me in the first place, how could I treat you? What about this? "Wang Lin is also planning to prevent Wang Huoyun from walking into the boulder. If he is allowed to walk in, how will he get revenge?

"No problem, very good. I really want to see with my own eyes how your son, who was not as good as me in cultivation before, could stop me from entering the boulder, hahaha, otherwise you wouldn't have run away in disgrace."

Wang Huoyun was extremely angry. At the same time, he waved the long sword in his hand, and the nearby divine sword vibrated.

A cold light flashed in the air and immediately struck Wang Lin on the boulder.

"Oops, this guy's cultivation is really strong. Help me quickly."

Wang Lin screamed secretly.

He used the Qingyun Immortal Sword Intent and joined forces with Wang Lin to defend Wang Huoyun's attack.

"What's going on? Zi, do you know who I am, or do you want to block me? Do you know what the price will be for blocking me?" Wang Huoyun's expression was extremely gloomy.

But as soon as he finished speaking, two Earth Fire Yuanlings rushed up and directly surrounded Wang Huoyun.

Boom! !

The shocking roar resounded throughout the air.

Wang Huoyun was attacked by the Earth Fire Yuanling, and blood emerged from the corners of his mouth for a moment.

"It's absolutely impossible, I don't believe it."

Wang Huoyun let out a roar. In this situation, he also knew that it would be very difficult for him to deal with Chen Xuan and the others at the same time, and he would probably die here, so now he sent a message to the nearby elders, eager to directly The Elders will come to his rescue.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

After a while of melee, Wang Huoyun finally couldn't hold on any longer. Chen Xuan was blocking him in front, and there were many monsters chasing him behind. He spent a lot of effort to defeat an Earth Fire Yuanling, but he still couldn't. He was seriously injured as a result.

If it weren't for the Li medicine he was carrying, he might have been unable to hold on long ago.

However, even so, the injuries he sustained were already very serious.

If you can't hold on, you may really die.

No one is not afraid of death, and he is no exception.

There was a blush in Wang Huoyun's pupils, and his expression was extremely nervous. In this situation, he was full of hatred for Chen Xuan. He knew who this young man was, but he guessed that he must be with Wang Lin.

On the boulder.

"This guy seems to be unable to hold on any longer. We don't want to just watch here. Should we take action now? I want to kill him with my own hands." Wang Lin asked.

After hearing his words, Chen Xuan said slowly: "It's better not to worry now. There are still three Earth Fire Yuanlings. When Wang Huoyun fights with them, both sides will be injured. By that time, we will take action, and there will definitely be unexpected gains. "

"Hehehe, you are quite right. It is very difficult for this guy to deal with so many monsters. In fact, in my heart, I still want to kill him openly. However, if I can use the help of these monsters, If you want to get rid of it, it is inevitable." Wang Lin said with a smile on his face: "But before we encountered the giant sand fire demon, we were able to escape with our lives, but now this guy is attacked by the earth fire spirit, I am very doubtful. Did you do it behind your back?"

Wang Lin and Wang Huoyun had a blood feud. For Chen Xuanlai, this matter had nothing to do with him.

The reason why I helped him was obviously just to find a helper on the road to resolve the danger.

After all, it was his first time here.

"Hehehe, Wang Huoyun can't hold on anymore. Although this guy's cultivation is quite strong, he's really good at holding on for so long." Wang Lin suddenly laughed.

He and Chen Xuan joined forces. Although Wang Huoyun tried his best, there was no way to enter the range of the boulder. There were waves of membranes nearby. The energy in them could protect them from interference from the outside world.

However, although Wang Huoyun was besieged, he was still able to hold on.

After all, he is a seventh-level perfect and powerful person in the divine realm of Bloodlink Immortal Palace, and his strength is extraordinary among those in the same realm, so he persisted for more than half an hour and still did not die.

Boom! !

With another lethal breath, his body quickly flew into the air, and then the long sword in his hand danced rapidly and struck an Earth Fire Yuanling, instantly scattering the Earth Fire Yuanling.

Seeing that there were only a few Earth Fire Yuanlings left in front of him, Wang Huoyun frowned tightly. It was very good to be able to persist for such a long time.

As these monsters increase in number, he may not be able to hold on at any time.

"Hold on for a little longer, I absolutely can't die here, and when the elders come over, I will definitely kill these two damn bastards."

At the moment when the voice came from the sound transmission stone, the elders of their sect had arrived in this area. It was not clear where exactly they had arrived, but he thought in his heart that he would be safe as long as he persisted for a quarter of an hour. He wanted to kill all these monsters first. Kill them all, and then take revenge on Chen Xuan and the others.

During the desperate battle, Wang Huoyun suddenly roared, and then the long sword in his hand suddenly emitted bursts of red light, and these lights swirled around his body desperately.

The next moment, strong burning spiritual energy was released near him, which instantly protected him from the siege of these monsters.

"What? What's going on? What's going on? Does he have any other tricks up his sleeve?"

Chen Xuan was also a little surprised when he saw this scene.

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