Elder Song Yun's voice was also full of doubts. He didn't know what kind of calculation Elder Hong Yi had in mind.

But Elder Hong Yi didn't say anything more, but insisted that he still wanted to practice. When he was about to leave, he turned around and glanced at Elder Song Yun again, then stopped and said slowly: "Junior brother, you and I I think you should be very clear about the big gap between his cultivation level. This guy can actually kill you instantly. Ming, his cultivation level has far surpassed that of a few of us. And those who are currently cultivating here, my His cultivation is already very strong. Only if we join forces can we have a chance to kill him, but do you think this is a good deal? "

There is not a big gap in strength among the Wanfa Elders of Wanmi Sect, Elder Hong Yi and Elder Song Yun. However, they also know that only Wanfa Elder Luo Rong is extremely powerful.

If he had taken action, he would definitely be able to capture Chen Xuan, but he was not here.

"Elder Song Yun's body-refining power is indeed at the top level among warriors with basically the same cultivation level, isn't it? You are no match for all of your cultivation levels. How could I be his match?" Hong Yi The elder said slowly.

Although he has never met Chen Xuan, Elder Hong Yi has discovered his cultivation level from Elder Song Yun. You are indeed very powerful.

Even if he launched an attack, it would be equivalent to seeking death, and he did not want to provoke such a powerful enemy.

"But elder, your physical training is stronger than mine, Song Yun." Elder Song Yun knew very well that if Elder Hong Yi didn't help, he would have to find Elder Wanfa Luo Rong to deal with Chen Xuan. Otherwise, he would not be able to deal with Chen Xuan at all. There is no way to win.

Hearing this, Elder Hong Yi thought for a moment, and then continued: "I'm afraid even senior brother may not be an opponent. Junior brother, let's put this matter aside for now and let this guy be proud for a while. We don't want it now. Take action against him."

Then Elder Hong Yi disappeared quickly.

Seeing Elder Hong Yi's body gradually dissipating, Elder Song Yun's expression was very calm.

"What the hell is going on? It's really damn..."

He clenched the long sword in his hand, wishing to kill Chen Xuan now, but he knew he was no match for him, so now he could only push the matter back.

The closer the Yunxian Tower is to the center, the greater the spiritual pressure Chen Xuan can clearly feel.

At this time, Chen Xuan was not far away from the center position.

"Reiatsu is so terrifying."

Standing on the wasteland, Chen Xuan murmured to himself.

The body refining spiritual pressure he is currently experiencing is almost equivalent to the seventh level of perfection in the realm of an ordinary god.

"I don't know where Yu Wenqiu is now?"

The spiritual pressure in Yunxian Tower was very strong. Chen Xuan shook his head slightly and continued to move forward.

But at this moment, he suddenly discovered that there were several warriors chasing a man in black in the area near the front.

"Son, there is absolutely no way you can slip away from me."

The leading warrior said with a cold face.

In an instant, the opponent suddenly blasted out a surging sword energy.

Suddenly, the terrifying red sword energy suddenly hit the surroundings of the man in black in front.

His body flew out instantly.

"Don't worry yet, what's going on?"

At the moment when Chen Xuan was about to continue checking, he directly discovered that the man in black had the aura of Dragon Immortal Palace on his body.

At this moment, Chen Xuan hurriedly walked to the man in black and asked him to take a few pills to restore his injuries.

When the man in black was stunned, Chen Xuan said: "I am Chen Xuan, who are you?"

"What is going on? Chen Xuan? Are you a disciple of Darao? I am Wang Lu'an." The man in black laughed when he saw Chen Xuan.

"Haha, it turns out to be Wang Lu'an." Chen Xuan also said.

Before coming, Chen Xuan heard that Senior Brother Wang Bo and Wang Lu'an were practicing in Yunxian Pagoda. Unexpectedly, he met him here.

"Wang Luan, you are dead."

At the moment when the two of them were talking, several warriors who were chasing Wang Luan arrived.

The leader of the warrior is a seventh-level perfect master of the divine realm. Near him, there are several seventh-level perfect masters of the divine realm, all of whom are disciples of the Mysterious Sect.

"Wang Lu'an, what's going on?"

Chen Xuan looked slightly surprised and continued.

"Who are you from? Do you dare to attack our Mysterious Sect?"

The leader, the seventh-level perfected master of the divine realm, said with a gloomy expression.

Wang Luan and Chen Xuan ignored them.

"Haha, these people from the Mysterious Sect are chasing me because I found the legend of a seventh-level invincible powerhouse in the Yunxian Tower."

"I see, the inheritance of the seventh-level invincible powerhouse in the realm of gods is indeed precious."

After listening to Wang Luan's words, Chen Xuan smiled slightly and looked at the many sect disciples of Wanmi Sect.

"Since Master Yuwen is the leader of your sect, I think you should leave quickly." Chen Xuandao.

"It's so funny, haha, you dare to interfere with our Wanshen Sect's affairs?"

Chen Xuan laughed and said: "I met Elder Song Yun of your Mysterious Sect before. If my inference is correct, he doesn't dare to face me now."

"How is it possible? Elder Song Yun's cultivation is extremely powerful. How is it possible that he is someone you can deal with?"

"You're right, you're lying."

"Unite together in an instant and kill him directly."

Many disciples of the Wanmi Sect were all unhappy and prepared to take action against Chen Xuan.

Wang Luan was a little anxious when he saw this situation.

But Chen Xuan then said: "Wang Lu'an, it should be very easy for me to deal with them."

Then Chen Xuan suddenly stepped on the ground with the soles of his feet, and then rushed into the crowd of many warriors.

He clenched the long sword in his hand, and a raging sword energy fell on the body of one of the seventh-level perfect masters in the realm of gods.

These powerful people who are at the seventh level of the divine realm have no way to compare with Elder Song Yun, and now they have no way to defend against Chen Xuan's attack.

Soon, several seven-level perfect masters of the Divine Realm from the Myriad Secret Sect were all injured.

Seeing this situation, a raging sword energy slashed out wildly. At first they were able to defend, but soon it was difficult for them to even defend.

Wang Lu'an, who was watching, was completely shocked in his heart.

After half an hour, Chen Xuan put away his sword.

"Brother Wang Lu'an."

Chen Xuan shouted softly.

"No way, brother Chen Xuan, you are too strong."

Wang Luan coughed lightly, and then said: "I didn't expect that your body refining power is so terrifying."

"Wang Lu'an doesn't need to boast so much." Chen Xuan said calmly.

"With your current body-refining power, even if you can resist the Wanfa Elder Luo Rong of the Wanmi Sect, you probably won't lose to him. In this Yunxian Tower, basically no one is your opponent."

"Brother Wang Lu'an, you..." Chen Xuan was very calm. Although the other party praised him, he did not get carried away.

"There is absolutely no need for you to be so calm. At least except for senior brother Wang Bo, no warrior can fight with you through physical training, but you are very strong." Wang Luan waved his hand.

Among the top cabinet disciples of Master Xianlong, excluding Chen Xuan's other eight top cabinet disciples, only senior brother Wang Bo and Wang Lu'an are seven-level perfect masters of the divine realm who specialize in cultivating the power of body training.

After seeing Chen Xuan, Wang Luan felt that he was not as good as his brother Chen Xuan.

"Wang Lu'an, did you accidentally discover a body refining inheritance left by a seventh-level invincible expert in the realm of gods?"

Chen Xuan continued.

His fire defense seems to have reached a bottleneck. If he can get the body refining inheritance of the seventh-level invincible powerhouse in the realm of gods, he will definitely be able to break through.

"There are actually many inheritances left by powerful people in the Yunxian Tower. The body-refining inheritance of the seventh-level invincible strongman in the divine realm is naturally also outstanding." Wang Luan said slowly: "The body-refining inheritance of the seventh-level invincible strongman in the divine realm is what I know." The body inheritance seems to be a seventh-level invincible expert in the divine realm who specialized in the power of body refining from 170,000 years ago."

"His name is Lu Longkang. His inheritance is very powerful and requires two secret stones to open. I got one of the secret stones, but there is another secret stone, which is from the gods you defeated before. Lu Jiuyun, who is behind the Seventh Level Perfection Realm, got it." Wang Lu'an said.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan was also very surprised.

"Who is Lu Jiuyun?"

"This Lu Jiuyun is also a disciple of the Wanmi Sect, but he is the Xingyun disciple of the Wanmi Sect. He is extremely powerful, at least not weaker than Elder Hong Yi." Wang Lu'an said: "Lu Jiuyun wants to get me The Miyuan Stone in his hand, that’s why he arranged for his men to hunt me down.”

If he were outside, Wang Luan would definitely not be afraid of being chased by a seventh-level perfect master of the divine realm. After all, he was also a disciple of the Immortal Dragon Master and was proficient in the secrets of time and space.

But in Yunxian Tower, there was no way to display the secret method of time and space, and for the strong men of the Mysterious Sect, they could only escape with serious injuries.

"Wang Lu'an, I am very interested in Lu Longkang's inheritance. Otherwise, we can go and see it together later?" Chen Xuan said slightly: "However, if we want to get Lu Longkang's inheritance, we must find Lu Jiuyun and take him into our hands." Grab the Miyuan Stone?"

Wang Luan said slowly: "This Lu Jiuyun has been staying in front of the inheritance hall since he obtained the Miyuan Stone before. If you want to find him, you only need to go to the Lu Longkang hall, but he is very strong..."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan coughed lightly and said, "Wang Lu'an, actually I didn't use all my strength."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Luan looked at Chen Xuan doubtfully.

"Haha, very good. In that case, I will go with you and teach him a lesson." Wang Luan nodded heavily, also very excited.

In the center of Yunxian Tower, there is a hall with an extremely terrifying aura.

This is the inheritance left by Lu Longkang. As long as you can enter Lu Longkang's inheritance hall, you will have the opportunity to obtain Lu Longkang's inheritance.

Lu Jiuyun also wanted to inherit Lu Longkang's inheritance. Unlike Elder Song Yun, he relied on his own cultivation and practiced for tens of thousands of years to finally become a powerful person at the seventh level of the divine realm.

Now he is indeed considered to be at the top level among the seven-level perfect powerhouses in the realm of gods.

The great disciple of Xingyun from Wanmi Sect basically has pretty good talents. It can be seen how powerful his cultivation is.

In front of Lu Longkang's inheritance hall, Lu Jiuyun sat quietly on the ground and looked at the Miyuan Stone.

"Only by getting the Miyuan Stone in Wang Lu'an's hand can we get inside." Lu Jiuyun said softly.

At the moment when Lu Jiuyun was thinking, a breath appeared in the distance.

"These guys finally got it."

Lu Jiuyun showed a faint smile.

Hoo ho ho!

After a period of time, several powerful men with seventh-level perfection in the realm of gods were seriously injured and came to Lu Jiuyun.

"What's going on? You can't even defeat Wang Lu'an?" Lu Jiuyun said in a cold tone.

"Elder, we met Chen Xuan, a disciple of the Immortal Dragon Venerable. His power of body refining is really terrifying, and we were instantly suppressed by him when we joined forces." The leader of the seven-level perfect master of the divine realm said with a gloomy expression.


Lu Jiuyun was very angry. He just let the magic weapon at his fingertips fly away, but it turned out that it was because of Chen Xuan.

"This guy... is so damned!"

Just as Lu Jiuyun finished this sentence, he suddenly discovered that Chen Xuan and Wang Lu'an appeared.

"Are you Chen Xuan? What happened?"

Lu Jiuyun looked at Chen Xuan and said coldly.

"That's right. I am. You should be Lu Jiuyun, right?" Chen Xuandao said.

"Haha, it's really funny." Lu Jiuyun laughed: "Just hand over the Miyuan Stone, I won't kill you."

Chen Xuan coughed lightly and said softly: "Wang Lu'an and I also want to enter Lu Longkang's inheritance hall. Otherwise, how about you take out the Miyuan Stone?"

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