Obviously, Chen Xuan had just completely pissed off Lu Jiuyun.

"The famous disciple of the Reverend Immortal Dragon, is he like this and can only use his words?"

"Hahaha, it's funny. I originally thought that you were the great disciple of Xingyun from Wanmi Sect, so you should be very unusual. But what you said in the end surprised me. It turns out that people from sects like you are not so narrow-minded. ? And he’s very fussy about it,” Chen Xuan countered.

After hearing Chen Xuan's words, his expression became a little dark. How could he not hear it?

Chen Xuan was deliberately sarcastic.

"I have long heard that the disciples of the Immortal Dragon Master should be very good. After breaking through to the seventh level of the divine realm, your cultivation should be even stronger." Lu Jiuyun said: "I would like to learn about your cultivation. Why? Hahaha, I hope you can bring me some surprises.”

Chen Xuan said softly: "Lu Jiuyun, well, if you say that, is this a challenge to me? But I really have time to accept your challenge, hehehe, but I'm just afraid of you, and then I will lose." in my hand."

"Hehehe, yours is quite simple." Lu Jiuyun said.

"Okay, okay, there is no need for us to be here so much. I advise you to hand over your Miyuan Stone as soon as possible. I still have a lot of things to do later. If you don't hand it over, don't It’s my fault for being rude.”

Lu Jiuyun's whole body was shaken by strength, and he clenched the long sword in his hand. He was now ready to take action. Although Chen Xuan was already famous among the younger generation, he believed that his cultivation level could definitely suppress Chen Xuan.

However, just when he was about to fight, Chen Xuan suddenly smiled.

"Don't be anxious yet."

Chen Xuan suddenly said to him.

"What? Chen Xuan, what's going on with you? Weren't you very confident just now? Why did you stop suddenly now? Are you afraid?" Lu Jiuyun laughed.

"Elder Song Yun was defeated by me? Your cultivation level is about the same as Elder Song Yun's. He couldn't defeat me even if he directly used all his cultivation levels. Are you really sure you want to fight me? I'm worried. Wait a minute, you're fighting me. It's not good if you get injured." Chen Xuandao.

"Okay, okay, don't talk so much nonsense. Can your cultivation level be higher than mine? I don't believe it, and my cultivation level has broken through some time ago. There is absolutely no way that you can be my opponent." Lu Jiuyun was cold. Said in a tone.

"Hahaha, if that's the case, there's nothing we can do. If you want to fight, I'm free at any time." Chen Xuan spread his hands and told Wang Lu'an to step away.

After hearing Chen Xuan's words, Lu Jiuyun launched a direct attack. The terrifying long sword instantly filled the air. At this moment, his body appeared in front of Chen Xuan.

"I'll beat you right away."

Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan also blasted out a surge of sword energy.

In an instant, two terrifying sword energies collided fiercely with each other, and the turbulent atmosphere suddenly filled the entire sky.

Then the two bodies took a few steps back.

Lu Jiuyun, who stabilized his body, had almost no room for thought and launched a very fast attack again. He wanted to kill Chen Xuan with lightning speed, so as to prove his cultivation level. Stronger.

However, Chen Xuan found it very ridiculous.

"Is his body-refining power really as powerful as the legend says? I don't believe it."

Seeing this situation, Wang Lu'an sighed: "Originally, I was worried that Chen Xuanli would not gain much advantage in fighting against Lu Jiuyun. Now it seems that I have thought too much. Brother Chen Xuan's cultivation is indeed very powerful, even I have to admire it.”

Chen Xuan had already thoroughly experienced the power of Elder Song Yun's body training from Elder Song Yun. Although the other party's cultivation was very strong, it was not too difficult for Chen Xuan.

Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan easily defended Lu Jiuyun's attack. His expression changed, and then he continued to attack directly. He did not believe that Chen Xuan could actually defend against his attack. All this exceeded his imagination.

"Although Lu Jiuyun is very powerful, he is not as good as Elder Song Yun. If I want to kill him, it shouldn't be particularly difficult." Chen Xuan murmured to himself.

If it were anyone else, Lu Jiuyun's terrifying attack might really leave them with no way to defend themselves.

But the person in front of him now is Chen Xuan.

His fire defense belongs to the Qingxian Grand Ancestor, and the most important thing is the cooperation of the Suzaku Soul.

Three minutes later, Lu Jiuyun felt that Chen Xuan's power was getting stronger and stronger, to the point where he could no longer bear it.

In the following battle, Chen Xuan completely gained the upper hand.

Seeing this situation, one surging sword energy after another, and one crazy sword energy after another hit his body continuously, which was very terrifying.

Lu Jiuyun had almost no defense. His body kept retreating, and a lot of blood soon appeared on his body.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan's Suzaku swordsmanship burst out, and powerful power emerged from the Suzaku soul, quickly gathering in front of Chen Xuan.

Then, he looked at Lu Jiuyun's body and killed him with a surge of sword energy.

In an instant, a shaking sound was heard. Lu Jiuyun's body suddenly fell far away, and his face was covered with blood, and he was almost unsteady even standing.

Lu Jiuyun got up from the ground, his face changed, and a look of pain flashed in his pupils.

He knew that he was indeed no match for Chen Xuan now.

"Chen Xuan is indeed famous. I have to admire your cultivation."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan coughed lightly and said, "In that case, where is the Miyuan Stone? Hand it over quickly, I won't kill you."

After Lu Jiuyun heard Chen Xuan's words, he felt very helpless and could only give the Miyuan Stone to Chen Xuan. He knew that Chen Xuan had now killed his power again, and the reason why he did not kill him was probably because of his background.

Then Lu Jiuyun turned his head and left here. Since he had lost now, there was no point in staying here, so he might as well leave quickly.

"Brother Chen Xuan, I admire you more now than before. I didn't expect your talent to be so powerful. Hello."

Wang Luan couldn't help but praise Chen Xuan.

Lu Jiuyun's body refining power is already very powerful at the seventh level of perfection in the divine realm.

But he was still no match for Chen Xuan. He easily forced Lu Jiuyun to take out the Miyuan Stone. He had never dared to think about this situation before. However, Chen Xuan not only did it, but most importantly, he It didn't seem like it took much effort, as if all this was a trivial matter to him.

"Now that we have obtained the two Mianyuan Stones, we'd better not stay here. Hurry over and try to see if we can open Lu Longkang's inheritance hall."

After Wang Lu'an heard what Chen Xuan said, he was obviously very excited. He gave the Miyuan Stone to Chen Xuan with a smile on his face.

Only by getting two of them can they get the chance to get Chuan Chang

At this moment, after Chen Xuan took the two Miyuan Stones, he walked outside Lu Longkang's inheritance hall. Feeling the strong suppression around Lu Longkang's inheritance hall, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"As expected of a top powerhouse, he is so powerfully suppressed that even a very powerful sixth-level immortal spiritual formation master cannot definitely break through it, right?"

At this moment, Chen Xuan placed the two Miyuan Stones in the palm of his hand, and finally brought them together through a force.

Suddenly, red light emitted from the Miyuan Stone, and then a powerful and mysterious force wrapped the two Mianyuan Stones together.

The two Mianyuan stones turned into a red light.

In an instant, under the gazes of Chen Xuan and Wang Lu'an, a red light shot toward Lu Longkang's inheritance hall. At the moment it came into contact with the inheritance hall, the entire hall was shaking continuously, and it also exuded a terrifying aura.

The powerful suppression gradually dissipated in Chen Xuan's eyes, and an ancient and mysterious power burst out from it, pulling the bodies of Chen Xuan and Wang Lu'an into Lu Longkang's inheritance hall.


In the inheritance hall, Chen Xuan and Wang Luan appeared inside.

"What a strong spiritual pressure."

Wang Lu'an was very surprised in his heart, his body began to shake continuously, and he was already somewhat unable to defend himself against the spiritual pressure around him.

Fire defense was running around Chen Xuan's body. Otherwise, she would not be able to defend against this power.

"Wait a minute, if I guessed correctly, this should be an invincible and powerful person at the seventh level of the divine realm?"

Chen Xuan was trembling in his heart. The power emanating from the inheritance stone on the ancient mirror was indeed very strong.

"Lu Longkang?"

Using fire defense, Chen Xuan was somewhat able to defend against this spiritual pressure.

A very dazzling light emitted from the inheritance stone, and then a voice emanated from it.

"Hehehe, I originally thought that no one would come here, but what I didn't expect was that finally a warrior came here?"

It can be heard that the sound seems to be coming from the front.

"Sir, are you Lu Longkang?" Chen Xuan felt that there was a very terrifying power in the other party, but where did it come from? He couldn't be sure yet.

"That's right, I am Lu Longkang, hehehe."

"Sir, we have entered your palace. I don't know how to accept your inheritance?" Chen Xuandao.

"Hahaha, my inheritance is not so easy to get. If you want to get the inheritance of contempt, you must have a very powerful talent at least in the body training method." Lu Longkang said: "But you don't need to worry. , since you can come here, it means that you must have something extraordinary. I have set up some tests here. As long as you pass them, you will be able to get the Legend of Disdain."

Just as he finished these words, a secret realm of void suddenly appeared in front of the inheritance stone.

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