"It's really scary. How could he be so scary?"

"His power has exceeded the seventh level of perfection of the divine realm."

"Did he break through to the seventh level of invincibility in the divine realm? Impossible, absolutely impossible?"

All the elders could not accept the facts before them.

The elders of their Mysterious Sect are extremely powerful in their physical training. However, facing Chen Xuan, he was unable to defend himself against even a surging sword energy.

Elder Song Yun saw this situation and kept retreating. He knew that the gap between him and Chen Xuan had become even wider than before, which he could not accept.

"Don't you want revenge? I'm curious, how do you want to take revenge?"

Chen Xuandao.

Elder Song Yun's body began to tremble crazily. He knew that he could not be Chen Xuan's opponent now.

"Chen Xuan, please let me go. I lost to you this time. As long as you let me go, I will promise you anything." Elder Song Yun was completely suppressed by Chen Xuan.

"There is no need to worry at all, I will not kill you. However, I am not so kind. You have provoked me many times before, but I have never done anything to you. This time, I will not let you go so easily."

Then, before Elder Song Yun could say anything, Chen Xuan suddenly emitted a terrifying power, and the last flame suddenly burned into his body.

A miserable scream emanated from Elder Song Yun's mouth, and his body was filled with waves of terrifying fire.

And Chen Xuan was not prepared to kill it, after all, it would cause him a lot of trouble.

He didn't want to provoke so many enemies.

The many elders of the Wanmi Sect around were trembling, and their hearts were filled with fear when faced with such a powerful Chen Xuan.

After a while, Chen Xuan finally took back the flames emanating from his body.

Elder Song Yun's life was not in danger at this time, but his clothes had been completely burned.

He was not seriously injured. After all, Chen Xuan's exercise just now was also measured, and Chen Xuan would not kill him directly.

But only he understands the pain of this process.

"I'll put my words here now. Don't let me see you again in the future. Although I don't want to kill you now, you have to remember it for me. If you let me see you next time, you will come to trouble me. If so, don't blame me for being rude, I only give you one chance, I hope you can take advantage of it." Chen Xuandao.

Hearing this, many elders hurriedly took Elder Song Yun and left in a very miserable way. It was already very good to be able to save a life.

"Haha, you are too scary. I'm afraid these two guys will never come to trouble you again."

Wang Lu'an was really shocked. At first, he knew that Chen Xuanfu was good, but he didn't expect that Chen Xuan's strength had improved so much during these few days of training.

Both of them have also accepted the inheritance, but Chen Xuan's overall cultivation level is no exaggeration. It has surpassed him by several levels now. However, as Chen Xuan's senior brother, he has now widened the gap, but he also sincerely I feel happy for Chen Xuan.

"Haha, with your body-refining power, you are invincible at the seventh level of the divine realm. I'm afraid no one can be your opponent." Wang Lu'an said.

"Hehehe, it's just that I have better luck." Chen Xuan smiled softly.

In the past, he was still a little curious about Chen Xuan's talent, and thought that he could definitely surpass his junior brother. However, now he thinks that Chen Xuan can easily defeat all the warriors in Yunxian Tower, and no one is his opponent.

"Haha, very good. After a while, the Wanmi Sect will still have the guts to stop me in Yunxian Tower. If I see them again, I will never give them a good look." Wang Luan said coldly He laughed and said.

He had suffered many attacks before. If it hadn't been for Chen Xuan's appearance, he might not have survived until now.

But at this moment, Wang Luan's expression became serious.

"What's wrong with Wang Lu'an?" Chen Xuan asked hurriedly. Seeing his expression, Chen Xuan was confused, not knowing what happened.

"It seems that something happened. Senior Brother Wang Bo sent me a message. According to his original words, I'm afraid he is in some trouble now." Wang Lu'an said: "Wait a minute, he met that person with me again, it should be Wanfa Elder Luo Rong of Wanmi Sect seems to be obstructing Senior Brother Wang Bo’s cultivation.”

"Mysterious Sect? These guys are really bold. If it weren't for the adult behind them, I would never let them go."

Chen Xuan said slightly: "Forget it, you take me to find Senior Brother Wang Bo now. I want to see what they want to do?"

"Haha, very good, don't worry, I will send a message to Senior Brother Wang Bo right away. I will ask him where he is first. I think Senior Brother Wang's cultivation level will prevent him from catching him." Wang Lu'an said.

After some time passed, Wang Lu'an said: "Brother Chen Xuan, I have already sent a message to Senior Brother Wang Bo. He is currently rushing towards our location. His speed is very fast. I think that old guy is still here for the time being." Can’t catch him.”

Thousands of kilometers away from Chen Xuan and the others, a man in black stepped lightly on the ground with his feet, which forced him to move extremely fast. Behind him, there was an extremely terrifying black-clothed warrior chasing him, and he was also very fast. Even though he had tried his best to dodge, the black-clothed warrior still followed his pace.

"Wang Bo, you trash."

The warrior in black is undoubtedly the Wanfa Elder Luo Rong of the Wanmi Sect.

"You damn guy, if you have the guts, just fight me outside at Yunxian Tower. I am indeed no match for you inside, but if you go out, you will never be my match." Hei. The man in clothes is Wang Bo, the chief cabinet disciple of Venerable Immortal Dragon. He has been practicing here before.

I was still cultivating well in the past, but in the past few days, I seemed to be suddenly being targeted.

"You seem to be very proud of using the power of body refining to suppress me in the Yunxian secret realm. If you get out, believe it or not, I will kill you right away?"

Wang Bo is also very famous in the second level, and many people have heard of his name.

He is the chief cabinet disciple of the Immortal Dragon Venerable, and he is extremely powerful. Even compared with the seventh-level perfect master of the divine realm who has understood the true god of time and space, his cultivation level is probably not much different.

However, Wang Bo practiced in the Yunxian secret realm for a long time because he wanted to make a breakthrough.

I had some hatred with Elder Luo Rong of Wanfa before, but they didn't have a deep hatred. However, he was discovered by Luo Rong, Elder of Wanfa, and started to hunt him down.

If he were outside, he wouldn't have to worry about the threat that Wanfa Elder Luo Rong could pose to him.

However, this is Yunxian Tower. The aura of this place is very strange, and it can also suppress the power of the true way and true essence.

He knew very well that with the power of body refining alone, there was really no way for him to fight against Luo Rong, the elder of all laws.

However, now facing the pursuit of Wanfa Elder Luo Rong, Wang Bo didn't even look at it, because he knew that if there was a fight, the chance of winning was actually very low, so it was better to run away than to do this.

After all, he is very fast and the latter should not be able to catch up with him.

"Wang Bo, you are also a disciple of Lord Immortal Dragon after all. It's so funny. If we can, let's have a fight to see who is stronger between the two of us, hahaha." The black-clothed warrior said.

In an instant, Wanfa Elder Luo Rong suddenly burst out with a red aura and powerful force, and finally his body directly hit Wang Bo.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wanfa Elder Luo Rong stopped Wang Bo.

Immediately afterwards, Wanfa Elder Luo Rong showed a smile and looked at Wang Bo. His face was full of confidence, as if the other party had no way to escape.

"I finally found a perfect opportunity to deal with you. How could I miss this good opportunity? You are right. I am your opponent outside, but there is no way you can be my opponent here. "Elder Wanfa Luo Rong said with a sinister smile.

"You damn guy is really shameless. Luo Rong, the elder of Wanshen Sect, ended up using such a despicable method. He could only rely on the spiritual pressure of Yunxian Pagoda to fight me. If It won’t take me more than a few rounds to deal with you outside,” Wang Bo sneered.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, you have no way to leave now anyway. I naturally agree with your method." Luo Rong, the elder of Wanfa, said grimly: "And the current result is destined to be a good thing for me. The news is that you are definitely not my opponent, hehehe, even if I kill you here, I’m afraid you won’t be able to resist.”

"After today, many warriors on the second level will know that Wang Bo, the chief cabinet disciple of Master Xianlong, was defeated by Master Yuwen's chief disciple. What will happen if he goes out? I don't think this is what I need to care about. After all, my Although my cultivation is a little worse than yours, there is absolutely no way you can kill me."

In addition to being the chief cabinet disciple of the Immortal Dragon Venerable, Wang Bo is also a very famous sixth-level immortal alchemist on the second level. He usually uses elixirs to enhance his body refining power, so his defense The power is also very good.

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