After hearing the words of Wanfa Elder Luo Rong, Wang Bo suddenly said: "If you have the courage, let's have a fight outside Yunxian Tower and see who is stronger between the two of us."

In fact, in Yunxian Tower, Wang Bo is not afraid of Wanfa Elder Luo Rong.

However, after reaching his level, Luo Rong, the elder of Wanfa, whose own strength is not much different from him, especially the power of body refining is stronger than him. Even if he is not an opponent, he can escape completely.

"What? Wang Bo was also afraid that he would lose to me, so you kept running away, hahaha, I didn't expect you to be so embarrassed now?"

Wanfa Elder Luo Rongwan, then his eyes were full of ridicule, as if he wanted to use the method of provoking the general to deliberately provoke the other party to fight with him.

This really made Wang Bo very unhappy, but he knew that the other party was obviously using provocation and wanted to deliberately provoke him.

How could he not know what the other person was thinking.

"Haha, it's so funny. How could I not know what your guy is planning? Hahaha, let's fight if we want. Do you really think I'm afraid of you? So what if I'm not your opponent? Everyone below knows very well, what is my identity? And you are destined to be different from me."

Then Wang Bo directly used the technique, and the power with a terrifying aura attached to the long sword, and then suddenly swung it out, and a terrifying force burst out instantly.

"It's so funny that you want to use this kind of technique to deal with me."

Luo Rong, the elder of Wanfa, deliberately wanted to annoy Wang Bo, and then suppressed him. Therefore, he sent people to spread the news and defeated him.

Others don't care how Wang Bo lost to him?

What everyone sees is just one result. If you lose, you lose.

Wanfa Elder Luo Rong directly displayed all his cultivation in an instant, and his whole body burst out with terrifying power, striking around Wang Bo.

Seeing this situation, although Wang Bo was desperately defending, Luo Rong, the elder of Wanfa, who used his unique move, became even more powerful.

Soon, Wang Bo lost to the opponent. Luo Rong, the elder of Wanfa, saw this situation and laughed wildly on his face.

"Wang Bo, your overall cultivation level is really not that good. After all, defense and your physical strength are both part of your cultivation level. However, there is no way you can interest me now."

Luo Rong, the elder of Wanfa, had just finished these words and suppressed Wang Bo's whole body.

"Damn it, what's going on?"

However, not far from where they were fighting, Chen Xuan and Wang Luan quickly moved forward.

They accepted Lu Longkang's power inheritance, and their body refining power became extremely strong. In the Yunxian Secret Realm, their speed increased a lot.

And the original distance was not particularly far, just a few thousand kilometers, so it took them more than ten minutes to reach the vicinity.

"I can feel the breath. Senior Brother Wang Bo is right in front, but they seem to be fighting. Aren't they trying to lure them over? Can't they help it?"

Wang Luan said suddenly, his face seemed a little downcast.

"Brother Chen Xuan, just now, I noticed a fluctuation in the battle. Senior Brother Wang Bo seems to have started fighting him. If it were outside, I would definitely not worry about Senior Brother Wang, but here I feel that he seems to be in danger."

Chen Xuan pondered for a moment and then said: "Wang Lu'an, don't worry about it for now. I'll go over and take a look first."

Then Chen Xuan used his movement skills, his body flashed and disappeared in front of Wang Lu'an.

Now, his body refining power can be equivalent to the seventh level of invincibility in the realm of gods. Almost no one in Yunxian Secret Realm is his opponent.

At this moment, Chen Xuan drove here quickly.

"Senior Brother Wang Bo."

Chen Xuan saw that he was suppressed by the black-clothed warrior, and his body continued to retreat. A lot of blood soon appeared on his body.

Chen Xuan roared and quickly came to Senior Brother Wang Bo's side. Suddenly, a surging sword energy shot out and landed on the body of the black-clothed warrior as if lifeless.

Damn it!

A roaring sound emanated from in front of Wanfa Elder Luo Rong. The body hit by Chen Xuan instantly had a wound deep into the bone.

Wanfa Elder Luo Rong quickly moved away from Wang Bo, his body floating in mid-air, looking at Chen Xuan.

"Senior Brother Wang Bo, are you seriously injured?"

Chen Xuan looked at Wang Bodao.

"No need to worry, my injury is not serious, but then again, are you Chen Xuan?"

When Wang Bo saw Chen Xuan, a smile appeared on his face. He did not expect that Chen Xuan would come over in such a short time.

"Senior Brother Wang Bo, I am Chen Xuan." Chen Xuandao said.

He had heard Chen Xuan's name before, but he knew too little about Chen Xuan.

All he knew was that he was his master's new apprentice.

The talent is very good, but the cultivation level is not very strong, but in just a short time, Chen Xuan has actually saved him once.

"Don't worry, wait a minute, what's going on? Why are you the only one here?" Wang Bo said in surprise.

"It's like this. I just clearly felt the battle fluctuations of Senior Brother Wang Bo not far away. I came directly. I thought I was worried about your safety. Wang Lu'an was not far away. If I guessed correctly, he We'll be here soon." Chen Xuan said: "Hahaha, but fortunately I arrived in time. It's good that Senior Brother Wang Bo was not seriously injured, but this guy actually dares to come to you. He is really a troublemaker. Looking for death."

Hearing this, Wang Bo nodded slowly, feeling a little moved by Chen Xuan's words.

Although Wang Lu'an hasn't arrived yet, at least Chen Xuan is here and can join forces to temporarily defend against the attack of Wanfa Elder Luo Rong. Moreover, Chen Xuan has to admire the technique he just performed.

It is true that the youth is better than the blue.

It was really not easy to leave a wound on his body.

"Wait a minute, didn't I think that you, my son, is Chen Xuan? Hahaha, I thought you were very strong. Your son, you dare to come here, I will keep you in check, right?"

The Wanfa Elder Luo Rong, who was floating in the air, had a gloomy face and said coldly.

Chen Xuan turned around, looked at Wanfa Elder Luo Rong, nodded lightly and said: "The Wanfa Elder of Wanmi Sect can only be so arrogant in the Yunxian Secret Realm. It's really funny. Haha, if we go outside, I think you won't be so arrogant."

Luo Rong, the elder of Wanfa, sneered with murderous intent on his face and said: "Chen Xuan, don't get complacent so early. You stole his space spirit ring and now you still have the guts to enter Yunxian Tower. This is asking for death." ? "You really don't know how to live or die."

The most important thing is that Chen Xuan actually dared to sneak attack him and even injured him.

After Chen Xuan heard what he said, he said helplessly: "Oh, I, I ruined your stealing of the Demonic Cloud Immortal Grass from Dragon Immortal Palace. Do you think I don't know about this?"

"What's going on? What do you mean? Stealing the magic cloud fairy grass? How could I do such a thing? Please don't slander me."

Wang Bo was also very surprised.

Chen Xuan was somewhat surprised when he saw the expression on his face.

Could it be that this old guy was deliberately trying to show off in front of him?

But there is no one else around here, and the other party is still pretending here. The only explanation is that this guy may be a complete hypocrite.

"After all, you are Luo Rong, the elder of Wan Secret Sect and Wan Dharma. You can actually do such things. You are still unwilling to admit it now. Hahaha, you are just a human being."

Wanfa Elder Luo Rong's eyes looked directly at Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan couldn't tell what she meant in her pupils. All in all, the relationship had been established. As for whether he stole it or sent someone to get it, it no longer mattered to Chen Xuanlai.

Luo Rong, the elder of Wanfa, said with a cold face: "Hahaha, in that case, okay, okay, if you want to fight, you can, but don't blame me for being rude, because with my cultivation, it is very likely that you will There’s no way to imagine it.”

At this time, Wanfa Elder Luo Rong's aura instantly filled the air, preparing to launch an attack.

"Brother Chen Xuan, the opponent's cultivation is extremely strong, especially in this place. Our Dao Zhenyuan has been suppressed. The two of us join forces to defend first. When the three of us join forces, we will definitely be able to defeat him. This guy was originally His cultivation is not as good as mine. If he wasn't here, I would have dealt with him by myself." Wang Bodao.

Chen Xuan smiled after hearing what he said, looked directly at Wanfa Elder Luo Rong, and said softly: "Senior Brother Wang Bo, hey, you don't need to be like this, hehehe, I am just the Wanfa Elder of Wanmi Sect, I am the complete You can deal with him, you don’t need to worry.”

"Chen Xuan, your son can actually say such things. I originally thought you were a talented person, but now it seems that you are very arrogant and arrogant. You are too arrogant. Now I want to teach you a lesson and let you You know the gap between the two of us," Wanfa Elder Luo Rong said.

"Hahaha, if you meet Elder Song Yun, you should know where my confidence comes from, and I believe you will not be like this, because next, I will let you know my current cultivation level. What state have you reached?" Chen Xuan smiled.

"Wait a minute, what do you mean by your son? What did you do to him?" Luo Rong, the elder of Wanfa, looked very surprised when he heard this.

"It's nothing, I just defeated him directly. He is no match for me, and he wants to cause trouble for me. Hey, if I hadn't had a lot of them, I would have killed him long ago." Chen Xuan said calmly. He coughed.

"What do you mean? What on earth do you mean? If he is harmed in any way, I will never let you go."

Luo Rong, the elder of Wanfa, was unhappy. The power with a terrifying aura was released from his body, and the extremely terrifying long sword suddenly killed Chen Xuan.

"Don't be careless."

Wang Bodao.

The extremely terrifying black long sword attacked Chen Xuan's surroundings like a lifeless attack, and the terrifying power invaded instantly.

Luo Rong, the elder of Wanfa, also knew very well that this blow could seriously injure a person who was not very strong at the seventh level of the Divine Realm. He believed that Chen Xuan would not be able to withstand this blow and might even die. Under his sword.

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