"I have no other intentions. You have to know that Erzhong has been infiltrated by my people now. Whoever I want will die now. No one can escape from my grasp."

Hearing his words, Chen Xuan frowned slightly, thinking that all those people before him were also killed by him.

Is it possible that the other party doesn’t know yet?

Since he is so Zen, he is actually ready to take advantage of his plan.

"I am on the mountain peak outside Xianchi City. You can find me when you come to this place. However, I must be wary of you. Our actions are very mysterious. If my whereabouts are exposed, what will happen? Even I don’t know, so I advise you to think it through for me.”

Chen Xuan glanced at the distance, and then an afterimage appeared directly. It was very fast and flew forward in an instant.

Three minutes later, Chen Xuan came to where he was.

Here, Chen Xuan didn't notice any strange aura. The other party must have secretly hidden his own aura.

This made it impossible for him to find out, but Chen Xuan was not in a hurry.

Since he asked himself to come to this place, he obviously had something to talk to him about. No matter what, Chen Xuan had to continue acting.

"I'm already here. Where are you? If you are afraid, you don't have to come out to see me in person." Chen Xuandao.

He was deliberately using provocation.

As soon as he finished speaking, a voice emanated from the air: "Hahaha, that's right. It's indeed Chen Xuan. You really have such courage. I didn't expect that you are not only talented, but also courageous. You are really very good." good."

"I'm curious about your identity?" Chen Xuan looked slightly surprised and said in a deep voice.

In fact, he also guessed who the other party was, but acting requires a complete performance.

Since he still doesn't know that all his people have been killed by him, Chen Xuan can just deceive him some information and find out where they are hiding?

"You don't need anything else. You don't need to change your name when you're working or your surname when you're sitting down. You can call me Song Yuluo." A voice came from the air again.

"Well, what do you want?" Chen Xuan observed the changes in the atmosphere around him. He was also worried that he had fallen into the formation. It would be very troublesome to get out at that time.

However, he still didn't find Song Yuluo's specific location, which made him wonder if there was any way to hide his aura.

"Chen Xuan, I am actually the elder of the Demon Blood Dragon Sect. Are you willing to join the Demon Blood Dragon Sect?" Song Yuluo said.

"Join the Demon Blood Dragon Sect? Haha, impossible." Chen Xuandao.

"Don't worry. Our Demonic Blood Dragon Sect will soon dominate the second level. As long as the sect leader ends his seclusion, the second level will be destroyed by us immediately."

"Your sect master has finished the retreat, and you still want to win over me?" Chen Xuan said in a cold voice.

"Chen Xuan, your talent has completely exceeded expectations. It will be good for you if you can join our Demon Blood Dragon Sect." Song Yuluo said: "You think about it, you are practicing on the second level, it makes no difference who you join. If you join the Demon Blood Dragon Sect, after the Demon Blood Dragon Sect dominates the second level, the sect leader will immediately provide you with all the materials and treasures to improve your cultivation and become an eighth level warrior in the realm of gods."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan's expression changed.

"By joining the Demon Blood Dragon Sect, there is no way I can enter the Demon Sect." Chen Xuandao.

"It's really funny, haha. Are you sure?" Song Yuluo sneered: "It will benefit you a lot if you join the Demon Blood Dragon Sect. Think about it carefully!"

After hearing Song Yuluo's words, Chen Xuan raised his head after a while and said in a deep voice: "Are there any conditions?"

"Yes, we will set a soul talisman on you." Song Yuluo said.

Upon hearing this, Chen Xuan also secretly searched for Song Yuluo's specific location.

"Sir, can you find out Song Yuluo's specific location?"

"Song Yuluo has an inherited magic weapon on his body. I vaguely noticed that he is not far away. I don't know exactly where he is." Reverend Xianlong said.

"What's the best way to do this? Can we kill him directly?" Chen Xuandao.

Chen Xuan has never been able to find Song Yuluo, and even Master Xianlong has almost no way to track his specific location.

"Chen Xuan, even the seventh-level invincible expert in the realm of gods can't find any trace of me." Song Yuluo said.

Chen Xuan heard this and said: "If I don't look for you, how will I know if you are true? Or are you lying to me?"

Hearing this, Song Yuluo thought for a moment, and then spatial ripples appeared in the space, and then he appeared.

"Song Yuluo."

Chen Xuan's eyes were deep and he looked directly at him.

As for Song Yuluo, there was a hint of indifference on his face.

"Haha, Chen Xuan, how about this time?" Song Yuluo said with a smile.

Chen Xuan pondered for a moment, then said: "I can join, but I have conditions..."

"What conditions?"

"My joining the Demon Blood Dragon Sect is only temporary. I will quit the Demon Blood Dragon Sect in the future, and during this period, I will not kill second-level monks." Chen Xuan said in a cold voice.

"Haha, don't worry, it's no problem."

Song Yuluo laughed sarcastically in her heart.

"By the way, I want to set up the soul talisman first." Song Yuluo said.

Before he completely controlled Chen Xuan, he didn't have the guts to agree to him casually.

"I am ready."

"Haha, very good, but Chen Xuan, I can't set up the soul talisman on my own. Let's go." Song Yuluo said.

Then, Chen Xuan was shocked and followed Song Yuluo to the hiding place.

"Haha, it's really funny. Isn't this why I ended up joining the Demon Blood Dragon Sect?"

Song Yuluo glanced at Chen Xuan and sneered.

"Sir, Song Yuluo is taking me to a hiding place, don't worry." Chen Xuan secretly told Lord Xianlong.

"Chen Xuan, be sure to pay attention to your safety."

"There is no need to worry at all. Once I determine where they are hiding, I will tell you the news." Chen Xuandao.

In fact, Chen Xuan knew that although Song Yuluo's skills were very strange, Chen Xuan had the Suzaku Soul in his body and there was no need to worry about his skills.

At this moment, Song Yuluo used the Demon Blood Dragon Sect's skills to bring Chen Xuan to a very hidden place.

"What is this place?"

Chen Xuan felt very strange. He had almost never heard of such a place before.

"Elder Wang Longbao."

Song Yuluo said loudly to the dark cave, and suddenly an elder with white hair walked out of the dark cave.

"Haha, how about this time?"

Elder Wang Longqi said with a smile.

After hearing this, Song Yuluo nodded slightly, glanced at Chen Xuando and said, "Elder Wang Longpai, set a soul talisman on this boy."

"Haha, it's very good, talent? This guy actually really believes it." Elder Wang Longping said: "After setting up the divine soul talisman, it will indeed be a lesson for the seventh-level invincible powerhouse in the second-level god realm. , the talent they have carefully cultivated fell into our hands like this, hahahaha, it’s really satisfying.”

"Actually, I didn't expect that this time it would actually succeed. He already knows some of our clues. Even if I don't kill him, other elders will go find him." Song Yuluo said.

After hearing this, Elder Wang Longbao nodded slightly and said, "No warrior has found this place, right?"

"There is no need to worry at all. You don't know my skills? Even the Immortal Dragon Master cannot find where it is? It is even more difficult to find this place." Song Yuluo said.

Of course, Chen Xuan knew at this time from the disciples of the Demon Blood Dragon Sect that this place was not Song Yuluo's hiding place at all.

"Is Song Yuluo too cautious? Only after setting a soul talisman on him can he pass?" Chen Xuan thought to himself.

"But I'm curious about the soul talisman, what exactly is it?"

While Chen Xuan was thinking, suddenly Elder Wang Longbao took action.

I remember that at this time, traces of strange aura erupted from his body, and these strange auras condensed into a very strange aura in the air.

Chen Xuan was still thinking about how to defend the soul talisman without any movement. However, at this moment, he discovered that the Suzaku soul was gathering extremely fast, and the breath of the soul talisman was also directly blocked.

Elder Wang Longbao waved his long sword, and half an hour later, the soul talisman appeared in Chen Xuan's body, and the black aura covered Chen Xuan. After doing all this, Chen Xuan's pupils flickered with a strange aura.

"Haha, very good."

Elder Wang Longbao put away his sword and laughed coldly.

"Chen Xuanfu is very powerful. It won't take long for him to break through to the seventh level of the divine realm without burdens." Song Yuluo said: "Before that, take him back to the hiding place, control his mind, and then slowly demonize him. , and then arrange for him to repair school."

"Haha, no problem."

After that, they took Chen Xuan and left.

At this moment, Chen Xuan found that the moment the soul talisman had just entered his body, he found that the soul was constantly trembling.

However, the aura that burst out from the Suzaku Soul directly completely wrapped the Divine Soul Symbol. The Divine Soul Symbol had almost no defensive power. In this way, the power of the Divine Soul Symbol completely disappeared from Chen Xuan's body.

Chen Xuan followed Song Yuluo to his hiding place.

At this moment, Longxian Palace Zheng

The Immortal Dragon Master called over the other seven invincible experts at the nine peak levels of the divine realm.

One after another, the seventh-level invincible experts at the peak level of the divine realm appeared.

Obviously, their soul phantoms came to the Dragon Immortal Palace area.

"Venerable Immortal Dragon, what's the matter?"

Venerable Immortal Dragon glanced at the many soul phantoms and found that there was only no sect master of Bloodlink Immortal Palace.

"Chen Xuan discovered the location of Song Yuluo's hiding place." Venerable Xianlong said.

"No way, how is this possible? Where is Song Yuluo's hiding place? Is it true or false?"

"Where is Song Yuluo's hiding place?"

Several invincible experts at the seventh level of the divine realm at the pinnacle level all said.

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