"It's not yet clear where Song Yuluo's hiding place is." Venerable Xianlong said: "Chen Xuan followed Song Yuluo to Song Yuluo's hiding place. After waiting for him to confirm the location, we will go to Song Yuluo's hiding place. Hideout."

"This Song Yuluo must not be that easy to deal with, right?"

"That's right. Song Yuluo will definitely set up soul talismans around Chen Xuan. This will cause trouble."

Seeing several invincible experts at the seventh level of the Divine Realm who were a little anxious, Master Xianlong said very calmly: "There is no need to worry at all. Song Yuluo set the Divine Soul Symbol for him, but he can defend against the suppression of the Divine Soul Symbol. . I am contacting him now, which means that Chen Xuan has not tricked him, he should still be awake, and we can catch them all this time. "

"No way? You are still sober now."

Although the seventh-level invincible experts in the realm of gods were a little surprised, they were very curious about how Chen Xuan could resist the suppression of the divine soul talisman.

But at this critical moment, they also know that the location of Song Yuluo's hiding place is what they need to know most at the moment, and it is also what they need to be most concerned about.

They had been fighting the Demon Sect for so long, but they had never discovered where Ran Di of the Demon Sect was hiding.

Now that they have finally found a hiding place, they will not let it go.

"Master Immortal Dragon, Chen Xuan is really awesome. I didn't expect that he could actually find where the people from the Demon Sect are hiding. We have spent so much energy and still can't find it." Master Wang Kong smiled with a smile on his face. The way of intention.

"That's right. If Song Yuluo's hiding place can be directly eliminated this time, the main credit this time will be Chen Xuan's, but the premise is that Chen Xuan can really find him." Master Yuwen also said.

"I have to, this guy's promotion speed is too fast. He may not be qualified to participate in the seventh-level invincible level conference of the divine realm." Song Ziwen said, when he separated from Chen Xuan, he knew about Chen Xuan's future achievements. It would definitely not be low, but he never expected that Chen Xuan could find the hiding place of the Demon Sect in such a short period of time.

"Everyone, let's stop talking so much."

The seven-level invincible masters of the Nine Great Divine Realms were talking to each other, and suddenly the face of the Immortal Dragon Master became solemn.

The voice of the Immortal Dragon Master immediately made the remaining seven-level invincible experts at the peak level of the Divine Realm express doubts.

"Haha, how about this time? Have you determined the location of Song Yuluo's hiding place?" Master Yuwen said with a full face.

Among the top ten invincible experts at the seventh level of the divine realm, Zhenren Yuwen is ranked first among the seven invincible experts at the peak level of the divine realm. Almost no one is stronger than him.

"If Chen Xuan is right, we have determined it now." Reverend Xianlong said with a solemn expression.

"No way, you discovered it so quickly. Where is he?"

Many invincible experts at the peak level of the seventh level of the divine realm are curious, where is Song Yuluo's hiding place?

They had been searching hard for so long but never found it, but when they were talking, Chen Xuan had already found it.

"Song Yuluo's hiding place has always been right under our noses. Unfortunately... I was really surprised. If it weren't for Chen Xuan and me coming to this place, we wouldn't have even noticed that they were hiding here." Venerable Immortal Dragon said: "Zheng, the Ten Thousand Dome Peaks in the North Pole"

"No way, how is this possible? In Wan Qiong Peak?"

Master Wang Kong was very surprised. They did not find the specific location of the disciples of the Demonic Blood Dragon Sect at Wanqiong Peak.

"Venerable Immortal Dragon, could it be that it's not Wanqiong Peak? Are you sure you're at Wanqiong Peak?" the master of Po Xuan Sect also said in a deep voice.

Venerable Immortal Dragon nodded heavily: "Although Chen Xuan doesn't know where he is now. But judging from the aura he left on me, I can be 100% sure that he is at Zheng on Wanqiong Peak."

"It's at Wan Qiong Peak, hurry up."

Yuwen Zhenren finished and was ready to leave.

"Haha, very good. This time we will try to directly destroy the entire Song Yuluo's hiding place. If we can learn about the Demonic Blood Dragon Sect from this, our work will not be in vain."

After Song Ziwen finished, the body of the seventh-level invincible strongman in the nine-level divine realm went directly to the northern polar region in a short time.

In the northern polar region, there is a Wanqiong Peak.

There were rumors before that Wan Qiong Peak was filled with extremely powerful and extremely powerful earth essence auras, but the slightly weaker warriors at the seventh level of the middle stage of the divine realm simply did not have the courage to enter it. Only the seventh level perfect warriors of the divine realm were the only ones. , will go in.

In the eyes of the seventh-level invincible expert in the peak level of the divine realm, Wanqiong Peak is not as dangerous as the Wanhuo Spirit World.

However, now, the top ten peak-level god-level seven-level invincible experts rarely enter Wan Qiong Peak.

Lord Immortal Dragon never expected that Song Yuluo’s hiding place would be in Zhengzhou, Wanqiong Peak.

In the northern polar region, the seven invincible strong men of the nine peak levels of the divine realm gathered together, and their whole bodies were covered with terrifying auras.

"Be cautious for now. Before I do that, I'll ask about Chen Xuan's situation." Lord Xianlong said very calmly.

The terrifying aura surrounding the seven-level invincible strong men in the realm of the Nine Great Gods directly enveloped them all. It was impossible for other warriors to discover that there were nine strong men hiding here.

In the northern polar region, around a mountain peak, there is a very powerful aura of earth essence. It is impossible for an invincible expert at the seventh level of the divine realm to enter.


There were sixth-level immortal formations everywhere around Song Yuluo's hiding place. Soon, Song Yuluo and Elder Wang Longbao brought Chen Xuan back to the hiding place.

"Lord Song Yuluo, are you here?"

A powerful person with a relatively weak cultivation level and a seventh-level perfection in the divine realm, Tao.

"Yes, you arrange him for me first." Song Yuluo said.

"Okay, sir!" the warrior said.

Right now, outside.

"Chen Xuan, we have arrived at Wan Qiong Peak, can I launch an attack?" said the Reverend Immortal Dragon.

"Sir, you can attack now, but kill Song Yuluo before that. There are inherited magic weapons around him. It will be difficult if he hides him."

In the sky above Wan Qiong Peak, Venerable Immortal Dragon had received the news, and his expression revealed a hint of sinister murderous intent.

Then the Immortal Dragon Master waved his hand and said: "Fellow monks, Chen Xuan has given me Song Yuluo's hiding place. Now we can attack, but Song Yuluo has the inherited magic weapon of the Demon Blood Dragon Sect. If he disappears, even if Even I can't completely discover his traces. However, when the time comes, we will kill Song Yuluo before that happens."

"Haha, good, no problem."

Zhao Qingzhen said with a smile on his face, and Hong Jiuyuan, who was not far away, also nodded heavily.

As the Immortal Dragon Venerable roared, the seven-level invincible powerhouses of the Nine Divine Venerable realms entered Wan Qiong Peak one after another.

At this moment, the seventh-level perfect warriors in the Divine Realm in Wanqiong Peak had no idea that the seventh-level invincible strongman in the ninth-level divine realm had arrived outside Song Yuluo's hiding place.

Yuwen Zhenrao looked into the distance and discovered the formation here.

"Master of Po Xuan Sect, come forward." Song Ziwen said.

The master of Po Xuan Sect nodded slightly after hearing this, and then stamped his feet on the ground. The long sword was waved, and terrifying power filled the air, gathering in an instant.

"Okay, you can go in."

After some time passed, the master of Po Xuan Sect turned around and said.

Immediately afterwards, the seventh-level invincible powerhouse of the nine great gods entered the formation.

As soon as he came in, the seventh-level invincible expert in the realm of the Nine Great Gods discovered the aura of the terrifying Demon Sect.

"It's the Demon Blood Dragon Sect."

Yuwen Zhenrao's spiritual consciousness covered the entire hidden secret place in a short period of time.

Master Zhao Qing and Hong Jiuyuan have completely tracked Song Yuluo's aura.

"Song Yuluo and Chen Xuan have been controlled by us. The others can be killed." Elder Wang Longbao said: "Kill them directly and then give them to the sect leader."

"There is no need to worry at all, Elder Wang Longbao, I have already thought of how to resurrect the sect leader."

After finishing, Song Yuluo began to contact several warriors in the middle stage of the seventh level of the divine realm in the turbulent space.

But soon, he discovered that all these auras had disappeared.

"what happened?"

Song Yuluo's face was gloomy.

Soon, Elder Wang Longbao also realized that something was wrong.

"Several warriors at the seventh level of the divine realm are dead." Song Yuluo said.

"No way... things are going to be very bad now."

Elder Wang Longbao then spread his consciousness and looked at Chen Xuan.

"Wait a minute... He is an invincible and powerful person at the seventh level of the divine realm."

Elder Wang Longqi lost his voice.

Seeing this, Hong Jiuyuan killed Elder Wang Longbao with one blow.

"Song Yuluo, there is absolutely no way you can slip away from me."

Song Yuluo had just activated the inherited magic weapon. At this moment, not far from him, Zhenren Zhao Qing also appeared instantly.

"How could you find the secret place?" Song Yuluo seemed to be unable to believe how they were able to find the secret place.

"Song Yuluo has been hunted by me and is ready to go." Master Zhao Qing said in a message.


Next, the turbulent breath suddenly filled the entire sky, and the breath that made people tremble continuously spread. The entire Song Yuluo hiding place suddenly started fighting.

After half a stick of incense, many invincible experts at the seventh level of the divine realm completely destroyed Song Yuluo's hiding place. Except for Song Yuluo, everyone else died.

The seven-level invincible warriors of the nine great gods gathered together, and Chen Xuan also appeared here at this moment.

"grown ups."

"Chen Xuan, you did a very good job." Reverend Immortal Dragon smiled coldly.

"That's right. Yes, if it hadn't been for Chen Xuan, it would have been impossible to discover their hiding place this time."

After hearing their words, Chen Xuan also showed a smile on his face.

These strong men were full of admiration for Chen Xuan.

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