"Sir, where is Song Yuluo?" Chen Xuandao.

"Song Yuluo has been captured by us. Recently we will see if we can get any other clues about the Demon Sect." Reverend Xianlong said.

Song Yuluo, who was suddenly suppressed, looked extremely ferocious.

"You...impossible, there is absolutely no way you can defend against the soul talisman."

"Soul Seal?"

Chen Xuan murmured to himself: "The soul talisman I am looking at now is just rubbish. With this level of moves, it will not have any impact on me at all."

"The matter has been resolved for the time being." Master Xianlong said very calmly.

At this moment, the eyes of the seventh-level invincible expert in the realm of the Nine Great Gods fell around Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuandao: "What should we do now?"

Except for the sect master of Bloodlink Immortal Palace, all the top experts from the entire second level have arrived.

They looked at Chen Xuan calmly.

Although Chen Xuan was only a perfect and powerful man at the seventh level of the divine realm, they had already regarded him as an invincible powerhouse at the seventh level of the divine realm before.

Master Kong said with a smile on his face: "I, Chen Xuan, the main reason why I was able to catch them all this time is your contribution. We decided to give you some inherited magic weapons. You must not refuse. After all, if you don't With your help, it will probably take a lot of effort for us to find these people from the Demon Sect."

"The Demon Blood Dragon Sect is destroying our Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. Therefore, no matter how much effort we expend and how much it costs to destroy the Demon Blood Dragon Sect, we must protect the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. Otherwise, if we let them grow up, we will not be able to destroy the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent." You know how much trouble it will bring us." Master Yuwen also said softly.

"And the most important thing is that after Song Yuluo's hiding place was destroyed, there was only the last secret place left. We don't know where this place is yet, but I believe that as long as some time passes, we will definitely be able to find it. , This is a good thing for our second level. All in all, it is a big improvement to greatly reduce their power. "

Chen Xuan listened to their words quietly, and other invincible experts at the seventh level of the divine realm also recognized Chen Xuan's contribution, and at the same time they also wanted to reward Chen Xuan.

Regarding their methods, Chen Xuan had nothing to do with them.

This time he did make a great contribution.

"With your current level of cultivation, we also know very well that ordinary inherited magic weapons will not have much effect on you. After all, your current overall strength has probably reached the invincible state, so now you think carefully about what you want. Inherited magic weapon? As long as we can get it, we will definitely not refuse it," Song Ziwen said.

Chen Xuan finally showed a puzzled expression, what kind of inheritance magic weapon do you want?

For Chen Xuanlai, some lower-level magic weapons were really not attractive.

As for the magic weapons he needs, these powerful people may not be able to produce them, but Chen Xuan is not such a greedy person. They are willing to pass them on to him. Chen Xuan is already very satisfied, and naturally he will not ask anything too much. requirements.

"Chen Xuan, I think you still don't know clearly yet. Let me give you a hint. What magic weapon do you need now?" Seeing this situation, Lord Xianlong coughed lightly.

He also knew that Chen Xuan was his disciple. Now that these powerful men wanted to reward Chen Xuan, he naturally had to say something.

"Your cultivation level is at the seventh level of perfection of the divine realm. There is still a gap between you and the seventh level of invincibility. After all, with your current cultivation level, if you really face the masters of the seventh level of invincibility, at most you will not lose to them. And If you want to fight against warriors of these levels, you should still have some difficulties at this stage. The Immortal Level Secret Technique will only increase your strength at most, but will not allow you to break through to the seventh level of the Divine Realm without any burdens." Immortal Dragon Lord The reporter slowly said: "But now, if you want to face these strong men without falling behind, I suggest you get some inherited magic weapons that can improve your thoughts and perceptions. This is very important to you."

Chen Xuan nodded slightly after hearing this. He also knew that Venerable Immortal Dragon must be doing it for his own good.

"I don't know what the inherited magic weapon is for improving the mind?" Chen Xuandao.

"In the Dharma Secret Palace, there are many inherited magic weapons that can improve the mental skills. If you need it, you can go there at any time. These mental skills are still more important to you. He is right. What you need most now is improvement. "Mind method."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan was very confused. What exactly was this Dharma Secret Palace? Why had he never heard of it before?

Now it was the first time he heard these powerful men mention this word.

"Sir...what is this? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Chen Xuan wanted to ask, but the Immortal Dragon Master explained to him what kind of existence this was?

After his explanation, Chen Xuan finally understood at this moment.

The so-called Dharma Secret Palace was built together by the top ten invincible powerhouses at the seventh level of the divine realm.

In the Dharma Secret Treasure Hall, there are placed all the top-level inherited magic weapons in the entire Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, and it is obvious how precious these magic weapons are. They are not something that just anyone can own, and most people have only heard of them. , but they had not seen it with their own eyes. In fact, if Chen Xuan hadn't heard them mention it, he probably wouldn't have known about it before.

However, these inherited magic weapons are nothing to the seventh level invincible powerhouse of the top ten divine realms.

After all, those magic weapons were all collected by them, so they wouldn't take a second look at them.

But for a seventh-level perfect warrior in the divine realm, it is a very important thing.

Whether it is the Immortal Level Secret Technique or the Inherited Magic Treasure, in the Dharma Secret Treasure Hall, these magic treasures have reached an absolute quantity, and they are also very precious, not ordinary things.

The most important thing is that the seventh-level invincible powerhouses in the realm of the top ten gods will store some inherited magic weapons in the Dharma Secret Treasure Hall from time to time.

This is also of some benefit to them. It can be used to reward the outstanding talents in their sect, and these people, he is qualified to go in and find Chuan Chang.

Generally speaking, there are various magic weapons and some exercises.

Although none of these top powerhouses can use them, Chen Xuan and the others must be very eager to get these magic weapons. If it weren't for Chen Xuan's meritorious service, he would not have this opportunity this time.

"The Dharma Secret Palace, I didn't expect that I could actually go in."

Chen Xuan's eyes were full of excitement, this was a good opportunity.

The Dharma Secret Palace created by the top ten invincible masters of the seventh level of the divine realm, it is estimated that there will definitely be a lot of inherited magic weapons, but what exactly there is and the safety is not yet clear.

"I hope I can find a useful magic weapon that can enhance my power." Chen Xuan thought to himself.

At this time, Master Yuwen said softly: "The inherited magic weapons in the Dharma Secret Treasure Hall can actually be obtained by all of us famous and decent people, but this also depends on the qualifications. Every time a Demon Blood Dragon Sect is killed, All disciples will accumulate absolute points. Those who are relatively weak in the seventh level of the divine realm can use their points to purchase inherited magic weapons. You are no better than Chen Xuan. This time, you have successfully made great achievements. The most important thing is It was you who helped us destroy several hidden secret places of these magic gates in succession. After we discussed it, we decided to let you pick an inherited magic weapon in the Dharma Secret Treasure Hall, and you can choose it at will, as long as it is what you like. You can bring him out."

"Yes, as long as you want something, you can take it out at any time,"

"Brother Chen Xuan, I just checked. There are about nine inherited magic weapons in the Dharma Secret Palace. At present, these nine magic weapons are more suitable for you and can also improve your strength. If you are willing, you can listen to Let me explain it to you." Master Yuwen continued.

"Excuse me, Lord Yuwen, what are these magic weapons?" Chen Xuan asked hurriedly.

Master Yuwen smiled at Chen Xuan, and suddenly nine phantoms appeared in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Master Yuwen said to Chen Xuan: "This inherited magic weapon is the Cloud Sword. Strictly speaking, it can only be regarded as the fourth-grade long sword of the Immortal Order. But it is very precious."

"There is a large amount of fire in the Yunjian. When attacking the enemy, it can spout shocking fire." Yuwen Zhenrang: "But the Yunjian contains the insight of Wang Huodao Lord's seventh level of invincibility in the divine realm. I heard that you also have a very strange flame in your body, so this should be more suitable for you. "

Wang Huodaojun was a powerful seventh-level invincible expert in the realm of gods 170,000 years ago, but he was also a monk in the way of fire. During these million years, his inheritance was acquired by the top ten peak-level seventh-level invincible experts in the realm of gods. Then it was stored in the Dharma Secret Treasure Hall.

Among all this, his legacy has not yet been given away.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan nodded slightly, but then his eyes fell on the other eight inherited magic weapons. These eight magic weapons were all different, and the auras inside were also very powerful. Chen Xuan could tell , they are all extraordinary.

Those magic weapons were basically not very useful to Chen Xuanlai, so in the end his eyes fell on the last inherited magic weapon.

This inheritance magic weapon is a red ring.

"Chen Xuan, you must not look at this red ring. In the entire Dharma Secret Treasure Hall, this red ring is a very precious existence." Venerable Xianlong said.

"Sir, what is the origin of this red ring?" Chen Xuandao said.

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