Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5494 The Sect Master of Wanmi Sect

Especially the sect master of Po Xuan Sect even gave Chen Xuan time to go to their Po Xuan Sect.

"Master Po Xuan Sect, I will definitely go." Chen Xuandao.

"If we don't step up our practice." The master of Wanmi Sect sighed, and then said goodbye to the Immortal Dragon Venerable, Chen Xuan, and the phantom of the soul dissipated.

Other peak-level seventh-level invincible experts in the realm of gods also left.

There are less than a hundred years left, but because of Chen Xuan, they are more confident than before in dealing with the Demon Blood Dragon Sect.

In fact, Chen Xuan never worried about the Demon Blood Dragon Sect.

As long as he is given a few years, the second level will completely eliminate the Demonic Blood Dragon Sect.

If he breaks through the cultivation level again, Li Qiuyu will become the eighth level of the divine realm. Will he still be afraid of the Demon Blood Dragon Sect?

After breaking through to the seventh level of invincibility in the realm of gods, Chen Xuan is still practicing in seclusion.

However, Wang Liang, who had been trained by the Dragon Immortal Palace because of Chen Xuan, also came to consult Chen Xuan.

After going through so much trouble to gain Chen Xuan's enlightenment, Wang Liang naturally would not miss such an opportunity.

At this moment, Chen Xuan was practicing in seclusion when he suddenly opened his eyes.

"what is going on?"

Chen Xuan looked slightly surprised. He found that Wang Liang's empty jade stone was broken.

"With Wang Liang's cultivation level, unless he encounters an invincible person at the seventh level of the divine realm, there is no way he would be in danger." Chen Xuan said to himself.

"Is Wang Liang really in danger?"

Wang Liang broke the empty jade stone, and the traces of the soul left by Chen Xuan inside instantly revealed the general traces of Wang Liang.

"Don't worry yet, what's going on?"

Chen Xuan sensed it, and then his expression changed slightly.

"I can't find any specific traces of Wang Liang?"

Chen Xuanteng suddenly got up from the ground, his face a little surprised.

The most famous thing about the second level is actually the seven dangerous secret realms. Apart from that, there is nothing else that the invincible experts at the seventh level of the divine realm cannot discover.

Now Chen Xuan can only find that Wang Liang's general traces are in Qinglong Desert, but where exactly, it is obvious that he does not know either.

Chen Xuan then tore the sky apart and left the Dragon Immortal Palace.

After Chen Xuan disappeared for a while, Li Qiuyu suddenly appeared: "Where is Brother Chen Xuan going?"

Chen Xuan's speed was extremely fast, and his body directly showed a red light. In the blink of an eye, he left the Dragon Immortal Palace area and entered the Qingyun Monster Clan area.

Within the Qingyun Monster Clan, Master Wang Kong suddenly discovered Chen Xuan's aura.

"Chen Xuan."

Wang Kong is really soil.

"Master Wang Kong, I am just passing through the Qingyun Monster Clan area, there is no need to care about me." Chen Xuandao.

Hearing this, Master Wang Kong nodded slightly after hearing this.

Soon, Chen Xuan passed through the Qingyun Monster Clan area and arrived at the Qinglong Desert.

"It seems to be inside the Qinglong Desert."

Chen Xuan continued to sense the aura emanating from the traces of the soul he left, and soon Chen Xuan stopped above a peak.

"The breath left by the trace of my soul is in this area."

Chen Xuan looked slightly surprised. He could only find that Wang Liang should be nearby. But there is no way to find specific traces.

"what happened?"

Chen Xuan's consciousness spread and filled the vicinity, but he found nothing.

"We searched and found no trace."

The more this happened, the more Chen Xuan became confused about what was blocking his consciousness.

Li Qiuyu hid in the dark and looked at Chen Xuan.

"What is Brother Chen Xuan doing?" Li Qiuyu felt very curious.

Chen Xuan saw her and chuckled: "Li Qiuyu, what can you find in this desert area."

Now that Chen Xuan saw her, he wanted to let him try enlightenment.

"Brother, what are you looking for?" Li Qiuyu asked.

"Wang Liang's life-saving empty jade stone was broken into pieces. We traced it here based on the traces of the divine soul in the empty jade stone. But there was no way to find Wang Liang's real trace. She was in this desert area." Chen Xuandao: "Just now I also Checked and found nothing.”

Hearing this, Li Qiuyu nodded slightly, and then his consciousness spread, filling the Qinglong Desert area, and began to search for Wang Liang's whereabouts.

At this moment, Chen Xuan also continued to look for Wang Liang's whereabouts.

After some time passed, Li Qiuyu was a little surprised.

However, he didn't quite believe it and continued to search: "Brother is definitely not wrong. Wang Liang is 100% in this desert area. Is it hidden in an independent space?"

After thinking carefully, Li Qiuyu continued not to rush to fill the entire desert area, but to calmly search one place after another.

The focus of the search was on the interior of Qinglong Desert.

Almost the entire desert was searched, and Chen Xuan had a solemn expression on his face.

Even he had almost no way of discovering what exactly Wang Liang had encountered?

"what happened?"

Chen Xuan was puzzled.

But suddenly Li Qiuyu said softly.

"Brother, I found a place."

Hearing Li Qiuyu's voice, Chen Xuan hurriedly came over and said, "Where?"

"Brother, did you see a huge rock in front of you?" Li Qiuyu looked ahead.

"what is going on?"

Chen Xuan saw the huge rocks on the desert, but he didn't find anything.

"Could this boulder

Li Qiuyu shook his head slightly, and then still said: "There is nothing wrong with the giant stone. What really made me realize that something was wrong was the huge stone."


Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness permeated the boulder, and he directly discovered a boulder that was almost impossible to see with ordinary spiritual consciousness.


At the beginning, his consciousness also saw the boulder coming out.

"Haha, in that case, don't waste time..."

The two of them went directly to the interior of the desert and came to the boulder.

Chen Xuan’s consciousness completely filled the boulder

He swung the sword in disbelief.

Suddenly a breath came from the boulder

"Don't worry yet, what's going on?"

Suddenly a dazzling light came from the boulder/\u003e


The turbulent breath suddenly filled the entire sky.

The Qinglong Desert is very shocking, the huge boulders emitting light

Later, Chen Xuan found that he had come to a strange place.

"What is this place?"

Chen Xuan looked around.

He found that he seemed to have entered an independent space, but the emotions around him felt very mysterious.

"If it were an ordinary independent space, I would be able to detect it with my spiritual consciousness. But I have no way of discovering this independent space." Chen Xuan said solemnly.

Seeing that Li Qiuyu was fine at all, Chen Xuan sighed helplessly.

"Brother, this place should have different rules for the boulder and the second floor."

"I discovered Wang Liang's aura."

Suddenly, a surprise appeared on Chen Xuan's face, and he rushed in one direction with Li Qiuyu.

At this moment, in a wasteland, Wang Liang's eyes were full of helplessness.

"I don't know if Master Chen Xuan will come." Wang Liang said.

He also practiced in Qinglong Desert and entered here accidentally.

He thought he had discovered a secret realm and was very excited, but soon he fell into this top-notch formation.

Each long sword is deeply embedded in the ground, and there are many long swords everywhere in the wasteland. These long swords formed a complex and profound formation, completely suppressing Wang Liang here.

At the moment when Wang Liang was thinking, a long sword not far away suddenly hit him, knocking him away.

In the distant surroundings, Chen Xuan and Li Qiuyu discovered Wang Liang.

"Wang Liang."

After seeing Wang Liang, Chen Xuandao said: "He seems to be suppressed in a powerful formation. Let's go over and take a look."

In a moment, Chen Xuan and Li Qiuyu arrived in front of the top formation.

"Wang Liang, you're okay, right?" Chen Xuandao.

Wang Liang, who was suppressed in the top formation, was very excited when he saw Chen Xuan coming here: "Master Chen Xuan, I can still hold on for a while."

"You'd better wait for now, I'll rescue you right away."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Xuan's body shook with terrifying power, and then he began to untie the formation.

In an instant,

A terrifying force burst out from in front of him and walked into the top formation Zheng

However, after this terrifying power entered the top formation, it was swallowed up by the sword for a moment, and then the top formation returned to calm.

"What's going on? What kind of formation is this?"

Chen Xuan looked slightly surprised and said in a deep voice: "I can't think of a complete counterattack. Could it be that this is the legendary sixth-level immortal formation?"

At this moment, Chen Xuan knew the boulder method.

"Brother, let me come."

Li Qiuyu, who was not far away, suddenly said.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly after hearing this. Maybe Li Qiuyu had a way.

Li Qiuyu tapped the ground with his toes and reached the sky above the top formation.

A very powerful and mysterious aura erupted around him, completely covering the entire top-level formation.

In an instant, the top formation seemed to be moving. Li Qiuyu saw this situation and continued to increase his intensity to attack the top formation.

Just when Chen Xuan was looking at Li Qiuyu, the space above the top-level formation suddenly fluctuated, and then a phantom of the soul appeared. Then he looked at Li Qiuyu with hot eyes and said, "It's completely unexpected. It actually happened. You are an invincible and powerful person at the seventh level of the divine realm."

The sudden broken soul also showed a surprised expression after seeing Li Qiuyu, and then said slightly surprised.

Li Qiuyu was in mid-air: "Where are you from?"

Chen Xuan's eyes were also looking at the broken soul in the air. There was terrifying power in front of him. That is, as long as he dares to attack Li Qiuyu, Chen Xuan will take action instantly.

Hearing Li Qiuyu's voice, the spirit phantom coughed lightly and said softly: "I am the guardian here."

"Guardian?" Chen Xuan became even more confused.

He can find boulders

"Sir, I only discovered this boulder because he fell into the top formation Zheng.

The soul phantom said calmly: "That's it."

"Warrior, what is your identity?" Li Qiuyu said.

"I'm just the guardian here." The spirit phantom said.

"So even if you are the seventh-level invincible expert in the second-level god realm, it is impossible to detect it with your divine sense. Only a recognized expert can enter this space." His words really frightened Chen Xuan. Incessantly.

Sure enough, the body of the soul phantom landed on the ground and said slightly: "The controller of this space is called Duan Rui. The second layer of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent you are on is also controlled by my Lord Duan Rui."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan was very shocked.

Duan Rui? Control the second layer of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent?

"This second layer of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent is called the Jade Continent. After you created it, you left the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent and guarded the Jade Continent. As long as I don't encounter a crisis, I can't take action easily." The phantom of the soul was slightly shocked, Then he still said.

"I have been in this Jade Continent for a long time. There has never been a warrior who has been able to pass the test left by you." said the spirit phantom.

Chen Xuan also knew some secrets about the second level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent and the third level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent from the middle-aged warriors of the gods and ghosts layer.

Chen Xuan also knew before that only those who have surpassed the eighth level of the divine realm can control the second level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

"Sapphire Continent." Chen Xuan muttered to himself.

Li Qiuyu, who was not far away, was very curious.

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