"There were probably three warriors who entered here at the beginning, but they all failed to pass the test." The Soul Phantom said calmly: "The trial left by the adults is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be killed." If Wang Liang had not entered here accidentally, Chen Xuan would not have found this place. "How did Wang Liang get in?" Li Qiuyu asked curiously. The Soul Phantom's expression revealed a little smile. The Soul Phantom said: "His cultivation is too low after all, and he can hardly break through even this top-level formation." Hearing this, Chen Xuan smiled a little and looked at Wang Liang intently. He was suppressed in the top-level formation, but with the appearance of the Soul Phantom, he was temporarily safe. After the Soul Phantom was finished, Wang Liang in the top-level formation disappeared directly. "What's going on?" Li Qiuyu was surprised. "His cultivation is too low, wait and see when he breaks through." The Soul Phantom said. Chen Xuan was also a little surprised in his heart. It seems that Wang Liang's talent is much stronger than he imagined. Even the Soul Phantom believed that he could reach the peak level of the Godly Venerable Realm, the level of the invincible seventh-layer strongman.

"My Lord, what is in this space?" Chen Xuan finally couldn't help asking.

Since it was controlled by Duan Rui, and there was a trial left, there must be a magic weapon here.

The Soul Phantom said slowly: "Inherited magic weapon? What is it?"

"The Soul Phantom said: "This is the place where my Lord practiced before. It is very close to the third layer of the Ten Thousand Immortal Continent, which is different from the second layer of the Ten Thousand Immortal Continent."

Chen Xuan heard this, no wonder he felt that there seemed to be no other place here that was oppressive, and the rules were extremely complicated.

"Among all the warriors who came in from the Ten Thousand Immortal Continent, your talent can be ranked in the top three. Try it, maybe you can really pass the trial." The Soul Phantom said.

"My Lord, if you are protecting the Qingyu Continent, even if the last second layer and the Demon Blood Dragon Sect are completely defeated in the war, you will still take action?" Chen Xuan said.

Speechless, the Soul Phantom nodded slightly.

"What is the trial? "Li Qiuyu said.

"The first level of the trial, this top-level formation is a sixth-level fairy-grade formation. If you can break through it, you will pass it." The soul phantom said.

Duan Rui is actually an existence beyond the eighth level of the Godly Realm. His powerful cultivation shocked Chen Xuan.

The boulder he left behind doesn't need Chen Xuan at all.

"Brother Chen Xuan, let's go now." Li Qiuyu said with a smile.

Chen Xuan looked at the soul phantom and said, "Sir, how many levels of trials are there?"

"There are about three levels of trials, especially the last level of trials. Most of the people before were killed in the last level of trials." The soul phantom said.

"It should be very easy for you to pass the first two levels, but the last level is difficult." The soul phantom said.

"It's really unexpected that there is such a place on the second level. How powerful is Duan Rui, who controls the second level of our Wanxian Continent? . "Chen Xuan muttered to himself.

Chen Xuan didn't even have the courage to think about the existence beyond the eighth level of the God Realm.

The second level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent has too many restrictions, and it is very difficult for an eighth level of the God Realm to appear.

Even if Li Qiuyu had stayed in the second level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, he would at most be the eighth level of the God Realm, and it would be impossible to continue to upgrade to the middle level of the eighth level of the God Realm.

It is obvious that the rules of Taoism cannot withstand the power beyond the eighth level of the God Realm.

Otherwise, if there is an existence beyond the eighth level of the God Realm coming to the second level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, it can cause the entire second level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent to collapse.

After thinking for a while, Chen Xuan said to the soul phantom: "My lord, we will go."

"The first level of the natural formation, you have a hundred years. "

The sixth-grade immortal formation corresponds to the seventh-level perfect level of the God Realm.

And the sixth-grade immortal formation corresponds to the eighth level of the God Realm. That is to say, the sixth-grade immortal formation has the pressure of the eighth level of the God Realm.

Chen Xuan and Li Qiuyu just entered the top-level formation and found the suppression of the formation.

"Brother, you can't defend it completely, right?" Li Qiuyu said.

"I'm not sure either." Chen Xuan said.

Li Qiuyu heard this and said softly: "I will defend against the attack of the natural formation, and you will find the shortcomings of the formation. "

Li Qiuyu knew that Brother Chen Xuan's understanding of the formation rules had reached the extreme of the sixth-grade immortal level, and he would soon be able to break through to the sixth-grade immortal level.

Although this natural formation is a sixth-grade immortal level formation, according to Chen Xuan's speculation, it should be a relatively easy-to-deal sixth-grade immortal level formation.

As long as he is given time, he can still break the sixth-grade immortal level formation.

And even if there is really no way to defend, Li Qiuyu will break the seal and everything will be broken.

However, after going through so much trouble to encounter such a terrifying formation, Chen Xuan still wants to Experience it and see if you can take this opportunity to break through.

Under Li Qiuyu's defense, the attack of the natural formation had no way to touch Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan stayed in the center of the natural formation, and his consciousness spread, permeating the entire natural formation.

The terrible power instantly spread to the surroundings. If you want to find the shortcomings of the formation, the first thing to do is to find the core of the formation and the core of the control source.

Because the sixth-level fairy-level formation is so powerful, it is impossible to break through the body's defense.

Suddenly Chen Xuan began to completely devote himself to the formation.

Over the Qinglong Desert, Wang Liang's body suddenly appeared in the sky.

However, just as he was about to leave the passage, he found that the Tao rules were suppressing him, preventing him from taking action.


At this moment, the suppression of Tao rules also disappeared in an instant.

Seeing this situation, Wang Liang's face became very gloomy.

In the Dragon Immortal Palace, Yu Wenqiu, who was cultivating peacefully, took a look with his spiritual consciousness and found that Chen Xuan and Li Qiuyu were not there.

He was very confused and continued to search throughout the second floor, but what surprised him was that he could not find any specific traces of Chen Xuan and Li Qiuyu.

"what happened?"

Yu Wenqiu's expression became very surprised, and he hurriedly gave it to Master Xianlong.

After some investigation, Master Xianlong also found that there was no specific trace of Chen Xuan and Li Qiuyu in the entire second layer. What was going on?

"Where have they gone?" Venerable Immortal Dragon said solemnly: "With the cultivation levels of Chen Xuan and Li Qiuyu, even if they are on the second level, there is no warrior who can be their opponent."

Venerable Immortal Dragon used the secret method of time and space to find Chen Xuan on the second level, and more than ten years passed in the blink of an eye.

For more than ten years, Chen Xuan has been thinking about natural formations without interruption.

The terrifying power around Chen Xuan seemed likely to break through at any time.

As for Li Qiuyu, who was defending against natural formation attacks, the aura around his body continued to become stronger.

At this moment, Li Qiuyu felt that his body was making a breakthrough.

"A breakthrough?"

A smile appeared in Li Qiuyu's pupils, extremely calm.

He had known for a long time that as long as he broke the seal, he would become the eighth level of the divine realm.

However, when he was about to break through, he turned around and glanced at his elder brother who was looking for the shortcomings of the formation. Li Qiuyu secretly decided that it was okay to wait for a few months before breaking through.

Chen Xuan continued to learn the various laws of natural formations. For more than ten years, he learned at least thousands of land laws.

He wants to decide on the one closest to the natural formation among these thousands of ground patterns, and then continue thinking.

Suddenly the natural formation shook slightly, and in an instant Chen Xuan discovered some shortcomings of the natural formation.

"Don't worry yet, what's going on? What's going on in the natural formation?"

Chen Xuan's face showed a surprise, and he hurriedly cooperated with thousands of earth laws.

Twenty minutes later, Chen Xuan finally decided on a pattern.

"According to my speculation, this kind of ground pattern should be very close to the natural formation." Chen Xuan murmured to himself.

Immediately afterwards, he took out his long sword, and the terrifying power condensed into a small formation in front of him.


A long sword condensed with terrifying power fell in front of Chen Xuan.

Suddenly, when the natural formation started to operate, it immediately exuded terrifying pressure.

This coercion is a little weak. But Chen Xuan was very excited.

He already roughly knows the laws of natural formations, and at the same time he also grasps the core of the formation and the traces of the core of the origin of control.

Chen Xuan's long sword suddenly waved, and all the terrifying power suddenly appeared in his memory.

The next moment, he suddenly got up from the ground, his body constantly moving in the top formation Zheng Zheng

Seeing this scene, Li Qiuyu had a faint smile on his face.

"It took more than ten years to find the core of the formation and the core of the origin of control?" Divine Soul Phantom curled his lips and said: "I just don't know what method you will use to completely defend against the natural formation."

In the memory of Divine Soul Phantom, among the previous five warriors, it took sixteen years to completely defend against the natural formation.

The other five warriors basically took at least about six hundred years. In fact, a hundred years is only an instant for the seventh-level invincible powerhouse in the divine realm.

"The sixth-order immortal level formation. With my current understanding of the formation, there is no way to arrange the sixth-order immortal level formation."

When Chen Xuan understood the laws of natural formations, he had a very clear understanding of the formations in his spiritual consciousness.

As Chen Xuan shouted, the long sword suddenly erupted with terrifying light in the natural formation.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

Under the influence of Chen Xuan, these long swords instantly shattered, directly revealing the huge stone

The core of the formation was all found by Chen Xuan. The next step is to control the core of the origin. As long as it is destroyed, the formation should be able to be completely defended.

Without the internal friction support of the formation, the Origin Core obviously had no way to defend against Chen Xuan's attack.

Soon, the core of controlling the origin completely disappeared. The natural formation began to shake. Li Qiuyu stopped attacking. The current natural formation was very miserable and no longer had power.

Chen Xuan shouted softly, swung his long sword, and lightly stepped on the ground with the soles of his feet. Many long swords in the natural formation were constantly shattered.

Chen Xuan's long sword suddenly swung, and these long swords that were about to fall were directly suppressed.


The sound of the vibration layer emanated from the natural formation.

The top formation disappeared, and Li Qiuyu looked at Brother Chen Xuan in great surprise.

In more than ten years, the natural formation has been destroyed.

"Hahaha, it's really strong. The second level of Ten Thousand Immortals Continent has such talent, it's really amazing."

Even the phantom of the soul was shocked by Chen Xuan's top talent.

Although the natural formation is only the most general sixth-order immortal level formation. But my Lord, I have said before that there are almost no warriors in the Jade Continent who can completely defend against such a large formation.

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