Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5496: The Master of the Xuan Sect

"Brother, based on your understanding, even the master of Po Xuan Sect cannot be your opponent." Li Qiuyu said: "I believe that it is only a matter of time before eldest brother becomes a master of the sixth-order immortal level. "

Chen Xuan coughed lightly.

"What a joy!"

The phantom of the soul bowed slightly to Chen Xuan.

"You have broken the history of the seven-level invincible defense natural formation in the realm of gods. After a while, I believe that even other levels will not be able to reach your height." The phantom of the soul praised Chen Xuan.

It only took more than ten years to completely defeat the natural formation.

"It's just that I have better luck." Chen Xuan smiled softly.

The soul phantom waved his hand and said with a smile: "Let's go to the second level."

Then the phantom sword was swung out, and Chen Xuan immediately looked around and found that he had arrived on the ground.

The spirit phantom glanced at the red altar standing in the center of the ground: "This red altar is called the God Meteor Altar. It was actually left by my Lord. Even the eighth level of the God Realm cannot destroy it. This time's attempt Refining is on top of this red altar.”

"There is almost no way to destroy the eighth level of the divine realm?"

Chen Xuan stared at the red altar with burning eyes, trying to sense the powerful aura of a strong man who surpassed the eighth level of the divine realm.

"Your trial is actually to attack the red altar with sword energy. As long as you can cut out ninety-nine sword energy, it will be considered a success." The phantom of the soul smiled and said: "But don't look at this red altar. Your attack , the red altar will bounce back, and most of the previous warriors were killed here."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan was also very surprised.

Every attack will be bounced back multiple times by the red altar.

"The power of the rebound from the red altar will gradually increase. When the last sword energy comes out, the rebound power will be very strong." At this moment, the soul phantom paused and said: "Every time you slash out a sword energy, think about it carefully. , don’t be impulsive.”

Chen Xuan's eyes widened, and his heart seemed to be very shaken.

He is very aware of his power. If it reaches the ninety-nine sword qi, how powerful will the rebound be?

"Sir, according to your method, it is impossible for an invincible expert at the seventh level of the divine realm to pass the second level of trial." Chen Xuandao.

The power of the last sword energy rebound is already equivalent to an attack at the eighth level of the Divine Realm. How can one defend against the seventh level invincibility of the Divine Realm?

Divine Soul Phantom said: "Do you know what talent is? The real top talent... You are already considered to be the seventh level invincible strongman in the strongest divine realm. But the real top talent can reach the extreme." Divine Soul Phantom said: " An invincible expert who has truly reached the ultimate level of the seventh level of the divine realm can fight with the eighth level of the divine realm."

After such a long time, Chen Xuan thought that he was indeed an invincible expert at the seventh level of the strongest divine realm.

But after listening to the words of Divine Soul Phantom, I realized that he was nothing in the third level of the powerful and mysterious Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

"Haha, not so much. Are you ready?" Shenhun Phantom nodded lightly.


Suddenly, a turbulent breath suddenly filled the air from Li Qiuyu's body.

Then the power that swept across the entire land exploded instantly.

"Could it be the aura of the eighth level of the divine realm?"

The face of the soul phantom also showed a look of surprise.

Then he looked at Li Qiuyu with wide eyes.

At this moment, Li Qiuyu was wrapped in an extremely powerful aura.

"Top endowment?"

At first, Soul Phantom never paid much attention to Li Qiuyu. Only now did I discover that he actually had top-notch talents.

After knowing that he has top-notch talents, it is no longer shocking that he has broken through to the eighth level of the divine realm.

In every second level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, after the evolution of all the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent layers, there will be some talents with top talents.

And he had been in Qingyu Continent for so long, and finally saw a talent with top talents.


After breaking through the cultivation level again, he instantly became the eighth level of the divine realm.

Li Qiuyu's breakthrough made him reach the eighth level of the divine realm without any movement.

But this is because if the boulder breaks through on the second level, it will definitely shake the entire Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

When the terrifying aura around him dissipated, Chen Xuan looked at Li Qiuyu with burning eyes.

"Is this the eighth level of the divine realm?"

Chen Xuan felt the aura emanating from Li Qiuyu's body, his eyes full of surprise.

"Hehehe, brother, I have already reached the eighth level of the divine realm before." Li Qiuyu said with a smile.

"The eighth level of the divine realm and the seventh level of the divine realm are two levels of perfection. The soul has undergone tremendous changes than before." Chen Xuan murmured to himself.

"What a joy." Divine Soul Phantom said with a smile: "Since you have reached the eighth level of the Divine Realm, there is no need to continue to participate in the trial. The Great Rao Trial is only for those who are invincible at the seventh level of the Divine Realm. ”

"Haha, that's it." Li Qiuyu said.

"Li Qiuyu, you wait not far away, I will try it first."

Chen Xuan walked to the red altar.

The power emanating from the red altar surprised Chen Xuan.

"It's so powerful, let's try it first." Chen Xuan murmured to himself.


A sword energy struck the red altar.

Suddenly, the power containing a terrifying aura increased several times, and directly attacked Chen Xuan from the red altar.


Chen Xuan's body quickly took a few steps back.

"It's really great."

There was no way to avoid the attack. Fortunately, Chen Xuan's cultivation had reached the invincible limit of the seventh level of the divine realm, which was equivalent to the eighth level of the divine realm.

However, as of now, the rebound power of the red altar has no way to cause harm to him.

"Hopefully I can make it to the end."

Chen Xuan's cultivation level is extremely strong, so in the early stage, he didn't have much spiritual pressure.

In an instant, as the long sword was quickly slashed out on the red altar, the suppressed power also increased instantly.


Every time Chen Xuan's sword energy struck the red altar, more terrifying power struck around him.

Chen Xuan's body quickly retreated, and at the same time, the power erupting from the red altar also gradually increased.


Soul Phantom nodded slightly after hearing this with satisfaction. It was already very impressive in such a short period of time.

Soon, Chen Xuan had already fired six swords. At this time, his fire defense gathered the Ten Thousand Gods Fire Sword Technique, and all the power contained in it burst out, and he finally managed to defend against this sword energy.


Chen Xuan's body suddenly took a few steps back, and he let out a sigh.

His face was very gloomy, and then Chen Xuan sat on Lin and began to regain his strength.

The body refining breath bursts out, and the power in the body is directly restored.

"You have already discovered the oppression with twenty swords. How can you support ninety-nine sword energies?" Chen Xuan recalled the scene when he just hit the red altar. Soon Chen Xuan's strength had been completely restored.

"Brother, are you okay, right?" Li Qiuyu said worriedly.

Chen Xuan smiled softly: "I can still defend myself for the time being."

Although the aura of Twenty Swords is very powerful, at least it can continue until now.

In an instant, when he walked to the red altar, Chen Xuan clenched the long sword in his hand, quickly gathered the strength in his body, and suddenly slashed out with a sword energy.

Suddenly, crazy power erupted from the red altar and struck around Chen Xuan.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

Huo Fangyu also experienced a lot of time and space turbulence. His expression was extremely dark.

In the following time, Chen Xuan had to rest for a while every time he slashed out a sword energy.

"His body contains a very powerful force. If it can be fully stimulated, he may really be able to pass this second level." The soul phantom showed a slight smile and looked directly at Chen Xuan.

When Chen Xuan had sustained more than fifty swords, it took more than twenty years for Chen Xuan to regain his strength every time.

More than twenty years later, dragging his body with support, he continued to hit the red altar.

Chen Xuan's long sword hit the red altar in the air.

The crazy power in the red altar increased rapidly, and then was suppressed back.

In an instant, Chen Xuan's body quickly retreated.

But suddenly his pupils flashed gray, and the remaining power of his breath was activated in an instant.


The ground was shaking, and Chen Xuan's body was wrapped in gray.

He let out a roar, and then suddenly slashed out a gray-red sword energy. Terrifying power fluctuations filled the vicinity. At the moment that filled Chen Xuan's body, he was horrified to find that his defense had once again increased. .

Chen Xuan's face was full of excitement.

On the second floor, Master Xianlong and Yu Wenqiu were constantly inquiring about the specific traces of Chen Xuan and Li Qiuyu.

But they seemed to have dissipated on the second level, and no trace of Chen Xuan could be found at all.

"You don't have to worry, maybe Chen Xuan has taken Li Qiuyu to practice." Venerable Xianlong said with a slight smile: "The last time Chen Xuan disappeared, even the seventh-level invincible strongman of our peak level God Realm found out No trace of him."

"Even so, I still..."

Yu Wenqiu's face was full of worry.

Lord Xianlong said: "Don't worry, it's you. Pay more attention to Dugu Lun during this period. He is a little abnormal."

After that, Venerable Immortal Dragon left.

Yu Wenqiu looked a little surprised when he heard this. He contacted Dugu Lun in a short moment.

Dugu Lun, on the other hand, had just returned from Wanyan Qinghong's room.

"Dugu Lun, are you injured?" Yu Wenqiu said.

"Yu Wenqiu, there is no need to worry, my injury is not serious." Dugu Lun said.

"Dugu Lun, what's going on?" Yu Wenqiu asked.

Dugu Lun hesitated for a moment, and finally handed over his affairs to Yu Wenqiu.

After Yu Wenqiu heard this, his expression revealed a hint of surprise, and then he was filled with murderous intent.

"who is it?"

Yu Wenqiu's expression then darkened.

"Xu Wenke."

"Blood-linked Immortal Palace?"

Yu Wenqiu was extremely angry. Bloodline Immortal Palace dared to hurt Dugu Lun.

"Yu Wenqiu, this matter, this time is indeed a training for me." Dugu Lun whispered.

Some time ago, Dugu Lun was practicing outside and met a strong man. This man was Xu Wenke.

"Yu Wenqiu, you are no match for the sect master of the Bloodline Immortal Palace, just wait for Chen Xuan." Dugu Lun whispered.

Yu Wenqiu gradually calmed down and said with a slight smile: "Dugu Lun, you can stay here during this period. I will see if I can restore your cultivation."

Dugu Lun nodded slightly after hearing this, and then walked back to the room.


A sword energy hit the red altar, and Chen Xuan was shocked by the powerful energy.

Although his eyes were bleeding, there was a smile on his face now.

Through his efforts, seventy swords have been struck out. The current aura was equivalent to the power of the eighth level of the divine realm, but he still managed to hold on.

As long as you can survive it, you will pass the level.

"Keep it up, I will definitely be able to do it this time."

At the moment when he was being refined by the aura of the red altar, his defense was gradually increasing.

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