Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5497 Ten Thousand Gods Fire Sword Technique

Chen Xuan looked down and saw that all the fire sword techniques around him had disappeared without a trace.

The Ten Thousand Gods Fire Sword Technique contains powerful and mysterious power. If the fire defense is used, many fire sword techniques of the gods will erupt in the surrounding area.

But now the Ten Thousand Gods Fire Sword Technique has disappeared.

Chen Xuan knew that this was because the previous seventy swords had consumed all the power of the Ten Thousand Gods Fire Sword Technique.

The next few swords only relied on his cultivation for defense.

"My cultivation level has reached its limit. I didn't expect that it could be improved again. Looking at it this way, my cultivation level is still too low." Chen Xuan said coldly.

The more you fight against the red altar, the more you can find that the speed of body refining is very rapid.

Although his face is very gloomy now. But he seems to be very happy inside. Yes, his current defense power has already caught up with the eighth level of the divine realm.

Even if there is no way to completely defend against attacks at the eighth level of the Divine Realm, you can at least preserve your own strength under his attacks.

Duan Rui set up this trial not without reason. Chen Xuan deduced that if he could completely pass this test, the power of body refining should be truly equivalent to the eighth level of the divine realm.

In the Jade Continent, among the nineteen Ten Thousand Immortal Continent levels, there is not a single invincible strongman at the seventh level of the Divine Realm who can break through the limit through body refining and reach the eighth level of the Divine Realm.

Maybe Chen Xuan will become the first invincible strongman at the seventh level of the divine realm who can break the limit through body training. Of course he also has a lot of risks and will be killed for this reason.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Xuan raised his head, determination appearing in his eyes.

"Li Qiuyu doesn't need to worry." Chen Xuan told him not to worry.

Then he quickly gathered his strength, clenched the long sword in his hand, and struck the red altar with sword energy.

Suddenly, a lot of spiritual energy fluctuations appeared around the red altar. In an instant, the red altar absorbed the power of Chen Xuan's sword into its interior.

In an instant, the terrifying increase inside the red altar filled the air with the power of the long sword, and then poured out.

This kind of power has already begun to have the aura of the eighth level of the divine realm. Looking at the entire second level, no invincible strong person at the seventh level of the divine realm can defend it.

Li Qiuyu clenched his sword tightly and looked at Brother Chen Xuan worriedly.

No matter what, he is at the eighth level of the divine realm, so he naturally understands what this terrifying power means.

"Chen Xuan will definitely support him."

Li Qiuyu thought to himself.


Chen Xuan just pushed his body-refining defense to the extreme, desperately trying to defend against this terrifying aura.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

Chen Xuan's body flew out directly, and his clothes were in tatters.

"Brother." Li Qiuyu couldn't help shouting after seeing this situation.

"Li Qiuyu, I can still support it."

Chen Xuan immediately closed his eyes and passed out.

Li Qiuyu wanted to go over, but was stopped by the phantom of the soul.

"Your brother Chen Xuan is fine. He is recovering from his injuries subconsciously." Shenhun Phantom said: "He will recover in more than twenty years."

Chen Xuan was able to do it, and the phantom of the soul seemed to be very shocked.

The body-refining aura was used to its extreme by him, and he was still recovering from his injuries.

More than twenty years later, Chen Xuan recovered as predicted by the phantom of the soul.

Opening his eyes, Chen Xuan slowly climbed up from the ground and walked slowly to the red altar.

At this moment, Chen Xuan's aura emanating from his body clearly made him feel depressed.

While his body was being destroyed, it was also rapidly improving. Chen Xuan continued to slash out a stream of sword energy.

The aura of this sword energy improved once again. Chen Xuan barely had any room to react before he was knocked away.

There was no spiritual energy fluctuation around him, and Chen Xuan, who was unconscious, experienced huge changes in his body. After passing through the violent aura of the red altar, the power of the aura spreading in his body finally completely converged into his body.

In his body, all the power was gathered together.

Seeing this scene in mid-air, the soul phantom was slightly shocked, and then a surprise appeared on his face.

Divine Soul Phantom originally thought that he would not be able to sustain the last sword energy. Looking at it now, Chen Xuan has every chance.

"Brother Chen Xuan is recovering." Li Qiuyu also noticed the changes in Brother Chen Xuan's body and was very excited.


Chen Xuan's whole body was suddenly wrapped in the breath of Suzaku, and the flames completely wrapped Chen Xuan's body in the breath of Suzaku.

In an instant, the Tao rules were shaking all around, and some source power that was too subtle to be discovered appeared on Chen Xuan's body without any movement.

His cultivation has reached the final stage, and he only needs a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The appearance of the aura of Tao rules is actually a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

When this regular aura appeared in his body, his body immediately improved significantly.

The raging fire all over Chen Xuan's body appeared when Zheng

Suddenly, Chen Xuan opened his eyes, clenched the sword in his hand, and felt a strong aura coming from all around.

"I see."

A lot of information burst out in his mind.

In an instant, Chen Xuan knew that he had broken the limit of body refining and reached the eighth level of the divine realm.

"The power of the eighth level of the divine realm and the power of the invincible strong man of the seventh level of the divine realm are not at the same level at all. It is very terrifying."

Chen Xuan's pupils were full of excitement, very excited.

"Brother Chen Xuan."

Suddenly, Chen Xuan turned to look at Li Qiuyu.

"Li Qiuyu, don't worry, my injury is not serious." Chen Xuan showed a faint smile and walked to the red altar.

"There is still one last sword energy left."

Now Chen Xuan's understanding of the power of body refining has reached a higher level.

Although the last sword energy was terrifyingly powerful. But he no longer had any worries.

He grabbed the long sword in his hand and slashed out a stream of sword energy. The seemingly light sword energy hit the red altar, which really made the red altar tremble.

Ninety-nine sword qi, this is the only sword qi that makes the red altar tremble. One can imagine how powerful his power is?

Completely exceeding Chen Xuan's expectations, he was already prepared to block the last breath of sword energy.

However, the result really surprised him. After the red altar was trembling continuously after being attacked by him, it only let out a slight breath, and then recovered.

"No breath?" Chen Xuan said in shock.

In the distance, the laughter of the spirit phantom suddenly came.

"Haha, it's very good. I'm glad that I passed the second level." Shenhun Phantom said with a smile.

Li Qiuyu stepped lightly on the ground and rushed to his eldest brother's side. With a faint smile on his face, he was very excited: "Brother."

His ability to reach the eighth level of the divine realm is entirely determined by his prior talent. Chen Xuan, on the other hand, relied on his cultivation to refine his body to reach the eighth level of the divine realm. This was not something that a weak warrior could achieve.

Chen Xuan then looked at the phantom of the soul: "Sir, what is going on?"

"Actually, of the second level of ninety-nine sword energy, only the first ninety-eight swords are very dangerous. The trial of the ninety-ninth sword energy has been approved by Duan Rui." Shenhun Phantom said.

Being able to defend against the aura of the ninety-eight swords earned Duan Rui's approval. However, this last sword aura was mainly to see the thoughts of those who participated in the martial arts test.

"The warrior chosen by your Excellency will definitely be one with very powerful talents. Even if he breaks through the ninety-eight swords in front of him, he will not have the guts to kill the last sword energy." Shenhun Phantom said calmly.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly when he heard this.

At the moment when the next ninety-nine sword qi is considered to be the strongest sword qi, as long as you kill it, you will definitely succeed.

"Is your talent really a top talent?" Shenhun Phantom said.

"Your current cultivation level is actually almost equal to his." Divine Soul Phantom continued: "Just using the power of body refining, you can completely suppress some invincible strong men at the seventh level of the divine realm."

Chen Xuan actually knew this.

Is he now truly the seventh-level invincible expert in the strongest divine realm?

"Sir, what is this last level?" After passing the first two levels, Chen Xuan was already impatient and wanted to pass the last level.

"Come with me." The spirit phantom chuckled and disappeared onto the earth.

"This is the place where you have practiced in seclusion before. There are about seven shrines inside. As long as you can pass one of the shrines, you will be tested." Shenhun Phantom glanced at the main hall in front of him and said.

"Seven sacred platforms?" Chen Xuan murmured.

"But it is very difficult to pass the seven altars. If you are not careful, you will be suppressed by the power of the altar and die. The top talents who came here before you also died because they could not bear the pressure. and died." The soul phantom said: "There is only one sacred platform in the center. It is up to you whether you can find this sacred platform."

Then the spirit phantom waved its hand, and Chen Xuan entered the center.

Chen Xuan looked around and saw seven altars calmly appearing at the front of the hall.

On the altar, the same aura erupted.

"As expected, it's Duan Rui. The aura of a grand hall can be equivalent to that of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent. It's really terrifying." Chen Xuan said slightly surprised.

After entering the main hall, he discovered that the main hall was actually the same Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, and this place contained Tao rules.

"Which altar?"

Chen Xuan looked at the seven altars and observed them calmly.

The soul phantomed, and among the seven divine platforms, only one was practiced by Duan Rui. So the rest are 100% not.

"Although as long as you pass any sacred platform, you will be tested. But I think the sacred platform Duan Rui used is 100% magical." Chen Xuan thought to himself.

After checking for a long time, Chen Xuan found almost nothing in the seven altars.

Finally, Chen Xuan decided to test what was around the altar and why all the top talents who entered here during the previous period were killed.

Moving cautiously, Chen Xuan slowly approached the altar.

After half a stick of incense, Chen Xuan came to the seven adjacent shrines.

Suddenly, a terrifying pressure came, and Chen Xuan's body was directly suppressed in great pain. And he was also suffering from strong spiritual pressure.

"Pressure that exceeds the eighth level of the divine realm?" Chen Xuan's pupils were extremely frightened and he looked at the altar.

When Chen Xuan felt this terrifying pressure, he also felt the rules.

"Could it be the operating rules of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent?"

Although Chen Xuan had understood the rules of drying before, he had not yet achieved 100% control.

However, now that he felt the operation of the rules of the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, he was also very surprised.

It turns out that Tao rules can be so powerful? Looking at the entire second level, no invincible powerhouse at the seventh level of the divine realm has ever achieved this.

"Was he just the ultimate seventh-level invincible expert in the realm of gods?" Chen Xuan said in his heart.

In an instant, a shock brought Chen Xuan's thoughts back.

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