Since it was his first time to practice in seclusion in Wanjin Hall, Chen Xuan discovered the powerful and mysterious power of fire as soon as he entered, constantly impacting his body.

"What a powerful divine sword spirit aura."

Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh, no wonder he collected more than 20 Dao vein stones in such a short period of time.

In the first dimension, there are many disciples practicing in seclusion.

"The aura of Divine Sword Intent is extremely powerful."

Gradually, Chen Xuan discovered that the closer he got to the core area, the aura of Divine Sword Intent continued to be extremely powerful, while the aura of Divine Sword Intent in the outermost periphery was very little.

"These few disciples occupying the core area have very powerful auras."

Those who are powerful will naturally occupy the best place for cultivation. Most of the peripheral areas are composed of relatively weak warriors.

Jianchen Sect.

Wang Beiguang was very unhappy and wanted revenge.

Chen Xuan's talent in the game is very terrifying, he is no match at all.

One morning, Wang was brought to Jianchen Sect and wanted to fight Chen Xuan.

But he alone doesn't have the courage to be so arrogant in Jianchen Sect.

"Brother Wang Luan, Chen Xuan is in Jianchen Sect."

Wang Beiguang whispered, only with Wang Luan could he dare to pass through Jianchen Sect at will.

"Wait for a while and I will teach this arrogant guy a lesson for you." Wang Luan said in a cold voice.

They soon arrived at Jianchen Zong Zheng

Since Chen Xuan left, there was no one left in the sect.

"Chen Xuan, get out now."

Wang Benguang's voice spread throughout the entire Jianchen Sect. The voice contained terrifying power, which directly alarmed Yu Wenqiu who was in seclusion.

"what is going on?"

A look of displeasure appeared on Yu Wenqiu's face, then he opened the secret room and walked out.

"what is going on?"

When he saw Yu Wenqiu and then Wang Luan, he was suddenly stunned. He looked at Yu Wenqiu extremely crazily.

Wang Beiguang, who was not far away, was also completely attracted by Yu Wenqiu's aura.

"What are your identities? Why are you in Jianchen Sect?"

Yu Wenqiu's voice reached them.

"Friends, we are here to see Chen Xuan." Wang Luan said with a sarcastic look on his face.

"Chen Xuan is gone. You can leave." Yu Wenqiu said

"Chen Xuan is your friend?"

Hearing this, Wang Luan said helplessly: "Friend, your friend is too weak."

"Join our Qing Xueyun Sect as soon as possible. I guarantee that you can get those precious treasures and soon you will surpass Chen Xuan." Wang Luan said.

"That's right, my senior brother is very strong. He is also very strong in the Qing Xueyun Sect." Wang Beiguang said.

"Haha, are you looking for death?" Yu Wenqiu was very unhappy.

When Wang Luan heard this, his face was full of sarcasm and he was not angry at all.

Chen Xuan was practicing in seclusion in Wanjin Hall and had no idea what was happening in Jianchen Sect.

In the next few days, Wang Luan came to see Yu Wenqiu all day long.

He wanted to take action, but his strength was not as good as Wang Luan's. He had no choice but to ignore Wang Luan.

"Haha, how about this time??"

Wang Luan came to Jianchen Sect again as usual, looked at Yu Wenqiu, showed a smile and said.

Upon hearing this, Yu Wenqiu ignored Wang Luan.

Zheng of Wanjin Palace

All the extremely powerful power of fire appeared in Chen Xuan's body, and had a strong impact on the divine sword intention in his memory.

During this impact, experience a different divine sword intention.

At first, Chen Xuan tried to see if Wanjin Palace would be of any use to him in devouring the tenth low-level Dao vein.

However, now he only took out several vein stones.

And now three hours have passed.

At a certain moment, the power of fire instantly filled Chen Xuan's body, and the terrifying power of the divine sword burst out instantly.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan opened his eyes. He was surrounded by the aura of the divine sword that shocked him beyond compare, and even his eyes were filled with sharp sword light.

"Hahaha, it's true. It's really strong."

After checking for a week, he also found that the perception of the divine sword in his consciousness was different from before. Chen Xuan said slightly surprised.

"If I practice in seclusion in Wanjin Palace for a long time, my cultivation level should be able to improve quickly." Chen Xuan murmured to himself.

"When I come back next time, I will definitely be able to devour the tenth low-level Dao vein." Chen Xuan said confidently.

Although he was unsuccessful this time, Chen Xuan already had a way out. Moreover, he felt that the nine low-level Dao veins were not the end. There was a high chance of swallowing up the tenth low-level Dao vein at the early stage of the eighth level of the Divine Realm.

"This retreat training is over, it's time to leave here." After getting up from the ground, many disciples were still practicing in retreat, Chen Xuan turned his head and left Wanjin Hall.

After coming out, I discovered that he had been practicing for several hours now.

Finally, he handed over a hundred low-level Dao Vein Stones and hurriedly returned to Jianchen Sect.

Within Jianchen Sect.

Wang Luan had no way to persuade Yu Wenqiu today, so he arranged for Wang Banguang to come over.

Wang Beiguang smiled and looked at Yu Wenqiu.

"Senior Brother Wang Luan has a prominent position in our Qing Xueyun Sect." Wang Beiguang said: "Senior Brother Wang Luan can give you magic weapons that Chen Xuan cannot give you."

"Haha, it's really funny. No more, let him go and don't come poaching, Mad."

Yu Wenqiu said in a cold voice, if his strength were not inferior to Wang Beiguang's, he would have used the technique before.

"Don't try to make trouble. Senior Brother Wang Luan just doesn't want to force you. If you anger him directly, Jianchen Sect will be wiped out in one round." Wang Beiguang said with a gloomy face.

Yuwen Qiu couldn't bear it anymore and finally launched an attack. His body burst out with a powerful force different from the power of the Fire Immortal Soul and the Fire Immortal Bird.

At this moment, Yuwen Qiu's palm suddenly chopped out continuously.

Wang Beiguang's pupils showed a smile, and his voice was cold.

Then, many Dao veins appeared above his head. The powerful and mysterious aura instantly spread around, and it was easy to directly defend against Yuwen Qiu's attack.

In an instant, the auras of both sides collided violently, and then some scars appeared on Yuwen Qiu's long sword full of murderous intent.

And his body was also forced to retreat continuously.

"If it weren't for Senior Brother Wang Luan, I would have attacked you before." Wang Beiguang looked directly at Yuwen Qiu and threatened.

As soon as Chen Xuan returned to Jianchen Sect, he felt the terrifying power colliding fiercely around him.

"Don't worry, what's going on? Battle fluctuations?"

At first, Chen Xuan thought they were competing, but when he carefully sensed it, his face changed instantly.

"Wang Beiguang."

Chen Xuan's space-time power was running, and he appeared in front of Yuwen Qiu in an instant.

"Hehe, it's okay, right?" Chen Xuan said.

Seeing Chen Xuan, Yuwen Qiu's cold face finally showed a little smile.

"Your disciple is not far away, this is on me." Chen Xuan looked at Yuwen Qiu and said.

Then Chen Xuan turned around, a little murderous intent flashed in his pupils, staring at Wang Beiguang.

"This is Jianchen Sect." Chen Xuan suppressed his dissatisfaction and said with a cold face.

"What can Jianchen Sect do?"

Wang Beiguang spread his hands and said it was nothing. He has Senior Brother Wang Luan as a background board, would he be afraid of Chen Xuan?

"You not only went through Jianchen Sect, but also found my friend." Chen Xuan was slightly shocked, and then continued.

Wang Beiguang's face showed a hint of irony and disdain: "So what? How about this?"

Chen Xuan smiled, and then slowly walked towards Wang Beiguang, with the murderous intent in his pupils not concealed.

"Even if I kill you, the high-level of Shenmen may not ask anything, right?" Suddenly, Chen Xuan's face was full of murderous intent.

Hearing what Chen Xuan just said, Wang Beiguang laughed.

"Chen Xuan, you are simply sick in the brain, right? Do you really think that he can kill me by defeating my opponent in Wanjulong Mountain?"

Wang Beiguang mocked Chen Xuan with disdain.

The battle in Wanjulong Mountain relied entirely on the perception of the divine sword.

He admitted that his perception of the divine sword was not as good as Chen Xuan's, but in terms of strength, he completely suppressed this guy who was only in the early eighth level of the Divine Lord Realm.

In an instant, the terrifying power was suddenly released from Chen Xuan's body, and the next moment the aura in the entire Jianchen Sect was instantly improved.

Wang Beiguang had almost no defense and was defeated by Chen Xuan's sword energy.

He flew far away in an instant, and the crazy aura began to gradually dissipate.

Wang Beiguang felt pain around him, stood up with difficulty, and looked at Chen Xuan like crazy: "You are simply seeking your own death."

"You have no need to live anymore."

Chen Xuan did not give Wang Beiguang any chance. The Liaoyuan Sword suddenly appeared, and then he used the Ten Thousand Gods Fire Sword Technique.

Five divine sword moves were instantly performed, with a powerful aura, carrying a force that shocked him and directly killed Wang Beiguang.

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