Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 5534 Mastering the Secrets of Time and Space

At this moment, Chen Xuan used the secret method of proficient time and space, and his body kept flying into the air, leaving Wang Beiguang with almost no way to defend himself.


Terrifying spiritual energy fluctuations continued to erupt from Jianchen Sect.

Wang Beiguang attacked like crazy, defending against Chen Xuan's attack.

"If you want to kill a powerful person in the early stage of the eighth level of the divine realm, you don't have the cultivation level yet."

Wang Beiguang yelled crazily.

But suddenly, in the sky above Chen Xuan's head, nine channels of energy erupted with terrifying pressure.

"Wait a minute, if I guessed correctly, this should be the nine low-level channels."

Wang Beiguang, whose face was originally full of displeasure, suddenly changed his expression after seeing clearly the nine low-level Dao veins.

"How is it possible? What is going on? I will never believe it. How could you swallow nine low-level Dao veins?"

At this moment, Wang Beiguang also felt a lot of emotions in his heart.

If Chen Xuan only broke out a few low-level Dao veins, this would be nothing at all.

However, in the tens of thousands of years before the third level of the Nine Dao Veins in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, this group of very warriors in the early stage of the eighth level of the Divine Realm only devoured the nine low-level Dao Veins.

The most important thing is that if it can swallow the nine paths, its power will be greatly increased, and even some weaker gods in the middle eighth level of the divine realm cannot beat them.

Wang Beiguang is very weak in the middle stage of the eighth level of the Divine Realm. How could he be the opponent of Chen Xuan, who had nine low-level Dao veins bursting out and fell into anger.

As Chen Xuan roared, the Ten Thousand Gods Fire Sword Technique was displayed crazily. Along with the long sword, he blasted out sword energy one after another.

This is the first time that Chen Xuan has unleashed all his power since he came to Shenmen.

In Chen Xuan's heart, he already had the intention to kill Wang Beiguang.

"Damn, what the hell is going on?"

Wang Beiguang defended Chen Xuan's attack as if he was desperate, and at the same time rushed towards the outside of Jianchen Sect.

"Brother Wang Luan."

Wang Beiguang hurried to Wang Luan, hoping that Wang Luan could come to save him.

"We must escape from Jianchen Sect so that we can have a chance to find Wang Luan."

Seeing Wang Beiguang fleeing from Tu, Chen Xuan sneered.

"There is absolutely no way you can leave here alive today."

Just after finishing these words, he waved his weapon, and the sixth-order immortal-level formation instantly filled the Jianchen Sect, suppressing Wang Banguang in the center.

Seeing this situation, Wang Beiguang's heart flashed with a hint of despair.

Without the consent of the sect leader, if he directly enters the sect of another warrior, the latter can kill him directly.

The reason why Wang Beiguang and Wang Luan dared to pass through Jianchen Sect was actually because Jianchen Sect had just been established and they didn't have to worry about Chen Xuan.

Now that Chen Xuan was finally angered, he used a powerful technique to suppress Wang Banguang to the level of the sixth-order immortal-level formation Zheng

"Wang Beiguang, what do you want to say?"

Chen Xuan was in mid-air, observing the very poor Wang Beiguang, and said.

Wang Beiguang, who fled in a hurry, looked extremely ferocious, and shouted loudly: "Chen Xuan, if you kill me, the Qing Xueyun Sect will not let you go, even if it chases you for hundreds of thousands of miles, it will definitely kill you." I'm going to kill you."

"Qing Xueyun Sect?"

Chen Xuan's face showed a hint of sarcasm. Wang Beiguang was still threatening him?

"Do you think the threat of Qingxue Yun Sect is of any use to me?" Chen Xuan said calmly.

"I have already whispered to Senior Brother Wang Luan before. He will be here soon. If you want to kill me..." Wang Beiguang said.

The sixth-level immortal-level formation suppressed Wang Banguang's body, and then Chen Xuan suddenly swung out a sword energy.

The sword light fell around him, and the breath of blood suddenly emanated from Wang Beiguang's mouth.

"What do you mean? What do you mean?"

Seeing Chen Xuan walking towards him, Wang Beiguang finally got scared.

He clearly felt the approaching power of Divine Sword Intent, and his body was trembling.

"Chen Xuan, let me go."

Wang Beiguang knelt down and begged for mercy, hoping that Chen Xuan would spare him.

Chen Xuan's face showed a hint of sarcasm. He came here by chance today. If he were still practicing in seclusion in Wanjin Hall, the final result would be unimaginable.

With another sword energy, Wang Banguang's cultivation was directly broken by Chen Xuan, and blood instantly covered the ground.

It was at this time that a force with a terrifying aura came from the Qingxueyun Sect and was beginning to approach the Jianchen Sect.

"Chen Xuan, please forgive me, I am also working for Senior Brother Wang Luan." Wang Beiguang helplessly raised his sword

"At this moment when you used this technique on my friend, did you ever think about sparing us?"

Chen Xuan snorted coldly, and then the Ten Thousand Gods Fire Sword Technique was activated to the extreme. More than a dozen terrifying sword lights, accompanied by nine low-level Dao veins, burst out with red power, filled the entire air, and fell on Wang Beiguang's body. around.

At this moment, an extremely angry voice suddenly came from outside Jianchen Sect.

"Chen Xuan, stop."

This guy is Wang Luan. When he discovered the spiritual energy fluctuations in the sixth-order immortal level formation, he became confused and wanted to stop Chen Xuan from taking action.

But in an instant, the turbulent aura suddenly filled the entire sky, and the sixth-level immortal-level formations were shaking.

"You are simply asking for your own death."

Wang Luan's face was gloomy and he roared. Then he released his air veins and began to frantically resist the aura of the sixth-order immortal-level formation.


Within the formation, Chen Xuan's attack completely enveloped Wang Beiguang in an instant.

Soon, Wang Beiguang lost any defense, and was killed in the powerful aura.

Glancing at Wang Beiguang nearby, Chen Xuan's eyes penetrated the sixth-order immortal level formation and looked at Wang Luan.

Chen Xuan gave a soft drink, and then the spirit god moved slightly and put away the sixth-order immortal-level formation.

Wang Luan, who was attacking angrily, was in mid-air, looking directly at Chen Xuan with murderous intent on his face.

"Did you kill Wang Banguang?"

Wang Luan was a little confused after seeing Wang Beiguang.

This guy actually killed Wang Beiguang?

"It's completely possible to kill him through Jianchen Sect. Wang Beiguang's death has a lot to do with you." Chen Xuan said calmly.

"You will kill the king, Chen Xuan, do you know what you are doing?"

Wang Luan looked extremely ferocious and said with a cold face: "Wang Banguang is a disciple of my Qing Xueyun Sect, and you actually killed Wang Banguang? Do you know that you are challenging the entire Qing Xueyun Sect? "

"I only know that if you are still not ready to leave, I will tell Elder Wang Lianghui immediately and you will die by then." Chen Xuan said calmly.

"What do you mean? What do you mean?"

The extreme anger in Wang Luan's heart, and the attack containing a terrifying aura, emitted.

"Disciples of the Qing Xueyun Sect will not be killed casually. You want to die."

After Wang Luan thought carefully, he was still ready to take revenge and avenge his shame. Now he could no longer care about so much.


Wang Luan's cultivation level can also be ranked among the top 20 in the Qing Xueyun Sect. He has condensed up to seven Tao veins and is very powerful.

Although Chen Xuan exploded with nine low-level Tao channels, his cultivation level was still not comparable to that of Wang Luan who was extremely angry.

Seeing this, Chen Xuan fought with Wang Luan while whispering to Elder Wang Lianghui.

Suddenly several terrifying spatial ripples appeared in the sky. Then a black sword energy appeared in mid-air, and two warriors walked out of it.


The moment they appeared, the battle in the residential area ended.

Wang Luan was horrified to find that his body was suppressed in mid-air and he was unable to use his spiritual energy.

He looked up into the distance and found that Elder Wang Lianghui and another elder had already arrived.

"Elder Wang Lianghui, elder Qingshu Immortal."

"what happened?"

Elder Wang Lianghui's expression turned gloomy and he continued.

"I'd better trouble Elder Wang Lianghui to bring justice to our Qing Xueyun Sect."

Suddenly Wang Beiguang said directly: "Wang Beiguang just passed through the Jianchen Sect inadvertently and was killed by Chen Xuan."

At this time, Elder Wang Lianghui also saw the bones in the distance.

"Elder Wang Lianghui, Wang Banguang deserves to die." Chen Xuan said calmly

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan told Elder Wang Lianghui everything about Wang Banguang's passage through the Jianchen Sect.

Then, with a gloomy expression, he stared at Wang Luan.

"Wang Luan, you won't even understand the rules when you come to Shenmen, right?" Elder Wang Lianghui said.

Facing Elder Wang Lianghui's inquiry, Wang Luan couldn't say a word.

"But my junior brother will not die even if he passes the Jianchen Clan." Wang Beiguang said.

"Haha, it's really funny. I still don't know that the reason why Wang Beiguang died has nothing to do with you." Elder Wang Lianghui snorted coldly.

He also understood Wang Luan very well and asked Wang Ban to go to Jianchen Sect.

Wang Ran couldn't say a word and fell into silence.

"Although brothers are forbidden to kill their own people, it is normal for Chen Xuan to kill him. However, for the sake of Wang Feiguang's death, you take Wang Feiguang's bones back." Elder Wang Lianghui said: " If you fail to respect the sectarian rules, you will bear the consequences.”

"Thank you very much, elder."

Wang Luan took Wang Feiguang's bones and quickly returned to the Qing Xueyun Sect.

"Thank you, elder." Chen Xuan smiled slightly.

"Although you used your skills this time, you were a little hasty." Elder Wang Lianghui said slowly: "Jianchen Sect has just been established, and you are the only one. Qingxue Yun Sect has been established for hundreds of thousands of years, and has gathered protective guards. Zong Lingli. By killing Wang Banguang casually, you are showing off Xueyun Zong’s face.”

"Yes, Chen Xuan, you are too hasty. It is estimated that the Qing Xueyun Sect will never give up. Next, you must not be anxious and be careful. It is best to stay in the Jianchen Sect and not outside. "Elder Qingshu Immortal also said.

When Chen Xuan heard this, a smile appeared in his pupils.

Within the entire Qingxueyun Sect, terrifying pressure filled the earth.

There are many disciples of Qing Xueyun Sect in the main hall of Qing Xueyun Sect.

These disciples all came from Qianjin City, and being able to advance to this level is closely related to the precious treasures of Shenmen.

They have been in seclusion for the purpose of attacking the cabinet faction.

However, Wang Bianguang died and they ended the retreat.

The warrior who flew to the top clearly gave off a very powerful feeling.

The other party is actually the current sect leader of the Qing Xueyun Sect and the strongest person in the Qing Xueyun Sect, Wang Qingge.

No one knows how many connections Wang Qingge has condensed. They only know that his cultivation level is very terrifying.

There is no warrior in the sect who can force Wang Qingge to use his strongest technique. And Wang Qingge himself also retreated crazily, pursuing a higher level of realm.

Moreover, Wang Qingge is already hitting the eighth level of the divine realm.

However, Wang Luan, who ranked among the top twenty in the Qing Xueyun Sect, barely even qualified to enter the main hall.

"Anything can be direct."

Wang Qingge, the leader, said calmly.

Wang Luan's body trembled a little, and he suppressed the panic in his heart and said slowly: "Brother Wang Qingge, it's Chen Xuan!"

Wang Chengge listened to Wang Luan's complaint frantically. After a while, Wang Luan was finally finished.

When Wang Chengge heard this, he nodded slightly and looked at Wang Luan, which immediately made his body extremely frightened.

"Since you were the one who went there first, is it our Qing Xueyun Sect's fault?" Wang Qingge said calmly.

"Brother Wang Qingge, Chen Xuan of Jianchen Sect is too arrogant. He is indeed very powerful, but he deliberately seduced Junior Brother Wang Beiguang into competing at Wanjulong Mountain, which just caused Junior Brother Wang Beiguang to lose the competition."

Wang Chengge shook his head slightly. He was still the leader of the Qing Xueyun Sect no matter what, and he didn't know how long he had stayed in the Shenmen.

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