After hearing this, Wang Tingyu nodded slightly and walked directly towards the area. However, in the process, he immediately glanced at Chen Xuan who was practicing in seclusion on the altar, and whispered: "What is his identity?"

The many warriors who were practicing all got up from the ground and said: "Brother Wang Tingyu, the opponent is Chen Xuan of Jianchen Sect."

"Chen Xuan? Is it the Chen Xuan who fought to the death with Wang Qingyun?"

Wang Tingyu's face gradually became gloomy.

Have the courage to occupy his area?

"There is no one in the nine areas, but you occupy his area. Look at me, Wang Tingyu?"

Wang Tingyu was extremely angry.

"Brother Wang Tingyu, he is very arrogant. Let me teach this damn kid a lesson."

Soon, a disciple performed a skill, and a sword energy instantly killed Chen Xuan's body.

In an instant, the terrifying aura instantly knocked the opponent away, and at the same time Chen Xuan stopped practicing and looked at him.

"Why do you affect my practice?" Chen Xuan said.

"Are you Chen Xuan?" Wang Tingyu looked directly at Chen Xuan.

"Don't you know where I come from?"

"How dare you come to my place?" Wang Tingyu laughed. "There are people in the nine areas of the third floor. You just occupy my place. Aren't you looking down on me?"

Chen Xuan was slightly surprised, and he was extremely unhappy.

"Wanjin Palace is a place for sects to improve their cultivation. What's wrong?" Chen Xuan said in a deep voice.

"But this area is where I, Wang Tingyu, practice." Wang Tingyu emphasized again.

"Interesting, haha, there are so many places on the third floor? As long as the sects take out a large number of Dao vein stones, I can practice wherever I want. When will it be your turn?" Chen Xuan said.

"Do you have the courage to talk to Lord Wang Tingyu? Are you looking for death?"

"You are completely finished. You even have the courage to provoke Lord Wang Tingyu?"

Several disciples surrounded Wang Tingyu not far away and looked at Chen Xuan.

"I am a disciple on the disciple list no matter what. Have you guys never heard of my name? Do you have the guts to talk to me?"

Chen Xuan's attitude was very cold. He didn't show any mercy to Wang Tingyu at all. He directly used his skills on his subordinates.

Wang Tingyu smiled slightly and looked directly at Chen Xuan.

After that, Chen Xuan ignored Wang Tingyu and continued to fly slowly to Lin and began to practice.

Wang Tingyu saw this situation, and suddenly a sword energy instantly killed Chen Xuan.

In an instant, when his long sword was about to approach Chen Xuan, he suddenly stood up, and then quickly gathered the surrounding power, and a sword energy hit Wang Tingyu's long sword.

Only a rumbling sound was heard...

Wang Tingyu was no match for Chen Xuan in terms of strength.

In an instant, Wang Tingyu's body flew backwards.

"Master Wang Tingyu."

Several warriors hurriedly helped Wang Tingyu up, and then asked him to eat a few immortal herbs to recover from his injuries.

"You are completely finished. Brother Wang Tingyu is Wang De. If you have the courage to provoke Lord Wang Tingyu, his brother will not let you go. Even if he chases you for a long distance, he will definitely kill you." Chen Xuan smiled and said, "But I don't know Wang De." "What do you mean? You don't know Wang De? What do you mean?" Wang Tingyu was extremely angry. He had just discovered Chen Xuan's horror. "Haha, it's really funny. Talking to you is just a waste of my time." Wang Tingyu said sarcastically, "In two months, you will definitely die at the hands of Wang Qingyun. I, Wang Tingyu, don't bother to use my skills on you." "In that case, can I practice here?" Chen Xuan spread his hands and said. "Haha, it's really funny." Wang Tingyu turned around and left. Chen Xuan looked at the many warriors and then stayed in Wang Tingyu's area. Outside the Wanjin Palace. "Master Wang Tingyu, let this guy go?"

"Yes, Master Wang Tingyu, if he dares to attack you, I will definitely kill him."

"Master Wang Tingyu, if you use all your skills, you can suppress Chen Xuan 100%."

Several follower warriors whispered.

Wang Tingyu's eyes were filled with cold murderous intent, and he said with a cold face: "You have the courage to provoke me, Wang Tingyu. He is only a disciple ranked tenth on the disciple list, and it is completely impossible for my brothers to take action."

"Master Wang Tingyu, how do we deal with Chen Xuan?"

Hearing this, Wang Tingyu sneered.

"Haha, in this case, don't waste time. Let's go to Qingxueyun Sect to find Wang Qingyun."

There are 25 sects, and Chen Xuan is also ranked at the bottom.

Killing Wang Beiguang, defeating Wang Luan with a sword, and fighting with Wang Qingyun. All of this really made his fame gradually spread.

Especially when he directly entered the disciple list, compared with the disciples who had no way to enter the disciple list before, he was extremely envious of Chen Xuan.

Wang Tingyu is from Wanting Sect, which ranks 10th or 30th. Their sect is called Wanting Area.

There have been many warriors in Wanting Area over the generations, especially Wang Tingyu, which has seen several strong men compared to the past.

One of the warriors has even entered the Cabinet Faction, which really makes Wanting Sect's status in the sub-sects very high. Even some sects with higher rankings than Wanting Sect do not have the courage to provoke them.

Wang Tingyu's cultivation is not very terrifying. The reason why he can be in the sub-sect is entirely because of his brother Wang De.

Wang De is actually a strong man ranked in the top five of the disciple list, and his strength has reached a very terrifying level.

This time, Chen Xuan robbed Wang Tingyu of this area, which made him very unhappy. He came to ask to see Wang Qingyun.

"\\\\u003dWhat kind of person is he?"

"Wang Tingyu of Wan Ting Sect came here specifically to ask to see Wang Qingyun." Wang Tingyu said.

Soon, the guard disciple whispered the news to Wang Qingyun.

"Haha, Brother Wang Tingyu?"

Wang Qingyun invited Wang Tingyu into the Qing Xueyun Sect, and they flew not far away and talked.

"Brother Wang Qingyun, I heard that you are going to fight to the death with Jianchen Sect Chen Xuan?" Wang Tingyu asked.

"This damn guy, yes." At this moment of Chen Xuan, Wang Qingyun was very angry.

"Actually, Chen Xuan and I had a conflict just now in the Wanjin Palace." Wang Tingyu continued.

"What do you mean? There was a conflict with Chen Xuan?"

Wang Qingyun looked at Wang Tingyu, his pupils filled with aura.

"This time I want to discuss with Brother Wang Qingyun how to kill him."

The third floor of Wanjin Hall.

Chen Xuan has been practicing for several hours, and he can find that his understanding of the Immortal Dragon Rain Sword Technique has reached an absolute level.

There was no need to stay any longer. After leaving Wanjin Palace, Chen Xuan found a subtle spiritual energy fluctuation coming from all around.

"I don't know what's going on?"

Chen Xuan's face was slightly surprised, and his expression changed slightly. This aura was obviously a battle wave.

There was doubt in Chen Xuan's heart, and he rushed towards the place where the spiritual energy was fluctuating.

The secret method of time and space circulated. Chen Xuan flew up into the sky and soon arrived at the easternmost part of the mountain. This place was far away from the Shenmen sect.

Then, he directly discovered that there were two strong men fighting in the distance.

The terrifying sword light continued to gather in the air, and finally, the spiritual energy fluctuations that broke out surprised Chen Xuandu.

"So powerful, are they also disciples of a different sect?"

Chen Xuan was extremely curious. This was already the middle stage of the eighth level of the strongest god he had ever seen.

"With their cultivation, they are at least in the top fifty on the disciple list, right?" Chen Xuan thought to himself.

A warrior in gray clothes in the distance grabbed the sword directly and stared ahead.

Opposite him was a warrior covered in purple robes.

"Song Yi, your cultivation has not improved much." The warrior in gray sneered.

"Is your Wang Guo's cultivation the same?" the warrior known as Song Yi asked.

"Let's continue fighting in more than six months." Wang Guo put away his sword and said with a smile.

But at the moment when Song Yi was about to leave, they suddenly felt clearly the warrior hidden in the secret.

"What kind of person is he?"

Following Song Yi's roar, Chen Xuan walked out helplessly.

"Haha, I accidentally discovered the fluctuations of the battle and came here." Chen Xuan said hurriedly.

"Early stage of the eighth level of the divine realm?"

Seeing Chen Xuan, Song Yi finally showed a puzzled expression, then frowned, feeling extremely unhappy inside.

"Are you Chen Xuan of Jianchen Sect?"

Wang Guo looked at Chen Xuan and said.

"How do you know that I am Chen Xuan of Jianchen Sect?" Chen Xuan was very confused.

"Of course I know that you are Chen Xuan of the Sword Chen Sect, the first warrior to defeat his opponent as a new disciple at Wanjulong Mountain by using his soul to control sword moves." Wang Guo said with a face full of sarcasm.

"It turns out it's you." Song Yi was also surprised and said: "Your current cultivation level is too weak, go back."

"Haha, in that case, I'm leaving."

Chen Xuan also understood the truth and left quickly.

After returning to Jianchen Sect, Chen Xuan crazily recalled such a battle.

"Senior Brother Wang Guo's control over the secret method of Divine Sword Intent has reached a very strong level. And Senior Brother Song Yi is also very strong."

Chen Xuan could clearly feel it, and his understanding was still very profound, so he hurriedly began to practice the secret method of Divine Soul Sword Intent.

After four sticks of incense, Chen Xuan opened his eyes.

He curled his lips and said: "I haven't mastered the secret technique of Divine Soul Sword Intent, but I have cultivated the Immortal Dragon Rain Divine Sword Technique to the third level."

After completing the third level of the Immortal Dragon Rain Sword Technique, Chen Xuan has not yet broken through to the mid-eighth level of the divine realm, but he has indeed broken all previous records of the third level in the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent.

"Haha, wait patiently, I will definitely make you regret it."

Then time passed slowly, and two months passed in the blink of an eye.

Some disciples who were paying attention to Chen Xuan's deadly battle had already come to Zheng Zheng in the central hall before.

Many warriors are discussing who will be killed?

"Master Wang Tingyu, are you here too?"

Among the many warriors, some warriors recognized Wang Ting Yu Dao.

"Let me see how Chen Xuan was killed by Wang Qingyun." Wang Tingyu said in a cold voice.

Compared with before, more disciples gathered in the central hall.

After a while, Wang Qingyun also appeared here.

"Senior Brother Wang Qingyun." Many warriors were shouting Wang Qingyun.

Several elders from the main sect hall also came here.

Among them, Mr. Huang Shao and others saw Wang Qingyun strengthened, with smiles on their expressions.

"In this fight to the death, Wang Qingyun will definitely kill Chen Xuan."

"If Chen Xuan is killed, there will be no need for the Jianchen Sect to exist, right?"

After some time passed, under the gaze of many warriors, Chen Xuan arrived.


Tapping his toes on the ground, Chen Xuan walked directly onto the central stage and looked at Wang Qingyun.

"Chen Xuan, do you want to survive?" Wang Qingyun said with murderous intent.

Chen Xuan spread his hands and said, "The only warrior who will die is you."

"Haha, it's really funny. I won't hold back in a fight to the death. After today, Jianchen Sect will disappear from the branch sect." Wang Qingyun sneered.

Wang Tingyu was extremely angry when she saw Chen Xuan.

"This damn guy, I hope Wang Qingyun can kill him directly." Wang Tingyu said solemnly.

"Master Wang Tingyu doesn't need to worry at all. It's just Chen Xuan. He is no match for Wang Qingyun."

"That's right. No matter what, Wang Qingyun is also the top talented martial artist on the disciple list. How can it be possible that Chen Xuan can defeat him?"

In the viewing area, Elder Wang Yun followed the rules of a fight to the death.

"Although you are fighting to the death, you are all disciples of Shenmen. I hope you can compare casually and end it." Elder Wang Yun said: "During the fight to the death, you cannot rely on the power of other warriors."

"Chen Xuan, come on."

After Wang Qingyun finished these words, suddenly an extremely powerful force erupted all over his body, and then a gray sword appeared in his hand.

The long sword suddenly swung, and wherever it passed, the terrifying power of fire filled the air, directly gathering a red sword energy. These thunder sword auras, which appear to be dull on the surface, actually burst out with a terrifying aura.

"Thunder Fire Sword Technique."

Wang Qingyun gave a low shout and used the thunder and fire sword technique.

The crimson sword energy condensed by the power of fire in the air, under the control of the long sword, gathered into a terrifying space-time turbulence. In this turbulence of time and space, a crimson sword light gradually appeared that shocked him extremely.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

The long sword rotated in the air, and the crimson sword light that emerged from the turbulence of time and space swallowed up all the sword energy. Then he combined with the long sword and erupted into a terrifying crimson light.


Wang Qingyun's breath was fierce, and a sword energy came over to kill him.

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