"It seems that Wang Qingyun really had murderous intentions towards Chen Xuan, and he used the thunder and fire sword technique from the beginning."

"That's right. According to the Thunder Fire Sword Technique, although it is a top-level immortal-level secret method, its true power is already equivalent to a high-level top-level immortal-level secret method."

"Look at it this way, it's just beginning and it's about to end."

On the central battlefield, Chen Xuan sneered when he saw Wang Qingyun's attack.

"Just ants."

Chen Xuan sneered and kept moving to avoid Wang Qingyun's attack.

At this moment, the prairie fire sword appeared in front of him, and he displayed the Ten Thousand Gods Fire Sword Technique. The five divine sword moves were instantly displayed, and he instantly killed the long sword.

In an instant, a turbulent aura suddenly filled the entire sky, the sky shattered, and Chen Xuan's body retreated directly, stabilizing on the central platform.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

Wang Qingyun held a long sword in his hand and defeated Chen Xuan's attack. He stamped his feet on the ground and reached the sky above Chen Xuan's head.

"You only have this little strength?"

Facing Wang Qingyun's ridicule, Chen Xuan didn't care. Fighting to the death, only the warrior who survives in the end will be the final winner.

The most important thing is that his secret technique of Divine Soul Sword Intention has not been used yet.

Suddenly faced with Wang Qingyun's terrifying power, Chen Xuan used the secret technique of the Soul Sword Intent.

A subtle sword light that could not be detected quietly appeared in mid-air, carrying terrifying power and killing Wang Qingyun.

At this moment, Chen Xuan also displayed the Immortal Dragon Rain Sword Technique.

The third level of the Immortal Dragon Rain Divine Sword Technique was unleashed, and the terrifying divine soul attribute power instantly condensed two red sword energy, all of which struck Wang Qingyun's eyes.

"I don't know what's going on?"

In the viewing area, Huang Shao Darao's expression changed.

"what happened?"

Lord Huang Shao looked directly at Chen Xuan.

At the moment when many warriors thought that Wang Qingyun had completely suppressed Chen Xuan, the breath of blood emanated from Wang Qingyun's mouth. It was unclear when a scar appeared in front of him that shocked him extremely.

Seeing this situation, Wang Qingyun tried his best to support, but there was no way. The power of the secret method of the Soul Sword Intent was indeed very powerful, and it was not something he could defend at all.

In an instant, just as Wang Qingyun's body fell, two red sword energy flew in front of him.

In an instant, amid the miserable screams, Wang Qingyun had no strength to continue fighting Chen Xuan.

This sudden change made Huang Shao Dare also show a surprised expression, and then he said: "It is the secret method of the Divine Soul Sword Intent. There is a high probability that it is the secret method of the Divine Soul Sword Intent. Only the secret method of the Divine Soul Sword Intent can explode." Showing such a powerful force..."

Master Huang Shao was certain that what Chen Xuan was performing was Shenmen's ninth-grade top-notch immortal-level secret method, the secret method of divine soul sword intention.

"Go to hell, you damn guy."

The attack of the secret technique of Divine Soul Sword Intent immediately made Wang Qingyun lose his power.

Chen Xuan smiled, and then slowly walked towards Wang Qingyun, the prairie fire sword in his hand moving quickly.

"The moment you challenge me, you should be prepared to die."

At the end, Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword fell quickly and Wang Qingyun's body was cut off, and his soul was burned.


The moment Master Huang Shao woke up from the shock, he roared and spoke in a cold tone.

But Wang Qingyun has been killed by Chen Xuan.

Master Huang Shao used his movement skills, and then his body flickered and landed on the central battle platform. After discovering that Wang Qingyun was dead, his face became extremely gloomy.

Suddenly, Mr. Huang Shao raised his head and looked directly at Chen Xuan.

"Lord Huang Shao, what are you going to do?" Elder Wang Yun said in a cold tone: "Wang Qingyun died before. The battle to the death is over. I hope Lord Huang Shao will restrain himself."

There were sighs throughout the central hall.

Many disciples did not expect that Wang Qingyun would die in the end.

"Have you practiced the secret technique of the Divine Soul Sword Intent?" Master Huang Shao said unhappily.

The secret method of Divine Soul Sword Intention is Shenmen's Immortal-level swordsmanship. Everyone in Huang Shao Dare has seen Shenmen's Immortal-level swordsmanship.

"With your current level of cultivation, you are completely unqualified to obtain the Secret Art of Divine Soul Sword Intent. You ran to the Palace of Ten Thousand Arts and quietly took away the Secret Art of Divine Soul Sword Intent." Master Huang Shao said: "Do you know this? It’s a big mistake.”

After hearing the secret method of the Divine Soul Sword Intent, the central hall became noisy again.

"My dear, Chen Xuan actually mastered the secret technique of Divine Soul Sword Intent?"

"There are currently no warriors in the current sects who can master the secret method of the divine sword intention? He actually cultivated the secret method of the divine soul sword intention?"

"There were rumors before that the top talent who can cultivate the secret technique of Divine Soul Sword Intent has higher talent than all disciples."

Many warriors looked at Chen Xuan with surprised expressions.

"How is it possible? What is going on? I will never believe it. How can this damn guy master the secret technique of Divine Soul Sword Intent?"

Wang Tingyu, one of the many warriors, murmured to himself.

Looking at the entire sub-sect, even the top one on the disciple list is unable to master the secret technique of the Divine Soul Sword Intent.

Only warriors who can master this kind of immortal-level swordsmanship have extremely terrifying talents.

Wang Tingyu was very shocked.

On top of the central battle platform.

"Master Huang Shao, Chen Xuan is able to master the secret technique of Divine Soul Sword Intention. This is a good thing for our sect. You are really seeking death." Elder Wang Yun said solemnly.

"Elder Wang Yun, no matter what, you are the elder of the main sect hall. You should know better than me how an ordinary disciple of a branch sect can come into contact with the secret method of the Divine Soul Sword Intent?" Master Huang Shao said.

"Haha, it's really funny. Now, no matter what, Chen Xuan has mastered the secret technique of Divine Soul Sword Intent and is already a disciple of my branch sect. If you use the technique on him, you are challenging me." Elder Wang Yun said: "I also know very well You are very unhappy with Chen Xuan because of Wang Qingyun's death, but you can only blame Wang Qingyun for his poor cultivation."

"Yes, I didn't want to at the time. And you, Mr. Huang Shao, wanted to pass. Now that Wang Qingyun is dead, you have started to cause trouble for Chen Xuan." Elder Wang Yun continued.

"Chen Xuan, where did you get the secret method of Divine Soul Sword Intent from?" Huang Shao Dayang.

"What do you believe about me?" Chen Xuandao said.

"Haha, it's really funny. If not, I will ask the main sect hall to attack you immediately." Lord Huang Shao said in a cold tone.

Chen Xuan spread his hands and expressed his helplessness.

"Lord Huang Shao, you are also the elder of the main sect no matter what. How interesting is that?" Lord Huang Shao comes from the Qing Xueyun Sect and must protect the disciples of the Qing Xueyun Sect.

Today, he was originally confident that Wang Qingyun could kill Jianchen Sect Chen Xuan, but the result was that Jianchen Sect Chen Xuan killed Wang Qingyun, which completely exceeded his expectations.

At this moment, Master Huang Shao could not accept the fact that Chen Xuan of Jianchen Sect killed Wang Qingyun.

Now he uses the secret method of Divine Soul Sword Intent to teach Chen Xuan a lesson.

But Master Huang Shao was opposed by Elder Wang Yun and others.

How could Master Huang Shao teach him a lesson if he could master the secret technique of Divine Soul Sword Intent?

"Haha, it's so funny. I've almost never heard of your name! Do you have the guts to talk to me like this?"

Master Huang Shao said directly in a cold tone.

At this moment, he swung his sword out and attacked Chen Xuan.

Elder Wang Yun saw this situation, shouted low, blocked Chen Xuan behind him, and exchanged a fierce sword energy with Master Huang Shao.

"Get out of here." Master Huang Shao said in a cold voice.

"Master Huang Shao, please stop doing this." Elder Wang Yun said.

"You can't stop me at all."

Master Huang Shao sneered, and his figure directly showed a shadow of his soul, instantly surrounding Elder Wang Yun.

Seeing this situation,

At the moment when Elder Wang Yun was dealing with the shadow of the soul, Huang Shao Darao's body came to Chen Xuan without any movement.

Only the sound of rumbling was heard...

Chen Xuan instantly retreated and avoided Huang Shao Darao's powerful attack.

"Hehehe, let's see how you survive this time."

Master Huang Shao slashed out with a sword energy, and the air was burned. Chen Xuan was filled with terrifying power in the center.

"Stop." Elder Wang Yun shouted loudly.

But he had absolutely no way to stop Mr. Huang Shao from going crazy.

"It's going to be bad now."

Chen Xuan secretly yelled something bad, he just wanted to use the secret technique of Divine Soul Sword Intent.

At this moment, a breath appeared, and then he clearly felt the powerful force suppressing him, and it disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Lord Huang Shao."

There was a movement at this moment.

Seeing this situation, a breath directly suppressed Lord Huang Shao on Lin Mian.

"what happened?"

In the central hall, many warriors stared with wide eyes, looking at Lord Huang Shao who was suppressed on the central fighting platform.

Looking at the entire sub-sect, except for the leader of the sub-sect, no other warrior has the strength.

"My dear boy, even the head of the branch sect is here?"

Many disciples were very shocked.

The powerful aura suppressed Master Huang Shao on the ground, but no warrior appeared.

"Master Huang Shao, you are really looking for death."

In mid-air, there was movement again.

"Sir, sect leader, Chen Xuan practices the secret method of the Soul Sword Intent. I teach him a lesson as the elder of the main sect hall."

Master Huang Shao said in horror, but there was movement in the air again.

"The main sect hall is not suitable for you. Now Huang Shao Darao's status as elder of the main sect hall will no longer exist. He wants to assist elder Wang Lianghui."

"Lord Sect Master, give me a chance."

Hearing this, he hurriedly begged for mercy.

But the powerful aura disappeared, and there was no sound in the air.

"Lord Sect Master?"

Chen Xuan watched the powerful aura disappear, his pupils filled with surprise.

As expected, it was the sect leader, the strongest warrior in the entire sect. He suppressed many warriors, and directly suppressed Lord Huang Shao to the ground with a long sword.

Lord Huang Shao got up from the ground at this moment and glanced at Chen Xuan.

"Lord Huang Shao." Elder Wang Yun turned his head and left.

Some other elders who were standing next to Mr. Huang Shao looked very shocked and stayed away from Mr. Huang Shao.

In an instant, there was a movement in Chen Xuan's memory.

Then his figure suddenly disappeared.

"There is a high chance that Chen Xuan was taken away by the sect leader."

Being able to take away Chen Xuan without any movement in front of Elder Wang Yun and others, there was no other warrior besides the sect leader.

"It seems that the sect leader also saw this battle."

The secret method of cultivating the Divine Soul Sword Intention was met by the sect leader. It can be expected that Chen Xuan's future cultivation will become easier soon.

In the central hall, many warriors were still shocked.

At this moment, Chen Xuan had arrived at the center of the sect, a huge hall.

"I am the sect leader"

A warrior wearing white robes flew to the altar and said with a smile.

"Chen Xuan, see the sect leader."

Chen Xuan's eyes were full of surprise. If he didn't know, he would never connect the other party with the sect leader.

"There's absolutely no need to be polite."

The lord of the clan was not affected at all by Huang Shao Darao just now.

"Where did you get the secret technique of the Divine Soul Sword Intention from?" asked the sect leader.

"Sir Sect Master, my secret technique of Divine Soul Sword Intent suddenly appeared." Chen Xuan said truthfully.

Completely exceeding Chen Xuan's expectations, the sect leader nodded slightly, his pupils filled with extreme fear.

"I didn't expect you would be included in my sect, but I guess he gave it to you."

Chen Xuan deduced that the other warriors in the sect leader's mouth should be warriors sent by the cabinet, and there is a high chance that they are the warrior who took Li Qiuyu away.

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